Someone Like You (Someone To Love Series) (18 page)

BOOK: Someone Like You (Someone To Love Series)
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Once they boogie on down into the crowd, Tess gives me a gentle shove.

“Remember—eye contact. Choose a customer and focus. Make him feel like the only man in the room. You’ve got this, girl!”

“I’ve got this,” I repeat, stepping out onto the stage. I’ve been relegated to the dance floor since that first night I took a tumble. Well, it was mostly a self-imposed sanction. But tonight I’m conquering my fears, walking the catwalk like a big girl and rubbing up against some serious stainless steel. The pole catches my attention. It’s not at all like the flimsy, thin stick Dell had installed in his living room. This one has the girth of a telephone pole.

My palms sweat at the sight of it. My stomach does a revolution, and it’s only then that I remember I haven’t eaten a thing since Morgan made breakfast.

Shit. This is totally throwing me off my game.

Okay, don’t panic. A slight roll of nausea cycles through me.

The catcalls begin as the music slows to a ridiculous pace.

Choose your get.

I scan the crowd for a friendly face to latch onto until this fiasco passes but I have a hard time looking at any of them. Then, buried in the haze, I see him—Morgan. He’s got his hair slicked back. His T-shirt looks two sizes too small, causing his biceps to bulge like hillsides. His rippling abs contour through the fabric, and I smile, big and bright in his direction.

Morgan widens his grin. His dimples explode, taking my insides down with them.

Something deep inside me solidifies as I take him in. It’s as if a spotlight had fallen over Morgan and assured me of everything I already knew deep down. My heart feels full, like it’s ready to burst, and for damn sure I don’t think I can take it anymore. Morgan locks eyes with me, and I’m mesmerized. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a guy. And more than anything, I want to spend every waking hour with him. He occupies my thoughts from sunup until sundown. There isn’t a thing in the world I don’t want to share with Morgan Jordan.

Everything in me swims with relief. There’s not a doubt in my mind—I’m in
with him, and I want the whole world to know it.

My hips swivel as I strut down the illuminated catwalk, ready to throw all caution to the wind and give everything up for the one I love.

I quickly approach the pole in all its vertical glory.

I take a running leap and land midway up with my leg wrapped around it for dear life. Holy shit! This is so not like the pole I spent hours perfecting my routine on. Again, I’m going to strangle Tess once I get backstage. Thoughts of Morgan flood to the forefront of my mind, and I mold my body over the pole as if it were the dark knight himself. Then something strange happens and my limbs contour over the iced steel. I release my upper body and fall backward, my hair sweeping over the platform below. It feels empowering, gratifying—dangerously sexy. I twirl my way down with my leg still pointed skyward.

I did it!

I bounce to my feet before strutting to the edge of the stage to do what I had planned on all night: swan-diving right into Morgan Jordan’s arms. The crowd goes wild as I fall, weightless, light as a feather.

“Damn, you were hot.” He lands a searing kiss right over my lips.

I hold him by the neck and moan into him. I never want this feeling to end.

“Thanks for catching me,” I say breathless as I spring to my feet.

“Thanks for falling in the right direction.” He gives a quick wink.

Kit is already on stage replicating my efforts on the pole, although she happens to look like a butterfly floating up and down its shaft. I doubt she’ll be tumbling off stage anytime soon, by accident or on purpose.

I wrap my arms around Morgan and pull him in.

“There’s something I have to tell you,” I whisper.

“What’s that?” He squints in an effort to make out what I’m saying over the blaring music. The thick cigarette smoke generates a toxic haze between us.

Just as I’m about to harness all of the power my vocal cords can muster, a strong pair of arms yank me away—Woody Bates.

“Hey, sugar.” His breath creates a nuclear wind of liquid courage as it sears over my face. His eyes are partway closed, and he’s drifting in a circular pattern, clearly wasted out of his mind.

“Hey, you.” I try to play along while gently removing his roving appendages the way Tess taught me.

Morgan pops up over my shoulder.

“This guy giving you trouble?” he seethes.

“Nope, got it handled. I’ll see you in a bit. I have a lot I want to say.” I bite down over my lip a moment before reverting my attention to Woody. Then a thought comes to me. I’ve got the perfect revenge for Woody Bates’s oddball behavior both on and off campus. It’s called Operation Clean Out His Wallet one last time.

“So are you ready to party?” I swing my hips into his and his beady little eyes widen a notch. I glance back and Dell is speaking with Morgan, probably telling him not to catch flying girls. Dell’s a moron that way.

I turn back to Woody. He and his banknotes are about to go down.

“I’m ready if you are.” He slurs it out with a greasy smile.

I do a little private show, nothing too overtly sexual, just rotating my hips like a hula girl and holding out my hands with a smile, ready for an honest wage earned.

“It’s payday, Woody,” I say, glaring right at him. I’m tired of him getting all of the show and me getting none of the dough.

He licks his lips and breaks out in a smile that reeks of sexual elation. Woody wraps his arms around my bare waist and his fingers travel south making themselves at home in the crevice where my G-string resides.

“You can’t do that!” I try to pluck him off, but his arms have rooted to me like a vine.

Morgan blows him backward onto the floor. He thrashes Woody around with the strength of a lion.

“God! He’s going for the jugular!” I scream.

Morgan throws a couple of wild punches and Woody gets in a few good kicks to the nuts.

Shit! He’s going to take a perfectly good Morgan Jordan and castrate him. This is all my fault.

The room lights up with screams. Woody’s face bloats as bright as a cherry while Dell and the bartender try to stop Morgan from attaining a lengthy prison stay.

“Morgan,” I scream as Tess comes and holds me by the shoulders.

I hate this.

Morgan gets up and holds his hands back as if he’s leaving voluntarily. He gives Woody one last swift kick in the ass before turning to me.

“Are you okay?” he asks, cupping my face with his hands.

My insides melt as he examines me with such careful attention. Morgan sets my skin on fire when he looks at me this way.

“I’m fine,” I say. “Are
okay is the question?” I dip my gaze to his Levi’s.

“I’m more than okay now that he’s not giving you a physical.”

“He’s just wasted. Woody’s a goof.” I wrap my arms around Morgan and help him along. He’s hobbling, wincing with every other step, and it’s safe to say Woody left his indelible footprint over his ball sack. I bet Woody was looking forward to crunching my boyfriend’s jewels ever since the day Morgan added a new hump to his nose.

Did I just call Morgan my

Dell and Tess stomp their way over with stern looks.

“You know what this means, right?” Dell grits it through his chipped teeth.

“It means he’s a hero.” I glare at the two of them. They have a lot of audacity to bust his balls when clearly someone beat them to it.

Morgan groans as he leans against the wall. “You want to sign me up for your fight club?”

. It means take your white-trash ass the hell out of here and don’t look back,” Dell barks. “I don’t want any more trouble at my club. And you’re more trouble than I’ve had to deal with in years.”

Morgan looks at me and offers an apologetic smile.

“That’s it,” I say, siding myself with Morgan. “He is neither trash nor trouble. You’d be
to have an ounce of what makes him tick.” I stab my finger in Dell’s scrawny chest. “It’s you who’s trash for not having the balls to tie yourself to one woman.”

“Ally!” Tess tries to pull me back by the shoulder, but I yank myself free.

“It’s true, Tess. You deserve someone who treats you better than this. Does he make your heart feel full? Do you think about Dell sunup until sundown? I seriously doubt it because he’s too damn busy entertaining six other girls on the side.” I revert my rage back where it belongs. “You’re the one who’s trash, Dell. You’re nothing but trouble for leading my sister on. I hope she leaves you, and I hope this dive of yours tanks.”

I whisk my way over to the lockers and throw my T-shirt on, tearing off the bejeweled bra like a magician through my sleeve. I jump into my sweats, freeing myself of the chastity belt chained to my ass, and step out of the overglorified waders.

“Let’s get out of here,” I say, taking up Morgan’s hand and speeding us out the exit.

“Call me!” Tess waves after me as Morgan and I make our way into the dark, cool night.

“You were fantastic.” He pulls me in and gives a sad smile.

“On the pole?”

“Nope. Just now, telling everyone how you really feel.”

“I think that’s exactly what I should do next.” I take a breath. “Tell you how I really feel.”



lly decides to wait until we’re somewhere more memorable than the parking lot at Pretty Girls to clue me in on her feelings.

“Sounds romantic,” I say, trying not to come off like some sarcastic douche. As soon as the
word sprung from my lips, a dopey grin lit up my face.

I can feel it coming. Tonight’s the night. Ally is going to share her feelings and for damn sure I’m going to do the same. Although, I’m half afraid my feelings have evolved a little too quickly and the emotion that best describes them begins with an
. Ally is much more reserved. She’s probably going to tell me she thinks I’m a “nice guy” for removing the parasite that attached himself to her body.

“So”—I start, unsure of how to do this—“you want to head to the beach?”

Her lips curve with devilish intent and she shakes her head.

“I was thinking…” It comes out breathy and my dick perks to attention in hope that the rest of her musings have a clear role for it. “We should just go home.” She bats her lashes at me before biting down over her cherry-stained lip.

Hot damn. The entire fucking night just exploded with promise, sort of like my body is begging to do.

We hop in the truck, and I drive like I’m auditioning for NASCAR as I land us in front of Cruise’s place in record time, only there’s a car parked in my usual spot.

“Cal and Lauren are over.” Ally chews on the inside of her cheek while rethinking the situation. “Let’s just go in.” She wrinkles her nose at me as if plan B is well under way.

“Suit yourself,” I say as make our way inside.

All heads turn in our direction as soon as we step through the door.

I spot Cruise’s little sister taking up real estate on the couch. Her bare legs are slung over the side, already parting like a promise.

Crap—just what I needed.

Molly delivers a lewd grin in my direction, and I pretend not to notice.

Kendall, Cruise, Cal, and Lauren are seated over at the kitchen table, locked in a heated poker game. The girls look bored out of their minds.

“You wanna play?” Kendall directs the question to me, but Ally’s the one who shakes her head, refusing the offer. Kendall cuts a hard look to Cruise. “I told you we should have played truth or dare.”

Ally rides her hands in the air and stretches. “I’m so exhausted. I think I’ll just turn in for the night.”

Every pair of eyes shifts in my direction as if expecting me to parrot her excuse.

“Where were you two?” Lauren develops a slight tick in her cheek as she takes me in with suspicion.

Ally says
and I blurt out

We exchange a private smile as the color rises to Ally’s cheeks. Looks like I was right and she’s still keeping the dancing gig under wraps for now.

The table seizes up with an unnatural silence. Molly’s face contorts with hurt, as if Ally and I just announced we’d eloped.

“To a movie, then the beach.” Ally shrugs it off as if it were the truth. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a mattress calling my name.” She leans in. “I’ll take a quick shower. I smell like someone put a cigarette out in my hair.” She swipes the bottom of my chin before waltzing down the hall.

Lauren breaks out in a choir of
making me want to vacate the premises permanently. I should get my own place so Ally and I can shower in peace—preferably together. Then it hits me like a Mack truck. School starts in just a few weeks, clear across the country.

“Well, good night, folks.” I start heading down the hall.

“Wait a minute, lover boy.” Cal gets up and motions me over. He’s got a wifebeater on, and his muscles bulge out like someone blew him up with a hose. “I need to talk to you outside a minute.”


Molly licks her lips as I walk by, and I pretend not to notice. Molly is trouble. If ever there was a snake in the grass it’s her.

Cal and I step out into the cool night air, shutting the door behind us.

“I thought about what you said.” He gives a nod in the direction of the gym. “I’ll let you have the place as long as you give me half.”

“Half?” I balk. “I thought we agreed to twenty percent?” Shit. Cal is going to suck the life out of the club before it ever opens its doors.

“All right.” He smooths his hand over his dome for a moment. “Look, I’ll give you the good-guy discount. Forty percent but that’s my last offer.” His eyes bulge as if calling his bluff.

I’d love to sit out all night and negotiate, but I’ve got Ally ready and raring to go, with
no less.

“Forty percent.” I seal the deal with a knuckle bump. Shit. I’ll have to make sure to skim off the top. The last person I’m doing this for is good old Cal.

“So when’s opening night?”

Seeing that both Ally and I are currently unemployed, “Tomorrow.”

“What are you going to call it?” He slaps me on the shoulder as we head inside.

“Rock Bottom.” The exact place my ass seems to land time after time.

But not tonight.

Tonight the only bottom I’ll be landing on will be Ally’s.

Lauren and Kendall are busy hugging out a long good-bye as I trek my way down to the bedroom. It’s dark inside, just the way I like it.

I close the door behind me and lock it in the event someone loses their way to the restroom.

“Ally?” I whisper in hopes she didn’t sneak out the back.

She slips something cool across my eyes and ties it from behind.

“Nice,” I whisper. “It looks like we’re kicking our dirty little secret up a notch tonight.”

She giggles up a storm like it’s the funniest thing on the planet and something about her laugh sounds buoyant, girlish. For damn sure Ally Monroe is the happiest girl in the world right now, and I’m about to take her on a sexual adventure that’s going to make her a hell of a lot happier.

A brisk knock vibrates over the door.

“Go away!” I shout in an effort to make it loud and clear. “We don’t want any.”

Ally ignites in another giggle fit as she gropes her way down my body. She snatches my hand and leads me to the bed like the sultry vixen she is.

“I thought you said you wanted to talk?” I tease. It’s clear to me Ally has rearranged the agenda to fall in my dick’s favor. Although, something in me is dying to hear what she has to say. I’m hoping for the right words—the words that have the power to change everything. Those are the ones I’m planning to use. If I play my cards right, Ally and I could get to that place I’ve only heard about.
wasn’t exactly a word we kicked around growing up.

“Shh…” She presses a finger to my lips and takes off my T-shirt slowly and methodically. Her fingers fumble with my jeans like they’ve never been there before so I help out with the endeavor by hopping out of them and my boxers in record time. She runs her hands over my chest with enough pressure to claw right through me.

“Whoa. I see you like it rough.” I pull her in by the back of her head, and her hair is dry. She must have skipped the dip. Can’t say I blame her. There’s nothing like cutting right to the chase.

She moans as I run my hand over her curves. She’s got her sweats on, catching me off guard.

Her cool hands run down and grab ahold of my dick like she’s getting ready to take a dog for a walk.

“Whoa, baby. It’s not a leash,” I whisper. “I got an idea.” I touch my cheek to her head a moment. “Why don’t you spill out the feelings like we planned, then I’ll treat you to a night of loving that will brand itself over every single one of your tomorrows.”

“Uh-uh.” Ally leans in like a bear going after its prey and delivers a sloppy, heated kiss that makes me wonder if I’ll need a life preserver to make it through the night.

“Okay, you want to play. I get it.” I land a tender kiss to her forehead as we land soft on the mattress. I firm my arms around her and can’t help but notice Ally feels lankier, more sinewy than usual. I’d mention it but I happen to know better than to focus on a girl’s weight in bed. Ally is perfect, and I don’t need her thinking she’s not. “Tell you what. I won’t give you any of this”—I grind my hard-on into her thigh—“until you give in and tell me exactly what you were going to say.” I hate to admit that I’m dying to hear how she feels. Hell, I think I need to hear it. I want it, that’s for sure.

Ally lets out a heavy sigh and turns over until we’re spooning.

“Let’s spill a few feelings,” I whisper, tracing my fingers over the curve of her thigh and she quivers. “I want to watch you move beneath me. I want to help you with that little problem you’re having.” I give it as a heated whisper in her ear, and she groans as if she’s already there. “I have things planned for your body that are illegal in forty-eight different countries.” I tease her with a kiss over her neck but Ally doesn’t say a word. “I want to bury myself inside you and stay there all night—all
.” I give her shoulders a quick massage and she moans, deep and guttural. “Do you want that?”

“Mmm-hmm.” It comes from her tight-lipped, but Ms. Monroe continues with the silent routine so I don’t give in.

“Have it your way. I can hold out as long as you can.” Not really, but it’s worth a shot.

Ally grinds her bottom into me, and I pull her in tight.

“Change your mind, sweetie.” I brush her hair with a kiss. “You can have all this and more.”

But Ally doesn’t change her mind. Instead, we fall asleep just as frustrated as when the night began.

In the morning a streak of Massachusetts sunshine cuts across my lids, annoying the hell out of me. I reach over and Ally’s gone, nothing but wrinkled sheets left in her wake.

I don’t really get what happened last night. She seemed adamant to tell me something when we left the club, then as soon as we hit the mattress she clammed up.

It takes all of my willpower to roll out of bed.

Maybe she changed her mind about me, or worse—whatever she was going to say last night wasn’t the big deal I thought it was.

The strong smell of bacon emanates from the kitchen so naturally I migrate in that direction. Ally’s reading at the table with her lids heavily hooded as if she had an equally lousy night’s sleep.

BOOK: Someone Like You (Someone To Love Series)
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