“I can’t convince you to stay?”
“I’ll be extra careful.” She smiled up at him. “Besides, it might not be smart for me to stay here so close to you.”
He leaned down and touched his lips to hers. “Nice try at changing the subject. You leave me no choice but to follow you home.”
“I can’t ask you to do that.”
“You didn’t. Until I’m sure you’re safe, I’ll be there every night when you get off.”
“Brady or Jonathan usually walks out with me and the other girls.”
“Jonathan might be a nice guy, but no way is he capable to physically defend you.”
“Just because he’s not bulked up like you are doesn’t mean he—”
“I’m not saying he wouldn’t try. Let’s agree he’s not your run of the mill hard-ass. “
“And you are.”
“When necessary. So you think I’ve bulked up? Is that a good thing?”
“In your case, definitely.”
Cash slid his arm around her tiny waist and walked her out under the stars. The warm wind tossed her hair over her face, and he brushed it back. “I like the lighter shade. Why’d you change it?”
“Blondes are easier to find in the dark.”
But were they easier to keep safe?
Chapter Five
Stacey made a second round through her apartment. Damn that she’d lost her sunglasses. Six-thirty at night and the sun was still a problem driving west. She didn’t have time to pick up a new pair and still be on time at the bar. Giving up, she headed down the stairs. The building manager, Sara Winston, was struggling to drag two large plastic bags toward the trash dumpster.
“Let me help with those.” Stacey took one of them from the older woman.
“Thanks. They’re heavier than I thought.”
“No problem.” Stacy lifted the lid on the dumpster and tossed in one bag. The sun glinted off a piece of tinted glass and caught her attention. She reached in, pulled out a shard attached to a frame and then another. A shudder raced through her, leaving chill bumps on her arms and a knot in her stomach. Her broken sunglasses lay shattered in the garbage bin. “What the hell?”
Her heart sank to her feet. Only one way they wound up in the trash. Somebody took them off her counter and destroyed them.
Ray was in Oak Hill and had been inside her apartment.
“What is it?” Ms. Winston peeked around Stacey to get a look.
“These are mine, and I didn’t break them or toss them.” She shiver in the hot sun, whirled and scanned the parking lot. Her lungs seized. “Have you noticed a stranger hanging around?”
“No.” Her landlady backed away as if she wanted to distance herself, but Stacey wasn’t finished. Raw nerves sizzled with a combination of fear and fury.
“I believe somebody’s been in my apartment.”
“I didn’t let anyone in.” Ms. Winston’s eyebrow rose.
“No,” Stacey said. “I didn’t think so. Somehow, they got in.” How had Ray found her?
Cash was right. She had to share her belief with Sergeant Kelly. She dug out his business card, called, and succinctly gave him her history with Ray. She shared the Houston Detective’s name and number in case Kelly wanted to follow up on her story. Relieved to have him in the loop, she explained finding her sunglasses. Ms. Winston stood close by. No doubt, she didn’t want trouble at the apartment complex.
“Hang on.” Stacey turned to her landlady.
“Will you let the police in my place? Sergeant Kelly wants to take a look inside.”
“Of course. You go on to work.” Her eyes lit up giving Stacey the impression this was exciting.
“Tell her not to confront any strangers,” Kelly said, apparently having overheard. “It could be dangerous.”
Brady had been right, he’d predicted this band would draw a huge crowd and pack the bar. A steady stream of thirsty customers kept Stacey jumping. She’d done her best to forget about Ray, but she couldn’t help scanning the crowd occasionally.
She emptied the tip jar so she and Jonathan could count the money. “Stocking the extra beer paid off.”
“Looks like it to me,” Brady said.
She jumped and slapped her hand over her heart. “Geesh, you scared me.” She’d lost count, so she pushed the money into a pile.
“Go ahead,” he said, leaning against the counter. “I’ll wait.”
Stacey recounted the stack of money. She gave Jonathan his share and watched him head out, wishing her tired butt was right behind him. Brady didn’t usually hang around and chat. He’d stop by and check in, occasionally asking when her dad was coming for a visit. Tonight he’d almost hovered. Lance’s murder had upset him too.
“What’s up?” she asked, making one final swipe across the bar before joining him.
“We haven’t had a chance to talk. You doing okay?” His frown lines were deeper, more like worry grooves.
She opened her mouth then closed it. Even if Ray had followed her, he was too smart to come inside the bar and cause trouble.
“No answer means you’re not okay.” Brady leaned closer. “Maybe you should call your dad. He’d be here in a flash.”
“I’m tired. Otherwise, I’m fine. And I can’t call my father every time something upsets me.” She hoped she gotten her point across. She didn’t need Brady tracking down her dad and dragging him into this mess.
“She doesn’t need Russell,” Cash said from behind her, “I’m here and nothing is gonna happen to her on my watch.” He draped an arm over her shoulder. “You ready?”
“I am if the boss is.” She stood, leaned into Cash, and waited for Brady to respond.
A smile spread across his face. “Looks like you’ve got all the help you need right here.” He shook Cash’s hand. “Glad to see you two together. I was hoping Russell hadn’t caused a permanent rip.” He motioned toward the exit. “You two go on.”
“What was that all about?” Baffled by Brady’s reference to her father, she started after him. Cash’s hand on her arm stopped her.
“Come on, Sug. Let’s get you out of here.” Cash dropped a soft kiss on her forehead. “You have to be exhausted.”
“I’m whipped, but he shouldn’t stay stuff like that and walk away.”
“We’ll worry about him later.”
Knowing Cash had made a trip to town because of her warmed her all the way to her toes. She relaxed, slid her arm around his waist, and snuggled close all the way to her car.
“Thank you for watching over me.” She went up on her tiptoes to kiss him goodnight.
He buzzed her lips. “I’m following you home. Then I’ll collect a decent kiss.” He opened her car door and stepped back. The smile that turned her insides to liquid slid across his face. “You’re safe for tonight. I like my women awake.”
Under the full moon, she waited until he got behind the wheel of his pickup. Was she falling in love with him all over again? Had she ever stopped? It didn’t matter. He couldn’t be trusted. Who knew when he’d up and disappear?
So many cop cars surrounded Stacey’s apartment that Cash had to park a block away. Her curiosity ran wild on the walk to the entry gate. Oak Hill didn’t have a large police department. Based on the number of cruisers surrounding the building they were all here.
Cash shook hands with the cop who’d apparently been assigned to keep anyone from entering the premises. “We need to get into two-twelve.”
“Not gonna happen for a while.”
“I live here,” she said quickly. She lifted to her tip toes trying to see what was happening.
“I heard you’d come home.” The cop stepped in front of her, blocking her line of vision.
Stacey looked closer at the man. “Bubba Henry? Is that you?” His head moved forward slightly, indicating she was right.
“Surprised to see you back in our hick town,” he said with a hint of humor. “Wait here.” He moved to the other side of his cruiser and spoke into the microphone clipped to his shirt.
What the heck? First Brady and now Bubba? Was it her imagination or were the men in town talking gibberish? Why wouldn’t she come home?
“Think maybe my landlady spotted Ray hanging around and called the cops?” She inched closer to the walkthrough gate to her stairs.
An ambulance emerged moving slowly from the parking lot. No lights. No siren.
“Could be. This many cops wouldn’t show up for a routine break-in,” Cash said.
Bubba motioned them to join him. “Wait here. Sergeant Kelly wants to talk with you.”
“Can’t you tell us what happened?”
“No.” Bubba shook his head. “Sarge would tan my hide. He’ll tell you when he’s ready.”
Cash led her back to the sidewalk. “I wish you’d rethink staying at the ranch.”
The seriousness in his gaze touched her. “If you’re sure, I’ll take you up on your offer. Too many unexplainable things have happened. I believe Ray’s been inside my apartment.” She told him about her brush and sunglasses. Judging by the nerve in his jaw, he thought she was right.
“Then it’s settled. If he got in once, he can do it again.”
“I’m sorry to have dragged you into my mess.”
“Don’t you know? I belong in whatever
you’re in.” Cash tilted his head sideways, leaned down and covered her lips with his.
The fire started slowly, rolling through her, filling her with joy. In the middle of the chaos, she’d found her anchor. The universe settled into its proper rotation. At least for a moment, she belonged here.
“I do know,” she whispered. “Maybe fate brought me home because you’re here.”
“We’ll get your clothes and move you tonight.”
“If Ray is in town, the less you’re seen with me the better off you’ll be.”
Kelly called her name and headed toward them. His expression grew grimmer each time his foot hit the pavement. Stacey had the impression from their prior meeting that he was all business when on the job.
“You speak with Ms. Winston after you called me today?” He’d wasted no time on pleasantries.
“No. I left for work. Did she let you in my apartment?”
“Yes. I asked her a couple of question. She hadn’t noticed anything strange.”
“Is she okay?”
“I’m afraid not. She’s dead.”
“No,” Stacey gasped and stumbled back a step. Shock morphed to anger. “What happened?”
“A tenant found her at the bottom of the stairs. Her neck was broken.”
“No way,” Stacey argued.
“The medical examiner will make the final determination, but I’m inclined to agree with you. I need a little more information on your stalker.” The sergeant waved toward the back seat of a cruiser. “Step into my office and let’s talk.”
Cash listened to Bubba but kept a watchful eye on Stacey. Kelly was a newcomer in Oak Hill. Whether he was good at his job or not had yet to be proven.
Stacey had leaned back in the cruiser, making Cash shift positions to keep her in his line of sight. He couldn’t hear her words, but her hands moved rapidly while she talked. The longer she stayed with Kelly, the tighter the nerves between his shoulder blades knotted. After what felt like hours, Stacey emerged and dragged her hand through her hair. Kelly followed her back to where Cash and Bubba stood talking.
“It’s a good idea to have her stay at your place.” Kelly handed his card to Cash. “I’d like your phone number. Just in case I can’t reach Ms. McKinney.”
Cash jotted down his home and cell information then passed the card back. “When can we get inside her apartment?”
“I’ll walk you up.” Kelly glanced at Stacey. “I’d like another look around. Be good for you to do the same, see if something else is missing.”
“Lead the way,” she said.
She grasped Cash’s hand and tugged as if to say, come with us. He squeezed back. No way was she getting out of his sight.
Kelly tried the door and found it locked. Stepping back, he waved Stacey forward. “Appears to be secure. Go ahead and unlock it.”
Words weren’t necessary. Cash caught the look she shot his direction. Stacey was frightened out of her wits. Cash took her keys, unlocked the door and entered first.
“Sonofabitch. Kelly, take a look at this.” Cash stood between her and the doorway. Damn it. Now she’d really be freaked.
“What’d you see?” She pushed past far enough to get an eyeful. “My God.”
“Stay here.” Kelly drew his pistol and stepped into the destruction.
Cash bit back the urge to follow. Protecting Stacy was more important. A few minutes later, Kelly waved them inside.
Unsure how she’d react, Cash hung on to Stacey. He didn’t figure her for the fainting kind, but he’d stay on the safe side. Her living room looked like a hand grenade had exploded. Her couch was in shreds and her one easy chair lay on its side a long slash ran across the headrest. Magazines and broken glass was scattered across the floor.
She broke away and ran into her bedroom. “My clothes.”
Stacey dropped to the floor. She gathered the tossed about and torn pieces of clothing tightly against her chest. Tears trickled down her cheeks. His heart crunched. She’d always carried her head high, but everyone had their breaking point. He feared she’d reached hers.
Cash squatted next to her. “You probably shouldn’t pick things up. Kelly will need everything left as is.”