Something More (11 page)

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Authors: Jenna Tyler

BOOK: Something More
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As the words come out
of his mouth, I feel and hear a loud grumble in my belly. I rub at it a little.
“That can wait,” I say and start to trail kisses down his arm.

He rolls over onto the
arm I was kissing and wraps his other arm around my waist. Planting a firm kiss
on my lips, he says, “No. You really need to eat. I don't need you passing out
from malnutrition.”

I smile at him. “It
would be worth it.” 

He stands up and offers
me his hand. I guess he's serious about this whole eating thing. I’m sure I
could go one more round with him before eating. I grab his hand and he yanks me
up and into his arms. He gives me another kiss, on the forehead this time, and
walks me into the kitchen. It looks like I'm going to have to eat in order to
get anything else out of him. One thing is certain… I am beyond sore from our
encounter. A good sore, but sore nonetheless.

“What would you like to
eat?” he asks.

“Are you going to make me

“Uh…well, no. I can
order you something, if you like.”

I laugh. “I guess I
will just make a sandwich. Would you like one?”

“What kind are you

“Turkey and swiss, I

“Sure. That sounds

“What do you want on

“Spicy mustard with a
side of you.” He grins, pleased with himself.

I give him an evil
glare. “You just denied me to make me eat. Don't tease!” I say as I point at
him with a butter knife. He throws his hands up and backs away. He walks around
to the breakfast bar and takes a seat on a stool, watching me make our

At that realization, I
start to tease him with my movements. Reaching up into a high cabinet to get paper
plates, accidentally dropping the knife on the floor and bending to pick it up,
showing him the goods.

Peeking over my
shoulder, I ask. “Are you sure you just want the spicy mustard on your
sandwich?” His eyes quickly move up to my eyes and I grin. Good
him right.

“What did you say?” he
asks and I laugh out loud.

“Are you enjoying what
you see?”

He grins, unashamed. “Caught
that, did ya’? I always enjoy looking at you, in all ways.”

“Sweet words, Mr. Chambers.
Sweet, sweet words.” 

I try to ignore the
fact that he's sitting on my bar stool completely naked. It was really hard not
to notice his erection when I came to sit down. It made me giggle.

We ate in near silence,
just exchanging small talk about my sandwiches. As I stand to clean up the
mess, he stands and cleans up his area. We dump our paper plates into the trash,
and I quickly rinse off the knives and put them into the dishwasher.

When I have just
finished up, Drew comes up behind me and wraps his arms around me…one arm
around my waist and the other snaked up between my breasts with his hand placed
over my heart. I cover his hands with mine and lean my head back into his
chest. He nudges my head to tilt it to the side, and he starts to trail kisses
from the top of my ear all the way down my jaw. I start to turn my head as he
makes his way to my chin, finally resting on my lips. This man screams sex at
all times, especially naked in my kitchen. 

Our tongues mingling, he
slowly turns me around, making sure not to break our kiss. His hands travel
from my back to my ass. He gives it a squeeze and I let out a muffled squeal.
He leans down a little, still not breaking our kiss, as his hands continue
their journey down to my thighs. He grabs hold of them and lifts me up. I
quickly wrap my legs around him. Thinking he's going back to the bedroom, I
tighten my hold on him to make it easier for him to carry me. But he just takes
a couple steps and sets me on the kitchen counter. I jump. “Oooh!” I yelp. “That's

He laughs. “It'll warm
up with your body heat. Just give it a second.” Sure enough, it was warming up
Ahh, much better.

“It's better. Now where
were we?” 

He grins and grabs my
face with both hands. I wrap my legs back around him and pull him in closer,
nestling my feet in that delicious crease between his ass and thigh. One hand
in his hair and the other is wrapped tight around his back, holding him as
close as I can. He moves his hands from my face…one hand moving down my back,
the other at the nape of my neck and fisting in my hair. He gives my hair a
nice tug that sends my hormones into overdrive. I'm so ready for him to be
inside of me again.

I nudge his butt with
my heels and I can feel him grin against my lips. He pulls my head back,
abruptly breaking our kiss. It's so fucking hot when a guy pulls hair during
sex. Once again, those gorgeous blue eyes are boring into mine. “Are you trying
to tell me something, Rebecca?”

“Yes,” I breathe. “Fuck

With a little sneer,
Drew says, “I think I've run out of condoms. I didn't plan on a sex fest today.” 

“Are you clean?” I ask.

“Very,” he replies.

“Well, I'm super clean
so no worries,” I say, very eager to get the show on the road.

A playful, and tad
dangerous-looking smirk appears on his face. “As you wish.” 

As he scoots me to the
edge of the counter, both of his hands move lower, cupping my butt. He drags
his fingers slowly from my ass around to my thighs, each hand mirroring the
other. Continuing down the back of my calves and then up the front, he stops at
my knees. Suddenly, he spreads my legs apart and moves one hand to my slick
slit. “You are so wet for me already. I love that you are ready for me at the
slightest touch.”

My head tilts back on
its own accord and a moan escapes. He removes his hand from my wetness and
drives his shaft all the way into me. “Yes!” And again he assaults me with his
cock. Again and again. I moan and shriek with each pounding thrust. I can feel
the build starting again. I wrap my arms around his shoulders and hold him
closer so that I have something to steady myself.

He reaches a hand in
between us and circles my clit with his thumb. Tingling all the way to the top
of my climax, I bite him on the top of his shoulder, then crumble. The bite
must have done him in because he shouts with a strained voice, “Oh, Becca!” as
he releases into me.

A girl can get use to
this...or can she? I think I just might give it a try.

My body feels like
jelly. After having collapsed onto him, I make myself sit up. He was resting
his head on my shoulders and also starts to straighten up. I hold his face in
my hands and kiss him firmly on his lips. “That was...” I pause for effect, “earth
shattering.” I’m still trying to regain control of my breathing. He smiles and gently
kisses me.


“Hey! What happened to

His smile widens. “That
was just in the throes of passion. I was surprised it came out of my mouth.”

I smile. “Now what were
you going to say...or ask?”

“I was just going to
ask why you bit me.” I must look nervous because he doesn't wait for my
response. “Baby, it's okay. I…uhhh...really liked it. Loved it, actually. I
don't think I've ever been bitten before.” He rubs my arms to soothe me.

I quickly retort, “It
was just in the throes of passion,” Throwing his word back at him, I give him a
flirty grin. Leaning closer, I take a peek where I bit him and see my teeth
marks. Gently, I rub the area and give it a quick kiss. “I didn't break the
skin,” I say with a wink.

Soon after our romp in
the kitchen, his cell phone rings. He looks at it and turns to me. “I have to
take this.” I nod and as I start to head into the bedroom to clean myself up.
He grabs me by the arm to stop me. “I won't be long.”

“It's okay. Take your time,”
I say.

He gives me a peck on
the cheek and answers his phone, “Chambers.” Oh, that sounds sexy and I feel a
quiver deep in my core. Jeez. You'd think I would have had enough already, but
I seem to be raring to go again. Shaking my head, I head into the bathroom and
turn on the shower. I grab a towel and hang it just outside the shower, then
step inside. Oh my, this feels wonderful. Just what my body needs.

I stand under the hot
water for who knows how long, when I feel a presence. My body lights up and is
ready to feel him once more. The shower door opens and he steps in. “Hi,” he

“Hey.” That came out in
more of a whisper than I wanted it to. Drew grabs the shampoo and begins to
lather up my hair. “I can do that,” I say.

“I want to.” He leans down
and kisses the tip of my nose, then proceeds to wash my hair. At the same time,
I grab the body wash and lather him up. I hope he doesn't mind smelling a
little feminine. One thing leads to another...




Hours have passed since
Drew arrived and I'm exhausted, but revitalized at the same time. I haven't had
that much sex in one day in...umm...ever. What a fabulous day of “doing nothing”.
Drew and I have just been tooling around the apartment since our last romp in
the shower. Now, we’re just snuggling and talking in my bed. Whenever I think
he’s not looking, I've been studying his body. Every fine line, lump, scar,
mole, or freckle. He doesn't have many, but the ones he has are attractive. He’s
practically perfect. I don't know if he's noticed me doing it or not. More than
likely he has because he notices everything.

Remembering that I have
to work tomorrow, I groan and pout.
So mature
. Drew rolls over onto his
side to face me, propping himself on his elbow. “What's the matter, beautiful?”
he asks with an endearing voice. Beautiful? I like him calling me beautiful. I
like him calling me anything, really.

“I just remembered I
have to start work tomorrow. I've quite enjoyed not working these past couple
of weeks.” 

He starts tracing his
finger around my bare belly, slightly tickling me. “At least I get to wear
scrubs and be comfortable. Granted they are not all that attractive, but I
couldn't care less,” I state.

Still swirling his
finger, he says, “You couldn't be unattractive if you tried.”

I scoff at his remark. “You
haven't seen me first thing in the morning, when all of this...,” I circle my
hand above my head, “is a freaking rat’s nest and my eyeliner is all gooped up
in the corner of my eyes.” 

He snickers at me. “That
wouldn't deter me, and I can't
to see it,” he says, wriggling his
eyebrows with a flirty smirk.

I smack him on the arm,
playfully. “Is that so, Mr. Chambers?”

“It is, Ms. Michaels.”
He leans down and nuzzles my ear and my core immediately awakens. 

“You know, Rebecca. You
don't have to go to work if you don't want to.”

My body stiffens. “What
are you talking about? I have to work to pay the bills and help my daughter with
college as much as I can.” My voice raises slightly.

What was he trying to
say? He's going to take care of me?
That's ridiculous. We
just met. I wait for his response before I get too riled up. When he doesn't
respond, I ask, “What do you mean, Drew?”

“Nothing. Forget I said
anything.” He must have sensed my panic.

“No. Spill it.” Hastily,
I sit up.

He groans and rolls
onto his back. “I was going to suggest I take care of you, but it is obvious
that you aren't going to let me do that…yet.”

“Yet?” I kind of raise
my voice a little more than I wanted to. “You think that I just want to sit at
home and get mani/pedis and massages all day?” 

I think about that for
a split second. It does sound appealing, but no. “I can't do that. Not to
mention, we just met five minutes ago and you have already said we're soul
mates, given me the best sex of my life, and now want to make me some hoity-toity
housewife, or girlfriend, or whatever?” I'm getting more worked up about all of
this than I probably need to be. He's just going off the deep end with all of
this. My head is screaming at me.
Too fast! Too fast!

He covers his face with
my pillow and growls. “Are you fucking
at me?!” I swipe the
pillow off his face to make him look at me. “You cannot growl at me!” Throwing
the pillow back at him playfully, he tosses it aside, reaching up and cupping
my face. He looks me straight in the eyes, and my core ignites.
Shit. How
does he do that to me?

“I wasn't thinking.
Please just forget it, baby.” He brings my face down to his and kisses me. All
of my frustration and anger melts away.
Seriously, how does he do that?
It's not fair and it's unnerving. 

I break out of his hold
and get up, not wanting to let him off the hook quite so easily. For the first
time, practically since he arrived, I want to put clothes on. Pulling out a
pair of jean shorts, a pink tank top, and panties from my dresser, I start to
get dressed. Observing him in the mirror, he rolls over onto his side and props
up on his elbow. He’s now watching me watch him. 

“I can watch you all day,
every day, and never tire of the view,” he says with a mischievous tone. “Although,
I think I prefer you taking
your clothes more.” He wiggles his
eyebrows. “It helps for giving you the best sex of your life.” 

“Drew, you can be
absolutely impossible and frustrating.” The look of mock shock on his face is
all too adorable and I can't help but smile.
Damn him
! Sliding my shirt
on, I turn and walk back out to the living room. Clothes are still strewn
about, the pillows and cushions on the sofa in disarray. My cheeks flush and I
let out a sigh, remembering what all has transpired today. 

I go into the kitchen
to grab a glass of water and, as I hold the refrigerator door open, I spot the
counter space that was used just a short time ago. I zone out, thinking about
his hands on me and the fire that ignites at his touch. Now there are memories
all over this apartment from just one day with Drew. He's right. I am totally insatiable…around
him anyway.

“Daydreaming, baby?”
His voice makes me jump. I turn to see him wearing only his shorts. Because I’m
used to seeing him naked, I frown as I take in this new sight. A slight snicker
comes from him, as he motions up and down at me with his finger. “I'm not
exactly happy about all of that fabric covering
delectable body,
either. I have half a mind to rip them off of you right now,” he says without a
playful tone at all.

Raising an eyebrow at
him, I whisper, “You wouldn't dare.” 

He takes a step towards
me and I take a step back. “Oh, wouldn't I?” he challenges, a fierce burning in
his eyes. My insides clench at the sight. I think he might be ready for
round...hmm…I mentally start counting how many times it's been today. He breaks
into my thoughts when he takes another step towards me. I step back. He's
making this a game. I like games. I'm pretty quick, too, at least I like to
think so. Testing the waters, I step to the side. He counters my step with a
wicked grin.
Oh no!
He's going to make me come with just a look. 

I try to close my eyes
and ward off the orgasm that is working its way out, but he will attack if I
close my eyes for even a millisecond. I half-smirk at him and I take another
step back so that I can work my way around the breakfast bar. Then I will have
a barrier between us. He mimics that step, as well.

Quickly, I run to the
other side of the bar and look into those devilishly wicked eyes. A little out
of breath, I say, “You want to play this game, do you?” He nods slowly, licking
his lips. Oh, dear god. He's playing dirty and looking at me as if I'm his
Damn, that's a sexy look, animalistic and virile.

“Drew, if you keep
looking at me like that, I'm going to surrender right now.” My voice comes out
a little shaky. “And it doesn't seem like you want that to happen.” It wasn't
quite a statement and not really a question, merely my perception.

“Oh, Rebecca. I don't
want you to surrender, not yet. I want to catch you. All of you.” He moves
closer to the counter to stand right across from me, the bar and counter still
separating us. “Your body. Your mind. Your heart. Your soul. I want it all. I
want all of you to be mine.”

My knees feel weak all
of a sudden. I reach out to hold onto the bar to prevent myself from falling.
Staring into those perfect eyes, I let out a huff of breath. He makes my head
swim with his beautiful words.

Drew moves slightly,
which brings me back to the here and now. “What if I want to give you those
things willingly?” I ask.

He straightens his body
and cocks his head to the side. “You don't want to make me work for it?”

Oh, right.
“Well, yes, I do. But I also already know.”

“Know what, exactly?”
he asks, leaning in to make sure he can hear me. I grin at his eagerness.
Nervously, I glance down at my hands still holding onto the bar. Looking back
up into those gorgeous oceanic blue eyes, I swallow hard. “You already have all
of those things,” I manage. “I think you've had them since I ran into you in
the bar.”

The look in his eyes
softens, taking him from being the predator he just was to the caring man
before me. His mouth falls open as he looks at me, dumbfounded.
I don't think this is breaking news. Surely he knew. “Did you honestly not
know?” The question seems absurd.

Drew snaps his mouth
closed. “I knew you felt that way. I could feel it. I just didn't expect you to
give in to it this soon.”

I shrug. “When you
know, you know. No sense fighting it. I will just make you fight to keep me.” That
is playful, yet truthful.

He makes another move
to come around the bar towards me and I quickly go in the opposite direction. The
way the muscles move in his body antagonize me, making me want to wave the
white flag. But the cat-and-mouse game is quite fun, I must say. “Game back on?”
I tease.

“Most definitely,” he
says with his eyes back on the prize.

It's an amazing feeling
to be this wanted, this content, this happy. With all of my other
relationships, I had never felt this before. I mean, I was always fairly
comfortable and I thought I was in love, but this feeling is
just...indescribable. I know I would do anything for this man and it appears he
would do anything for me. There's just something about him. Something
mysterious. Something exciting. Something more.

Drew lunges for me, missing
by a fraction of an inch. He snarls as I yelp, dashing around the apartment. I
manage to barely escape his grasp several more times. We’re screaming and
laughing so loudly, I worry a neighbor will complain.

Darting across the
living room, I hop onto the back of the couch like a cat trying to escape a dog.
Relinquishing myself to my fate, I drop down on to the sofa cushion and try to
calm my breathing. He launches himself onto it, wrapping his arms around my
waist and burying his head in my belly.

“I caught you, baby.”
His voice is muffled. We're like a couple of teenagers.

I run my fingers over
and over through his perfectly mussed hair. “And what do you plan to do with me
now that you've got me?” Drew stills, but lifts his head to look at me. That
wicked grin of his takes over and my body is on high alert. He pulls and turns
me, laying me flat across the sofa, settling on top of me, nestled between my
legs. Incredibly comfortable with his weight on me, I wrap my legs around his.

He says, “I plan to
ravish and spoil you, tell you every day how much I love and care for you...” He
pauses to sweep a loose lock of hair out of my face. “To challenge and cherish
you forever.”

They almost sound like wedding vows. I open my mouth to speak, but he's rendered
me speechless again. He moves his hand to my face and, with one finger, gently
pushes my chin up to close my mouth. Then he kisses me, tender and meaningful.

My hands sweep back
into motion…one fisting in his hair, the other caressing his back. He doesn't
move to open his mouth for our tongues to meet so I make the move. I lick his
lips, but he doesn't budge. Instead, he pulls back, breaking our kiss.

“Rebecca. I don't want
to have sex right now.” Confusion sets in because I can feel his growing
erection. Squinting my eyes at him, I raise my pelvis to bump his erection.
Smiling, he says, “Okay…well, I
want to, but I want you to understand
something and I don't want it to be clouded by the sex.” Gently, he traces his
finger down the side of my face. “Rebecca,” he says again, “this magnetic draw
between us is more than just sex for me. I've told you before about being soul
mates, but I believe this to be something deeper. I don't know if there is a
name for it, but this is...extraordinary.” He finishes with a kiss on my
forehead and I close my eyes at the tenderness.

“Andrew…” I start. That
gets his attention as his eyes snap to mine. I've never said his full name
before and it even feels weird saying it.

“Drew,” he says firmly.

“Oh, pipe down, Andy.
You call me Rebecca even though I told you I prefer Becca. So I shall call you
whatever the hell I feel like.” He glares at me. I guess he really doesn't like
Andy. I laugh to myself while trying to maintain a straight face, but I stifle
a smile.

Ignoring his facial
expression, I move on, “Anyway, as I was starting to say,
. First
of all, I never thought it was just about the sex. This feeling is unreal. It's
like I need to be with you at all times to be happy. I agree that it feels like
so much more than just soul mates.” Sliding my hand from his hair down to his
face, I brush his cheek with my thumb. He tilts into my hand, just a little.

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