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Authors: Jenna Tyler

Something More (24 page)

BOOK: Something More
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“It feels really
strange to let Drew buy me a car,” she says. It's weird for me, too, but what
can I do to stop him? He's going to do it no matter what I say or do. I've
already learned that he usually gets his way.

“Just go with it,
honey. That's what I'm learning to do with him.” It's about the only thing you
do with Andrew Chambers. At least, the Andrew Chambers that I know. I don't
know how he is in business or with his family, but the Drew I know is very confident
and spontaneous. I can only imagine that he's gotten so successful by being
assertive and smart. He seems to be normal around his father, at least as far
as I can tell.

Charlie finishes up her
shower and gets dressed all by herself. It makes me feel good knowing that she
will be just fine on her own after I go back to Portland. She lies back on the
couch and not very long after that, she starts drifting in and out of sleep.
Marcus is going to stay with her tonight so he gently picks Charlie up, like he
did when she was little, and carries her to her bedroom. I follow them back
there, just like old times, and I tuck her in, kissing her on the forehead. We
say goodbye so she can get some rest and then Marcus takes over the couch as
we're getting ready to walk out the door. We agree to meet back at her
apartment around ten in the morning, giving everyone time to get up and get

I'm almost more
exhausted today than I was yesterday. A lot of sitting around doing nothing can
be just as draining as running around being busy. Not to mention last night's
festivities that kept me up and sweating. I will never complain about that,

On our way back to the
hotel, I snuggle up to Drew, resting my head on his shoulder, and fall asleep.
It seems like only seconds have passed and he's already rousing me, trying to
pick me up to carry me out of the car. Groggily, I say, “I can do it, Drew.”

“I'm sorry, baby. I was
trying not to wake you.” He sets me back down and climbs out of the car, the
driver holding the door open. Drew offers his hand, as usual, and helps me out.
When I'm out, he swoops me back up into his arms and carries me into the hotel.
I lean my head against his chest, wishing I could fall back asleep, but the
jostling around makes it nearly impossible.

It's not even late and
I feel like I've been hit by a Mack truck. The past two days have just been
completely filled with every kind of emotion and I think it's finally caught up
to me.

“You don't have to
carry me. I can make it up to the room,” I mumble, possibly a little
incoherently. He just snickers and continues to carry me. When we make it to
the room, someone is already there with the door open so he just has to walk
right in. I take a peek back at the door as the hotel personnel are closing it
behind us.
How did he get someone up here and ready for that?

Drew lays me down on
the bed and starts to undress me. He's so sweet. I really don't have the will
or the energy to do it so I'm glad he is taking the initiative. He slides my
sandals off, then unbuttons my jean shorts and shimmies them down my legs. Readjusting
my panties that slid down a little when he pulled my shorts off, he then pulls
me up to a sitting position to lean my side against him. He swiftly pulls my
shirt over my head, tossing it behind him onto the floor, then unfastens my bra
and throws it in the direction of my shirt.
Ahhhh! My boobs can breathe
I swear a man invented those damn things.

Gently, he lays me back
on the bed and then maneuvers the blanket and sheet down underneath my body so
he can cover me up. I roll over on to my side ready to head off into dream
land. Faintly, I hear him undressing and then he's whispering in my ear, “Scooch
over a little, baby.” I feel a rush of cold air and a dip in the mattress when
he lifts the covers and slides in behind me. Spooning me. The warmth of his
body is so comforting. I could stay like this forever.





The smell of coffee in
the air awakens me enough to look at the alarm clock on the side table.
Squinting from the bright sun that is sneaking in through a tiny crack between
the curtains, I throw my head back into the pillow to hide my face.

Feeling the bed dip
down again next to me, I manage to open one eyelid just enough to see that
handsome man of mine.
Oh! That word works both ways.
He is mine and I am
his. He's shirtless, showing off those strong shoulders and that gorgeous torso,
and he's holding a cup of coffee. Perfection. “Mmmm. You know the way to my
heart.” I stretch and yawn before accepting his gift of caffeine and taking a sip.
Of course, it’s just the way I like it.

“I do, among other
things,” he says with a wink. “If you look on your side table, there's
something else for you.”
I just looked at the clock on that side
table and there was nothing there. I turn to look and see that there is a
danish sitting there. A cheese danish, one of my absolute favorites. There is
no way he could've known that. It must have been by pure chance. But he did
know I need a little snack with my coffee. He picks up on things most guys wouldn't.
He's simply amazing.

“Cheese ones are my
favorite,” I say while turning back to look at
man. Drew is dressed
casually in jeans. I've never seen him in jeans before. I bet his ass looks
amazing in them. He's smiling and sits next to me on the edge of the bed. I
take another sip and place the cup filled with deliciousness next to my pastry
on the nightstand. This counts as breakfast in bed and he's the only one that's
ever done this for me.

I scoot myself up to
lean back against the headboard. “Thank you. This is nice to wake up to also.
Although, I like having your arms around me when I wake up even more. You can
alternate,” I joke.

He chuckles. “I can
think of other wonderfully, sexy ways for you to wake up,” he says, wiggling
his brows in that cute, playful way he has. “Maybe I'll try one out on you

Finally, he coaxes me
out of bed with just enough time to take a shower and get dressed. I was right.
His ass in a pair of jeans is incredible, but he looks delicious in everything
he wears.

We get to Charlie's
apartment right on time and I have to listen to Drew complain again about
everything that is wrong with her apartment complex. “It's about time you got
here!” She jumps off the couch, excited and ready to go. I guess she's up to
going car shopping. I suppose I'd be excited if I were getting a brand new car,

“You know, sweetie,
Drew and I have been talking and I think I'm just going to have my car shipped
to you and I'll get a new one.” I say it with as straight a face as I can so I
don't let anyone in on my joke. It must work because her face falls. It’s

“Mom, that's not cool.
You can't say I'm getting a new car and then take it back. It's not fair!” She
pouts and sits back down, throwing a little hissy fit. “And your car sucks. I'd
look stupid driving your car.”

Everyone is looking at
me. Drew knows we've never had this discussion and he looks baffled. I guess
I'm a good liar if they believe this crap. “I'm just kidding. Can't you guys
tell when I'm joking? Drew offered it, not me. It's his gift to take away.” I
look at him.

He clears his throat. “That's
correct.” Then he turns back to Charlie, who is sitting there bewildered. “And
Charlie, you are right.” Now we're all puzzled. “Your mom's car does suck and even
looks stupid driving it.”

“Heyyy!” I can't help
but take offense. My car is a good little car. It's never given me a problem
and gets me wherever I need to go. Hell, it got me from central Florida to
western Oregon without a problem.

Drew laughs and so do
Charlie and Marcus. “I'm going to buy both of you new cars, but you…,” he looks
at me, “probably won't be driving much because I, or Benjamin, will be with you
most of the time to take you wherever you need to go.”

Rolling my eyes at his
absurd remark, I cross my arms. “My name isn't Daisy and I don't need to be
driven.” Another meaning to the word “driven” takes over my thoughts and it
takes me a minute to drift back to the conversation.

“We'll discuss it
later. Charlie, are you ready to test drive some cars?” She pops up from the
couch again and throws her arms around me, hugging me as hard as she can. I
guess she's not so sore anymore. She makes her way over to Drew, who is
standing there with his hands in his pockets, and loops her arm through his.

Turning him towards the
door and leading him out of her apartment, she says, “So how much are we
talking, Drew?” I can't see her face, but I imagine there’s a big smile
plastered on it.
That's my girl!
Marcus and I just laugh and enjoy
watching her be her.



* * * *



A few hours into the
car shopping experience, Charlie chooses a silver Toyota FJ Cruiser, which is
not really a car, but more of a Jeep. It's a little sporty looking, a little
rugged, and youthful enough for her. It'll be great to go to the beach in, too.
Marcus, Drew, and I approve of her choice and I think it's so cute, I might
like one for myself. And he's talking about getting me a new car and having a
. I like driving…sometimes.

Charlie is so elated
with her new wheels that she wants to go show a friend or two after she gets
the keys. Marcus gives her some money to get some food while she's out, then he
heads back to Charlie's apartment with a key that she gave him. Drew and I go
to lunch and then I decide I want to go buy her some groceries.

After picking up some
necessities…milk, bread, sandwich meat, and cheese…I also go grab her some
snacks that she loves. Studying and junk food go hand-in-hand. Of course, Drew
offers to pay for everything and I let him without putting up a fuss. I'm
getting used to this. I start thinking about what we argued about before…me not
working. Well,
didn't argue.
did. The thought of not working
is now growing on me. I could do lots of volunteer work with kids and animals.
I love animals. Maybe do some fundraising events for them, as well. Isn't
that what rich wives do?
Did I just think of myself as a wife?
He hasn't
even officially proposed yet and I've got myself being a rich housewife,
throwing benefit parties and fundraising events.
But I will not turn into
snooty snooterson!
I refuse to be anything other than myself.

By the time we get back
to Charlie's, she is home and resting on the couch, watching TV. Drew and I
walk in with arms full of groceries to stock her fridge and cabinets. It should
last her a while, at least the stuff that won't expire soon.

“Charlie, I think Drew
and I are going to be leaving in the morning, since you are doing so well and
have transportation again. Unless you need me to stay?” I ask, even though I
know she wants to get back to her everyday life without Mom and Dad hovering
over her. She's always been very independent and it's a great feeling to know
that she can do everything on her own, but sometimes I just want to be needed.
Drew gives me that feeling now and I feel empty without him near me.

Saying our goodbyes,
Drew promises to fly Charlie out to Portland anytime she wants to visit. She
thanks him for everything, gives him a hug, and whispers in his ear. She moves
over to me, hugs me, and then whispers in my ear, “He's a keeper, for sure.
He's everything you've ever dreamed of and more. I believe now.” Tears spill
out of my eyes and when we let go, I see she is crying, too. I wipe her tears
away and she swipes at mine.

“I love you so much,
Charlie. If you ever need me, I will be here.”

Drew adds, “I will see
that she is.” He winks at her.

“I love you, too, Mom,”
Charlie says.

“I will let you know
when I'm home safe and sound. You take it easy and maybe stay home at night
unless you’re accompanied?”

“Okay. I have no desire
to go out late at night anymore anyway. Have a safe flight.”

We head out the door
and before I close it, I tell her, “Make good choices.” She smiles and winks at
me. I shut the door behind me and my heart hurts a little. I miss seeing my
baby girl on a regular basis, but she'd be away at college no matter where I

Drew puts his arm
around my shoulders to comfort me as we walk back to the car and head to the
hotel for our last night there. He orders us room service when we get there and
we eat by candlelight, talking about Charlie and about getting a new place when
we get back. I even bring up the possibility of me not working anymore and he
is thrilled that I may be considering it, but he also made sure that I knew the
decision was completely up to me. I will still think about it and see how
things go. Maybe I can just work part-time at Dr. Thompson's office after a while.
The possibilities are endless.

“What did Charlie
whisper into your ear when she hugged you?”

He chuckles. “She said
I'd better be good to you or she'd run me over with her new car.” She is such a
funny little shit. “What did she say to you that made you both cry?”

As I tell him, I start
to tear up again. He reaches over and rubs my back, soothing me. Her words
meant so much to me and now she can see that this kind of attraction…no, love…is
out there. I don't want her to give up until she finds it because it is
definitely worth the wait.

After dinner, we are
stuffed. We go sit on the sofa, his feet propped up on the coffee table and
mine curled up beside me, and watch TV for a little while. He is flipping
through the channels like a typical man, but it's not bothering me one bit. I'm
happy just being snuggled up next to him with his arm draped around me, holding
me close.

About forty-five
minutes goes by, maybe an hour, and I think enough time has passed that we have
digested our food and feel better after having eaten. I start to stir and when
I do, Drew adjusts himself, making me look down. I have been so focused on the TV
that I hadn't noticed his growing erection. I wonder how long he has been like
that and why he hasn't made a move yet.

As I move my head to
peer up at him, he looks down at me. That's all it takes. He pulls me up into
his lap, my back to his chest, my legs on either side of his. I lay my head
back on his shoulder and he runs both hands up under my shirt to my breasts,
which are caged in by my bra. He cups each one and massages them, with more
force and greed than he ever has before. He begins trailing kisses up and down
my neck and nibbling, sometimes biting, as he goes along. It turns me on even
more. I always want him like there's no tomorrow and tonight is no different.

Ripping my bra down, he
frees my tits. My nipples harden and beg for his touch. He doesn't leave them
unattended for long. Starting to grind my ass against him, I can already tell
my panties are soaked and my clit is throbbing, aching to be scrutinized. One
hand leaves my breast and travels down my belly and under the waistband of my
panties until it reaches its very wet target.

“I truly love that
you're always dripping wet for me, Rebecca,” he whispers into my ear and his
warm breath on my skin, mixed with his words and his touch, sends me over the
edge. My body jerks with my release and my inner muscles clamp down around
nothing. It saddens me, just a little, that he's not inside me where he should

He pulls his hand out
of my pants and his other hand out of my shirt. I stand up and turn to face
him, already undoing my pants. Stepping aside so I don't run into the coffee
table, I continue to back away towards the bedroom. Before I even take two
steps, Drew is up and disrobing as he walks forward, stepping when I step.
Shoes and socks are off and our pants are undone. Shirts are coming off and
next is the bra, which is barely hanging on as it is. He catches up to me and
pulls me to him, snaking his arms around me and up my back to the clasp. A
simple movement of his fingers and my breasts are completely free. He slides
the straps down my arms and drops it to the floor. We make it all the way to
the bed, yet we're just standing here totally naked, looking at each other,
barely touching.

Without warning, he
bends down, picks me up, and I wrap my arms and legs around him. His cock is pressed
between his belly and my pubic bone. I lift my body up slightly using my legs
and Drew reaches down to align himself with my entrance. He rubs the tip in my
juices and then eases into me. Lowering myself back down onto him, he begins to
stretch and fill me like only he can. I will never tire of this feeling.

“Sweet and hard, or
rough and harder?” Both sound great to me, but I'm feeling like I need a good
fuck tonight, which could be either as long as Drew is doing the fucking.

“You choose,” I breathe
and before I know it, he's got my hair fisted in his hand and he's pulling it
back, making me look up at the ceiling. His lips are on my neck, sucking and
Is he going to mark me with a hickey?
Surely not. Not that I'd
really care right now. My body is his to do with whatever he wants. I trust him

BOOK: Something More
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