Something Spooky (12 page)

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Authors: Janet Woods

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Something Spooky
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‘Is that how you see him?’ The lid blew of his temper so suddenly that she took a step back to avoid the blast. ‘A predator like you would eat him alive.’

There was something magnificently feral about the word. Her eyes narrowed as she imagined herself springing at him. A growl gathered momentum but remained in her throat. It wouldn’t do to incite Patrick to violence.

‘I’ll find a way to stop you, Ellie.’ Quite suddenly his hand landed on her rump, propelled her towards the door. ‘Get out of here before I lose my temper.’

Her sense of the ridiculous was heightened by his superfluous threat. Laughter bubbled up in her, then overflowed. She threw herself in the nearest chair and buried her head in a cushion to muffle her chuckles.

His hand tentatively touched her shoulder. ‘Stop crying Ellie. I hate it when you cry.’

His fierce voice contrasted oddly with the gentleness of his touch. A lump formed in her throat. Under that tough facade beat an unexpectedly soft heart. Laughter fading, she gazed up at him with tenderness.

‘I wasn’t crying.’

 The eyes that studied her were shadowed, but Ellie experienced their contempt as she gazed at his outline. Time stood still. Yet quite clearly, she heard the carriage clock tick away the seconds. Senses heightened by an all-pervading tension, she experienced sounds separate from reality.

The wind uttered a thousand sighs as it cajoled the lemon verbena to brush against the window. The crushed leaves would release a piquant perfume that quivered the nostrils. She could almost smell it.

Patrick’s breath was a harsh ragged sound, like a wounded animal recovering from pain. Her own breath was softer, her heart a rapid staccato of sound. Everything was out of tune, the night music lacking harmony.

Her hand crept to his. The resistance she’d expected to find wasn’t there. Instead, he turned her hand upwards and flicked his tongue over the palm.

The unexpected assault caused her fingers to curve inward, allowing his tongue   to slide into the soft hollow at the join of her thumb. A sensual shock rioted up her arm into her breast. It made her gasp.

His body blocked out the firelight as he leaned forward and roughly captured her mouth. It was the first time she’d been kissed in such a punishing manner. His mouth was hard and bruising. It crushed the half-hearted protest she’d been about to make.

His tongue flicked a command at her lips. She tried to twist away but he anticipated it. His hand grasped her hair, kept her there until she weakened. The destructive tongue wreaked havoc with any intention of resistance. It filled her with its demands, acknowledged her own, made her aware that her sensuality equaled his. When he’d finished demolishing her mouth he slowly drew her to her feet.

‘You have one chance to leave.’

His huskily spoken ultimatum was no ultimatum at all whilst his thumbs brushed her nipples into inviting buds. She couldn’t have left if she’d wanted to. His hunger bound her to him with invisible chains. His anger had become a controlled passion that both threatened and thrilled her.

‘Well, Eloise?’

Her answer came in the form of a kiss. Soft at first against his unresisting lips, then she succumbed to the temptation to take his bottom lip between her teeth.

A soft oath left his mouth and his hands involuntarily jerked the silky fabric of her blouse apart. Ellie winced at the destruction of such a beautiful garment. Before the buttons had finished scattering his mouth was intent on one pulsating breast, his fingers seeking the fastening of the white lacy cups that imprisoned them, and the vandalism faded from her mind.

‘Don’t touch me,’ he whispered, grasping her fingers as they moved towards the dark head. He pushed them down to her side. ‘It’s arousing enough just to strip the expensive wrapping from you.’

Urged by the hands that slid to her shoulders, the blouse whispered to the floor, followed by her brassiere. Ellie quivered as her breasts were cupped, tilted towards his teasing kisses. Closing her eyes she savored the exquisite torture his tongue provided.

Her breasts seemed alien to her, each one a world of pleasure separate from the other, each one heavy against he confines of its skin. They competed for the moist warmth his lips offered. Instinct arched her against him.

‘Keep still,’ he growled.

The ramifications of the command excited her. She’d never considered passivity a part of making love. Could she control her need to touch, to experience pleasure by taking instead of giving? Already her knees were trembling, her hands curved with the tension of her desire. She told herself she could if that’s what he wanted. Deep inside her was a wish to please him, to release the pent-up anger that was destroying him. If that meant standing still, she’d stand until she took root in the carpet.

The frustrated sigh that left her lips must have brought his face up to search hers, for the dewy warmth of her breasts were touched by coolness.

‘Open your eyes.’ Patrick’s voice had a ragged quality that tore her up inside. She found herself staring at him, and knew her eyes mirrored the knowledge of her desirability to him.

Her sense of power was absolute. Through his need to possess she would become the possessor. The softness of her flesh would yield to his strength and she’d take that strength from him.

Her lips curved in a secretive smile as she reached out and traced the planes of his face with the softest of touches. She wished the fire wasn’t behind him so she could see the desire in his eyes. She delighted in the thought that he could see her. Her body was slim, and although not overly endowed by nature, curvy enough to make a statement that was all female.

He nearly turned his face to the caress of her hand, but resisted it, instead, taking her hands into his. ‘I told you not to touch.’ He sighed as he covered her hands with kisses. ‘You’re everything a man could desire - everything. But I want you to go before it’s too late.’  He sounded reluctant; as if aware what was occurring between them had become more that he’d intended.

‘It’s already too late.’

She held her breath, knowing if he thought of the past, the moment would be ruined. His lips brushed against the ring she was wearing and he took a sharp intake of breath. Stillness came over him. Deliberately he drew it from her finger and threw it into the corner of the room.

The protest she gave was cut off by the savagery of his kiss. Senses spinning she was drawn into the dark turmoil of his anger. Vaguely she felt his fingers at her waist, a slither of material against her thighs, then coolness.

He took a step back, and she felt his glance rake her body. Then a finger hooked in the elastic edging of her briefs. ‘You didn’t buy these in a chain store.’

It was obvious Patrick didn’t frequent the lingerie department of chain stores. What was just as obvious was that he was going to tear them from her body. She tensed when the material stretched, knowing they were stronger than they looked. He’d been testing it, and reached the same conclusion.

He slid to his knees and kissed the spot immediately above the elastic. The kiss edged lower as he slid the panties over her hips.  He paused before he reached the object of his desire, allowed her to step from the silken garment binding her ankles.  He relaxed back on his haunches and his eyes moved sleepily over her nakedness before he threw her a sardonic grin.

‘You’re perfection.’


‘Don’t say another word.’ His voice was curt as he uncoiled to his feet, his fingers busy with the buttons of his shirt. He undressed quickly, his pants following his shirt to the floor, his black briefs kicked aside. ‘Nudity is a great leveler, Eloise.’  The class barrier no longer applies.’

She shivered as his hand reached out and stroked her body. ‘Your flesh is the same as mine, only softer, more giving. It was designed for a man to take his pleasure of.’  Taking one of her hands he guided it to him. ‘This is what is does to me, Eloise. This is what
do to me. No one has affected me this way since

She would have closed her hand around him in a caress but he prevented her by moving away. ‘Let’s get comfortable,’ he muttered, pulling the settee into the sleeping position. He turned and gazed at her, his face burnished by firelight. ‘Come here, Eloise.’

Ellie’s limbs suddenly refused to move and she stared into his anger-flecked eyes for what seemed a decade. Something inside her reached out for something in him, but all she found was emptiness.

His eyelids hooded, his hand reached out and she was jerked on to the bed. A tiny squeal of fear left her lips. He smiled as he straddled her.  ‘Don’t be scared green-eyes. I won’t damage that pretty little body of yours.’

‘I’m not ... ready for this ... not like this,’ she pleaded, feeling the hardness of his against her stomach.

* * * *

‘I’m not a fool.’  His mouth gently feathered hers with kisses. ‘I’m going to drive you out of your mind first’  He smiled slightly. ‘When that happens you’ll be ready for anything. If you want out, say so.’

Patrick was as good as his word. It started as a journey of discovery. His hands and lips gently touched, explored, aroused in her a symphony of emotion. She’d never felt so languorous, so erotic, so rapturously awake to herself.

He’d started with the palms of her hands, still lying above her head where he’d left them. Gradually he’d teased his way down her body, and when she’d tried to touch him had taken the soft skin of her inner thigh between his teeth and warned.

‘Be still.’

How could she be still when every inch of her was on fire?  She wanted to express her love, not be his play thing. She gritted her teeth and tried not to groan when he brushed his hand against her, claimed his right to invade her. Her buttocks tightened as she fought the urge to move against his hand. Then her thighs were parted, warm breath touched the soft center and she experienced intimate caressing little flicks. It was just enough to make her insides contract and release a rush of pent-up tension in one little gasp of pleasure.

Her disappointment when he moved was intense, but as she groaned in frustration he rolled her over on her front and knelt between her legs. His hands lazily massaged her back and buttocks until she was so relaxed she seemed to melt into the mattress. Then his hands moved under her and instinctively she rose to accommodate him. Excitement began to build up in her as she began to invite his caress. First her breasts, her stomach, and then ...? All of her seemed to explode when his arms cradled her hips and his fingers splayed between her thighs. His mouth caressed the sensitive hollow where her neck joined her shoulder.

‘Tell me you don’t want me, Eloise,’ he whispered in her ear. ‘Give me an excuse to let you escape.’

‘Mmmm.’ She was tempted to move against him as her excitement built. Not want him?  She was nearly driven out of her mind with desire. The anticipation of his next move was so strong that the instant his fingers began their tentative exploration she gave a long gasping sigh. Passion shuddered through her.

‘Now,’ she begged.

Still he teased. Lifting her cradled hips against him he rocked gently against the moist invitation of her. She strained against the firm hands, her breath panting with the effort of trying to reach him. Just as she thought she might die from wanting she managed to circle his hips with her legs and anchor him to her.

She’d never made love like this before. Patrick was in total control, she helpless. Every erotic particle was condensed into one pulsating spot, every muscle begged the slow even stroke to quicken. Then she simply ceased to function. Each thrust became a deliberate punishment as he drove deeper and deeper, and his anger grew as his control weakened. She felt herself contract with wild longings as he quickened, her head tilted upwards and a quiet ecstatic groan left her lips.

It acted as a catalyst. Perspiration slicked her body as an orgasmic flood of feeling swept through her, making her cry out. She tightened her legs round him, kept him inside as his control was swept away in pounding race that only he could win. She started to tremble as an oath left his lips and they collapsed together on to the bed. A series of shudders racked his body, and then he rolled from her body, gathered her against him and buried his face in her hair.

Her hand went to his hair, caressed it as the wild beating of their combined hearts slowed, as the harsh rioting breath calmed. It seemed strange to her now, that they’d made love without her once being given the chance to touch him, to hold him in her arms.

‘Why, Patch?’ she whispered. ‘Why like that?’

His body stiffened, then he rolled away from her, propped himself up on one elbow and gazed thoughtfully down at her. ‘Are you telling me you didn’t enjoy every moment?’

‘He knew she wasn’t and her face began to burn. ‘I wanted to be part of it.’

‘You were.’ He smiled as his finger reached out and stroked one nipple into life. ‘You’re a sensational creature, Ellie. My brother will never know what he’s missed out on.’

The cry of rage she wanted to expel seized in her throat. He’d used her for one purpose only, and in such a way that she’d
she’d been used.

‘You’re loathsome, Patrick,’ she managed to whisper as she scrambled to her feet and gathered her clothes together.

She could feel his eyes on her as she made some semblance of dressing. She ignored him, her eyes searching the tension-filled perimeters of the room. Finally she was forced to ask. ‘Where did you throw my ring?’

‘I’ll find it in the morning if it means that much to you.’  He gave a mirthless chuckle. ‘Next time you come to my bed don’t insult me by wearing another man’s ring.’

be a next time.’ Crossing to the settee she gazed down at his relaxed naked figure. How could anyone so perfect to look at be so callous as to deliberately humiliate her in such a manner?  Her smile contained all the contempt she felt for him. ‘I’ll see you in hell before I make myself the object of your scorn for another woman again.’

Tension tightened the angles of his face and his eyes widened.

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