Something True

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Authors: Malia Mallory

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Something True

A New Adult Romance

By Malia Mallory

Successful children's musician Shelley Taylor sings for all kids, but especially the sick ones. After her little sister died in childhood, Shelley founded the music charity KC's Kidz to entertain hospitalized children.

She didn't sign up to babysit a rockstar.

Irish bad boy superstar Liam Smith is in trouble with the law—again—and needs to perform community service. KC's Kidz seems like the perfect fit, especially since Shelley's as curvy as his favorite guitar and he wants to play her.

Liam's deep green eyes strike a chord in Shelley, and she makes him want to sing a different tune. But Liam lives in a spotlight so white hot it might burn them both before they discover the true music inside their hearts.

~ * ~ * ~

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Copyright © 2014 by Malia Mallory

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, contact the author below.

Publisher’s Note:
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

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Something True/Malia Mallory — 1st Ed.

ISBN 978-1-3110-5877-5

Chapter 1

“Vera, you’ve got to be kidding me. Liam Smith? What would he do?” She rolled her eyes at the thought of the famous rock star giving time to her small children’s charity.

“He’s a musician, Shelley. Isn’t it obvious?” Vera’s wry voice was both indulgent and impatient. “He could perform for the kids. He could call some of his friends and solicit donations. Something. Anything. Aren’t you always saying you need more hands?”

“Yes, willing hands.” Shelley recruited volunteers wherever she found them. More than one unsuspecting person had been transformed from stranger to stalwart supporter by Shelley’s enthusiasm for bringing music to hospitalized children. She hoped one day to expand her program beyond the local medical center, where it was established.

“He’s more than willing, according to his agent.”

Shelley rubbed the bridge of her nose with her finger. “KC’s Kidz is a charity for children. He’s not exactly a role model.” Liam Smith was in the tabloids repeatedly for his bad boy antics—drinking, drugs, fast cars, and even faster women.

“He’s trying to reform. He wants to help.”

Shelley took a deep breath. “I find that very difficult to believe.”

“Sweetie, I’m surprised at you. You’re usually the first person to give someone a chance.” It was true and it had gotten her into trouble more than once. Having had her heart broken by her cheating scum of an ex-boyfriend, she didn’t feel up to hanging around with a rampant womanizer, even for the sake of KC’s Kidz.

Vera continued with barely a pause. “Think about this a minute. His presence could bring attention to KC’s Kidz. Attention means donations.” Publicity was good. It could bring donors. But Liam Smith was just bad publicity waiting to happen. The reputation of KC’s Kidz was too important to risk.

Shelley sighed. Raising donations was a big part of her job. “That’s true, but I’m sure there are lots of organizations that would love to have his help.”

Vera pressed her case. “You’d be doing me a huge favor. I owe a solid to his agent.”

Shelley felt her resistance crumble and she didn’t like it one bit. Vera believed in Shelley from the start and helped her negotiate the tangled music industry. Her agent had been an enthusiastic advocate, guiding Shelley from performances at the local public library through several moderately successful albums and even local appearances. She owed Vera big time, and Shelley was a notoriously soft touch.

“Okay. Okay. When?”

~ * ~ * ~

Liam brushed his hair out of his eyes. If it were up to him, he’d cut the hair off, but his fans liked it a bit longer. When he’d gotten it buzzed, social media erupted with outrage. “David, I haven’t been sentenced yet.”

“I’ve spoken with your attorney, and we both agree it’s time to be proactive. This fouls up your probation. We’re hoping for community service, and we think if you show you’re already trying to make changes, that’ll go a long way with the judge.”

Liam scoffed. “I don’t think there’s anything to worry about.”

“You never do. That’s part of the problem. Let me be flat out honest with you, Liam. I’m worried about you. When you were twenty, these antics could be written off as growing pains and adjusting to fame. Not now. This judge is tough. If she actually decides to give you a hard time, it could throw off the whole tour schedule. There are people counting on you, and a good deal of money is at stake. You need to clean up your act—period. And you need to show this judge that you’re already on a different road. The right road.”

“There’s been a settlement. I don’t even know why I still have to appear.” Liam maintained his tough facade for his agent, but the accident scared him. Fortunately, he hadn’t been drinking or using, only speeding, but that had been enough for him to lose control of his car.

“See? That right there is the problem, Liam. You are endlessly talented, but you’ve lost perspective. The rules apply to you same as everyone else. If you keep going on like you are, someone is going to get seriously hurt. It might be you.”

Liam sighed. “I’m fine.” Tension crept up his back, knotting in his shoulders.

“Ask yourself this,” David snapped. “If you’d hit a person with your car instead of a plate glass window, could you live with yourself? Seriously. You need to get your head on straight. You’re lucky your blood work was good.”

Liam stiffened. He’d worked hard over the last year to stay clean and was determined to stay that way. “I went to rehab. I stayed the full thirty. It’s all under control. It was over a year ago, for fuck’s sake.”

“Why don’t I believe you?” David sounded weary.

“I don’t know, David, why don’t you?” Liam had eased up on his drinking as well. His days of hard partying all night were behind him. He was a better musician for it and he knew it.

“Because I don’t believe you’ve actually stopped. I believe you think you can handle it. Look at Rob.”

“Fuck Rob. I’m not Rob.” The band’s drummer was currently in rehab and due out soon.

Liam hadn’t had more than a beer in weeks. Running his Ferrari into a Chinese restaurant showed him he’d better keep his racing limited to a track. Thankfully, it had been after hours and no one had been hurt. He’d paid to have the place repaired. Hell, it looked better now than before.

Liam tamped down his anger. “David, I don’t want to discuss this anymore.”

“Be there 9 a.m. Monday morning. I mean it. I’ll text you the address.”

~ * ~ * ~

Footsteps echoed on the tile and Shelley looked up from the stack of paperwork on her desk. The air shimmered around him. She would have known him anywhere. Anyone would have known him. Liam Smith was famous or perhaps even infamous. Musical talent and outrageous behavior were on display in sold-out stadiums and lurid tabloids. As a fellow musician, she admired his talent for setting clever turns of phrase to music, but rumors of hard-partying and illegal drugs dogged him.

He tilted his head. “Shelley?”

He sounded just as she knew he would, deep, smooth with a hint of Irish. The warm resonance of his voice washed over her, more compelling in person than she imagined was possible. The radio simply didn’t do him justice.

An involuntary tingle settled low in her belly, and she finally understood why women went so wild for Liam. Glossy black hair swept over his forehead above luminous emerald eyes, reminiscent of the verdant green pastures of Ireland, where he’d grown to a man. He was long and lean, but his navy shirt clung to the manly muscles underneath. His bare forearms were roped with matching tattoos.

Shelley shook herself free of his unexpected spell. “I’m Shelley.”

“I’m Liam Smith.” He reached out to shake her hand.

Shelley accepted the handshake automatically.
Did anyone not know who Liam Smith was?
She supposed that might be true in some deep hidden pocket of the world. “Vera told me to expect you.”

“Vera would be your agent then?” The corner of his mouth curled into a lopsided smile.

“Yes, she assured me that your interest in helping KC’s Kidz is genuine.” Her voice held the hint of doubt.

A wide grin split his face. Shelley was a sucker for a great smile and his was a killer.
Wasn’t she well past the stage where a handsome face would turn her head?
Apparently not, if Liam’s was anything to go by.

Liam moved out of the doorway. “It is.”

“Extra hands are always welcome. There’s plenty to do.” Shelley tried to convey a no nonsense attitude.

“Just tell me when and where.” Liam rocked on his feet, seemingly ready to pounce into action.

Shelley blinked, confused. “You’re here now?”

Liam pointed out the window. “I’ve got a guitar in the car. I’m ready to go.”

“Ready to go where?” Shelley shuffled through some papers and put them in a stack to the side.

“To play. You know.” Liam mimicked strumming a guitar. “Isn’t that what you do? Play music for kids?”

“That’s one thing we do.” KC’s Kidz also required endless fund-raising, grant writing and organization.

“Well, that’s what I’m here for,” he said as if it were all obvious.

Shelley’s lips thinned. “I don’t just send someone on over to the hospital. It doesn’t work that way.”

“What could be so complicated about it?” For the first time since he walked into the office, a crack appeared in his friendly demeanor.

“Some of these children have special challenges. It can be difficult to engage them. It’s unlikely you’d walk in right off the street and have a successful appearance.”

Liam smoothed his expression. “I don’t mean to sound arrogant.”

“You’re right. I’m sure the kids would go wild over a big star like you. However, I’m not sending over someone from KC’s Kidz unless they’ve been trained and I trust them to handle things.”

Liam took a deep breath. “Fine. Where do I start?”

“We have toy donations to sort.” It was true. Shelley had been too busy to attend to the toy donations and most of the other volunteers were busy with preparations for their annual fund-raising dinner, which was coming up soon.

“Sort toys?” Liam didn’t hide his confusion.

“Yes,” Shelley replied.

“Do you think that is a good use of my time?” Liam asked.

“It’s something that needs to be done and you said you wanted to help.” Shelley tamped down her irritation. This is why she hadn’t wanted to agree to this arrangement in the first place. Sometimes volunteers thought it was all concerts and celebrities and didn’t stick around when they found out otherwise.

Liam laughed. “Fine. Show me the toys.” The hint of impatience melted away.

Shelley hid her smile and rose to her feet. She was almost tempted to direct him to something he would find even more distasteful. Maybe she should tell him the toilets needed cleaning. Her lips twitched as she imagined his reaction.

She approached the door, but Liam didn’t immediately move to let her pass. He was close. Too close. Her blood rushed through her veins and her breath caught. She saw Liam’s pupils contract as their eyes locked. Irritation rose within her. She didn’t plan on turning into some kind of teenage groupie. She brushed past him and her elbow burned where it bumped his bare forearm.

Shelley consciously steadied her steps as she entered the hall and walked to the storeroom. She didn’t look to see if Liam followed. Her body told her he was behind her. She pulled a keyring out of her pocket, unlocked the door, and pushed it open. She reached inside and flipped on the light. Boxes lined one wall. “These are donated toys. Most of them should be new. If you find one that is questionable, put it to the side. Otherwise sort the toys by age.”

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