Somewhere in His Arms (5 page)

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Authors: Katia Nikolayevna

BOOK: Somewhere in His Arms
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Hello?” came an unfamiliar man’s voice thick with sleep.

“H-Hello?”  Rudy asked again, thinking he had the wrong number. “This
Lucy Havilland’s cell phone?”

A pause. “Y-Yes, it is.”

“To whom am I speaking?”

There was a sudden click as the person hung up.
Rudy repeated frantically.

  He dialed the number again but there was no answer.


* * *

Two days had gone by without a word from Lucy. Rudy was sitting in his office unable to concentrate on his latest case. He had called every person Lucy had ever known and even filed a missing person’s report, but nothing so far. He didn’t know whether to feel relieved or to start searching for her. What if something awful had happened to her?               He’d never forgive himself.

              What really worried him was the stranger who had answered her cell.  He tried to trace the number but the records hadn’t come back yet. He was frantic. Just then Janice interrupted his musings on the intercom.

“Mr. Bartlett, there’s someone to see you.”

“I’m busy, Janice.”

“They say it’s important.”

“So? I’m not seeing anyone today.”

She says it’s a matter of life or death.”

Swearing under his breath, he was about to say something unpleasant when he decided maybe this would get his mind off Lucy for a while. The last thing he needed was to have a nervous breakdown. “All right,” he amended with a weary sigh,  “send her in.”

Rudy sat back and waited. The door opened slowly and a woman peered in almost as if to make sure there was no one else in the room and stepped inside. She was a small woman, garbed in an oversized trench coat, dark sunglasses, and a floppy hat that was much too large for her head. She moved awkwardly toward his desk and jumped when he asked her to sit down.

“Well, what can I do for you today Miss…?”

She didn’t speak, only twirled her gloved hands around a handkerchief she carried. Rudy wondered if she were some actress who’d gotten herself into trouble. She kept glancing over her shoulder as if afraid someone was watching her.

“No need to worry Miss, we’re quite alone.”

Nodding, the woman squirmed uneasily in her chair. She seemed terrified of something or someone and began weeping uncontrollably. She hiccupped and coughed, then raised the handkerchief to her nose. When she took it away, Rudy saw it was spotted with blood.  His heart leapt into his throat and he jumped out of his chair. He approached her cautiously.


She was crying so hard that her reply came out as a hoarse croak, but she nodded and Rudy quickly removed the hat and sunglasses. It was Lucy. He was so relieved he reached out to embrace her, but she pushed him away. “Don’t.”

“Lucy? Where’ve you been? I’ve been so worried!”

“Have you?” she laughed bitterly, and then coughed as blood ran down her throat.

Rudy went to the door and called for Janice to get some washcloths. He came back and sat beside her. “Maybe you should lie down.”

She shook her head and pressed the cloth to her nose. “That’s the last thing I need.”

He was confused and a little frightened. She was shaking and looked as if she hadn’t slept in days. “What’s happened?”

Lucy choked back tears. She couldn’t believe how stupid she’d been. How could she have done
a thing? “What makes you think something happened? Everything’s just fine!”

Rudy reached out and took her hand. “I know you kiddo. Dean came by. He seemed worried.”

“Worried! I’m sure he was!” She glanced at him, grateful for his presence. He reminded her so of her father. The way he used to be before Vivian. “And what did

He smiled a little. ‘I told him I didn’t know where you were.”

“That’s not all you did,” she said, trying to smile but still seeing Dean entwined with Vivian.

“I’m sorry Lulu,” he said gently, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. “I know how painful this must be.”

Lucy shook her head. No one would ever know how much it hurt. Not even the twice-divorced Rudy. “Oh, Rudy I’ve been so stupid!”

“It wasn’t your fault. How could you have known? It’s his loss.”

“I didn’t mean that. I’ve done something stupid Rudy. I don’t know what to do.”

“Lulu, you’re scaring me. Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think.”

Laughing hysterically, Lucy pulled off her gloves. She held out her left hand. “Oh, no? What do you think about this?”

There, on her ring finger, lay a wedding ring.  “I’m married, Rudy. I-I lost my v-virginity and got married all in the same night! The worst part is that I don’t even know who he was!”

Then she dissolved into tears and wouldn’t stop no matter what Rudy tried to say. He patted her on the back and held her tightly to him, wondering how he was going to fix this. Walter would be so disappointed in him.

He knew he was.






Chapter Four




When Lucy calmed down he managed to get a short version of what happened. After the confrontation with Dean she drove off and kept driving. She didn’t know where she was going but somehow had ended up driving all the way to Las Vegas. That’s where the story got hazy. Feeling sorry for herself she’d gone into a casino, played a few slots, and had a few rums and coke. The next thing she remembered was waking up alone in a strange bed in a strange room completely naked. She didn’t know what had happened only that she was wearing a wedding band and there was blood on the sheets. Frightened that the person would return, she dressed and fled.

“And that’s the last thing I remember,” she said shakily, clutching the glass of water in her hands to stop them from trembling.

“Do you think you were raped?” Rudy was anything if not direct.

Lucy set the glass down and tried to think. Right now her mind was a muddy blur. “I don’t know. I’m really scared, Rudy.”

“You should be examined as soon as possible.”

“It’s too late. I took a shower. Several,” she gulped, again dissolving into tears. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

“It’s all right, Lulu,” he soothed. Deciding not to press the issue, he went over to the intercom. “Janice, hold my calls. I’m taking off for the rest of the day.”

He helped Lucy up and grabbed his keys. “W-Where are we going?”


“Oh, no! I’m not going back there!”

“Where’s your cell?” he asked suddenly. “I mean...where are your things?”

“I have my cell right here,” she replied and pulled it out. “Why?”

“Nothing. Where have you been staying? Dean said you moved out.”

“Did he? I don’t care what you say, I’m not going back to that dump!”

“I meant home with me, silly. You’re staying with me till we can figure this thing out.”

“Are sure that’s wise? I don’t want to see anybody!”

“You can stay in the guest house. No one will find you there. I’ll make sure of it.”

Feeling defeated, Lucy said little on the way. She didn’t know what to think or what to feel. She felt crushed both by Dean and a faceless stranger, who in her most vulnerable moment had taken something from her that could never be replaced. What if she
been raped?

As a nurse, she’d often dealt with women who felt as if they were nothing. It had been her job to listen and comfort, to try and give back some of the dignity that had been torn from them in a senseless act of violence. Who was going to comfort
Tell her it wasn’t her fault, that she’d done nothing wrong?

Lucy felt alone. Even with Rudy beside her, she felt as if someone had cast her into space and left her there in the darkness.

Rudy stopped the car and helped Lucy out. She followed him like a lost puppy as he led her through the Spanish style villa and out to the guesthouse. Past the sparkling pool and waterfalls. Past the neatly manicured garden and trees. She noticed none of these things. Only when he opened the door, did she blink and realize where she was.

Lucy glanced around at the wicker furniture and potted plants. Everything still looked the same. He led her into the small bedroom and urged her to lie down. She lay down on the fluffy duvet and tried not to think. Rudy placed a dampened cloth on her forehead. “Are you hungry?”

“No,” she sighed, wishing he’d stop looking at her like she was falling apart. “I’ll be all right, Rudy. Really. I just need to clear my head.”

He didn’t look entirely convinced. “I’ll be back later. We’ll talk then.”

Nodding, Lucy was relieved when he left. She loved Rudy, but she just wanted to be alone. If she was going to drown in self-pity, she didn’t want any witnesses. She closed her eyes against the throbbing in her skull and soon fell asleep.


“Y-You have to be careful with me,” she pleaded against his mouth.

“Why, darling?” he breathed against her throat, sending delightful shivers down her spine. “Why must I be?”

“No, wait---” her breathless plea suddenly a scream of pain as he plunged deep inside.

“I’m sorry,” he wept. “I’m so sorry.”


              Lucy’s eyes flew open and she sat up. Shaking, she glanced around in the dark and fumbled for the lamp on the bedside table. She tried to gather her wits and convince herself that it had been a dream.                            

She couldn’t have been so far gone as to give it away to the first guy who came along! Had she? She’d only had one drink! Okay, maybe two. Maybe someone had put something in it, and that’s why she couldn’t remember.

Trembling, she went into the small bathroom and splashed some water on her face. Lucy glanced in the mirror. She looked as if she had aged twenty years. Twenty-three and she looked like an old woman. Vivian would have a field day if she could see her now. How she must be laughing at her. She got the house, the money, the cars, and now her fiancé. Closing her eyes for a moment, she tried to get the image of those two in her bed out of her mind. She combed her hair and washed her hands. It was then that she took notice of the ring.              

       Lucy held it up to the light. It was a plain gold wedding band. It looked cheap. Something an all night wedding chapel would have on hand for the cornucopia of inebriated couples just waiting to be bound in senseless matrimony. She tugged at it but it was on
. She tried a little soap, but the damn thing wouldn’t come off. It gleamed at her mockingly in the soft light. She twisted and turned but it was determined to stay. Maybe she could get someone to cut it off.

Sighing in frustration, she straightened her clothing and went out to the house. Rudy was still up and as she opened the door he was waiting for her. “I was just coming to get you.”

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