Songbird (11 page)

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Authors: Syrie James

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Songbird
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With a smile, he moved to the door. “Six o’clock,” he reminded her. “I’ll be waiting.”


Desiree relaxed against the contoured leather seat of the Maserati and closed her eyes. The engine hummed a soft lullaby, blending harmoniously with the colorful kaleidoscope of images floating through her mind.

I didn’t think anyone could tap dance so fast,” she murmured.

Neither did I,” Kyle said, chuckling. “What a show.”

She couldn’t remember ever spending a more enjoyable evening. They’d feasted on a delectable
canard a l’orange
at a small, French restaurant near the theater. Kyle had ordered everything in advance, from the
salade Lyonnaise
to the delicious
tart aux pommes
for dessert. He’d arranged for the meal to be served with a minimum of delay, and they’d arrived at the Music Center just minutes before the show began.

The musical was an extravaganza of dazzling costumes and breathtaking production numbers. But even the star’s spectacular toe-tapping could not compare with the thrill and pride she’d felt just being in Kyle’s company. Other women had stared at him as they’d walked by, and no wonder. In his three-piece suit and silk tie, his hair carefully groomed, his face recently shaved, he looked handsome, sophisticated, and indisputably masculine.

The mind-stealing embraces they’d shared earlier in the studio, made all the more exciting by their illicit nature, never strayed from her thoughts. When his hand reached over to gently warm her thigh through the thin fabric of her skirt, it required rigorous self-control to keep her breathing steady and focus on the stage. But now, although he sat just inches from her in the cozy interior of the small sports car and his hand brushed her cheek tenderly, she felt too relaxed and content to be aroused.

I couldn’t believe it when he tapped his way up and down that entire staircase,” he said.

Drowsily, she caressed his hand. “That
amazing. Like something out of a Fred Astaire movie.” She opened her eyes and smiled. “Thank you again for getting the tickets.”

He squeezed her shoulder. “Any time.”

They drove along in contented silence. The effects of Desiree’s sleepless night and hectic day finally caught up with her, and she drifted off to sleep. It seemed only minutes later that she heard the engine clicking off and the car’s final shudder into silent stillness.

Disoriented, she tried to speak, but only managed a small yawn. All at once she felt herself being gathered up by a pair of strong arms as warm lips pressed against hers.

Wake up, sleepyhead,” he whispered. “We’re home.”

Already?” She slowly opened her eyes. Moonlight splashed through the windshield, making her squint. The silvery beam that illuminated her face only touched the side of his cheek, emphasizing its smooth, angular planes.

You’ve been asleep for half an hour.” He leaned back slightly and threaded his fingers through her hair. “Did anyone ever tell you that you’re beautiful when you’re asleep? Even more beautiful than when you’re awake, if that’s possible.”

You’re just saying that because it’s true,” she mumbled.

He laughed, his eyes inky-black in the darkness.

His nearness, his warmth, and his unique masculine scent enveloped her senses. Kiss me again, she wanted to plead. But as she lifted her hand to touch his cheek, a sudden, inexplicable shyness came over her. She lowered her eyes, let her hand fall away, and toyed with the edge of the smooth leather seat, struggling to make conversation. “This is a nice car. Where do you rent a Maserati?”

There’s a place near the airport.” With measured slowness, his thumb traced small, sensuous circles at the side of her neck.

She caught her breath. Could he feel the erratic pulse beating beneath the pad of his thumb?

They have every luxury car you can think of,” he added, moving closer. “Rolls-Royce. Mercedes. Ferrari.”

What about…a Cadillac limousine?”

One of every size and color—or so I’d imagine.” His breath fanned her lips. “Limos are their mainstay.”

I’ve always wanted to ride in a limo. An incredibly long, plush limo, with a built-in bar and a TV.”

An intriguing fantasy. Just think what we could do in a limo.”

His mouth pressed tenderly against hers, infusing her body with warmth. His tongue persuaded her lips apart, then probed her mouth, performing an intimate mating dance with her tongue. As his hands scaled her back, she locked her arms behind his neck, twisted her hands in his hair. She felt a thread of trust weave between them, through them, around them, as if en-twining them together for eternity.

Desiree, you taste so sweet…”

His hand traced up her side to lightly graze the side of her breast, and her head fell back. A sigh of ecstasy echoed in the night as his lips moved slowly, sensuously up her throat, then covered her mouth once more.

Suddenly he winced sharply and she felt him draw back.

What’s wrong?” she asked breathlessly.

I think the stick shift’s permanently embedded in my side.”

Oh. I’m sorry.”

And the windshield’s all fogged up.”

She giggled softly. No more than my brain, she thought. “I guess there’s no point in kissing out in the car, is there? Would you like to come in for a brandy?”

He leaned his forehead against hers and smiled into her eyes. “I thought you’d never ask.”


As Desiree retrieved a bottle of brandy from her credenza and poured two snifters, she watched Kyle take off his tailored suit jacket and hang it neatly over the back of a wing chair. His tie soon joined the jacket, and he opened the top two buttons of his shirt.

That’s better,” he said, exhaling deeply as he sank back into the couch. “Ever try to kiss a woman with a tie digging into your neck?”

Desiree laughed. “Not recently.” She handed Kyle his drink and sat down next to him.

Thanks.” He raised the glass in a toast. “To the loveliest deejay I’ve ever met.”

loveliest? How many deejays have you met?”

His lips tilted up in a roguish grin. “Not many. And all the others were men.”

That’s what I thought. Thanks a lot.”

Allow me to amend my toast. To my new favorite deejay. May she forever rule the airwaves.”

I’ll drink to that.” She clinked her glass against his.

He extended an arm across the back of the couch, his eyes caressing her face as he slowly sipped his brandy.

I hope you know...” his voice dropped to a husky whisper “You
truly lovely. I was proud to be out with you tonight. Not just because you’re beautiful to look at, but because you’re…you.”

Her heart hammered in her chest as she drank in his frankly adoring gaze for a long, heady moment. She’d been told she was beautiful before. She’d never believed it. Hearing the words on his lips made her
beautiful for the first time in her life. Her heart soared. She wanted to respond in kind, tell him how attractive she found him and how much she enjoyed his company, but before she could voice her thoughts, he said:

You mentioned that you were married once. Will you tell me about it? What happened?”

Tearing her eyes from his gaze, she stared into the amber liquid in her glass. “It’s not a happy memory. It was over five years ago, but I still have scars. To tell you the truth, I’d rather not talk about it.”

He took the glass from her hand and set it on the coffee table. The arm behind her dropped to her shoulders and his other hand cupped her face, tilting it gently up to his. “Did he hurt you?” His jaw tensed. “Because if he did—”

No. Not in the way you mean. My scars are purely emotional. I don’t blame him for wanting the divorce. It wasn’t entirely his fault. Mostly it was mine.”

I doubt that. He’d have to be an idiot to give you up.”

His lips met hers, both possessive and gentle at the same time. His arms wrapped around her tenderly, adoringly. Her arms encircled his back as she arched against him, joining in a sweet, insistent caress with his tongue. She relished the flavor of him, the heat of his skin, the silken texture of his hair.

Desiree…” His lips now nibbled the length of her throat, then took small, teasing bites from her earlobe. “All night, I’ve been dying to hold you...kiss you...touch you like this.”

His mouth returned to hers as his hand closed over the round fullness of her breast. Slowly he rotated his fingers and palm until her desire bubbled within his grasp. His other hand pulled her blouse loose from the waistband of her skirt and slid up her back. His hand felt rough and masculine against her smooth, bare flesh, sending tingles up her spine. Slowly he stood up, pulling her with him, and held her against his chest.

His hand glided past her waist, to cup the soft swell of her buttocks. He pressed her body against his, making her aware of the throbbing hardness of his desire. Even through the layers of their clothing she could feel the rapid drumming of his heart, which beat in cadence with her own.

You told me last night you didn’t want to see me again, that you didn’t want me,” he whispered against her lips. “Did you mean it? Was it true?”

His eyes were shining with affection, alive with need. She tried to tell herself that this was wrong, that they shouldn’t go any further, that she
want him; instead, she admitted, “No. It wasn’t true.”

Without another word, he swept her up into his arms. She felt his mouth against her forehead, her cheek, her hair. His footsteps echoed on the hardwood floor as he carried her down the dark hallway. Oh God, she thought helplessly, as she wrapped her arms around him and buried her face against his neck.
This shouldn’t be happening.
But she didn’t want to stop it. Did she?

He nudged open the door to her bedroom with his foot and strode inside, lowering her gently onto the bed. She heard him fumble with the bedside lamp, then a flick of the switch and the room was filled with soft, golden light. As if in a dream, she watched him shrug out of his vest and toss it onto a nearby chair, then sit down on the edge of the bed and take off his shoes.

Still wearing his shirt and pants, he turned toward her and grasped her foot, pulling off first one sandal and then the other. He cradled one of her feet in his hands, massaged the high arch, circled his thumb over her toes.

Such tiny feet,” he said with wonder. “So delicate. And your legs...they’re beautiful.” His hand slid up one bare calf, under her silk skirt to cup her knee. His touch sent flames licking up her thighs.

Don’t do this,
said a voice inside her head. She pulled herself upright on the bed, her body stiff with uncertainty, her pulse racing.

Kyle, wait.”

Why should we wait?” He pulled her down on the bed next to him, held her against the length of his body. “You know how I feel about you. I’ve made no secret of it.” His voice dropped to a husky whisper. “Am I reading something that isn’t there? Or do you feel the same way about me?”

You know I do,” she whispered.

Then let me show you how much I care. Let me make love to you.”

I’m not sure it’s right for me, for either of us. This is all happening too fast.”

happening fast. I never imagined it could be this way. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t right.” His hand stroked her cheek as he gazed lovingly into her eyes. “There’s nothing more beautiful than what we feel for each other right now.”

Right now. His words drummed in her head, bringing to the surface all her reservations, all her fears.

Right now. For the moment.

Temporary. Temporary insanity.

Catching the look in her eyes, he whispered, “We can stop if you want. It’s up to you. But help me to understand. What are you afraid of?”

Of you. Of me. That I’ll fall in love with you, and when it’s time to say goodbye, I’ll never recover.
She couldn’t make love to a man without giving her heart and her soul, and she was already perilously close to giving both to Kyle.

Monday morning you’ll be gone, she thought, and I’ll be left empty and aching.

She wanted to tell him, to try to explain, but her throat felt so constricted she couldn’t speak.

You said the other night that you’ll never get married again, that your divorce was inevitable. Aren’t you being a little hard on yourself? Are you so afraid of failure that you won’t allow yourself to love anyone again?”

She closed her eyes. “That’s...part of it,” she managed in a low quiver.

Have you been with anyone since then?” he asked softly.

She shook her head. Unbidden tears sprang into her eyes. He smoothed her hair back and kissed away her tears. “Don’t be afraid, Desiree. We can never be certain what the future holds for us. But don’t let that stop you from living, from loving.”

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