Songbird (16 page)

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Authors: Colleen Helme

BOOK: Songbird
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He beckoned Teya inside. Even though they’d spent the last hour in relative peace, dark smudges under Teya’s eyes reflected the strain of their journey. He locked the door behind them and pocketed the key.

“You’ll be happy to know that my room has indoor plumbing,” he announced. “I have my own bathroom with a tub and everything. You’re welcome to use it.” She perked up and eagerly opened the bathroom door.”

He pointed to another door. “This door opens to an inside hallway and stairs that lead to the main hall and dining area. I’ll go out this way and get some food and leave a message for Jax. If there’s any trouble, call me through this bond thing we’ve got.” She looked at him like he was nuts. “Or doesn’t it work that way?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Well,” he shrugged. “You never know. I’ll be back soon.”

“Okay,” Teya said, and hurried into the bathroom. Once Bran heard the water running, he shut the door and locked it, happy to feel her pleasure through the bond.

Downstairs, he found the innkeeper, who greeted him with a hearty slap on the back. “Master Will, it’s good to see you. I take it you have already been to your room? I hope everything is satisfactory. Would you like some food? I’m sure we can find you something. There are a couple of messages for you. Why don’t you go into the kitchen and I’ll bring them to you.”

“Thanks.” Bran had taken an instant liking to the innkeeper when he took his room a month ago, paying in advance. The innkeeper never asked questions, and was always discreet, a quality that proved indispensable to Bran. The cook filled his request for a tray of food, and soon he was headed back to his room with two messages in hand, both from Jax.

As he entered the room, he could hear Teya humming from the bathroom, and a warm glow of contentment surrounded him. He set the tray on the table and ripped open the letters.

The first message was short, but hastily written with a plea to contact Jax as soon as returned. The second left no doubt that Bran was in trouble, and to lay low until Jax contacted him. Bran placed a candle in the window so Jax would know he was there and, not wanting to interrupt Teya’s bath, began to eat alone.

Hearing sounds of Teya splashing water over naked body soon took all his attention and he had trouble swallowing his food. Hearing the water drain from the tub also disconcerted him, and he took a quick drink of ale to moisten his dry mouth.

Intent on what was going on inside the bathroom, the light rapping he heard confused him until he realized it was coming from the balcony door. With a startled curse, he hurried over to unlock the door.

Jax slipped inside and his jaw dropped at the sight of Teya coming out of the bathroom. From his widened eyes and opened mouth, Bran wondered if she was dressed. He turned and was almost disappointed to find her in clean clothes and buttoning up her shirt. Then she smiled at him and his heart skipped a beat.

“She’s here?” Jax blurted. “Oh man, you’re in one hell of a mess.” Jax blew out the candle and pulled the curtains over the windows together. He wore ragged old clothes and his hair poked out in all directions. He completed his disguise with a few days growth of beard on his face and Bran knew it would be hard for anyone to recognize him as Bran’s assistant.

Finally Jax’s words penetrated his foggy brain and dread tightened his stomach. “What do you mean? What’s going on?”

“It’s Chancellor Turner. He knows you took Teya.”

Teya gasped and Bran motioned her to his side. “Let’s sit at the table and you can explain what’s going on.” After they took their seats, Jax continued.

“Turner wanted to question you when Teya disappeared. When you couldn’t be found, things escalated. He accused you of kidnapping Teya on behalf of our government, and holding her hostage in Braemar for diplomatic purposes. You can imagine how upset Rasmussen is about this.”

Bran groaned and explained to Teya that Rasmussen was his superior and head of the diplomatic league. “He may be okay with what I do in private, but will hang me out to dry if anyone finds out about it.” He turned back to Jax. “But I don’t get it. Turner has no proof. Didn’t anyone try to hold him off?”

“Of course,” Jax scoffed. “Rasmussen did everything he could to give you time to get back, but you’ve been gone too long, and Turner might know more than you think. He hasn’t shown any proof that you took Teya, but he must have a reason to lay the blame on you.”

“So what am I supposed to do?”

Jax shook his head. “If you go to Turner without Teya, he will probably kill you.” At Bran’s raised brows, Jax continued. “You don’t know the half of it. The king went crazy after her disappearance. Everyone at the palace was questioned. Her guards were tortured, and two of them killed for letting her escape. The servants, the guests, and anyone connected to the palace during the celebration were found or detained. Everyone but you, me, and Clare.”

“Is Clare all right?”

“Yes, she’s in Braemar under Rasmussen’s protection. I barely got her out in time, which is a whole different story.” Jax paused and took a deep breath. “There’s more. The king is making preparations to send his army across the wall.”

“What? You mean he’s declared war on us?”

“Not openly, but his meaning is clear. If Teya is not back by day after tomorrow, he’s going to retaliate for our interference. He’s out for blood, and he doesn’t care whose blood it is. Rasmussen is denying the whole thing. He’s keeping to the story that if you took her, you acted on your own without Braemar’s sanction. You know what that means don’t you?”

“Yes.” Bran sighed. “I’m the fall guy.”

“Where have you been? Did you find the Kalorians?”

Bran told Jax everything that had happened except for the ceremony in the grove. Explaining that Jesse was a hunter sent by the king only made things worse.

“I’ll help you however I can,” Jax said. “But you need to know that Rasmussen wants you to take Teya back.”

“But, doesn’t he understand that Teya was being held against her will?”

“Of course, but that’s not our problem. Rasmussen was furious when I told him you had taken her. He thought you’d lost your mind. He kept saying that we were not to interfere or meddle in this kingdom’s affairs, especially with the king’s Songbird. Our job was to track down
, and nothing more.”

“He knew my plans about taking her to her people,” Bran interjected. “He wanted the Kalorians on our side if there was going to be trouble. Now he’s denying the whole thing? Well, I’m not taking her back.”

Silence stretched out between them before Jax abruptly nodded. “I never thought you would.”

“That’s a relief,” Teya said, catching them both by surprise. Bran realized they’d been talking about her as if she wasn’t there. Her pale face and trembling hands gave away how much their conversation disturbed her.

With a deep breath, she pulled herself together and met his gaze with raw determination. “Day after tomorrow doesn’t give us much time, but I think I might have an idea.”

The hardness of her voice caught Bran’s interest. “What are you thinking?”

“That there is someone who knows where the Kalorians are, and if we caught him, I’m sure he could be persuaded to tell us.”

Bran’s eyes narrowed. “And we’d use you for bait, I suppose.”


“No,” he said forcefully. “We can’t risk it.”

“Who are you talking about?” Jax asked.

“Jesse told Teya that he knows where the Kalorians are,” Bran answered.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about this,” Teya said. “I think it could work. Jax could tell the right people that he has information about me, and for the right price, he’d be willing to share it with Jesse. We could have the place ready and set up a trap for him. I could hold him with my magic and make him talk.”

“But Jesse wouldn’t come alone,” Bran said. “What about his men?”

“Jax could insist that he talk to Jesse alone. They could meet in a tavern or something, and then go somewhere else to talk. We could be waiting for him there and his men wouldn’t know.”

“I think it might be worth a try,” Jax said, much to Bran’s consternation. “Let’s see if we can come up with a plan that will work and then decide. The first thing we need to figure out is where to have this meeting. And I think I know just the place.”

At the gleam in his eyes, Bran knew Jax could make Teya’s plan work, and he inwardly groaned.

“There’s this tavern with a back room that you can rent,” he began. “It would suit our purposes perfectly, and it’s not far from here.”

“How much?” Bran asked.

“I’m not sure, but at least five, or maybe eight gold pieces.” Bran shook his head, but Jax frowned. “You’ve got plenty of gold stashed away for this kind of an emergency. I have several contacts in the city that I can use to relay a message to Jesse. I think it could work.”

With the way things were coming together, Bran had to admit that Jax might be right, but he couldn’t help the worry that tightened his stomach. “Jesse doesn’t play fair,” he said. “I’m not sure I like this.”

“What other choice do we have?” Teya asked. “We’re out of options. If we do nothing, there will be a war between our countries. If we go to Braemar, they’ll throw you in jail and send me back to the king. If we stay here we risk being caught by Jesse or the king, while none of this gets us any closer to the Kalorians. At least going after Jesse will give us a chance to find them.”

Bran let out a breath. She was right. This was their best plan, but he couldn’t help thinking this was just the beginning of their troubles. Once they found the Kalorians, they would have to free them, and somehow get them back to the grove, probably with Korban, the king, and Jesse, all hot on their tail. He wasn’t sure how they were ever going to accomplish it.

“Jax and I will go to the tavern to make sure it suits our purposes,” Bran said. “I’ll come back here, while Jax makes the rounds to set up a meeting with Jesse.” Teya didn’t seem pleased with this arrangement, but she didn’t complain.

“All right,” she agreed.

“I’ll come back as soon as I can. Just... don’t let anyone in. All right?”

“Take your gun,” she said. “And be careful.” Sudden warmth flooded over him, and he knew it came from Teya.

“I will,” he agreed, hoping nothing would go wrong this time. He gathered what he needed and opened the door. After Jax walked out, Bran hesitated, then hurried to Teya and pulled her into his arms. She smelled like spring and flowers. He inhaled her scent before pulling away. Their gazes met and Bran pressed a quick kiss on her lips before walking out the door.

He felt her surprise and warmth through the bond and smiled, then turned to Jax, who cast a baleful glance in his direction and muttered something about playing with fire. As they hurried down the stairs, Bran shook his head, knowing Jax was right, but it was too late for caution now.

“Do you think this plan will work?” Bran asked.

“I don’t know,” Jax said. “It all depends on Jesse. He doesn’t sound like someone who’d fall for a trap.”

“You’re right,” Bran agreed. “But he’s desperate enough to check it out. We’ll just have to be one step ahead of him. I hate to put you in danger like this. I still don’t have evidence that the Kalorians have anything to do with
, except for my gut feelings. But I think finding them is the key.”

“It is if you want Rasmussen’s help,” Jax said. “I can’t think of any other way to get out of this mess besides giving Teya back. Even then, your head is on the line. No, this is the only way. And don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

They crossed the crowded street and followed it for a few blocks until they came to the tavern. It was full of patrons, and the noise and smell of whiskey and smoke overwhelmed them. They found the tavern keeper and checked out the back room, finding it perfectly situated in a secluded corner of the building.

Inside, a curtain divided the room in half, leaving a place for concealment. Bran parted the curtain and found a door that opened to an outside alley. To his relief, it was even available for rent, and he quickly negotiated a price for that night and the next day.

With things falling into place, Jax decided to stay right where he was, and took a seat at the bar. With plenty of people here, Jax could start spreading the word that he wanted to meet with the hunter, Jesse. Now that it was settled, Bran wondered if he really needed to involve Teya in this.

Once Jesse was here in the back room, Bran could take care of him. Teya would be furious, but at least she wouldn’t be in danger, but what about Jesse’s use of magic? Teya was the only one who could stand against that.

Bran sighed, knowing he needed Teya, and turned toward the entrance to leave, but right at that moment, Jesse and his men entered the tavern. As Jesse spotted him, Bran cursed his luck and rushed toward the back room where he knew he could escape through the secret door. Jesse lunged for Bran and yelled at his men to block the entrance. 

Bran pushed through the crowd, toppling chairs as he went. He wrenched the door open and got halfway across the room before Jesse’s voice cut through the air like a hammer, sending a wave of shock into his head. He yelled in agony, but only managed a few more steps before he sank into black oblivion.

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