Songbird (5 page)

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Authors: Colleen Helme

BOOK: Songbird
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“It worked,” Bran said, with relief and surprise. He grasped the broken ends and easily pried them open, then slipped it from around her neck.

Breathing heavily, Teya sat up. As Bran examined the
, the gold glittered brightly in the filtered sunlight coming through the window. Teya reached out to touch it, surprised that her hand shook. Taking a deep breath, her fingers found the
cold and lifeless.

“Something died to forge this.” She swallowed. “That wail was awful.”

“We can leave it here if you want,” Bran offered.

“No.” Teya took it from him. “I want to keep it. It can’t hurt me anymore.” Bran nodded, and she wondered why she didn’t want to fling it as far from her as possible. But something held her back. She’d been tied to it for so long that it was hard to let go.

“It’s time to leave,” Bran said, interrupting her thoughts. “We’ve been here too long already. There’s some water and a washcloth on the table if you’d like to wash up. I’ll get the horses ready.”

Teya nodded, grateful for some time alone. Slipping the
into her jacket pocket, she dipped a soft cloth into the water and held it to her face, relieving the tiredness in her eyes. She still had smudges of dirt on her hands, and wondered how bad she looked. She rubbed her face vigorously until satisfied that no dirt remained. The cool cloth on the back of her neck felt wonderful and, as she pressed it against the front of her neck, she realized that this was the first time in years that the
wasn’t in the way.

It was really gone. Her pulse leapt in her throat, and something akin to joy floated up from her heart. For so many long years, she had suppressed her feelings of anger and hate. The only way she’d survived was trying to live in a state of serenity where nothing could touch her.

This new feeling of joy surprised her. She’d lived without happiness for so long, it overwhelmed her. She had Bran to thank for it. He had given her the most impressive gift of all. His trust. He deserved no less from her.

She gathered her things and gazed out the window, focusing on the blue sky and the sounds of the forest. The birds chirped as they called to one another, and all kinds of insects droned in a cadence of life.

The removal of the
had not only freed her magic, but also freed her soul. As if she had been dead before, she could now take a place among the living. This moment was the beginning of a new life, and her heart swelled with gratitude.  

“Teya? Are you ready?” She faced Bran with tears in her eyes, and his brows drew together in concern. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she managed to smile. “Nothing is wrong.” He didn’t seem convinced, so she continued. “I’m free. The collar is gone and I’m free to live!” His smile sent a wave of pleasure through her. “As long as I live, I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

Bran shook his head modestly. “I’m just glad it worked.”

“After everything you heard, I’m surprised you even considered it, let alone did it.” She wished there was a better way to express the joy she felt. “Thank you.”

On an impulse, she threw her arms around him and hugged him close. To her surprise, he hugged her back and she sighed with pleasure. Feeling his arms around her again felt so good that she didn’t want this moment to end. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had hugged her like this. She breathed deeply to inhale his scent, and finally pulled back to meet his gaze.

His eyes held a warmth and vulnerability that she’d never seen before, and her heart raced in response. With a soft smile, he gently touched her hair, then ran his fingers through it. “I’ve wanted to do that ever since I first saw you. I even wondered if it would feel like feathers.” His lips turned into a crooked smile at this admission. “But I can see it isn’t like that at all.”

They stood so close that her mouth went dry and her legs trembled. Then he leaned toward her and her breath caught. Was he going to kiss her? She wanted to kiss him, but she’d never kissed anyone before. Suddenly unsure of herself she pulled back. “Uh…we’d better go.”

Bran froze, then let out his breath and stepped away with a nod. “Of course. I’ll grab our things.”

Teya shivered without his warm presence and hurried out of the cabin, taking in a couple of deep breaths to get her emotions under control. Bran confused and excited her at the same time. Getting involved with him would be like touching fire. One way or another, it would burn. He came out and packed the saddlebags, then helped her mount.

“Can you tell where your people are now?”

Teya knew without thinking. The direction came into her mind like a bird following a migratory path. “That way.” She pointed north.

Bran smiled, then stilled at the sound of falling rocks. In the distance, a flock of birds burst from the trees. “Someone’s coming,” Bran said. “Hurry. There’s another way out. Stay close.”

She followed his fast moving mount, urging her horse to keep up. On the other side of the cabin a small trail opened up, but the thick underbrush slowed the horses down. Behind them, the sound of hooves on loose rocks came closer. Bran quickened the pace and the bushes gave way, but instead of open country, they faced a wall of rocks.

Teya’s breath caught. How were they supposed to get out now? Bran pressed forward and she realized there was a small fissure just big enough for their horses to pass between the rocks. It was hard to see with rocks camouflaging the break. Beyond the opening, they picked their way up a sharp incline to the left and soon emerged at the top of a hill.

Bran set a grueling pace, riding deep into the forest. They followed a well-ridden track and kept to it for speed. After several miles, they came to a fork in the road. After taking one path, Bran cut through the brush toward the other.

The detour slowed them down, but after that, she couldn’t hear any signs of pursuit. They emerged onto the other road and sped up, hoping to lose their pursuers once and for all. When they came to a small stream, Bran stopped to let the horses drink and rest for a moment.

“Did you see who it was?” Teya asked.

“No. I didn’t have a chance, but I can only assume they were King Thesald's men. I don’t know how they found us so fast.” Bran’s brows furrowed. “There aren’t that many people who know about the cove.”

Teya’s shoulders tensed. Had Jax or Clare been caught? “If we weren’t followed, then maybe taking off the
released magic of some kind that led them to us.”

“Perhaps, but there’s nothing we can do about it now. We need to keep going. They might not be far behind.” He glanced at her hesitantly before asking, “Is there anything you can do to slow them down?”

His question caught her off-guard. Things were desperate if he wanted her to use magic, especially when she had no idea what she could do without the
around her neck. When she hesitated, he added, “Think about it. We’ve got a good lead for now, and hopefully we can lose them in the mountains. Let’s go.”

He urged his horse into the stream and Teya followed, still unsure of what to do. They slogged through the stream a few miles until it turned into a river that was too deep for the horses.

Once on dry ground, they headed up a rocky incline and dismounted at the top of a rise. Searching the forest below, Bran pointed to the riverbed. Two men on horseback had just entered the stream. “I wonder if they’re using
to track us.”

Teya hadn’t thought of that. If others could use magic against them, then what was she waiting for? “Let me try something.” She concentrated on the water. Its source was high above them, but if she could stir it up, it could turn into a powerful torrent.

She listened to the sound of the rushing water and formed the notes in her mind. Taking a deep breath, she drew out the notes, low and hard. Bending the current to her will, the water churned into a frothing whirlpool. She held the water back as long as she could before releasing the turbid mass.

The water crashed back into the river with a powerful roar. Below, the riders paused before understanding dawned. In a sudden blur, the water surged over them with breaking waves. Thrown from their horses, Teya lost sight of the riders and dread formed a knot in her stomach. She hadn’t meant to kill them. An instant later, she caught sight of their dark heads bobbing in the water before they disappeared from view.

“Do you think they’ll survive?” she asked Bran.

He nodded absently. “No doubt they’ll wash up somewhere downstream. I don’t think we need to worry about them for the time being.” His wary glance held new respect, and something close to awe.

She didn’t know what to say. She’d never done anything like that before. It was both exhilarating and frightening at the same time. Still, she didn’t want him to be intimidated by her.

“Are we headed in the right direction?” he asked.

“Yes,” Teya closed her eyes and felt the pull. “It’s straight through there.”

Bran nodded. “Then let’s keep moving.”

Following Bran, she marveled at how easy it had been to summon her magic. She was so conditioned to having it cause her pain that she was almost afraid of it. Under the direction of King Thesald, she had used magic to influence people’s minds, to calm them, or dazzle them with imagery, but mostly, to make them more amenable to the king’s wishes. But with the
around her neck, she could only use a small amount of her magic before pain stabbed her like a thousand knives.

Without the
, she had no idea what she was capable of. No one had ever used magic for anything like this at home, at least not that she could remember. Of course, not everyone could sing the way she could. Just before she’d been kidnapped, her grandmother had taught her to do simple things like light fire and heat water.

She remembered her grandmother telling her she was special, and that when she was older, she would take her place as Songmistress of the grove. She had no idea what that meant, but now it looked like she might find out.

After all these years she was going home. What would it be like? She had changed so much. Would her parents even recognize her? Ten years was a long time, and so many things could have happened. Excitement warred with nervousness. Would they still want her? Were they still there? She hoped so, but with Bran’s revelation about this magical elixir, she couldn’t help the worry that tightened her stomach.

Now Bran followed behind her, and she marveled at this change, all because he had trusted her enough to break the
. She tucked a small wisp or hair behind her ear, and remembered how Bran had touched it. When he’d leaned toward her, she was pretty sure he was going to kiss her. Her heart raced just thinking about it. What it would be like to kiss him? His dark eyes and chiseled jaw made him seem a little dangerous, but it also made him more desirable than any man she had ever known.

She shook her head. She couldn’t forget that Bran had a mission to accomplish, and she was just a means to an end. Once he found out what he needed to know, he would go back to his own country, and she might never see him again. Given that, it was probably better to keep her distance and make sure she didn’t get too close, but every time she glanced at him, her traitorous heart didn’t seem to care.

Dusk approached on a cool mountain breeze. Teya had no idea where they were, only which direction to go. The Kalorians lived in a valley deep in the mountains, but that was all she remembered. Her back and legs ached, so when Bran motioned to stop in a small clearing, she sent him a grateful smile.

“I think we’ll be safe here for the night,” he said, dismounting. Teya followed suit and swallowed against the pain in her legs. She took a few small steps, to stretch them out and tried not to groan out loud.

Bran set up camp while Teya watched, too sore and tired to do much to help. She managed to gather a few dry sticks together. Soon they had a small fire going. Finished with their preparations, Teya gratefully wrapped a blanket around her and sat down in front of the fire.

“Do you know how far your home is from here?” Bran asked.

Teya closed her eyes, feeling the strong pull. The Kalorians had to be close. “Not far, maybe we’ll be there tomorrow, but I could be wrong. When I was taken, it seemed further away.”

“Things are different when you’re young.” Bran took some food and water from the pack beside them and handed it to her. “I’ve heard a lot of things about the Kalorians. Most of the rumors are probably wrong. What can you tell me about them? Are all of them like you?”

Teya knew he meant her magic. “Yes, but only a few can use magic to do more than sing to the trees. My grandmother was one. She was the Songmistress of the Grove. I was supposed to take her place.”

“Was she your teacher?”

“Yes. She had just begun my training, so I was spending a lot of time with her.”

“What about the day you were taken?”

Thinking of that day brought a swirl of anger and fear she would rather forget, but she forged ahead, knowing Bran needed to know what happened to her. “It was a day like any other, except that my grandmother was busy. Someone came to see her and she spent most of the day with him. Later, when I went to her, she sent me away. I never saw her again.”

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