Sophie's Smile: A Novel (27 page)

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Authors: Sheena Harper

Tags: #Novels

BOOK: Sophie's Smile: A Novel
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“I feel like I’ve been sleeping on a light and fluffy
and I can’t move.”

“I know. I feel the same way.”


“Yes, Liam?”

“This has been the best day of my life.”

“Mine, too.”

“It’s even better than finding out there was a Santa Clause!”





That night we slept in our own separate beds, and I couldn’t help but miss him. Emptiness consumed me. I wished he never had to drive to my place and pick me up, so he would never have to drop me back off again.


Itchy Bonsai (9:01:53 AM): Hi Sweetie. Good morning.


Pinkie16 (9:02:15 AM): Good morning.


Itchy Bonsai (9:02:41 AM): you know, I have to admit that something felt wrong when I was trying to fall asleep last night


Pinkie16 (9:02:56 AM):
I wasn’t there next to you?


Itchy Bonsai (9:03:12 AM): yeah, it just felt like something was missing (when I woke up this morning, I was hugging one of my pillows…


Pinkie16 (9:03:34 AM): yea…it is better waking up to u than alone


Itchy Bonsai (9:03:55 AM): yeah I know what u mean, although on the flip side, it was MUCH easier to get out of bed today (


Pinkie16 (9:04:16 AM):
yea for me too


Itchy Bonsai (9:04:45 AM): I’m so glad I felt what it’s like to wake up with a kiss from you! (
no better way)


Pinkie16 (9:05:11 AM): yea it’s great…you know,
like a dream come true


Itchy Bonsai (9:05:49 AM): (wow, you think I’m a dream come true…) I love you, Sophie. I’ve never met anyone as kind as you…you make me feel so wonderful


Pinkie16 (9:06:10 AM): well I always thought
it’d be like to have a bf, but I never expected it to be as great as it is and to be with a guy as great as u are


Itchy Bonsai (9:06:43 AM): well, I’m happy to be there for you anytime…you already know that my aim is to enrich your life as much as I possibly can, every day I can…you are so worth it, best girlfriend a guy could have (in all ways)


Pinkie16 (9:07:16 AM): wow. You are the sweetest


Itchy Bonsai (9:07:45 AM): Thank you so much Sophie, I’m really grateful to have you in my life


Pinkie16 (9:08:11 AM): I’m very grateful for u too. I guess the reason I never had a boyfriend was because I was just waiting for you.


Itchy Bonsai (9:08:36 AM):
, you are too sweet for this world. Well, I was certainly looking for you, so thanks for waiting!


Pinkie16 (9:08:58 AM):
my pleasure


Itchy Bonsai (9:09:17 AM): see, at times like these you need to be right here, getting a big hug and a kiss. I love you


Pinkie16 (9:09:31 AM): I love you too


Itchy Bonsai (9:10:15 AM): you know, it gave me chills when you told me, I was so happy…


Pinkie16 (9:10:31 AM):
? I’m
happy too


Itchy Bonsai (9:17:01 AM): so have you eaten?


Pinkie16 (9:17:12 AM): just snacking…


Itchy Bonsai (9:17:30 AM): well, make sure you take care of yourself, stay hydrated, etc.


Pinkie16 (9:17:49 AM): yes sir!


Itchy Bonsai (9:18:04 AM): (I have a direct interest in your well-being, seeing as how I derive so much of mine from you)





After hitting the snooze button a few too many times this morning, I was running late. I hastily got ready for school, grabbed a banana, and headed for the door. Just as I slipped into a pair of comfy flip-flops, I heard the annoying buzz from my cell phone.
Ugh, who could that be, I’m running late as it is.
I was about to ignore it when I realized it could be Liam (the only people who called me regularly were Liam and my parents), so I frantically dug in my backpack to get it.

“Hello?” I breathed.

“Sophie? Sorry, did I bother you?”

“No,” I lied. “What’s up?”

“Well, I just wanted to say happy one month anniversary!”

“Oh, today?
I…I can’t believe I forgot,” I said, embarrassed that he remembered and I forgot. “Happy one month.”

He chuckled, “Yup, it has been exactly one month since you agreed to be my girlfriend. The days from there on out just passed by and I loved every day and every moment of it. I love you so much, Sophie.”

“I love you, too.”

“Do you want to celebrate this weekend?”

“Sure, but we don’t have to do anything special. We can just hang out at your house.”

He chuckled, “I can arrange that. You’ll be okay if my dad’s there, right?”

“Uh, yea, of course, I mean it is
house.” I was a bit worried about what his dad might think of me, since I spent the night with
son in
house. I decided to keep my worries to myself since it didn’t seem to bother Liam at all.
Why didn’t it bother him?

“Great, because he would like to make us dinner.”

That’s nice of him.”





I’d never had a boyfriend before, so I’d never been able to shower one with gifts; that is, until now. There was this urge inside me to buy Liam a stuffed animal, to buy him nice clothes, shoes, even underwear and socks. I had an urgency to spoil him rotten.

I headed toward Fashion Valley to make him a teddy bear. I always wanted to make a bear for someone special—so many relationships and special moments were marked with cuddly, cotton-stuffed creatures, so this was my chance.

This was definitely every child’s dream. I felt like I was entering a large toy store workshop—prime colors splashed the walls, there were so many options and gadgets to choose from—as I headed toward the stations to get started.

Unsure exactly of the reason, I decided to go with a monkey instead of a bear. After looking over my options, a monkey suited him best. Then I went over to get it stuffed. This overenthusiastic guy—who was probably on caffeine pills—handed me a tiny red stuffed heart and told me I had to make a wish on it so he could put it in the monkey’s chest. I wished long and hard and handed it back to him. Then I carefully picked the outfit that most resembled Liam’s style—a white shirt, camo shorts, and brown sandals—and happily carried it home.
Now that I think about it, I probably should have created a bear that resembled me instead of him.

I started working on a poem. When writer’s block set in I decided to paint over the monkey’s white shirt instead. I used acrylic paint and wrote, “I love you” on the front. On the back I drew a picture of a bonsai tree, his favorite. After a few minutes, I looked it over and was satisfied. I positioned the shirt in such a way that it would dry without leaving smudges on something else, like my carpet. And then, after all the distractions were over and done with, I turned my attention back to the poem.

Filled with so many emotions, I felt it was best to express them in words, like Liam expressed them to me on Valentine’s Day. Once my pen started scribbling, the words flowed from my heart:


Broken Fragments…decoded by your love

Day by day life took its destined course

Feelings, destitute, uncertain


Born with a tiny hole, penetrating my heart

may go unseen by others

Yet to
it has always been there, lingering

Heart not whole but fragile and waiting for the void to be filled

Waiting that is, until now.


The gentle touch, look, sound that you bestow my way

Fills the void that was always there.

Each gentle breath

Each tender caress

Fills me with unknown satisfaction

Nothing can compare.


Movies are fiction

Dreams personified, perfection

Books are expressions of common desires unfolded

Then why does my reality seem to be but a dream?

A scene, a feeling

Written by writers, spoken by actors

Meant for the purpose of fantasy,

idealistic sensation

An exaggeration of a realistic moment

Can it be possible even, that reality be better than a dream?


I believe in destiny

Living life as it comes

letting moments happen as they may

Now that I’ve found you,

I can truly be happy and at peace.


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