Soren's Bondmate (14 page)

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Authors: Mardi Maxwell

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Soren's Bondmate
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"This is why you need alliances," Soren said. "They would give you enough warriors that while some are away fighting others remain behind and protect your home."

"This makes sense," Pelyn said.

"The Crimeryns destroyed your towns first because they wanted to force you to scatter so they could pick you off in small groups. If you ban together you'd be stronger." He tugged on Skye's braid. "Is it possible for an enchantress to maintain a dark krystal fortress large enough for several hundred people to live in on a permanent basis?"

She shook her head. "One couldn't do it but two could."

Bellya leaned toward Soren. "Oh, I like the way you think." She gave Skye a challenging look. "If I'd seen him first he'd belong to me."

"He prefers blondes," Skye glanced at Bellya's dark hair.

Bellya sat back with a pout. Her brother Teryq placed his hands on her shoulders. "You're spoiled, Bellya."

She shoved her chair back and glared at him and Elyna. "Perhaps Mother won't approve of your mate choice."

Teryq grabbed her and gave her a little shake. "Be careful that your words don't harm others. I'd hate to see you ostracized from the village."

"Mother sits on the Krystal Kouncil. She'd never allow that to happen."

"There are some things even she can't prevent." Teryq released her. "Be happy that Skye has found her mate and will remain with us."

"What about me?" Bellya asked. "I need a mate as well."

"Many have pursued you. Choose a mate and be happy."

"You're so blind," she said before she stormed away.

Teryq turned to Skye. "I apologize for my sister's behavior."

"Don't concern yourself. She and I have always had conflict between us," Skye said.

Teryq smiled. "It's because she envies your beauty and strength."

Soren growled a warning and Teryq laughed. "Don't worry. I have my own mate here." He hugged Elyna closer to his side. "Thanks to you."

The bar maid interrupted them when she set a tray of tankards down on the table then squeaked in surprise when Pelyn swatted her bottom and laughed. She bumped his shoulder with her hip before she hurried away.

Soren smiled. The comradery between the warriors felt familiar to him. It forced him to wonder who he'd left behind and if they searched for him. He took a sip of ale then looked at Berit. "No matter what you decide I'm forming alliances with Davyn, Teryq and any of their trusted friends who'll join us." He stood with Skye in his arms. "In the meantime, I have unfinished business with my mate."

# # #

Soren locked the door of the bed chamber and carried Skye to the bed where he dropped her and came down over her.

"Clothes. Gone, now."

She laughed and a nano-unit later they were naked.

Soren sat up, ran his hands over her shoulders, across her breasts and belly and down to her knees. "Oh, little heart, what the sight of you does to me." He slid his hands between her legs, ran them up to the apex of her thighs and spread her legs wide.


He used his thumbs to open her before he leaned down and tasted her.

She moaned, bowed her back and lifted her hips.

He glanced up, grinned, and ran his tongue over and around her clit before he slid it into her. She moaned again and he ran his hands up her body to her breasts. Her nipples hardened beneath his palms. He plucked at them while he tongued her.

Skye smoothed her hands over his head and spread her legs wider, giving him better access. "Oh, Soren."

He kissed her then circled her clit with his tongue. "You taste like the sweetest wine." He slid up her body, paused at her breasts long enough to give each nipple a gentle suck then moved up and kissed her.

Skye wrapped her legs around his body, encouraging him to take her. He chuckled and pulled away.

"Not yet, little heart." He flipped her over and planted a kiss on her nape then bit her shoulder and felt her shiver. Little by little, inch by inch, he kissed his way down her body to her butt where he nipped a rounded cheek before licking and nibbling his way down her legs. When he reached her feet he grabbed her waist, lifted her onto her knees and moved between her legs. "Now." He began easing into her.

She tried to hurry him by pressing back but he held her still while he slowly inched into her.

He withdrew then began again. This time going deeper until he was pressed up against her. He withdrew again then thrust in and heard her gasp with pleasure.

He began a pattern of fast, deep thrusts interspersed with slow, gliding strokes that pressed into her G-spot. The wet heat around his cock drove him on as the scent of their lovemaking filled the air.

When he felt her tighten around his cock he stopped, forcing her impending orgasm away. She mewled with disappointment. He ran his hands over her back, soothing her. "Patience."

"I want to come," Skye said. "Please."

"Not yet."

He began thrusting again and stopped when he felt her orgasm begin. He pulled out of her, flipped her over and entered her again while he kissed her.

Skye wrapped her legs around his waist and met his thrusts. He slid his lips to her neck and nibbled on the soft skin beneath her ear then reared up, pulled her legs up around his waist and thrust wildly into her.

She slid her hands over his belly to the base of his cock. The extra stimulation sent him over the edge and he pushed her into an orgasm before letting his own overtake him. They shook with raw pleasure as he collapsed over her and held her close.

Skye kissed his neck and ran her hands over his back until he relaxed against her and rolled to her side.

Soren turned her onto her side and spooned her. "Sleep now."

Skye wiggled for a moment then settled. "I'll contact the six enchantresses I know and form an alliance with them."

"Contact them and arrange to have their male relatives meet with me. Devyn, Teryq and I will form the alliances."

She rolled over to face him. "Without the agreement of the females there won't be any alliances. They have to agree first."

"Devyn and Teryq have already agreed."

"Yes, and right now they're trying to talk their females into accepting the alliance."

Soren snorted. "They'll do as they're told."

"Oh, really? I don't know what your world is like but in mine females are equal and when it comes to our safety we have first say." She climbed off the bed, covered herself with a robe, moved to the fireplace and turned to face him. "If I don't agree there will not be an alliance of any kind with anyone."

Soren left the bed and stalked toward her. "I told you that your safety comes first and this is the best arrangement to assure that." He crowded her but she refused to step back.

"And, I've told you over and over that we're equal partners. We make these decisions together or not at all."

"Tell me your opposition to an alliance with Devyn and Teryq."

"I have none other than you did not consult with me before offering one." She frowned. "And, now I have to spend more time with Bellya."

Soren hid his grin. His little love was jealous but even he knew better than to point it out. Instead he said, "You could have said something at the time."

Skye turned away. "As soon as we entered the tavern and the fight began you blocked me from your mind. Had I spoken out loud then others would have known we were not in accord." She rubbed her temples.

Soren wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back against him. "I'm sorry, little heart." He nuzzled her neck. "I didn't want you to feel the pain I felt when I was hit. By protecting you from that I've caused you unnecessary distress."

She covered his hands with hers and nodded. "From now on please consult me before you make decisions about our future."

"Agreed, now come back to bed. We still have unfinished business."

Skye smiled. "I thought we'd concluded that."

"Oh, no, we've just begun."



Chapter Eleven


The next cycle at the sun's zenith Soren and Skye met with Devyn and Teryq, as well as their females and warriors at the tavern.

Teryq stood at the front of the room near the fireplace. "I've invited three of my trusted friends to join us. Among them they have one conjurer, two enchantresses, twenty warriors, and several healers. They live in several nearby villages and will be here soon."

Devyn spoke from his place at the end of a table. "Two of my friends and their warriors and females are also joining us to discuss the possibility of an alliance. They have an enchantress, one conjurer and several healers."

"Has anyone considered if we need the approval of the Krystali Kouncil before we do this?" someone asked.

Taryq spoke up. "I consulted with my Mother earlier this cycle. She said an alliance is warrior business and the Kouncil wouldn't concern themselves with it."

As soon as he finished speaking the door opened and Berit entered with his warriors including Raina and Zanlie and their mates. "We've decided to hear what you have to say," Berit said.

"Fair enough," Soren said and relaxed in a chair next to Skye. He linked his mind with hers and continued their previous argument. "I still don't see why you won't sit on my lap. I like holding you."

Skye sighed. "Because it is not appropriate when we're discussing war. I agreed to sit on your lap when we're alone."

"I want you to sit on my lap when we're relaxing."


"You're not compromising."

"I am a warrior. Warriors do not sit on other warrior's laps."

Before Soren could argue further the door opened again and a large group of people entered. Five huge warriors and their females approached the table where Soren and the other leaders sat. Their warriors hung back and took up places along the walls and watched each other warily.

The first warrior to enter stood and introduced himself. "I am Korbyn and this is my enchantress mate Falyn. I bring seven warriors with me." He sat down and the next warrior stepped forward.

"I am Levyt and this is my enchantress mate Karyn. I bring eight warriors with me." He sat down and another warrior stepped forward.

"I am Willet and this is my conjurer mate Seryl. I bring five warriors with me."

Another warrior took his place. "I am Tevyn and this is my enchantress mate Robyn. I bring eight warriors." He sat down and the last warrior stepped forward. "I am Stefyn and this is my conjurer mate Jayla. I bring eight warriors." He sat down and Berit, Teryq and Devyn introduced themselves and their mates.

Soren rose. "I am Soren and this is my enchantress mate, Skye. I speak for both of us when I propose that we form an alliance of warriors. In this room alone we have five enchantresses, six conjurers and over ninety krystal warriors. How many healers are among you?"

Teryq spoke. "At least ten or twelve."

Soren nodded. "That gives us a group of over one-hundred people. This village also has another two-hundred people who need our protection. My mate has assured me that two enchantresses could maintain a dark fortress for that many people."

Skye stood. "Here alone we have eleven fighting groups with five enchantresses. Two could remain at the fortress and defend it while the others go out and fight."

Devyn stood. "We could divide the healers among the fighting groups and leave some here in the fortress for the villagers."

Berit rolled out a map. "Our continent is divided by this range of mountains. The north side is desert and uninhabited. This side is where the population lives and it extends south to the ocean that lies between Edyn and Crimeryn. Kryscent sits here in the middle." He pointed to the map. "We need a line of fortresses along the base of the mountains from east to west. From them we could travel into the surrounding countryside and attack the enemy."

Devyn stood. "We should leave fortresses across the land until we reach the ocean and push the Crimeryn's back to their own continent."

Skye stood and addressed the enchantresses. "We each need to contact the enchantresses we know and invite them to join us. I know seven other enchantresses." She named them then asked for a list of enchantresses and conjurers they knew.

The other enchantresses listed the enchantresses and conjurers they knew.

Skye smiled. "This gives us almost forty enchantresses to contact in this area. I propose that we obtain their agreement to an alliance and then have them contact the enchantresses they know and ask them to join us. If all goes well we could have a line of dark fortresses in less than a moon phase."

Bellya stood. "I suggest that we arrange the fortresses so that groups who have fought together in the past will be next to each other. That way they can continue to fight and support each other."

"Excellent suggestion Bellya," Teryq said.

Soren nodded. "Mark on the map who you know and where they're located. We need to contact them, hold a meeting just as we've done here and get them to agree to an alliance." He looked around. "We need someone here to keep track of those who have joined and their locations."

Stefyn stepped forward. "I'll do that. I can also provide each of you with a code before you leave so the enemy won't know what we're saying."

His mate, Jayla, smiled and stood up next to him. "Have your mates do the reporting." She glanced at Stefyn. "Use the code you developed for me and my sisters."

Stefyn laughed. "It will work and the Crimeryn's won't even take note until it's too late."

Berit stood "When you meet with the enchantresses and their warriors make sure the meetings are secure. We don’t want the Crimeryns to get wind of what we're doing before we put the plan into action."

"This is the design Skye and I believe will work the best." Soren grabbed a marker, flipped the map over and drew a large circle. "Each fortress should sit in the center of a five kilometer clearing. It should be one kilometer in diameter."

Skye took the pen. "The villagers need to build a wall at least nine meters high inside the fortress. Along the inside of the wall they will build sleeping rooms. Bathing chambers will be shared and spaced every ten rooms. Other common spaces, like dining and meeting areas, will be in the middle. The rooms along the wall will have flat roofs where watchers can be posted."

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