Soul Betrayed (17 page)

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Authors: Katlyn Duncan

BOOK: Soul Betrayed
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From the way that everyone referred to him, I thought he would be dressed differently. Instead of pristine clothes like Felix insisted on wearing, he wore tan cloth pants and a white loose shirt. He looked like he had been a desert-dweller for a long time. Thinking about that, he probably had been. If the Guard were so intent on finding the Shadowed, no doubt they would be in search of the one who led them.

He offered his hand with a deep nod, “I am Abidan.” I narrowed my eyes, recognizing him as the Caeleste from the warehouse. He’d been there the night of Leha’s death and had done nothing to help her.

I lifted my hand and his rough fingers enveloped mine. The butterflies in my stomach calmed significantly, creating a sinking sensation in their wake as I stared into the depths of his golden eyes. Even though I’d seen those eyes on many of the Caeleste, being this close to the one who was my distant relative was different. My shoulders dropped. His welcoming expression made me feel like I had returned home after so many years of being lost.

His head tilted to the side as he moved his hand over mine and pulled me closer. “Let’s get acquainted, shall we?” His voice rumbled his body, the vibrating sensation traveling through me.

I nodded.

He led me to the back of the room and pushed aside one of the thick cloths from the wall revealing a hidden door. I heard Hannah move behind us but Abidan lifted a hand to stop her. Her lip curled but she said nothing.

Abidan turned without a second thought. Jackson had been right, Abidan wasn’t happy with Hannah’s insolence, something I could use to my advantage.

I held his arm tighter against me for fear of tripping over something in the darkness but I was surprised when the cloth fell back into place and the room remained dimly illuminated. The floor had a few slits in it, revealing light from below. He led me down a set of jagged stairs carved from the rock and my hands dropped to my sides as I took in the wondrous sight before me.

A body of water sparkled, giving off the same bluish light I’d seen from above. The ceiling was high and reflected the same light. He pointed to the far side of the rock ceiling. “We are close to the surface here. There are pockets in the rock that allow light to come through.

If we were close to the surface, I wondered if there was another route of escape through there. I’d have to pay close attention to any hidden doors, because leaving through Abidan’s room probably wouldn’t be the smartest idea but if it came down to it we might have to.

“How long have you lived here?” I asked.

“We took over this facility over fifty years ago. Our numbers had grown and I wanted to be able to house all of my followers.” He paused as if contemplating his next words. “The fact that you are here proves that you agree to join us, is that correct?”

I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

“There is no need for Guard formality down here. We are family. Call me Abidan.”

The word family had piqued my interest. “You were the one who started my line, is that right?”

He smiled proudly. “I see Jackson didn’t give you a history lesson.”

“He offered,” I lied. “But I wanted to hear it from the source. There are some things that I’m assuming are kept in the family.”

He regarded me. “I am the one who started the line that you are a part of. Before we came to this Realm, there was a divide among the Caeleste. Our leader regulated our food source, favoring those who proved their loyalty to him, leaving villages of Caeleste starving and dying.” Abidan spoke as if the scene were unfolding right before his eyes. “My brother, Noah, was a Rodas like you. He and a few others would take rations to those who were the most in need, including our family. When this supposed treason was found out, there was an After-wide search to root out all traitors to the cause and make an example of them.” His gaze softened. “Noah had risked himself to save us, so I made the decision to save him and some of the other Rodas who were in mortal danger. No Caeleste had ever dared to go to the Living Realm, but that was our only choice. We didn’t know if we would survive but we had to try. I would rather have died with Noah than watch him suffer that fate.”

I sensed our familial link as he spoke. Jackson had commented many times how spirited and passionate I was, but Abidan was the very essence of those emotions. His presence was mesmerizing. But I caught myself.
He was the enemy.

“We gathered roughly fifty Caeleste and found an entrance to this Realm.”

“Gate Seven?”

“There was no Gate Seven. There never was a defined barrier between Realms. We coexisted peacefully, never crossing over. But when we left, Gate Seven was created as a way to block us from our home. There didn’t used to be Soul Collectors and Guard. That was all created to keep us out.”

“How did souls make it to the After before that?”

“After death, a soul went in search of its True Soul which was kept with the Rodas. After those Caeleste found out how we survived here, they once again tightened their grip on souls. When half of our original group started to die, Noah and several other Rodas figured out that we were able to feed from souls who were still inside their bodies.” His eyes stared at the water as if he were seeing something I couldn’t. “It’s not something I am proud to do but it was either that or die.”

“Did you try to go back?”

“We tried but were refused entrance to our home.”

I thought of the last time I’d seen Gate Seven and a shiver crept down my spine. “Is that why you tried to destroy it?”

His gaze narrowed. “Yes,” he replied honestly. “Do you find it fair that those souls out there will never be with their True Soul? They are turned out of their rightful home and that is because of me. It took me some time to realize the consequences of my actions, which is why I have striven to make up for what I’ve done to my followers. They deserve to have their place in the After and I am going to give it to them.”

I rubbed my sweaty palms over my pants. “Where do I fit into all of this? I don’t have the Rodas powers anymore. At least not until next year.”

“There is a way for you to manifest your powers sooner than that. And if you help us, we can return all those innocent souls out there to their rightful home.”

I hesitated, taking in all the new information.

“I don’t want to unfairly sway you, but Felix was one of those who wanted to destroy the Rodas. Who is to say when you transform that he will welcome you where you rightfully belong? There needs to be a change and I believe that you and I will be instrumental in that.”

I remembered how Felix had looked defeated when he had told me what I was. “But why wouldn’t he have destroyed me over the past hundred years?”

“Even if you had a child that you weren’t proud of, would you destroy it?”

The Caeleste were a close-knit group with a particular affinity for the Prognatum. “I suppose not.”

“I will tell you anything you want to know. That is where those Caeleste and I are different. I will never lie to you.”

“If I can’t trust Felix, why should I trust you?” I wasn’t sure if I was stepping out of bounds but my humanity overcame my desire to walk on eggshells. If I was going to find out anything it wouldn’t happen if I was easily persuaded. And I sensed Abidan knew that.

“You are nothing like them. You don’t belong with those who will stifle your rightful powers. As much as you think you are like the humans, you are much more. And you have compassion. Why are the Collected souls any better than these ones that I care for? I didn’t make a mistake in saving my race, I am just trying to make it right for those that I have harmed.”

His golden eyes were unmoving as he waited for my response. I had been torn in two between my need to protect my after-life home and my family. Even though I had just met Abidan, I knew he intended to help the Shadowed, but I also sensed he was withholding information. And my new plan formed. I needed to get that information before I could think of leaving this place. Even though it was the only thing I wanted to do now that I had met my extended family.


“Why all of this trouble to get me here?” I asked. “Not that I don’t want to be here,” I corrected quickly. “But first David, then Hannah and you. Why not any of the other Rodas that came with you?”

Abidan’s gaze narrowed. “First of all, David’s plan was not sanctioned by me. He and a group of his own followers went in search of you for his own selfish reasons. And secondly, there are no more Rodas on this Realm. There haven’t been for a long time, that is until you were born. As one of the most revered members of the Caeleste race and the strongest your immense power will be able to open the Gate and allow us to return to where we belong.”

The more information I received, the more confused I became. I moved to the water’s edge, taking it all in. “What happened to the others?” I asked quietly. Even though I hadn’t known any of them, we shared a special gift.

“The Rodas are all gone now,” his said sadly. “Most of them perished soon after we left the After. There was a time where we nearly starved to death. Noah was the last Rodas and he was the one who realized we could feed from a live human.”

Nausea rolled around in my stomach.

Abidan came to my side. “This is why I ask for your help. I want to save these souls and make everything right again. I am asking you to commit to my cause.” He took my hands in his, startling me with his touch. “I would never stifle your true destiny. You are a Rodas and you will forever be one. It’s only a matter of time before you transform. You need to be prepared to control your fate. I am able to give you those tools and when the time is right we can all return home.”

I met his gaze. The opportunity that Jackson spoke of was staring me in the face. I needed to learn my power, but it also terrified me. Would I turn into the monster that I had before or would I be able to control it?

“I know it has been tough for you after Leha’s passing,” he said. “I feel a responsibility for that. Hannah was reckless and has been properly dealt with. You were taught to fear the Shadowed but I want to show you that there is nothing to fear from anyone here. I am willing to let your true nature shine where others had tried to stifle it.”

“Thank you,” I said quickly, not wanting to stir any feelings about Leha.

“I know you must have many questions, but I want to make sure you are dedicated to our cause. It has come to my attention that you were in search of your friend?”

My heartbeat roared in my ears. Ollie must have told on us. I wondered if they would realize he was missing? There was no use in lying to him if he already knew and I sensed his question would gauge my loyalty. “Yes. I went to Jamie’s house to visit and realized she was missing. She was supposed to be with another Percipio at the time so I tried to reach her there.”

He sighed. “It’s unfortunate since Percipios are almost kin to us.” He smiled as if he were amused by a private joke. “Like second cousins. But the one that Ms. Blackhorn was to visit had disappeared several weeks ago.”

Several weeks ago? I tried to keep the surprise from my face. Jackson said she had killed herself and I’d seen her at Gate Seven.

“That is unfortunate,” I said, mechanically.

“Quite,” he responded, his eyes gauging my reaction.

We were silent for several seconds. The hairs on my arms stood up, but I kept my body still. I couldn’t show him that I knew more than what he had told me.

“I’d like to show you our home if you would follow me through here,” he said, completely changing the subject. He was up to something, I just had to figure out what it was.

Abidan lead me down another set of stairs, further away from his room. As with the rest of the facility I made mental notes of locations and distances between everything. I had a map in my mind that hopefully would come in handy sooner rather than later.

He opened a door at the end of the stairs. As it widened I knew exactly where he’d taken me.

The cavernous room I’d seen upon our arrival was bigger than I thought. Hundreds of Shadowed congregated inside. The few that were closest to us had turned and stared. I lifted my chin trying not to make eye contact and I stuck close to Abidan as we traveled through the crowd. I avoided any one set of eyes and my stomach started to twist as the path we’d entered from had closed in with Shadowed.

Abidan stopped and I nearly bumped into him. He faced his followers who had become silent while I searched the crowd for Jackson, but he was nowhere in sight. Was he still waiting for me outside of Abidan’s room? I clasped my hands together behind my back so no one could see them shaking.

“My followers!” Abidan called. “Today is a great day!” He grinned widely. “I am reunited with a family member who has been lost for many years. She has found her way back to her rightful place and has bravely agreed to help me in getting you all back home to where you belong.”

Even though I hadn’t agreed to do anything, he seemed to think I would after his performance.

All eyes were on him. For the first time I was able to take in the number of Shadowed in the room. They were no match for the amount of Guard in the After but they made up for it in determination. Their eyes were glued to Abidan and they hung on each word.

Abidan’s hand plopped on my shoulder, making me jump. I looked up into his golden eyes that were filled with pride, and the knot in my stomach twisted tighter. “Maggie is truly special. She was a Soul Collector for a century and loves souls almost as much as I do.” He turned to the Shadowed. “Together we will succeed where we have failed before.”

“Why should we trust her?” someone called from the crowd. I knew who it was before I saw his face. Ollie stood on the fringe, his arms crossed over his chest.

I gasped. Jackson had destroyed him. He was the only one who knew that Jackson and I weren’t aligned with Abidan. But as I looked closer, I realized that it wasn’t Ollie, but someone who could be his twin.

Abidan turned to the Ollie lookalike and grinned. “Maggie has been under Felix’s thumb for the past century. He hid away her memories.” Where he had started speaking directly to the Shadowed man, his voice started to rise at another opportunity to dispel any doubt within the group. “But now she has her memories back and we are going to work diligently on the next step. Which I am hoping will win you over, Lucius.” Abidan came to within inches of Lucius. “Because I would hate if one of my most faithful friends couldn’t join us in the After.”

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