Soul Scars (Dog Haven Sanctuary Romance) (6 page)

Read Soul Scars (Dog Haven Sanctuary Romance) Online

Authors: Tasman Gibb

Tags: #Romance, #Dog Story, #Lovers, #Dog Rescue, #Contemporary Romace

BOOK: Soul Scars (Dog Haven Sanctuary Romance)
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He kept his back to her when he spoke. “Did I agree to that?”

“Sure you did.”

“I don’t remember…”

“Blame the medication.”

“I’m not taking my medication.”

“Perhaps you should.”

Vince dropped the sanding block on the workbench and took a step towards her, making her shift more upright in the armchair. “So you think Zombie-Vince is preferable to this?”

“Yeah.” She paused. “No, I doubt it.”

“Sure about that?” He took another step.

She could hardly breathe, and if he came much closer, her heart would stop. “I’m not sure about anything right now,” she said softly. She and Vince had hung out on occasion for nearly a year. But whatever happened between them recently changed their casual friendship, and suddenly, any time she was in his vicinity, the air became scarce and her heart jumped about like that of a hunted rabbit.

There was still space between Vince and the door, and staying with the rabbit thing, she jumped to her feet and called Joker.

“Lulah, wait.”

Oh, hell.

“I go to the Farmers Market each Saturday. Why don’t we go together?”

Yeah, why not? The Farmers Market would be perfectly safe, not a date, just a shopping trip. “Nice idea, let’s do that.”

“Good, I’ll pick you up at nine.”

“Sounds perfect. Good night, Vince.”

“Sleep tight, Lulah.”

She could hear the smile in his voice. Sleep was unlikely, at least until she settled herself.

Chapter 5

UICK, VINCE, THE relish and pickles have almost sold out.” Lulah grabbed his hand and tugged him in the direction of her favorite preserves stall. She hadn’t visited the Halo Peak Farmers Market for some months, and she was down to the last half-inch in a jar of Mrs. Mueller’s amazing relish. At her stall, they tasted the samples, joking and laughing until Vince caught her, suggesting she try the most wicked jelly, without any warning as to its heat level.

“This is genuine UHT relish,” he said as he placed a sample on her tongue.

She gasped as the fiery bite of eye-watering preserve blasted her mouth. Swallowing quickly, Lulah coughed. “Oh, you’re going to pay for that, Vince,” she warned.

“I thought you’d like Ultra Hot Tomato relish,” he teased.

“I couldn’t find any tomato in that. Just blistering heat. What is it?”

Vince picked up the test pot and read the label. “Ah, you’re right, there is no tomato; it’s Habañero Pepper Jelly.” He replaced the pot and grinned at her. “Come on, let me make it up to you with something sweet.”

“All right, but I get to choose. Follow me.” She led him through a shortcut to a stall where a young woman had for the past year tempted the market crowd with both classic and unique hand-made chocolates.

“Lulah! I haven’t seen you for such a long time.”

“Too long, I know, Jess. I’ve been busy at work.”

“You call that work?” Jess indicated towards Vince.

“Oh, you’ve no idea how much work he is,” Lulah replied.

“If he’s what’s kept you busy on Saturday mornings, he sounds like exactly the sort of work you need.”

Lulah made introductions and watched Vince work his magic on Jess. When he was on form, he charmed her, and Lulah felt a rush of pleasure at being in his company.

“I want to seduce Vince with one of your chocolates…I meant, seduce him into becoming a fan of yours.” Boy, did that ever come out wrong, and the way Vince looked at her now made her cheeks hot. “Vince, close your eyes while I choose a chocolate for you.”

Perhaps he felt guilty for having scoured her taste buds with the chili because he complied without hesitation. From the display, Lulah chose a chocolate which she allowed to warm a little in her hand. “I have to tell you, these are exquisite chocolates. Jess roasts and hand-grinds her own cacao beans so her chocolate is rich and bitter. This one I’ve chosen has a rosewater ganache with ground pistachios. It’s not the most exotic, and it’s certainly not what you would call a classic truffle, but the way the delicate rose comes through at the end to linger on your palate is heavenly. Even though you’re a man, I think you’ll appreciate it.”

On the other side of the table, Jess almost doubled-over, doing her best to suppress her laughter.

Lulah raised the chocolate to Vince’s mouth, painting his lips with one careful swipe. “Uh-uh,” she warned as he opened to take it in. “Taste that smear first.” She’d carefully brushed his mouth with only the rich coating. He slipped his tongue across it, tasted it, and smiled.

“Very good.”

“Ready for more?”

“You bet.”

“The best way to enjoy this is to hold it in your mouth, let the outer, more bitter chocolate melt across your tongue, and allow the layers of sweetness to slowly reveal themselves.” She popped it into his mouth, watching him hold the chocolate as she’d instructed. On her tiptoes, she spoke near his ear. “Suck it gently while I count to five, Vince, then sink your teeth in to bite through.” She turned to the Jess and winked.

Lulah counted to five, reminded Vince to bite gently, and waited.

His eyes flew open. “Jesus, Lulah!”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full; now swallow,” she teased.

Vince gulped like a seagull. “What the hell was that?”

The women broke into fits of laughter. Jess recovered first and answered. “Wasabi, seaweed, ginger, and black sesame. It’s really rather nice, under the right circumstances, but I can’t imagine what it tasted like if you were expecting something sweet.”

“It tasted like the bottom of a goldfish bowl…with horseradish.”

“I’m not sure that’s a compliment.” Jess smiled. “Let me put a few together that might be more to your liking. They add a certain flourish to a romantic evening.”

Lulah could feel her cheeks warming again. The idea of a romantic evening with Vince was something she’d thought about a lot recently. Was it that obvious to Jess or had she presumed some sort of relationship because they were here at the market together?

Jess handed the bag to Vince. “No charge, as long as you make that woman happy. And if you think my chocolates helped, be sure to tell your friends.”

After thanking her, they moved along, and this time, Vince led the way. “Nice trick, Lulah, especially after building the idea of the sweet chocolate in my mind. Way more sophisticated than my clumsy attempt with the chili.”

“A touch of finesse wins every time.”

Vince wrapped his arm around her, pulling her in to plant a quick kiss on the top of her head. “Thanks, Lulah, this is fun.”

“Are you doing okay with the crowds?”

“I’m doing great. I’m ignoring the crowds and concentrating on you. Come this way; there is something I’d like you to see.”

Adjacent to the covered area of the market was an open field where several carnival rides set up. She was surprised that he bypassed the more thrilling rides, the shooting gallery, and strength games to take her directly to the carousel.

“Did you ever ride the carousel?”

“Yeah, I did. Dad sometimes helped out at fairs when I was a kid. I loved the carousel.”

“Your favorite animal?

“Definitely a dog I once rode. My other favorite was a porpoise. I don’t know why, because I’d never visited the ocean, but its lines were so sleek. What about you?”

“Oh, I’m a traditionalist. I love the horses. My Granddad made carousel animals, carved them from wood. I think I enjoyed watching him, learning how to do it, more than actually riding the carousel. Recently, I’ve been trying my hand again at wood carving. I have one of Granddad’s horses to restore that I found at the back of a car wrecker’s yard. And somebody tracked me down online, from a wood carving forum where I go sometimes, and they’re sending me a tiger they want restored. I’m going to try making one from scratch, too. Although I’ve done graphic design, I prefer working directly with my hands over using a computer.” They’d now reached the carousel. “Come on, there’s not much of a line; let’s have a ride.”

The ride was safari park themed, and they stood back, waiting for the children to barter it out over the elephant, tiger, and lion. When the children were settled, Vince told Lulah to pick her ride. She chose a hummingbird, and once she’d straddled it, Vince took her hands, wrapping them around the pole, before he took the antelope alongside her. The music started, and the carousel set off in its counter-clockwise direction with children waving and calling out to their camera-wielding parents. Lulah didn’t think she’d ever seen Vince so relaxed.

At the end of the ride, they dismounted, Vince taking a moment to run his hand over the lines of the antelope. “Did you ever want to have one of the carousel animals at home with you, so that you could ride it all the time?” He continued before she had a chance to answer him. “You see, here,” he pointed to the antelope’s legs, “you can affix a set of rockers, and it makes a piece for a child to play on.”

“An adult, too,” Lulah said.

He turned and grinned at her. “I’m going to make one. I’ll draw something up and show you.”

A few yards away a balloon burst, and Vince jumped, grabbing her, and pulling her with him. In a flash, he apologized for his reaction. “Always the risk at a place like this, sorry, Lulah.”

“No problem, are you alright?” She watched as he slipped a few glances around then came back to her.

“Yeah, I’m good, but I’m ready to leave. Do you mind if I wait for you in the pickup?”

“It’s fine. I’m ready to head home, too.” He took her hand, his a little clammy, as they went behind the rides towards the car park.

“Let’s make dinner together tonight, and after, we can have a game of chocolate roulette.”


“Lulah, behave.” Vince laughed.

He was right, but if she was going to behave, she shouldn’t even be having him over for dinner.

Chapter 6

INCE ARRIVED HOME after midnight. Earlier that evening, when Lulah headed off to bed, he’d moved his pickup to the end of her drive so that when he left the barn to drive home, he wouldn’t disturb her. It distracted him for a while, thinking about her across the yard, asleep there on the porch, but as he concentrated more on the carving that was to sit across the rear of Gable’s wagon, Lulah slipped out of his mind.

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