Soul Weaver (24 page)

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Authors: Hailey Edwards

Tags: #Fiction / Romance - Paranormal

BOOK: Soul Weaver
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“Shhh.” He tucked her to his chest and rocked her as best he could with their bodies joined. Tears burned her eyes, but she wouldn’t let them fall, refused to let him see them. Once the sting subsided, the rhythmic shift of his hips beneath hers rekindled her desire. She shuddered through a hard breath and knew she had to have more.

“I’m ready,” she said, already moving against him.

“Thank God.” He covered her mouth with his as he thrust upward and swallowed her short, startled cry. Hard and thick, he overfilled her as his long strokes turned to shorter, urgent thrusts.

Each powerful flex of his hips pushed her closer to the edge. For the second time tonight, her inner muscles tightened. Clenched over Nathaniel’s erection, her sensitized flesh registered his every retreat, every return to her.

Stomach tensed, her body quivered as white light exploded behind her eyes and blanked her vision. Nathaniel growled his release against her neck. Clutching her to his chest, he shuddered, holding her so tight her sight swam as it tried to return.

Even after their heartbeats slowed, his large body still cradled hers. His warmth seeped into her bones and made the thought of moving impossible. Pins and needles stung her right foot, and she would have bet money his legs were numb too.

“Thank you.” Chills spread across her skin as his lips feathered the words over her throat.

She tucked her face against his neck. It was a silly thing to do because he must have seen her blush a hundred times by now. “You’re welcome.” Her nails scratched his back in light strokes, earning her another kiss, this one pressed to her shoulder.

“Are you tired?” he asked.

All that held her upright was his arms around her waist. Otherwise, she would have melted into a puddle on the floor at his feet. “Maybe a little.”

He slipped from her body, then locked her ankles around his hips and stood. She didn’t mind. Her forehead braced on his chest and her eyes drifted closed a few times on the short trip from the living room to the bedroom.

Springs squeaked as he laid her on her bed. Right before he pulled away, she trapped his face between her palms and poured her thanks into the soft press of her lips over the seam of his mouth.

He wandered into the bathroom with a lopsided grin plastered on his face. He returned with a damp cloth. Careful of her tender spots, he cleaned her thighs and between her legs, then cleaned himself.

His gaze traveled between her face and the spot next to her. His decision to stay or go was a tangible weight pressing on her chest. When his expression turned dubious, she realized she’d missed her cue and patted the mattress beside her. She wished her sheets were sexy instead of covered in cartoon dolphins, but she hadn’t thought to change them. “Would you like to stay?”

His answer was to fall into bed with her, scoop her back to his front, and curl his much larger body around hers. One arm bent so he could prop his head in his hand and look down at her while the other tucked her against him. “You should get some sleep.”

Stifling a yawn, she asked, “Aren’t you tired?”

“Exhausted.” His voice softened. “I just want to hold you while I can.”

He really did say the sweetest things. “Mmkay.” As far as she was concerned, Nathaniel could hold her as long as he wanted.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Tingles worked through Nathaniel’s hand where it had fallen asleep sandwiched between Chloe’s thighs. A strand of hair clung to her forehead and curled under his nose. He brushed the strand aside with gentle fingers as her soft sigh blew heated air across his chest. Their connection filled his ears with a steady hum, almost a purr of contentment from his soul as it sought out hers and reveled in her nearness.

Sex had changed things, awakened the side of him tired of masquerading as a human. His true form peaked through the veil cast by his pendant, eager to share all he was with her and know exhilarating acceptance for once in his staid life. His soul thought it had found its mate.

Focused heat on his cheek turned his head toward an uncovered window. Acceptance, he reminded himself, was a dream made of mists and easily evaporated by morning light.

A sleepy sound brought his attention back to Chloe. Or maybe the disturbance hadn’t been a sound but a sliver of awareness drifting tentatively in his direction.

He traced the curve of her cheek and his skin tightened with the perfect memory of last night. If he had a lifetime, or if she had eternity, he suspected he would never tire of waking in her arms.

Yawning, she opened one dark eye. “You’re staring.”

“You’re beautiful.” He kissed the tip of her nose, the only part of her within easy reach. “So you have only yourself to blame.

A lion’s share of doubt filled that one eye. “So you say.” Another yawn, this one covered, and she rolled to her side of the bed. Back arched, her knuckles brushed the headboard, and toes peeked from beneath the covers.

Beneath the thin sheet, her nipples hardened and strained as she stretched. Failure to resist temptation led him to cup one of the soft mounds in his hand. Her low moan strangled after she blinked a few times. “It’s bright in here.” She bolted upright. “What time is it?”

Time had gone the way of his plans, right out the window. “I’m not sure.”

Shoving him back against his pillow, she crawled over him and knocked something from her nightstand. “The store opened hours ago.” He grunted when she swung her leg over him and wiggled until her foot touched the floor. She glanced back. “Sorry about that.” She walked gingerly to her closet; then he heard hangers scratch across metal. “I’m used to rolling right out of bed in the morning.” She made a pit stop at her dresser. “This is the first time I’ve had to roll over somebody to do it.”

“I’m fine.” Or he would be after a long, cold shower.

With a towel hung over her shoulder and an armful of clothes, she took one step toward the bathroom, then one step back. “Do you need to grab a shower?”

Her invitation was clear, but her steps were careful this morning. She was sore. So the last place Nathaniel should be was naked in a shower with her. His hands, yeah, they had minds of their own where she was concerned.

“You go ahead.” He stood and let the sheet fall. Her focus homed in below his navel and did nothing for his resolve. “I should swing by and check on Bran.” He needed to know if there had been any other Saul sightings. “I think I’ll grab a shower and a change of clothes while I’m there.” Her lips turned down at the corners and his resolve took a hit. “Since we’re already late for work, what if I pick up some bagels and coffee on my way back? Neve can handle the store, and I can give you a proper good morning.”

Another measured glance at the clock said the idea of calling in late was foreign to her.

“You know, even bosses get the occasional day off here and there.” He found himself talking his way into a day with her. “I could tell Neve you’ll be out sick today.”

She tried to frown, but her lips curved in the wrong direction. “You’re a bad influence on me.” She stared down her nose at him. “Besides, I would never lie to Neve.”

“You wouldn’t have to.” He bent to retrieve his pants. “I’d do it for you.”

“Shoo.” A wad of terry cloth bounced off his shoulder where she’d thrown her balled up washcloth. “The sooner you leave, the sooner you’ll get back.”

He glanced between her and the mattress, imagining a day spent under the covers with her in his arms. “I expect to find you right here waiting for me.”

“Dream on,” she snorted. “You mentioned food and now you have to deliver.” She spun on her heel with a laugh and left him to appreciate the sway of her hips as she disappeared inside the bathroom.

The fabric clutched in his hand was a poor substitute for the soft woman whistling as knobs squeaked and she adjusted water for her shower. He yanked his slacks on with a frustrated growl.

The rock-hard lump in his pants promised he could watch her bathe without joining in, but his hard-as-a-rock head knew a good lie when he heard one. He smoothed a hand down his face.
I need some air,
he thought. Arousal flushed his face, made his skin dampen.
It’s stifling in here.

The knob rattled and Chloe’s head popped around the door, locating him right where she’d left him. “Are you hot?” Her cheek rested against the doorjamb. “The thermostat is down the hall, across from the spare bedroom.”

“I—Thanks.” He watched her for a minute. Long enough that she gave him a strange look. He almost thought… but it was impossible.
couldn’t have read
mind. She had no angel blood. “I’ll dial it down before I leave.”

“It’s not too late to change your mind.” The door opened a fraction more, enough for him to see the shower’s steam had made her skin rosy with its heat. “About leaving, I mean.”

His fingers brushed the button of his pants before his resolve caught up to him. Instead, he tucked his hand into his pocket. “I’m already dressed.” Despite her invitation, she must be sore. He knew better than to think if he stayed he could keep his hands to himself. “You’re hungry. I should go.”

“All right,” she said on a sigh. “Hurry back and be careful.”

His lips parted and his heart skipped a beat. “I will be.”

Long after she closed the door, he walked over and pressed his palm flat against the raised panel. Soft words were muffled by the splatter of water and density of wood, but if he focused, he could hear her song in his head.

Throughout his existence, whether armed with a holy sword or his shears, no one ever questioned his ability to get his job done. No one ever doubted he would return unharmed, and never had anyone asked him to be careful. Until Chloe.

He thumped his forehead against the hard wood as the apple scent of her shampoo filled his next breath. Cheerful notes sang through lips he lived to kiss, made him smile despite himself.

had sliced a rift through his heart and walked right through it.

Heaven help him. He loved her. More than anything or anyone, she was his.

Chapter Twenty-Three

After descending the stairs from Chloe’s apartment, Nathaniel spotted Neve and cut behind the counter. He kept as close to the wall and as far from customers and her as he could. Still, she caught his eye and gave him a look that promised they would talk, and his honorable intentions would be discussed.

Lucky for him, she had her hands full at the moment and he was able to slip outside without comment.

“You look well rested,” a familiar voice mocked.

Nathaniel froze. Cold sweat trickled down his spine as he turned. A flicker of movement to Nathaniel’s right drew him around the side of the building to where Saul sat at the picnic table. His arms were folded and legs crossed as if he had waited a while rather than arrived as Nathaniel exited the store.

“What? No comment?” Dusting his pants, Saul stood. “Your truck hasn’t moved since last night. It’s still parked at the curb where you left it.”

Nathaniel’s steps slowed. “How would you know?”

“I had a collection to make near here last night.” He swiped his thumb down by his nose. “I figured I would swing by and check on things. Make sure your woman was locked up nice and tight.” He shrugged. “I noticed the truck on my way past.”

Swallowing something too deadly to be anger, Nathaniel leveled his tone. “I would appreciate it if you left Chloe’s safety to me.” His hand went to his hip out of habit but touched air. Saul noticed the move with a twist of his lips.

“You seem nervous.” Saul gazed at Nathaniel’s side. “I wonder why that is?”

“I would think it was obvious.” Harvesters were territorial and he was no different.

“You’re not carrying your shears.” Saul clicked his tongue. “Dangerous to allow yourself to be caught unarmed.”

“The shears are tainted.” So many had died by their jaws, he couldn’t bear having them near Chloe.

“Your human is too precious to be exposed to our world, is she? Can’t let her know what she’s really lying next to at night, can we?”

“No good can come of telling a mortal anything about us,” he said. “Bringing them into our world only invites pain.”

“I agree.” Saul stalked a slow circle around him. “Still, she must mean something to you if you’re courting her.” He spoke conversationally. “She’ll die, of course. They all do.” His voice dripped with ice. “If she’s a good girl, she’ll flitter off to Aeristitia. If she’s a naughty pet, she’ll burn.”

“Play your games with someone else,” Nathaniel said. “I’m tired of them.”

“Fair enough.” He paused. “Humans have such warped perceptions of time. They think their love will last forever, but they haven’t a clue how long eternity is.” He sounded thoughtful. “Does she know you’ll leave her? Maybe not for several years, but you will eventually. You’ll have to once she reaches a certain age.”

“You’re still baiting me.” He sighed. “Or have you forgotten how to have a civil conversation?”

“You take yourself too damn seriously.”

“One of us has to.”

“Oh yes, here comes the lecture.” Saul threw out his arms. “Take your best shot. What’s today’s topic? Parenthood? Again? Bran is a grown man and it’s time you cut the apron strings,” he scoffed. “What else have you got? How about a speech on the follies of loving a mortal woman? I might actually pay attention now that you’ve had a practical learning experience.”

“You fell in love easy enough,” Nathaniel reminded him.

“Nothing about loving Mairi was easy.” Saul set his jaw. “Nothing worth having ever is.”

“I agree.” Nothing about being with Chloe was easy, but she was worth it all.

“The love of a good woman will shatter you.” Saul spun his wedding band. “She’ll pick those pieces up and fit you back together in ways you never imagined. She will remake you.” His breath escaped on a sigh. “And when you lose her”—his tormented gaze lifted—“she will unmake you. All those shattered bits will fall apart, burrow under your skin, slice out your heart.”

Nathaniel pressed him. “Then you’ll respect my wish to experience that for myself.”

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