Soulless (The Heartless Series Book 2) (24 page)

Read Soulless (The Heartless Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Kelly Martin

Tags: #demons, #heartless, #thriller, #Angels, #Paranormal

BOOK: Soulless (The Heartless Series Book 2)
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“Even me.”

“Especially you.”

I don’t want my mother to hear this. I don’t even want to say it. I wish she wasn’t here, but when do I ever get what I want?

“You might not want that later. Apparently, I’m destined to destroy the world.”

Her eyes shine. “Sweetheart, that’s what I’m counting on.”

“I don’t… I don’t understand.” Why would she want the world to end? Why would anybody?

“So this is the part where the bad guy tells the good guy the plan, eh? Hmmm… too dense to figure it out for yourself? My son always did like the dull ones.” She tilts her head to the side. “Short version. Seth had no vision. I would have told him that, but he was my key to getting out of the pit. I guess Hart told you that even the demons hate Hell. He does. Mainly because he never gave up his humanity.”

Oh God. “You knew?”

“I knew. How could I not know?”

“And you let him go?”

She shrugs. “Course I did. I let him go. Let him have his little revenge on his brother for his death—that was my idea.”

“Wait… Hart said Seth…”

“Seth is a moron, but he’s a moron in high places. I knew his brother. Seth would sneak down to the Hell gate on occasion and talk to him. They would figure out ways to open the gate for Cain to come out. I followed. I seduced. I got my footing. Seth seemed to like me. He told me what he needed. I told him I had two sons. Two idiot boys who had joined the war effort.”

“You… you were the whisper in Hart’s ear. You told him his brother shot him. That was you?”

“Not exactly. I told Seth what to do. Told him how jealous Hart had always been of Lucien. He had the right to be, you know. Lucien was an angel baby. Such an easy pregnancy. He was our—mine and my husband John’s—heart. And then I got pregnant with Hart. I can’t tell you how unhappy I was. How I tried to deny it. I wasn’t like my friends who flaunted over their children. I had plans. I had a life. I think I was ahead of my time.”

I think she’s thinking back to that time wistfully. I let her. While she’s talking, I’m planning my next move. And listening. I’m listening because I suppose I can relate. My mother didn’t want me either.

“And then
came.” Her lip twitches. The door behind me thuds. One of the brothers has been thrown against it. Without the knife, I don’t think they can kill each other. They can beat the hell out of each other, though. Sounds like they are doing a bang up job of it.

“Hart came on one of the coldest nights of the year. He was backwards, breeched. Nearly killed me. If it weren’t for Doc, I wouldn’t be here right now.”

“Well, glad for that then.” Keep her talking… keep her talking.

Amelia snickers. “He was a sick baby. Tiny. Would barely eat. I thought on more than one occasion about leaving him outside for the wolves. But, for some reason, my husband loved the little bastard. And I loved John. Then I got sick. And I died. And I went to Hell. But those big plans I had, I wouldn’t let them go. Without those kids tying me down, I raised through the ranks of Hell.”

“Something to be very proud of.” It doesn’t come out as sarcastic as I intended.

“Indeed. I’m not just a demon, Gracen. I’m much much more than that. When I heard Seth’s plan—a simple, much too easy plan to open the gates of Hell—I told him I could help. Offered my boys. He accepted. When your blood opened the gate, I was ready. I got out.”

“I could’ve died. Your plan wouldn’t have worked if I had died.”

“I knew my boys wouldn’t let that happen. I can see things from down there. I knew my humanity-filled son would fall in love with you, no matter what he did to prove he wasn’t. And Lucien? He always was the loyal brother. I knew once he remembered his brother he would jump in to save him. Then I had you torture him.”

“What?” My mom has wiggled one of her hands free and is pulling off the tape that is on her mouth. No… No! I want to shout at her. Not yet! Not yet!

Amelia doesn’t answer. She simply smiles and cuts her eyes toward my mother. “I think she’s ready for this to be over. Guess what?” Amelia leans close to me. “I am too.”

Before I can pull the knife out of my pocket, Amelia cuts my mother’s other arm free and has her standing. She’s got her hand under Mama’s chin and her head tilted back and black smoke oozes from Amelia’s mouth into my mother’s. I’m too late.

Aunt Willow staggers back as her eyes clear. Mama’s turn red. Mama stares at me, smiles, and then breaks Willow’s neck. The aunt I never really knew falls to the floor.

“Now—” Amelia nods toward the knife I’m holding in my hand “—this should get interesting.”




head again, blood splatters across the wall in the hallway. “I’m so sorry.”

As a reply, he head butts me in the face, making me see stars as I stagger back. I’ve tried to keep an ear out for what’s going on in the other room, while keeping my brother from making me black out.

I can’t have that.

I need to stay awake and alert and help Gracen.

It’s gotten quiet in there, though. Much too quiet.

“Gracen! I’m here! I’m not leaving you!” I slam my shoulder into the door, trying to open it. Amelia must have a hell of a spell on it, or just some really good deadbolts.

I need it open. I need in there with Gracen. I promised her I wouldn’t let her hurt her mother. That’s how I got Gracen here. Here to save my brother, who is currently attempting to kick my ass.

I’ll deal with him. I’ll save him too. I’ll make everything right. I have to.

Lucien with his new big black eyes and his angel blood is much more powerful than I’ll ever be. I’m just a demon. A regular, ordinary demon with humanity, which makes me probably the weakest demon in the world. Humanity sucks the life out of you, kills your instincts. Mine are suffering. Mine are sucky. I want it gone. I wish I could make it go away.

I need it gone.

I need to keep it.

Lucien is strong.

I’m smart.

I hate seeing my brother like this. If I could take everything back, I would. Seeing as how I can’t, I have to use what I can.

“I’m so sorry. I hope you can hear me. I’m sorry,” I say as I stand and face him, my back is to Gracen’s door.

I hope he can forgive me for what I’m about to do.

“I always was the better brother.” I taunt. “Father loved me best. Colleen loved me best. Gracen…” I can’t even lie about that. “I’ve always been better than you. And you know it. You were an angel. You have all the powers of God and Heaven behind you—and you can’t even
turn into a demon? You are worthless, you know that? Worthless.”

Lucien growls at me, and I know it’s worked. All I have to do it brace myself for impact, and hope I’m not too late.




Amelia smirks at me though my mother’s eyes.

My entire world stops. My nightmare fills my eyes. My mother… it
a vision. A vision of what was going to happen. The knife feels heavy in my hand as my eyes fall to Aunt Willow. Dead on the floor. Her eyes are staring at me. Empty. Gone. She’s gone. I never really knew her, and she’s gone.

It’s all my fault.

“I’ll kill you.” The knife trembles in my hand. “When you are out of my mother, I’ll kill you.”

She laughs. Actually laughs. “Oh Gracen, I’m going to need you to do it a little sooner than that.”

That makes no sense. My eyes narrow at her. “But if I stab you know who, you’ll be dead.”

“And you’ll be an abomination. I won’t stay in Hell long.” She winks at me. “Need more motivation?” Amelia holds my mother’s hand out and in one crack breaks her pointer finger. It turns back at an unnatural, stomach-turning angle. “She felt that, you know? She feels everything. Sees everything. She’s in here. Screaming. Screaming in pain. Screaming for you. She wants you to end it. To end her. To end me. She wants you to help her… Help your mother, Gracen. Be a good girl.”

Never in my life did I ever think I’d be standing in my room, holding a knife, thinking about killing my mother—killing her to save her. That’s what Amelia wants me to believe.

Kill someone you love.

If I do this, I’ll fulfill the last part—I’ll turn into the abomination. I’ll destroy the world. No going back. If I give mercy to my mother, I’ll kill the world. I can’t… it’s too much to have on one person’s shoulder.

I can’t… I can’t…

The knife is so heavy. “I’ll kill myself,” I say. Tears sting my eyes. It’s actually pretty nice to feel again. Too bad it’s this enormous pain that I can’t control.

“If you hurt her one more time, I’ll kill myself. Then I’ll be no good for you.”

Amelia smirks. “I’ll just bring you back, and we can do this whole dog and pony show again.”

Damn it. “You can do that?”

Her eyes narrow. “I can do that.” She pops Mama’s second finger. The sound makes me want to throw up.

“Gracen!” It’s my mother screaming, screaming from her own mouth. “Gracen, don’t let her do this! Don’t let her. Please, I can’t take it! Please!” Amelia pops another of my mother’s fingers. All three, in three different angles. My mama’s yells dissolve into Amelia’s laughs.

“How’s this for some more motivation? If you think about killing yourself, and I have to bring you back, I’ll drag your mother down to Hell.”

“I can’t…”

“You can, Gracen. You can. If you want to save your mother, you can.”

“No.” It’s barely over a whisper. I can’t do this. I can’t do this to her.

I can’t do this to myself.

“Fine.” She snaps Mama’s forth finger. Her body convulses. “I tried to be nice. I tried to give you the opportunity to save your mother’s soul. You stab her with the knife, and she goes to Heaven. You don’t, I’ll take her to Hell. Is that what you want?”

I don’t want any of it. I can’t do this. I can’t… she’s my mother… I…

Amelia shrugs my mother’s shoulders. “Your choice. I’ll be sure to tell her that while I peel her eyelids off in the pit.”

She puts her hands on Mama’s head—one at her chin, one at her forehead. She’s going to break her neck like Aunt Willow’s No… no…

Amelia winks at me and pulls.

“No!” I scream as I run toward them. The knife is out. I’ll do it. To save my mother, I’ll do it.

Amelia’s arms contract as she pulls harder on Mama’s neck. I’ll get to her in time. I pull the blade back, praying my mother knows how sorry I am, and thrust it forward.

The knife slides through skin as easy as butter.

His eyes meet mine.




What did I do?

Amelia stops.

I stop.

Hart falls to the ground.

I can hear Amelia cackle as I fall to the ground next to Hart. The blade sticks out of his stomach. Blood is pooling under him. He doesn’t have much time. He saved me. Saved me from becoming an abomination. Saved me from killing my mother.

My mother…

“Couldn’t have asked for a better ending.” Amelia laughs before snapping her broken fingers back in place and walking out the door.

I can’t stop her.

My mother is alive.

The vessel for a demon, but alive.

I’m all alone in my bedroom with Hart. “Shhhh… Shhhhh…”

He grunts as I pull the blade out and toss it on the floor. “That’s better, right? You’ll heal?”

I already know the answer, but I don’t want to believe it. My mother’s gone. Willow’s gone. Hart can’t be gone too.

He coughs and blood splatters the front of his shirt.

“Promised. You.” He smiles, his teeth covered with blood.

He’d promised me he wouldn’t let me hurt my mother. He’d done it. He’d really done it. The first time he hadn’t lied to me. I grab his hand and hold it, willing him to be okay.

“I’ll get you a doctor.” Like it’ll do any good.

He smiles. “Demon-killing knife. Kinda kills demons.”

“I’m sorry.” I say. Tears streaming down my cheeks. Some fall onto him, mixing with the blood on his shirt. “I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t. You promised me… promised me to fight. Don’t do anything… anything stupid.” His eyes flutter back into his head.



His words trail off, and his head lulls to the side.

No…. no…no. This can’t be happening. It can’t be happening! I pull him toward me, hugging him and rocking him, pleading with him to come back. I’ve lost everything I’ve loved. Everything. I can’t lose him too. I can’t.

Thunder echoes through the room, and the sky outside turns dark.

I don’t care. Hart’s dead. He saved me from killing my mother. Saved me from killing someone I love.

He saved the world.

I lay him down on the floor and lightly rub my fingers over his eyes to shut them. He deserves to rest. So does Sam. So does my Aunt Willow.

I’ve never felt more alone.

“Don’t leave me.” I whisper, leaning down to kiss his forehead. I shut my eyes as the white light erupts from me. A loud hum fills my ears, and I beg… “Stay with me.”

The light fades.

Hart lays motionless in my arms.

He’s dead.

I killed him.

My chest has never hurt so bad. It feels like something is stabbing me from the inside, fighting to get out. I grab my chest until I can’t hold on anymore, and in one stabbing, blinding pain, my body convulses and a dark cloud pulses from me. It shoots around the room like a pinball looking for an exit and doesn’t stop until it breaks the window and flies out.

It doesn’t take long to realize that black cloud was my soul.

Hart saved me from killing my mother.

He sacrificed himself so I wouldn’t turn into the abomination.

He never expected, I never expected, for the unbelievable to happen.

That I would fall in love with him.

That I would kill someone I loved.

My back is on fire. Literal fire. White hot pain threatens to take me over. I recognize the feeling. My skin is tearing off… moving… shifting… being torn away. I’ve felt it before. It felt nothing like this.

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