[Southern Arcana 3.0] Deadlock (29 page)

BOOK: [Southern Arcana 3.0] Deadlock
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Derek was slower to leave. He met Andrew’s gaze, ignoring Alec completely. “Say the word and I’ll stay.”

But the blond man shook his head. “I’m good. Go.”

The door clicked shut behind Derek, and Alec turned to face Andrew squarely. “This isn’t some tiny thing I’m asking of you. Julio’s got legacy. I’ve got legacy. You’d be rocking their pretty little world to its core.”

“Yeah, no kidding.” Andrew dropped to a chair with a snort. “Will it help? Is this stunt something that could put you—all of us—in place to really
some shit?”

That was the question. “I could hold my own against the Conclave, if I needed to. Give the Alpha someone at his back who wants the same changes he does. He’s been fighting on his own for a long damn time. But I can’t focus on that if I’ve got to worry about the Southeast council sticking a knife in my back.”

“And that’s where Julio and I come in, right? Make sure the rest of them aren’t planning to dogpile you.”

“That, and keep this region running.” Alec turned to the desk and dug through the stack of files until he found the one pertaining to the various councils. He’d kept up with the information because knowing was important if you wanted to stay safe outside the system, and now he could use it to get in.

A worn and creased map was tucked between two lists of council members, and Alec pulled it out and unfolded it on the table. “Southeast region,” he said, jabbing his finger at Louisiana. “Us. Arkansas. Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, both of the Carolinas, both of the Virginias, and Kentucky. Right now there are council members in DC, Memphis, Miami, Charleston and Atlanta.”

“Jesus.” Andrew studied the map, his jaw set in a tense line. “What does a council member do?”

“When they’re doing their job? Mediate disputes between cities, sometimes within cities. Use tithes collected from the packs under their protection to provide resources. Fund clinics, like Franklin’s. Deal with problems that might expose us, pass judgment on minor infractions. Just…keep people safer.”

He sat back and flashed Alec a disbelieving look. “You already do half that stuff here.”

“Yeah. I do.” He gave Andrew the truth. “And I was thinking you’d step up to help me, sooner rather than later. Julio would be a lot of help, but you’re the one I need at my back. You’re the one I trust with my city.”

Andrew made the logical leap easily. “If you take the Conclave seat, you’ll be spending most of your time in New York. Like Nick’s dad.”

Something else Alec could only hope Carmen had realized. Uneasiness stirred, and he fought it back. “I’d have to be there a lot. But that doesn’t mean we can’t run things differently. Hell, if I give Kat enough money, she’ll build some magical computer shit that’ll make it seem like I’m on hand 24/7.”

“It doesn’t matter anyway, does it?” Andrew rose and paced across the room. “I’ll do it. We’ll all do it, because there isn’t anything else to do. We have to take care of things.”

“It’s who you are now. Who you’ll always be.”

He turned his gaze on Alec. “No time like the present, I guess. I’m in.”

Alec should have left it there. He should have counted his victory. But Andrew was more than just a mentee. More than a trusted lieutenant. Andrew was a friend, and he hurt, whether he could admit or not. “Is it going to be too much? Having to work with Julio when his little brother’s…”
Climbing all over Kat.

“He’s not responsible for what his brother does.”

Andrew’s voice held an implacable edge that made it clear the topic of Kat was off-limits. “Fine. Stick your head out the door and drag those other two back in here, would you?”

Only Julio came back in. “Derek had to go find Nick. I think it’s just us, anyway.”

Better to keep Derek out of it. Alec shuffled through the files again, remembering what he’d said to Carmen the other day. “Drummond Hughes is the worst of the lot. He’s the one who claimed Coleman’s empty seat. He did it by killing every challenger who came against him, even though challenges at the council level are almost never to the death.”

“He’s a vicious bastard,” Julio agreed.

“Then he’s mine.” Andrew growled the words.

No more protecting him.
Alec nodded and handed over the file. “You should go to Zola and Walker. Walker’s got experience in fights to the death. I’m sure he knows things neither of us would consider.” And if they were about to bring down the wrath of the wolves, it was only fair to warn the only lion pride in the United States. Zola might even be an ally—
she thought the risk was worth it.

Two more files lay on his desk. Alec glanced up at Julio. “I know you and Alan Reed have had your problems, but he’s a capable leader. And he’s fair, when you’re not boning his daughter.”

“Yeah, I know.” The younger man had the grace to blush a little. “He’s not a bad guy, and he’ll go with the flow. All he needs to do the right thing is a push in that general direction.”

“Same can’t be said of Sam Hopkins. He’s not as dangerous as Hughes, but he’s a sadistic bastard who’s more interested in entertaining himself than taking care of anyone else.”

“Levesque is all right,” Julio offered. “That leaves Hopkins and my uncle.”

“Hopkins and your uncle,” Alec agreed. It would be so easy to let Julio do the dirty work. Wash his hands of Cesar Mendoza and face Carmen with a clear conscience, safe in the knowledge that someone else would be fighting the bastard.

Easy. Cowardly. “Cesar’s mine to challenge, Julio.”

Julio’s hands clenched into fists on the table. “I knew you were going to do that.”

For so many reasons. “Your uncle is still in his prime. He’s been preparing himself for a Conclave bid. You can be sure that means he’s been training. And he’s backed into a corner and he knows it.”

“He’s my uncle. It’s

Alec wanted to hold back, blunt the truth. The words were horrible to think and even worse to say, but he had to. “He’s your uncle. That might not stop him from killing you.”

He saw the understanding reflected in Julio’s eyes. “It wouldn’t stop him, not in the slightest.”

“You don’t have the experience to fight him.” Alec planted his fists on the table and leaned in. “Or if you think you do, why don’t you give me a try, right now. See which of us is more prepared for this fight.”

handle him?” Julio shot back. “Because you may not be thinking about it, but I’m more than a little worried about what’ll happen to Carmen if our uncle tears out your throat.”

Alec had been fighting one thing or another since he was old enough to stand. First at his parents’ behest, as they gave him all the lessons they thought he’d need to take power. At eighteen, he’d run off and joined the army. Then years of mercenary work, more years of fighting other shifters. Challenges. Self-defense. Training—his own and training others.

It seemed like most of his life had been preparing him for this, for the one thing he’d always sworn he’d never do, but he could answer Julio honestly. “I’m not going to let your uncle tear my throat out. I can beat him.”

Julio capitulated with a short nod. “Okay. Your fight. Win it so we can get down to business. I’ll take care of Hopkins.”

Instinct prompted caution. “I think we should keep you two a secret. Not give them any chance to steal our idea and start making alliances.” Alec straightened and nodded to Julio. “People won’t be surprised if I challenge your uncle, not after this. And the whole council will have to show up to witness the fight.”

Andrew leaned against the wall, his posture deceptively relaxed. “Then we’d better get the word out. About that much, at least.”

The windowless room gave no hint about time, but it had to be approaching dawn now. Friday. The Conclave would spend the weekend calling in favors to cover up Cesar’s mess and deciding on an appropriate punishment. Cesar himself would be tied up in defending himself.

“Monday,” Alec said firmly. “We need a few days to get into place, make sure all of our people are protected. I’ll issue the challenge Monday and, as the challenger, I’ll get to set the time. A week from today, here in New Orleans.”

His co-conspirators nodded in agreement, and Julio spoke up. “A week will give anyone who’s interested a chance to get here. And
will be interested.”

They sure as fuck would be. “Then let’s give them something to spend the next twenty years talking about.”


Someone had a hand on her shoulder, shaking her awake. Anger that felt like Kat pierced through sleep, and Carmen bolted straight up in her chair. “What is it? What happened?”

Kat’s blue eyes were ice. Her fingers curled into fists as she straightened, and she spoke through clenched teeth. “Sera’s here.”

The rage licking at the edge of Carmen’s consciousness doubled. “Is she all right?”

“No.” Kat pivoted and stalked to the door. “You’ll see what I mean.”

Carmen hurried to follow. After the things Franklin and Alec had said, not to mention the way Sera had acted on the phone, the possibilities were few—and very, very specific.

Kat led Carmen to one of the exam rooms, where a tired-looking young woman leaned against the wall. She had Franklin’s hazel eyes and freckles and the same red hair, though hers hung in a long braid spilling over one shoulder.

She also had a black eye, the bruise spreading down across one pale cheek.

The fatigue hit Carmen first, followed by the fear and hopelessness. She shoved both aside and yanked the plastic off a stool before pulling it close to Sera. “Sit down for a second, sweetie.”

“I’m fine.” Such an obvious lie that Kat made an outraged noise, like a kettle about to boil over.

“Kat.” Carmen steeled her voice as she situated herself between the other two women. “Can you give us a minute alone? Please?”

After a moment, Kat sighed and retreated, stopping just short of actually slamming the door behind her.

When she was gone, Sera tried for a smile. “It looks worse than it is. It’s healing. It’ll be gone in a day or two, I think.”

As if that made it okay. Carmen probed Sera’s cheekbone gently. “Did he hit you anywhere else?”

“No.” The fear strengthened, undercut by an odd thread of satisfaction. “He hit first, but I hit harder. Actually, I beaned him with my KitchenAid.”

“One of the little ones, or a big pro model?”

Sera choked on a hysterical little laugh. “The six-quart one. It was really nice. Guess he shouldn’t have bought it for me, though, if he wanted to start beating me up in the kitchen.”

“I don’t think anything’s broken.” She stepped back. “I’m Carmen, by the way.”

“Hi, Carmen.” Sera touched her cheek and winced. “I don’t want my dad to see this. I don’t want him to worry while he’s hurt.”

“Hell, no.” He’d climb out of bed and crawl if he had to, but he’d find Sera’s husband and he’d kill him. “We might be able to heal the bruises, or maybe cover them with makeup if you want to see him this morning.”

“Makeup, magic. Whatever it takes.” Sera’s hands dropped to her lap. “I don’t know how badly I hurt Josh. I stole his truck and drove here, no license or anything. He’ll set the human cops after me too. He knows I won’t have bruises by the time they find me.”

That, at least, was something Carmen could take care of. “If you’ll let us take some pictures before we do anything else, we’ll have a record. And Jackson and Alec can find out what happened to Josh.” Maybe they could even find a way to dissuade him from causing future trouble for Sera.

“Okay.” Her eyes fluttered shut. “This was the first time. Things have been bad for a while, but he’d never hurt me before. That’s not how it works. He was stronger. He was supposed to keep me safe.”

She whispered the words as if her heart was breaking, and Carmen wrapped her arms around her. “It’s okay. You’re all right now. You can be safe here.”

“I’m sorry.” Muffled words laced with stiff pride, though Sera didn’t pull away. “I shouldn’t be—it’s stupid to cry over an asshole.”

“The assholes are the ones who
you cry.”

Sera nodded against Carmen’s shoulder, her face still hidden. “Yeah. Yeah, they really are.”

A knock shook the closed door. It opened a second later, and Julio stuck his head inside. “Carmen, Alec is about to go— Oh shit, I’m sorry.”

Sera pulled back so fast she almost tilted off the stool. She lifted her hands to her cheeks to scrub away tears and winced when her hand bumped her bruised cheekbone. “Alec’s here? God, he can’t see me like this either.”

“He won’t. The last thing we need right now is for him to flip his shit. Julio, close the door.”

He did, his gaze fixed on Sera’s battered face. “What the hell…?”

Intense embarrassment filled the room, but Sera lifted her chin a little, almost a challenge, and pointedly ignored the question. “Kat didn’t tell me what happened to my dad. Just said there was an explosion at the clinic.”

Julio answered it out of what seemed like habit. “That’s all we know right now. It was definitely some sort of incendiary device. There’ll be an investigation.”

“Maybe not such a formal one,” Carmen interjected.

“No.” He shook himself. “No, maybe not. But we’ll find out what happened.”

Some barely visible tension in Sera seemed to fade away. The defensive tilt of her chin lowered. The tight set of her shoulders relaxed a fraction. She tilted her head as she studied Julio, quiet curiosity in her eyes. “I’m a coyote.”

He stared back. “I’m aware of that.”

A tiny furrow appeared between her eyebrows. “Most wolves aren’t very friendly to me.”

“I’m not most wolves, sweetheart.” He glanced at Carmen. “Alec’s about to head out to pick up some stuff. He wants to know if you need a change of clothes, anything.”

He could head to her place and kill two birds with one stone. “Yeah, and Lily needs a few things too. Tell him I’ll be there in a second.”

“Sure.” With one last look at Sera, he left.

“My brother,” Carmen explained.

“Oh.” Sera smiled a little. “Sucks for you. I’m pretty glad my parents didn’t see fit to saddle me with an alpha bastard brother.”

BOOK: [Southern Arcana 3.0] Deadlock
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