Southern Comfort: Compass Brothers, Book 2 (11 page)

Read Southern Comfort: Compass Brothers, Book 2 Online

Authors: Mari Carr and Jayne Rylon

BOOK: Southern Comfort: Compass Brothers, Book 2
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“I wanna see something first.”

Before she could reply, he tumbled her to her back, covering her with his bulky muscles. “What the hell?”

His fingers drifted down her stomach before touching her clit. She gasped, unable to speak as he touched her.

“You’re soaking wet.”

She tried to suck in breath, but her arousal was seriously cutting off the flow of air to her lungs.

“You like being chased, captured,” he murmured against her cheek. He dipped a finger inside and she closed her eyes, trying not to acknowledge how very close she was to coming. “You liked being tied up, too, didn’t you?”

She refused to answer. Shit, she couldn’t answer. Every brain cell in her body was focused on the finger he was moving in and out of her pussy. Before she could consider her action, she thrust toward his hand on one retreat, her inner muscles clenching in an attempt to hold him, keep him.

“Please,” she whispered, breathlessly. His touch was too light, not enough. Nowhere near enough.

Unfortunately he didn’t grin or gloat or brag. If he’d done any of that, she’d have found the strength to shove him away. Instead, he added another finger to the dance and increased the speed.

She gasped when his thumb began to rub her clit in time with the pounding of his fingers. With each thrust, he moved faster, went deeper. Stars began to float behind her closed eyes and her treasonous body surrendered to his touch.

He leaned closer, placing a soft kiss on her cheek before whispering in her ear. “Come for me, Jody.”

His words pulled the trigger and she cried out, her inner muscles flexing almost painfully against his fingers. For a split second, a weak moment, she wished it was his cock inside her as he milked every bit of pleasure from her. His thumb stimulated her clit, pushing hard against the sensitive nub. Every time she felt herself coming down, he found another way to prolong the beautiful agony, until at last she grasped his wrist and begged for mercy.

For several minutes, neither of them moved. Jody wondered if Seth was afraid to break the spell he’d placed on her. She wished he would. Prayed he’d say something to remind her of her anger. Right now, she was wavering and she wasn’t sure how much of his seduction she could resist.

And she had to resist him.

God. She had to.

Chapter Seven

Jody struggled with the ties as Seth fiddled with his laptop in the corner. After returning to the cabin, he’d promptly led her back to the bed, stripped off her T-shirt, and tied her up again, saying he needed to do something and he couldn’t worry about her trying to escape. She’d tried to convince him she wouldn’t go anywhere, but he didn’t buy the lie. Dammit.

She heard voices coming from the computer, and she listened as Seth replied. After a few moments, it became clear he was talking to his brothers via a web link. She tried to block out their conversation, using Seth’s distraction to work herself free from the ties binding her to the bed. Lucky for her, Seth wouldn’t do anything to hurt her, so he hadn’t tied them as tightly as she suspected he really could have.

Her ears perked up when she heard one of Seth’s brothers talking about racy letters from a woman named Lucy. Typical men.

She tried to bite her tongue, but failed. “Tell your brothers it’s not nice to kiss and tell. Well, I suppose this Lucy did, but sharing a note with a lover is different than tossing those fantasies to a pack of rabid, ungrateful, fickle cowboys.”

“Who the hell was that?” a voice said from the computer.

Jody got excited. His brothers could hear her. “Only the cowgirl your fucking asshole brother is keeping prisoner in this godforsaken shack. Will someone please call 911?”

Seth grinned as he glanced over his shoulder at her. “Don’t make me gag you, darlin’.”

Another voice came from the computer speakers. “Holy shit. What is that in the background? Do I see pretty ankles tied to the end of your bed, Seth?”

“I’m Jody Kirkland. My dad is your brother’s boss. He’ll probably also be the man to murder this piece of shit, arrogant, limp dick when he finds out what he’s up to.” She knew her threat wasn’t true, but his brothers didn’t.

“I’ll give you arrogant, but I’m guessing Seth’s anything but a limp dick right now, honey.”

Jody rolled her eyes at the comment. Great. So much for the cavalry coming to save her. Seth’s brothers were as cocky as him.

“Argh! You’re all alike. I can’t believe there are really
of you. Thank God you spread yourselves out. No state should have to house that many Compton Brothers. Especially if you’re all as dense as Seth.”

“I like this girl,” another voice chimed in.

“So you’re calling the police?” She thrashed her legs hoping it might strike some chivalrous bone in one of the men.

“I don’t think my mom would appreciate Seth missing out on the next ten Christmases because he’s in jail. Sorry, honey. I bet he could help you make the most of the situation.”

“You’re all bastards. Every one of you. Asshats!”

Seth shook his head and his exasperated groan spoke volumes. “Jody. Give me two minutes. Then we’ll talk, okay?”

She bit her tongue, only because it was clear none of Seth’s brothers intended to help her. She’d be better off focusing her attention on getting free of the ties while he was distracted. She twisted her wrists one last time in total desperation and to her amazement, one of her hands slid free. Reaching over, she quickly untied her other hand.

A glance to her left proved Seth was still talking to his brothers. She bent to untie her ankles when she heard, “…instead of playing with the sexy woman tied to his bed, about to escape.”

Great. They could see her. She tried to move faster, but one of the knots was too tight. She sprung up quickly as soon as it slipped loose.

“What!” Seth spun in his chair. When he spotted her, he rose, snagged a blanket off the foot of his bed and wrapped it around her. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“Leaving, moron.” She thrashed in his embrace, frustrated. She’d had a taste of freedom and the idea of losing it so quickly wasn’t sitting well with her.

She could hear his brothers laughing at their struggles, and she fought back a scream of fury.

One of them said, “Okay, as fun as this is, I have to be on deck in five minutes. Someone better fill me in later.”

“No, there will be no filling in.” Seth tossed her on the bed and marched to the camera, blocking it with his palm. “I have to go. Si, we’ll talk more. Soon.”

She rose, trying to shove off the blanket he’d tangled around her and her feet had no more than hit the floor before he was back on her again.

“Goddammit,” she yelled, stomping on his foot as hard as she could.

He wrestled her back onto the bed, but made no move to bind her again. His chest covered her back as she was pushed facedown into the mattress.

“Two days,” he said, panting slightly.

She stopped moving. “What?”

“Give me two days. If you still wanna leave, still wanna marry your gay boyfriend, I’ll walk you down the damn aisle myself. Just give me two days to show you what you’ll be giving up.”

She lay motionless, considering his words. “Two days and then you’ll take me home?”

He nodded, though she wasn’t sure she could trust him to keep his word.

“And what’ll happen during the next two days to change my mind?”

“You know what’s gonna happen, Jody.”

He lifted up enough that he could flip her over onto her back. She was trapped beneath him, his strong legs straddling her thighs. His erection was evident through his jeans. She felt certain it couldn’t possibly be as large as it looked. Suddenly saving herself for Seth didn’t seem like such a wise decision. He’d rip her in two.

Apparently he noticed her distress. He bent down to kiss her. “We’ll go slow.”

She accepted his light kisses before pulling away an inch or two. “I’m not sure slow is gonna help.”

He grinned. “Have to say I haven’t touched a virgin in years. Not since I was a young, stupid guy in high school, strutting around like God’s gift to women.”

“I see nothing’s changed.”

He laughed. “Everything’s changed.”

He was right. It had. “Seth.”

“Shhh. Trust me?”

She nodded. She trusted him with her life. She had ever since the first day she met him and he pulled her off the runaway horse. He’d been the center of her universe for a decade.

He leaned down and kissed her. For all his talk about dominance, his kiss betrayed his softer side. It was gentle, tender, perfect. His hand stroked along her neck, down her side to her leg and back up again, settling on her breast. He cupped her flesh, then bent his head to capture her nipple between his lips. He wasn’t trying to claim her or mark her as his.

It felt as if he was cherishing her, loving her. Her eyes closed—a defense mechanism, pure and simple—but there was no blocking out the feeling. She’d lost her heart to Seth Compton when she was only a child, and she’d spent the last few months of her life trying to deny it. Suddenly she was faced with the irrevocable truth.

“Look at me,” he whispered.

She opened her eyes, saw his beloved face and couldn’t hold back the tear that slid down her cheek.

Seth caught the drop on his finger, his gaze carefully studying her expression, making sure she was okay.

She was fine. Just caught in the most perfect moment of her life.

She smiled. “I don’t know why I’m crying. I’m not sad or scared.”

He kissed her again, then pressed his forehead to hers. “I know why. I love you, Jody.”

She sucked in a shaky breath. “I love you too.”

He rose slowly, his eyes drinking in every inch of her naked body as his hands began to unzip his jeans. Her lips parted, sucking in some much needed air. She felt dizzy, hot, lightheaded.

He shrugged his jeans over his hips as she watched, spellbound. His cock was bigger than it had appeared beneath the tight denim.

“Shit,” she murmured, and he laughed as he climbed back onto the bed, caging her beneath him. She wondered if there could be a more wonderful feeling in the world.

He kissed her again, long, slow, wet kisses that left her feeling drunk and ready for more. His hands caressed her as his lips worshiped her. She was on fire, every inch of her skin sensitive to his stroking fingers.

Her legs parted, seemingly of their own volition, and she wrapped her ankles around his strong thighs. She wasn’t sure when he’d reached for the condom, but she opened her eyes when she heard the crinkling of the wrapper. She wished…

“You aren’t on birth control, are you?”

She shook her head. There’d never been any need.

He put the condom on as she watched. “We’ll correct that oversight after you choose me.”

She giggled. “Cocky bastard.”

He shrugged good-naturedly, then all thoughts of the future were wiped away by the present. He placed the head of his cock at her wet entrance.

“Breathe, Jody.”

She expelled loudly, immediately gasping for more.

“Okay?” he asked with a crooked grin.

“Terrified, excited, nervous, happy.”

He pushed in a fraction of an inch. His wide head stretched her. It was uncomfortable, but not painful. He bent down to kiss her again, and for several moments, she lost herself to his lips as they caressed hers. When she came up for air, she realized he was deeper. She’d never felt so full, so utterly possessed.

“Keep your eyes on me,” he said.

She fell headfirst into his hungry gaze. “Seth,” she whispered, unable to put into words exactly what this moment meant to her.

Each shallow retreat was followed by a deeper thrust. She wanted to look away, hide from the intensity, the beauty, but he wouldn’t let her escape. She sensed he was gauging her reactions, her pain.

“Can you take more?” he asked as he forged even farther inside.

“God,” she cried, her fingers digging into his upper arms. “There’s more?”

He laughed lightly. “Just a little bit. Hold on to me.”

She tightened her grip and held her breath, never letting her gaze waver. He pulled out until just the head of his cock was lodged in her pussy, then he moved back in, not stopping until he was completely buried. She shuddered at the unbearably beautiful combination of pain and bliss.

Seth kissed her gently, giving her time to adjust to his invasion.

“Guess that’s the end of the virginity thing,” she joked when his lips drifted lower to kiss her neck.

He chuckled. “Yep.”

She rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to sound so smug about it.”

Her taunt sent him into a fit of laughter. “You’re perfect,” he said. “Now hush. I need—” He didn’t finish his thoughts with words, rather he let his body express exactly what he required. The gentleness of his actions as he’d initiated her body to the act of sex evaporated as his movements quickened, his thrusts becoming harder, deeper.

He reached down to rub her clit, and she cried at the mini-sparks his touch spurred in her body. She started to anticipate his downward motions, her hips rising to welcome him.

“Can’t wait much longer,” he said, each word broken up with a harsh gasp. “Come, Jody. Come for me.”

He pushed on her clit more firmly, and she cried out as her orgasm crashed around her like waves in the ocean. She felt herself being pulled under, the tide dragging her along in a whirlwind of ecstasy. She vaguely recalled hearing his own climax, his words a continuous string of romantic curses.

Shit, I love you.

So fucking gorgeous.

God damn, I need you.

For several moments, they lay still, their bodies pressed together. Then he gave her a quick kiss and pulled out. She winced before she could shield her reactions.

He frowned. “Don’t move,” he said as he stood up.

“Where are you going?”

He gestured to his deflating cock. “Need to get rid of the condom and clean up.”

She watched him walk to the bathroom, helpless to contain her smile. She’d had sex. She’d done it. With Seth. And it had totally been worth the wait.

She briefly considered Paul. She glanced at the clock on the bedside table. If she were back at the ranch, she’d be walking down the aisle. Marching firmly and resolutely toward the wrong man.

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