Southern Seduction [Bride Train 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (32 page)

BOOK: Southern Seduction [Bride Train 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Um, Marshall?”

He nuzzled her neck. “If you’re asking if we can stop and play along the way, I’d much rather wait until we found a bed.”

“I’m trying to be serious.” She rotated her shoulders, shrugging him away. He sighed. Though he hadn’t had much experience with women, he’d listened to the valley men when they said there were times a man had to just shut up and listen.

“Yes, ma’am?”

“Did Byron tell you what the Pinkertons found out about your family?”

He jerked. “What?”

“I’m sorry, but your mother and sisters have passed.”

Marshall jammed his eyes shut at the shaft of pain that lanced through him. He held her tight until it passed. He’d put all thoughts of his family out of his mind long ago. Or he’d thought he had. He released his breath with a shudder.

“Tell me.”

“Both your sisters died in childbirth, only a few weeks apart. Your mother must have given up because of that.”

His mother was finally free of the man who’d destroyed her life. Instead of grief he felt relief.

“She killed herself,” he said. “Used too much of that drug.”

Casey nodded. “I’m sorry, but Byron thought it best you heard it from me.”

“Did he get news, too?”

“His parents died in a fire. It was accidental.”

Marshall shook his head. “I expect they were both drunk, and it wasn’t really an accident.”

Casey didn’t correct him.

They rode on, both silent. Though he knew his father would never accept him, the fact he was gone still left a hole. Some part of him still wished for a father like Grandpa, one who was proud of his sons.

“The thought of being a father scares me,” he admitted. “I wouldn’t ever want to hurt a child the way mine, yours, or Byron’s hurt us. Cole never knew his father. Just as well, as he left his mother because when she got pregnant with Cole she couldn’t give him a good time anymore.”

“But my mama was good, and so was yours. And your grannie and grandpa raised you with love, didn’t they?”

He snuggled her closer. Encouraged, she leaned back into him. “They did the best they could with three little hellions causing trouble.” He kissed the top of her head. “And now those hellions are going to have a few of their own. Only they’ll have a wonderful mama,” he kissed her again, “and three fathers to keep them in line.”

“And love them,” she added.

“And love them,” he agreed.

He held her close and nudged his horse with his heels. The beast took off. The steady rhythm brought them closer to home with every footfall.

She played with an excited Zeus until he put the unsaddled horse in with the others. He held out his arms. She laughed and ran to him, Zeus barking behind. He caught her up, twirled her around, and carried her inside. This would be their first real time together, alone.

Zeus whined on the porch while Marshall kicked off his boots. By the time he was barefoot Zeus had taken off after rabbits or something. Marshall just looked at Casey, breathing her in. She clasped her hands behind her back. Her chest, and those huge nipples, pointed right at him. She tilted her head and smiled like a dancehall girl enticing him to join her.

“I want you naked,” she said.

“Whoa, that’s what I wanted to say!” His hands reached for her.

“I can do it faster!”

Her fingers tore at her buttons. Her breasts spilled out. His stopped, watching in fascination. Another two buttons and her skirt dropped to the floor. She stood in nothing but her stockings. He’d seen her naked, but not like this. The kitchen window lit up her skin, soft and golden. Her pussy curls almost glowed. Her wide brown eyes and lush lips begged him to touch. He didn’t move his eyes from her as he shucked his clothes. The intimacy of having her to himself, here where no one could hear them, caused his bollocks to tighten against his cock.

She lowered her eyes and reached for her stockings.

“No!” She stopped, slightly bent, her fingers about to roll them down her legs. “Leave them on for now.” She blinked, then straightened up. “Spread your legs. I want to see the sun shining on you from behind.”

He hunkered down, careful of his jutting cock, and looked between her legs. He was about three feet away, just too far for him to touch. The tops of her dark stockings made the white skin of her inner thighs look even more creamy. The sun lit the lower part of her brown curls. No, not brown. There were many shades in the sun, from almost blonde to oxblood. A bright diamond appeared on one of her hairs, released by her eager pussy. It quivered in the sunlight.

He knelt, grasped the backs of her thighs with his hands, and urged her closer. She shuffled forward, spreading her legs even farther at his urging. He inhaled her scent, warm and inviting. His nose rubbed against her clit in a welcome before his tongue pressed in. She groaned and angled her hips, almost grinding against his face.

“That’s it,” he growled hoarsely as he climbed to his feet. “Turn around and put your hands on the table. Spread those legs wide for me.”

She did as ordered, arching her back to lift her ass and spread her pussy. He slid his fingers into her, finding her soaked. With a growl of need he guided his cock into her and thrust. She squeaked in surprise then gripped him eagerly.

“You’d better come soon ’cause I’m not gonna last,” he said between clenched teeth.

He reached around her hip and found her clit with his finger. He waggled it, rubbing it back and forth as his hips drove his cock in and out. White-hot desire curled from his ass through his cock and into her pussy. He released her clit, grabbed both her hips, and hauled her back and forth. She grunted every time his balls slapped against her pussy lips. He stared at the crack of her ass. Pulled the cheeks apart with his thumbs.

Yes, that’s what he wanted to see. Her tight brown rose. Soon, very soon, he’d be ramming his cock into her ass, and she’d be loving it. He grimaced, barely holding back. But Casey wasn’t ready yet. Desperate, he filled his finger with her slick fluid and pressed into the center of that brown ring.

Her pussy spasmed around him as she screamed. He pulled his finger out, took hold of her hips again, and hauled her onto his cock with deep, hard strokes. One, two, then his blessed relief exploded, filling her with his seed.

When he could think enough to move he shifted his hands to her waist, keeping her tight against him. She still clenched him, deep inside.

Damn, he loved her. Loved the way she would come as he took her from behind this way. He pulled out, caught her under her shoulders and knees, and strode toward the bed. He tossed her on her back, just enough to appear rough while ensuring her safety, and followed her down.

“Spread those legs,” he ordered. Still hard, he filled her again, this time able to see her face. He held himself on his elbows and looked down. She blinked like a cream-fed lazy cat. She smiled up at him in obvious satisfaction.

“We’re not done yet,” he said.

She gave him another smile, raised her arms, and hauled his face down to hers. He thanked God he’d made sure to shave closely before his open mouth met hers. She sucked on his tongue, taking control of their kiss. His cock throbbed, swelling inside her as his need rose. Their tongues fought a long, satisfying battle. He finally pulled back to breathe, hauling air into his lungs while he figured out what he wanted to do next.

“Lift your knees,” he ordered.

Marshall caught them and pushed her forward, raising her ass higher off the bed. She gasped, then quivered. He thrust into her, pumping hard and fast. He stared at her perfect breasts, pressed against her chest by her knees. Her belly, which might already be growing his child. Her eyes widened in surprise as her pussy rippled around him. It caught him by surprise in mid-thrust. He shuddered and filled her with his seed.

With the last shred of his sanity he helped her lower her legs and rolled them over. She splayed across him, her heart pounding against his in equal measure.

“God, Casey, I love you,” he said, his voice rough from gasping.

She didn’t speak but her sigh of contentment said it all.

Chapter 30


Byron rode into the yard just as the last of the sun’s rays faded into the purple-black of a cold night. There’d be frost, maybe even cold enough to freeze the top layer of water in the trough. But he’d be warm.

While Cole had, for once, gotten drunk on whiskey, Byron had filled his own glass with tea-water. It looked like whiskey and tasted god-awful, but it kept Cole drinking and himself sober. Cole was now snoring in one of the bunks at the back end of Baldy’s Saloon.

Byron knew it was Cole’s worry for Casey and anger at himself, that allowed him to drink so much. He’d be furious when he woke up. No, corrected Byron, he’d be beyond furious. Too bad. If Cole didn’t want Casey just the way she was, Byron would enjoy her charms instead.

He quickly took care of his horse and tack. He stripped and washed himself down, hair to toe, to get rid of the stink of tobacco, bad whiskey, and beer. The water was almost as cold as the air but he didn’t care. Thinking of Casey, and what they’d do this night, brought a certain heat to his body. His rampant cock proved it.

He left his clothes on the line to air out. By morning they should be less ripe. And he’d be waking in the arms of a warm woman exhausted from hours of loving. The warm glow of a lamp drew him to the kitchen. Tea-water hadn’t filled his stomach, but he’d take Casey over food.

Marshall and Casey looked up when he walked in. Marsh wore only a pair of pants. Casey wore a loose dress. Her hair had grown to touch her shoulders. It looked like she’d just crawled out of bed after spending hours being pleasured. Marshall took one look at Byron’s erect cock and grinned. Casey jumped up from the table, blushing.

“I’ll get you a plate,” she said in a rush.

Byron gave Marshall a questioning look. The wide grin provided the only answer he needed, though his partner held up four fingers and then pointed to Casey. Marshall had given her four orgasms. By morning Byron planned to add at least that many. He tossed on a pair of pants and a shirt, though he left it unbuttoned. She’d already seated herself by the time he returned. Marshall had finished eating. He sat back, loose and relaxed, while Casey pushed food around on her plate.

He loved the way she blushed. After tonight, she’d have a lot more to blush about.

“Where’s Cole?” asked Marshall.

“He decided to pay a nickel and take one of Baldy’s bunks. Cheaper than the hotel,” he said, directing the comment at Casey.

“Just as well,” she replied. She pursed her lips. “I am that angry with him. If he came here he’d be sleeping in the barn.”

Marshall stood. He leaned over and kissed the top of Casey’s head. “That’s where I’m bunking tonight. You two enjoy yourself.”

“If you get cold, there’s lots of room in the bed,” said Byron. Marshall’s eyebrows rose. He tilted his head in a silent question. Byron nodded. It was time that Casey learn she could take two of her men at once. Marshall grinned, knowing Casey couldn’t see him.

Byron started eating. Mouth full, he grunted his enjoyment of Casey’s work. Marshall carried his plate to the counter. He picked up a cup, scooped some lard into it, and set it down. He gave a broad wink and then sauntered over to the door. He put on his boots and coat, and walked out. A cheerful whistle drifted to them from the night.

“This tastes great, Casey,” said Byron. “Thank you.” She nodded but said nothing. Nor did she look up. “Marshall’s in a good mood. How about you? Did you get any sleep today?”

She gave up the pretense of eating and set her spoon down. She set her hands in her lap, lifted her chin, and met him head-on. Though her pink face showed some embarrassment, her gaze was direct and clear. The lamplight suggested her eyes were more green than brown.

“Marshall left so you could have me to yourself, like at the hotel?”

It was a statement more than a question, but Byron nodded. “I want to sleep with you. Just the two of us.” The pulse at her neck fluttered. He winked. “Actually, I want to do a lot more than sleep, but that’s up to you.”

Casey dropped her eyes to her hands. She didn’t move while he finished his supper. At least, she didn’t move much. She held her back straight, which made her breasts stand out. Two bumps, which he knew were hard nipples, moved toward him every time she inhaled. She kept shifting on the bench, but it wasn’t that her bottom was sore. Not yet, anyway.

Though his cock demanded that he lay her on the table and take her hard, he pushed back on his need for her. Tonight was about what Casey wanted though he’d do everything he could to encourage her to his way of thinking. His and, he hoped, Marshall’s.

He shifted to sit beside her. He took her hand and slowly lifted it to his mouth. He placed one fingertip barely inside his lips and suckled it. Her breath hitched. He closed his teeth on her finger, just enough to give pressure. She trembled.

“I want you,” he murmured. “In every way. Tonight.”

She wouldn’t know that he meant not only taking her ass, but having Marshall in her pussy at the same time. Keeping her hand in his, he lowered it to her chest and rubbed her own knuckles against her tented dress. She gasped and flashed a questioning look at him.

“I want to kiss every part of you, until you’re squirming and gasping for air. And then I want to fill you, Casey.”

He set her hand on the table and then dropped his own to her lap. He inched her thin cotton dress up. She trembled, staring at him. He didn’t break the look as her dress rose past her knees to bunch at her damp thighs. He set his fingers on her pussy. Her eyes widened, turning a moss green. She shifted, drawing her knees apart.

His fingers entered her hot, wet, channel. She closed her eyes, tilted her head back, and made that sound in the back of her throat that told him how much she wanted this. He shifted on the bench so he could use these fingers in her while molding her breast with his other hand.

“Will you take me in your mouth and pussy tonight?”

She nodded, panting through her open mouth. It wasn’t open enough for his cock, but it would be soon. He flicked her clit, making her jerk.

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