Southern Seduction (20 page)

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Authors: N.A. Alcorn,Jacquelyn Ayres,Kelly Collins,Laurel Ulen Curtis,Ella Fox,Elle Jefferson,Aly Martinez,Stacey Mosteller,Rochelle Paige,Tessa Teevan,K. Webster

Tags: #Boxset

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He reaches his hands up and grasps her thighs.

She immediately shakes her head and removes his covetous hands. She leans forward, her full breasts in front of his face while she holds his arms above his head. Daniella whispers in his ear, “No touching the dancer.”

“I thought I fired you,” he says jokingly with a hoarse, husky voice.

“I’m freelancing, baby,” she replies with a wink.

Penn starts to chuckle but immediately stops as she slides her body down his. Her hands grip his thighs as she rubs her face into the denim, her mouth hovering over his ever-present hard-on.

“You’re killin’ me, darlin’,” he mutters just loud enough so she can hear above the music.

Daniella grins as she stands back up, her hands still gripping his thighs as she continues to move her hips to the music. Her long hair brushes his legs in a sultry way. He allows her thirty more seconds of teasing before he stands up and grabs her waist, pulling her body flush against his. A surprised squeal escapes her throat.

“You ready, darlin’?” he asks with determined eyes.

“Ready for what?”

“Ready for me to spank that little ass and fuck the shit out of you for teasing me,” he informs her. It’s not a question. It’s the fucking truth from where he’s standing, and his straining cock is one hundred percent proof.

Her mouth forms a tiny ‘O’ of surprise and her pussy clenches in excitement.

“Oh you thought you could shake those gorgeous tits in my face and grind that hot pussy on my cock and I wouldn’t do anything about it?” Penn doesn’t give her time to answer before he leans down, throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her towards his office. She squeals again and a girlish giggle leaves her mouth.

One swift spank on her ass has her nipples hardening and poking into his back.

Another swift spank urges her to spank his ass right back and he chuckles at her feistiness as his long legs stride into his soon-to-be old office. He slams the door shut and places her firm ass on his desk.

“Darlin’, I’m gonna fuck you all over this desk and then I’m gonna take you home and fuck you all over my apartment.”

His husky voice nearly makes her come right on the spot. He crushes his mouth to hers, thrusting his tongue inside with demanding strokes.

He pulls back and his fingers grip her leather panties, her hips lifting automatically as he slides them down her thighs. He spreads her legs wide, his piercing eyes focusing on her perfect pussy. His tongue licks across his bottom lip at the salivating sight.

“But first, before I fuck your brains out, you’re gonna come all over my tongue,” he says as he kneels before her, his face centered between her thighs. Her head falls back as his mouth begins to work her over.

And Penn Wilder proves that he’s a man of his word by keeping all of his promises that night. Every single one of his delicious promises…

April 2014

“Hop in, sweetheart,” Penn welcomes with a smile. He’s parked in front of the building Daniella is walking out of, her textbooks in hand. It’s her last class of the week and two weeks before she has to start studying like a madwoman for her final exams of her undergraduate career. He took the weekend off to spend with her.

She hops into his SUV and kisses him softly on the lips, her eyes shining with delight. “I thought you had meetings today?”

“Canceled. I needed to see you,” he answers with a smirk before pulling out of the parking lot and exiting the University of Houston’s campus.

“Ain’t you sweet, Penn Wilder,” she coos, exaggerating her Southern drawl. “I’m just the luckiest girl in Texas!” Her over-the-top enthusiasm has him laughing heartily.

“Always bustin’ my balls, darlin’. Can’t a man do somethin’ nice for his woman?” Penn plays into her game and uses his strongest country twang.

She giggles amusedly and smacks him across his muscular thigh. “So where are you taking me?”

“Somewhere special.” He keeps his eyes on the road as he jumps on the highway.

Daniella smiles as she looks out the window, her eyes taking in the Texas sun shining over the trees lining the highway. They continue the twenty-minute drive with their usual routine of arguing over music selections and stealing kisses from each other. She takes his cowboy hat and places it firmly over her head after he has her snorting with laughter from tickling her ribcage.

They are the perfect mix of playful and sexy. They are each other’s missing puzzle pieces, and together, everything is just right.

He brings her to the place where their love affair began—the lake on his parents’ property where they shared a moment that changed them both forever. They walk hand in hand down the stone path that leads to the lake, her fingers brushing along the overgrown wildflowers that line the path, spurring happy memories of nearly four years ago.

They lie back on the dock, their shoulders touching while they stare up into the crisp blue sky, the hot sun hovering over their bodies, warming their skin.

“Who’s Devon?” he inquires quietly.

“Huh?” She glances over at him curiously.

“I accidentally saw a text message from a guy named Devon on your phone the other day,” he replies without irritation, just good old-fashioned curiosity.

Daniella knows exactly what text message he’s talking about. After Sarah so kindly passed her number out to a complete stranger, she and Devon had a few text conversations. Nothing inappropriate. She made it very apparent to him that she is dating someone. But they text occasionally as friends. He’s a nice guy and she’s got a soft spot for him since he’s in the military like her brother.

“Devon is just some Marine who’s trying to seduce me,” she responds jestingly.

“Is that so?” Penn asks as he tickles her ribcage.

She giggles. “Actually, he’s just a friend who’s about to be deployed again. Nothing for you to worry about, caveman.”

He smiles over at her as he chuckles lightly. “How’d you meet him?”

“Long story. And to answer the question that I know is on your mind,
, I’ve never hooked up with him.”

Relief fills his chest immediately. “Well, I have a story I want to tell you,” he quietly says into the afternoon air.

Daniella tilts her head to the side and glances at his profile. The sunlight shines across his forehead, highlighting the golden-brown stubble on his jawline. “Okay,” she replies with intrigue.

“This is a story about a boy and girl…” He stops mid-sentence and flashes a smile at her. “This boy was five years older than this little girl. She was perfect and always smiling. She was the most adorable, beautiful girl this boy had ever seen. She was his best friend’s little sister, and even though his best friend would beat his ass if he ever touched her, it still didn’t stop him from admiring her from afar. He always invited her along, never wanting to spend a second without getting to see her pigtails bouncing around her beautiful face. That boy had eventually grown into a man and went away to college, but he never forgot about that little girl. Any time he came home to visit his parents, he always stopped by that little girl’s house just to say hi, just to see her pretty face. And every time he saw her, she had managed to change, until one day she was no longer a little girl. She was a woman. A gorgeous woman with the most intense brown eyes he had ever seen.

“Then something tragic happened. That man lost his parents and he was devastated, a shell of a man. He was at his absolute lowest, the worst point in his life. Drugs and alcohol and constant partying were the only ways to numb his brain from the pain he felt from losing his mom and dad. He sat on this very dock, drinking a bottle of Jack and contemplating life. He had never felt so low in that moment.

“But that all changed. That beautiful, perfect woman showed up at the most unexpected time, like a fucking angel. She changed his life. Gave herself to him in the most life-altering way and ruined him for all other women. He fell in love with her that night. He might not have realized it, but he did.” He sighs as he starts to think about the past memories, the undue hurt Daniella went through because of him. “But he left her, because he had to. He had to leave Texas and get his life back together. He had to find the man he lost after his parents died.” He takes a heavy breath as his heart aches from the painful memories.

“And then somehow, he got lucky, like ‘winning the lottery and finding the cure for cancer in the same day’ kind of lucky. That perfect woman came back into his life. And he promised himself he would never let her go.” He glances towards her and sees the tears welling up in her eyes. His thumb reaches out and brushes the liquid emotion from her soft cheek.

He continues on with his story, getting to the good part. “She’s getting ready to graduate and follow her dreams to California and he couldn’t be more proud of her.
So damn proud of her.
And since he’s promised himself that he would never let her go, he’s going to follow her. He bought a place in Berkeley only a few minutes from campus and he’s hoping, damn near praying, that she’ll say yes to moving in with him. That she’ll say yes to letting him follow her to California.”

Daniella is crying big, fat tears now as she reaches out and grabs his hand, clasping it tightly.

“Come here,” he whispers as he pulls her body on top of his. His large hands cup her face and his eyes gaze intently into hers. “So…” He pauses and looks at her with amusement. “Is that a yes?”

Happy emotions clog her throat and she can only nod in response.

He pulls her face to his and softly kisses her, his lips brushing against hers reverently. “I love you, Daniella. I love you so much, darlin’.”

“I love you more,” she manages to rasp out through her tears.

He chuckles softly. “Not likely, baby.
Not fucking likely

“Wait… I have one requirement before we move to Cali together.”

His brow furrows as he asks, “What’s that?”

“You have to tell my brothers …especially Bobby. You’re definitely the one who gets to tell Bobby.” Her smile nearly blinds him as her eyes fill with hilarity.

“Deal,” he answers with a laugh and then presses his lips to hers again.

And right there on the dock, embraced tightly and kissing the daylights out of each other, they begin to relive the moment that happened so many years ago. Their hearts and souls entwine while they savor the memories of the past, relish the moments of the present, and celebrate the moments they’ll share in the future.



"I knew someday I would get caught and everything would go to hell in a handbasket. I just didn't know she would be the one to do the catching. I didn't know she would come along and be the one."

One final glance in the mirror before I leave. I smirk at my appearance. I’m not gonna lie—I’m as hot as they come in these parts. Well ... a little hotter. Maybe I’m a bit cocky too, but that’s what the girls seem to like best about me! Girls. That’s all there is around here. Don’t get me wrong, the ones I bother with at all are above the legal age, but they’re still girls no matter what their driver’s licenses say. I’m getting tired of girls. I need me a good woman.

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