Southern Spice (Southern Desires Series Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: Southern Spice (Southern Desires Series Book 1)
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In one fluid motion, his cock entered her, causing her body to convulse in yet another orgasm. This one even stronger than the first. “Derrick,” she cried out.

Without giving her time to come down from the last wave of orgasms, he began to ride her hard and fast, wildly entering her again and again.

She gripped at his biceps then raked her nails over his chest. As she pinched his nipples, a deep husky moan echoed through the room. He cupped her ass, bringing her hips off the bed so he could enter her even deeper. As he held her thighs, he thrust deeper, harder, driving her crazy with need again.

“Oh, God. Don’t stop,” she cried out, her hands gripping fistfuls of sheets, her head rolling from side to side. He gave her everything, then she felt his body begin to tense.

“Casey, I can’t—” His body ached for release.

“Baby, please give me all of you,” she said huskily.

Her body gripped his cock in a strong orgasm, and he exploded in her. They were each lost in the moment. Their cries drowned out each other’s. Nothing else mattered, except the love they shared.

Both spent, he collapsed on top of her. Their breaths became ragged as they lay holding each other, unable to speak. She snuggled close to him.

Derrick, I never knew it could be like this. I don’t want us ever to end.
“I could lie in your arms forever.”

“Nothing would make me happier.”

His words pulled at her heart, but what did they mean? Did he want her to be his lover? She would say yes, but it would eventually end in horrible heartache when he sent her away.
No, Derrick, I can’t have anything casual with you.

He pulled himself up on an elbow, looking at her. Could he feel her anxiety about what the future held for them?
Why can’t I just be happy with what we have? People wished they had something this good. Just be happy, Casey. Not everything ends in happily ever after. Remember, he can’t give tomorrows, so just enjoy today.

“Sweetness, what’s wrong?”

We just shared the most amazing lovemaking, and now he wants to talk about how I’m feeling? Normally I would jump at the chance to get him to open up, but I’m more afraid of what I’ll say. I don’t want to scare him off. We’ve come so far, and I don’t want to blow it by wanting more.

He turned her to face him. “Casey, talk to me; what are you thinking?”

“About tomorrow.” The words slipped from her lips before she could stop them.

Casey expected him to clam up, pull away, but he didn’t. Instead he stayed still, looking down at her, yet his expression was very serious.

“I was thinking the exact same thing.”

She knew it. Why did she bring it up? The next words were going to be like a knife to her heart.
Be strong.
Prepare yourself, Casey. He was upfront with me. He’s never promised anything beyond the moment.
She tried not to overthink, but he didn’t need her. She thought back to the words he said in the barn.
“I might not have realized how much I needed you, but trust me, I know it now. It’s been a long time since I felt anything, neither pleasure nor pain.”
But, that was then . . .

Casey closed her eyes, as she didn’t want to see him as he broke the news. He kissed her eyelid. “Look at me, Casey.”

“Derrick, I—”

“Look at me.” Derrick kissed her again.

She opened her eyes slowly, so afraid of what she’d see. But what greeted her was his warm, loving smile.


“Yes. Better.”

“Tell me about tomorrow.”

It’s the worst thing I can imagine. A day without you in my life.
She couldn’t bring herself to be so honest with him. She’d sound pathetic and that wasn’t the impression she wanted him to remember.
Is it so wrong to want a loving relationship like my parents have? One that exists in sickness and health, good times and bad? Or maybe it’s for others, not for me.

“I was thinking about where I’m going from here. I mean, I can’t go back to work, so what do I do now?”

He looked at her questioningly then shook his head. “Not even close. How about the truth, Casey? What about tomorrow? What scares you?”

Not you, too. It’s bad enough Mark reads me so darn well.
“The fact that it’s coming quickly.”

“Probably in only a few hours. So I ask again, what scares you, sweetness?”

“That everything we have . . . what we shared . . . fades, and we are left only with memories.”
There I said it. Well, kind of. But at least, you get the drift and will stop asking me. I can’t take this. Not now. Not after having you hold me again.

“Beautiful memories.”

She closed her eyes again. Her voice barely a whisper. “Yes.”


You’re killing me, Derrick. You have no idea how much this hurts. Maybe that’s better. You’ve had enough hurt in your life; you don’t need to carry mine too.

She opened her eyes and only then did he speak. “Memories are all we have, Casey, trust me, I know firsthand.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. For a long time I sat alone with my memories, afraid if I cracked even a smile for a moment, I’d forget. But you know what?”

She shook her head. Casey could empathize with what he was feeling but couldn’t relate. If she never saw him again after today, at least she knew he was alive and hopefully happy.

“But one day, I woke up and found my heart still beats and yet my memories were still there. I won’t lie. The heartache will always be with me, Casey. But like so many other things I have packed away, these also are tucked away, and I’ll cherish them.”

“As you should.”

“I’m glad you understand.”

I do. It doesn’t make it any easier, but I do.

“So tonight is tomorrow’s memory. And I want to make many more memories with you.”

She was puzzled. He didn’t believe in tomorrow. Why would he want to make more memories for them?
So he could look back and remember me when I’ve gone home, and he’s alone again? There aren’t enough memories I can create with you that could satisfy me. It will never be as good as making them.

“I would think we created a pretty amazing memory a few minutes ago. I know how you made me feel, and it’s not something I’ll ever forget.”
Your touch will haunt my dreams forever. But I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

“Let’s make fresh ones each day.”

Casey looked at him. Whatever he was trying to tell her she wasn’t grasping. He never spoke to her in riddles.

“Until I go home.” Even though Western New York was beautiful, her heart was breaking, thinking of leaving him, but it was just a matter of time. She was here now because of everything that had gone down with JT and the dam. There was no way anyone could possibly believe she’d stay here until the entire investigation was complete, and all parties were under lock and key. That would only make it more unbearable when they said
safe to go
, and she was sent on her merry way.
Nothing would be merry about it though.
“I thought I should head back to Buffalo.”

“Is that what you honestly want to do?”

Hell, no.
“It’s my home.”

“Relocate. Live with me.”

Her heart almost stopped.
A man who doesn’t believe in tomorrow is asking me to move in with him? Have I fallen asleep? Am I already dreaming?

It all sounded wonderful, but she didn’t want to live in New York City, or any large city for that matter. She enjoyed visiting, loved to shop there and go to the theater. But living there was out of the question. She would miss white picket fences, and having a hammock to lie on and sip iced tea on a lazy summer day.
Besides, he said he travels so much on business. What would I do there all by myself? No. No matter how much I want to be with him, that’ll just be a different place to be alone. That’s not what I want. I want it all.

“Derrick, I’m not a city girl. Never have been. I’d miss my quiet walks in the neighborhood at night and watching the stars. I just don’t see myself fitting into the New York City lifestyle.”

“I can’t see it either.”

Then why the hell did you ask? Ugh. Men!
“Good, then that’s settled.”

“Not even close. I don’t want you in New York, Casey. I want you here with me on the ranch.”

There was no way he was saying that. He hated being here.
Everyone knew he avoided this place at all costs, yet he’s asking me to stay?
“You work in New York City.”

“I can work anywhere, Casey. I own the business.”

She sat up and covered herself with the sheet. This conversation was too important to get distracted by sex.
No matter how damn good it is.

“Derrick, are you saying you’re thinking about staying on the ranch permanently?”

“I know it’s asking a lot of you; this was Penny’s ranch. If you’re not comfortable with being here, maybe we can find another place near Honeywell.”

He’s asking me to stay. With him. In Texas.
“Derrick, this is not about me; it’s about you.”

He pulled her into his arms, and the sheet slipped away, leaving her totally exposed.
Kind of like I feel, not just physically, but emotionally as well.

“That’s where you’re wrong, sweetness. This is about us. You and me. I’ve spent enough time thinking of just myself. I can’t say I’ve totally changed. Okay, I’m still the arrogant son of a bitch you met on day one, but when I’m with you, I see things differently and want things I never did before.” He kissed her forehead. “What I’m saying, sweetness, is since you’ve come into my life, it’s no longer about existing but about living it. Living it into the tomorrows that come too. And I want to live it with you. That is, if you’ll have me.”

“You’re asking me to stay with you here permanently?”

He shook his head. “The ranch, the moon, I don’t care. But I’m asking you to marry me.”

Casey’s heart fluttered with excitement and disbelief.
He’s asking me to marry him. Marry. Him. Me.
How could this be the same man she met last week? What changed and when? What if it changes again back to the way he was?
And he doesn’t want ‘us’ anymore . . .

“What changed your mind?”

“I thought a simple yes would be your answer. But I understand why you’d question my sincerity. But trust me, sweetness, I mean every word. I look into your eyes, and I’m lost in them. You have an effect on me that I can’t quite grasp, but whatever it is, it’s intoxicating. I can’t picture spending the rest of my life without you in it. So I’ll ask you again, will you marry me?”

Tears filled her eyes. She wanted to shout yes, but her voice was gone. Nodding, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Her wildest dreams seemed tame compared to her newfound reality.

This is where she wanted to be, where she belonged. She could feel it in her soul. Really, she had felt it from the first day in his living room, surrounded by well-meaning, kind people, who, despite how much they’d lost, had not only welcomed her into their lives but into their hearts too. She didn’t need to be saving the world like her family. That
her. This could be her
She’d find her niche and use her college degree in some way, she knew it. She was determined. But nothing made her feel more fulfilled than being with Derrick.
This man. This incredible man. How did I get so lucky?

When she stopped kissing him, he touched her cheek and said, “I like that better than a yes. And when you’re ready, you tell me where you want to stay. Anywhere you are is home to me.”

Casey knew what this place meant to him. It wasn’t him not being able to let go as much as it was keeping the memory alive. She remembered Penny’s poem. Penny wanted him to be happy, and so did she.
He’s happy here now. And so am I.
“Derrick, there are so many memories here already. I would love to add to them if you’re willing to stay here.”

He pulled her closer to him. “You’re an amazing woman, Casey Collins, and I promise I’ll protect you always.”

She kissed him softly. “Derrick, just promise to love me always.”

“Sweetness, I promise that and more. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Derrick claimed her lips and their bodies came alive with need once more.
And now for some more memory making.

The End

Other books by Jeannette Winters

Betting on You Series:

Book 1: The Billionaire’s Secret (FREE!)

Book 2: The Billionaire’s Masquerade

Book 3: The Billionaire’s Longshot

Book 4: The Billionaire’s Jackpot

Book 5: All Bets Off

Barrington Billionaire Series:

Book 1: One White Lie

Book 2: Table For Two

Book 3: You and Me Make Three (Coming 2016)

Book 4: Virgin for the Fourth Time (Coming 2016)

Book 5: His for Five Nights (Coming 2017)

Book 6: After Six (Coming 2017)

Southern Desires Series:

Book 1: Southern Spice

Book 2: Southern Exposure (Coming 2016)

Book 3: Southern Delight (Coming 2016)

Book 4: Southern Regions (Coming 2016)

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