Southern Submission (Southern Submission (A Southern BDSM erotic romance)) (4 page)

BOOK: Southern Submission (Southern Submission (A Southern BDSM erotic romance))
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I left my little walkup
apartment in midtown Memphis on time, but traffic going east to the ritzy
subdivision of Germantown was unexpectedly awful.  I didn’t dare speed;
the traffic cops in Germantown are notoriously overzealous, so I didn’t pull in
to the parking lot of the restaurant until 6:35. 

Tad was outside when I
pulled in, and he walked over to my car as I parked.  He was just oozing
impatience – and sex appeal.  I think the man could have made
overalls look sexy, but he really looked delicious in dark grey blue jeans, a
dark blue shirt, and a charcoal blazer.

I tried not to look too
ungraceful as I lumbered out of my sedan in my high-for-me heels. 
“Hi.  Sorry I’m late, traffic was awful.”

He visibly controlled
his irritation.  “Hi yourself.  Traffic is always awful, Alex. 
Are you having second thoughts about this?  We could have a normal date if
you’d like.” 

“Tad, I’m a Midtown
girl.  I never come out here!  I apologized; I don’t know what else
you want me to do.”  I was getting irritated.  Hot sex was one thing,
but I wasn’t going to play the emotional manipulation game.  I’d had
plenty of that in the past!

He looked
surprised.  “Really?”

I put my hands on my
hips.  “Really.”

Tad nodded slowly, like
he’d forgotten that I spent all my time inside the I-240 loop.  He turned
to face the restaurant and held his arm out, away from his side,
invitingly.  I slipped my arm in his and he pulled me close, then leaned
over to whisper in my ear.  “Then I want you to take your panties off.”

I stumbled in surprise
and looked up at him.  “What?”

He met my gaze very
seriously.  “You asked what else you could do for me.  It would
please me greatly if you excused yourself to the ladies’ and got rid of your
panties… if you still want to play tonight.”

I caught my breath as I
thought about what he was saying.  Sitting in a fancy restaurant,
throughout a whole meal, with my sex naked under my dress.  I knew he’d be
working on me, trying to keep me turned on, trying to keep my pussy wet. 
He’d be making a game of it, walking the line between keeping me turned on and
totally humiliating me.  My treacherous body responded instantly, and I
knew I’d do what he asked.

My mouth was dry as I
whispered, “Ok.” 

A hostess led us to a
small high table in the bar area.  I didn’t even look at Tad as I swept
past him to the bathroom, but once I locked myself in the stall I got the
shakes.  I leaned against the cold steel wall and tried to catch my
breath.  What was this man doing to me?  His demands were
unbelievably sexy, but it was like he was steamrolling my willpower – and
I’d never been accused of having feeble willpower before!  Then, as I slid
my nice white lace hiphuggers down my curvy thighs, I realized what I could do
without stepping outside the boundaries of our game.

When I came back out of
the ladies’ room, I was almost lightheaded.  I felt like everyone could
tell just by looking at me that I was a slut with no panties, but at the same
time, I knew Tad was the only one who knew my secret.  I sat down on the
high bar chair, acutely aware of the way my dress felt sliding against my body,
and matched Tad’s questioning look with a smile of my own.  I placed a
small white lace package on the table and pushed it toward him. 

“I’m afraid my purse
isn’t big enough.  Tad, would you be a dear and hold that for me?”  I
blinked innocently at my date.

His whole face lit up
with a barely-suppressed grin.  “Of course, beautiful.”  He slipped
the cloth bundle into his pocket just as a waitress appeared with drinks. 
She gave us each a shot glass and a glass of water, then opened a large bottle
of cold sake and poured.  She smiled at me and asked, “Would you like to
hear the specials?”

Tad answered
smoothly.  “No thank you, Hayley.  We’ll just have two chef’s
specials, I think.  Alex, do you have any requests?”

I quickly dragged my
mind out of the gutter and onto the table.  “Ahhh, I hate surf clam, and I
love crispy salmon skin.”

Hayley made a note on
her pad, then smiled and walked away.  She was thin and tan, with very
expensive blonde hair pulled back in a high ponytail.  Her eye makeup was
a little too dark for my taste.  I wondered how often Tad came here. 
I wondered if Hayley had ever taken her panties off for Tad.  I wondered
if he was just slumming with me. 

Tad looked at me for a
moment, then said, “I do come here fairly often, I tip quite well, and I always
let the chefs choose for me.  She’s just a waitress who’s good at her

I sighed.  “I’m

“No, it’s fine. 
I’m glad you have strong feelings for me.”  He picked up his sake glass
and sipped it, and I did the same.

“Wow.  That’s
definitely a step above buy-one-get-one-free hot sake, Tad.”  I grinned at

“I don’t settle for
anything mediocre.”  Tad reached out for my free hand and gently ran his
thumb up the side of my index finger, then over my knuckles.  His words,
coupled with his fingers, set my insides on fire.  I blushed, confused,
but I was unable to look away from him. 

Dinner lasted for
approximately three days, and I don’t remember a thing about it except that it
was good.  And there was no surf clam.  Tad did all the usual
attentive date things – he kept eye contact with me, he rubbed my hand,
his leg bumped up against my leg just a little more often than chance, and occasionally
he would lean in and whisper something in my ear.  But the somethings he
whispered were alternately explicit and commanding.  He’d tenderly lean
over and brush my hair aside to ask me how wet my pussy was, then the next time
he leaned forward he’d quietly inform me that in less than an hour, he was
going to tie me up and make me come. 

Finally, Hayley brought
the check and disappeared with Tad’s credit card.  I excused myself to the
restroom, but Tad stopped me.  “You aren’t going to touch yourself, are
you?  I’m going to be the only one to make you orgasm tonight, Alex. 
Don’t take advantage of your privacy.”

I bit my lip. 
“You jerk.  That hadn’t even occurred to me – until you said

I wobbled off to the
bathroom on a cloud of endorphins and sake.  When I sank down on the
toilet, I propped my head in my hands and tried to think.  Don’t
touch.  Ok.  But wasn’t there something else I was supposed to

Shit!  Lisa! 
I pulled my phone out of my bag.  One missed text from about an hour ago: 
Having fun gf?

I replied,
He’s teasing me.  Going to his house to scratch the itch.  Thx.

Almost immediately,
Lisa replied. 
Have fun.  Be safe.  Dont forget curfew. 

We’d agreed ahead of
time, as we usually did, that I’d text her by midnight with an “I’m ok” code
word.  Tonight’s word, of course, was “dirty.”  If she didn’t hear
from me, or heard some other reply, she’d call and rescue me.  Usually, we
used this trick to get each other out of boring dates, but we thought it’d work
just as well for a possibly dangerous one. 

The text exchange left
me a little more clearheaded, so I finished up in the ladies’ and sauntered out
to the parking lot with a bit more composure.  After the arctic blast of
the restaurant’s air conditioning, the humid 85 degree night air was like
stepping into a sauna.  Tad was waiting just outside the door, and I
slipped out of my shell and handed it to him. 

He gave me a rakish
grin as we walked to my car.  “Well, were you a good girl?”

I scowled at him. 
“I’m never a good girl, but I did what you asked this time.”

He stopped at my car
door and blinked at me.  “Are you frustrated, beautiful girl?  Just
hold on a little longer.”

The same phrases he’d
used when he fingered me in the park.  My pussy throbbed relentlessly and
I groaned.  “God, Tad, you’re killing me.” 

He leaned in and kissed
me.  His tongue demanded entry to my mouth, and his whole body pushed me
against my car.  I could feel his long hard cock pulsing against my
stomach, and more than anything, I wanted it inside me.  I squirmed my
burning pussy, trying to rub against his leg if nothing else, but Tad suddenly
broke the kiss.  He grabbed my hips and pushed me away, pinning me to the
car inches from his jeans.  I balled my hands in fists and breathed
deeply.  A few moments later, I looked up at Tad.

“No more freebies,
Alex.  Come to my house and let me play with you.  You’ll love it, I

I unclenched one hand
and dug for my keys.  “Yes.  Please.”

“Follow me, beautiful.”


Tad lived in a nice
part of East Memphis, in an older home set on an unexpectedly large lot. 
I parked behind him in the driveway and followed him in, looking around
curiously.  The house had high plaster ceilings and hardwood floors, but
the floor plan was so open and modern that I knew it had been updated.  It
was furnished in a tasteful traditional bachelor style, with leather couches
and antique walnut furniture. 

Tad hung my purse and
sweater on a hook behind the door.  “Before you ask:  yes, I have a
cleaning lady.  No, she’s not coming tomorrow morning, should you choose
to spend the night.” 

I laughed.  “You
do have a beautiful home.”

“Thank you.  Would
you like a drink before we begin?”

I shook my head,
suddenly shy.

“Then come with me,” he
commanded, and I went.

He led me down a short
hall to a large bedroom.  “This is my playroom,” he said, gesturing for me
to enter.

A wrought iron
four-poster bed dominated the room, with a large trunk sitting on a Persian rug
at the base of the bed.  A two-drawer nightstand sat against the wall on
either side of the bed, and an iron chandelier hung from the ceiling. 

I walked into the
playroom and looked around slowly.  It looked fairly innocuous. 
Maybe this wasn’t going to be as weird as I thought?

Tad followed me in and
stood very close to me.  He lifted my chin and said, “Look at me,
Alex.  I’m going to tell you the rules now.” 

I looked up.  With
the only light coming from almost overhead, his eyes were shadowed and dark,
and I shivered.  “Okay.”

“I’m not going to do
anything you can’t handle, okay?  But if you can’t take it, just say ‘red’
and I will stop immediately.  If you need a minute; if you want me to slow
down, say ‘yellow’ and I’ll slow down.”  He paused, looking at me, and I
nodded slowly. 

“I’m going to tie you
up, I’m going to fuck your pussy and your mouth, and I’m going to make you come
at least twice.  If you don’t do what I say, when I say it, I am going to
spank you, because I can’t tolerate disobedience.  If I spank you, it will
hurt, but I won’t leave marks or injure you.”  He paused again. 

I could barely
breathe.  I couldn’t believe I was hearing this, or that I was agreeing to
it.  Unbelievable or not, though, I was about to come just standing
there.  I realized he was waiting for my acknowledgment, and I nodded

He continued, “You’re
going to come harder than you ever have in your life.  Now, do you trust

I nodded and then
squeaked out, “Yes.”

“Good girl.  Stand
right there.”  Tad leaned in for a quick kiss, trapping my lower lip
between his teeth as he pulled away.  He circled behind me and I heard the
chest creak open.  There were some rustling noises and then Tad was behind
me again.  He slipped a silk blindfold over my eyes and tied it tightly
behind my head.

I started to speak, but
I felt a finger on my lips.  “Shhh,” said Tad.

I took a breath and shook
my head.  “Wait.  No pictures, ok?  You’re not blindfolding me
so you can take pictures and post them on Facebook are you?” By the end, I
sounded a little desperate, a little out of breath. 

Tad pushed the
blindfold up and tilted my chin up.  I stared in his very serious green
eyes as he said, “Oh no, beautiful.  Not at all.  I don’t share with
others.”  I nodded, and he pulled the blindfold back down.

I couldn’t see anything
of substance.  Some light leaked in from the top and bottom of the
blindfold, but I was largely forced to depend on my other senses.  I could
hear the floor creak under Tad’s feet as he moved behind me, and the noise of
my dress’s zipper was very loud.  Tad’s fingers barely brushed my back as
he expertly unclasped my strapless bra.  Then his hands slid up to my
shoulders and pushed the spaghetti straps of my dress off my shoulders, and
everything fell in a puddle at my feet, and I was totally naked.  I felt
more than naked.  I felt exposed, opened for him to judge.  I felt
like my big breasts were throbbing in time with my heartbeat, and the fat
around my stomach was jiggling, and my butt was probably all dimply.  I
tried not to cry. 

Tad groaned.  His rough
fingers traced over my shoulder and down onto the curve of my breast as he
walked around me.  His voice was husky with desire as he said, “You look
so fucking fabulous, Alexandra Arnott.”

Then he was gone. 
I felt bolder, but still shy and exposed and on display.  My nipples were
quivering, aching – his hand had been so close.  I fought back a
whimper, fought to stand still like he’d told me, hoping that he’d give me what
I needed soon. 

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