Sovereign Stone (5 page)

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Authors: David Wells

Tags: #Fantasy, #Epic, #Fiction

BOOK: Sovereign Stone
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Alexander looked around for more input before moving on. “I’m satisfied with our plan for defending against Headwater. Does anyone have anything else on this subject?”

Jack cleared his throat to gently draw everyone’s attention. “Wizard Sark, may I ask you to deliver a letter for my apprentice Owen at the Bards Guild? I have a couple of songs that will tell the story of Alexander and the Thinblade, the conquest of Blackstone Keep, and the murderous indifference of Phane and his netherworld minions. Owen will get these stories into circulation to begin forming the opinion of the masses.”

“Of course, I will deliver them to the Bards Guild myself,” Sark said.

“Very good.” Alexander was anxious to get to the more pressing matter. “My biggest concern is the Sovereign Stone. As I understand it, the Stone is in the aether and beyond reach. Any idea how Phane expects to retrieve it?”

“That’s hard to say,” Kelvin said. “I suspect he plans to use the powersink built into the Reishi Keep. The stories of the Reishi War say that a great deal of power was stored in the Reishi Keep. If Phane can access that stored magical energy, he’ll be able to use it to reach into the aether and draw the Stone back into the world of time and substance.”

“What’s a powersink?” Isabel asked.

“The name is a bit of a misnomer,” Kelvin said. “A powersink is usually incorporated into a structure, and the mechanics are quite complex but the result is simple. Essentially, a wizard can access the firmament through a powersink, and the link will remain open and dormant for later use by another wizard. In this way many wizards can access the firmament through a single powersink. The wizard controlling the powersink can wield a much greater connection to the firmament than any wizard could ever hope to command on his own. With a working powersink at his disposal, Phane will be able to cast a spiritwalk spell, even though such magic is beyond him otherwise.”

A quintessential-looking wizard, with long white hair, a white goatee, and simple grey robes said, “There is one story from the Reishi War that says the powersink in the Reishi Keep was tainted by a very powerful witch who was allied with Mage Cedric. If that story is true, then Phane will most likely fail in his attempt to retrieve the Sovereign Stone.”

“Is there any way to determine the truth of that story?” Alexander asked.

“Perhaps,” Wizard Ely said. “I will need to make some preparations, but I believe I can discover if the Reishi Keep is tainted or not.”

“What you’re considering carries great risk, does it not?” Kelvin asked.

“The risk is great, but the knowledge is worth the risk,” Wizard Ely replied.

“What exactly is the risk?” Alexander asked.

“If the Keep is tainted, then the witch’s spell could spread to my connection with the firmament through the divination spell I would cast. If it does, I could lose my magic permanently,” Wizard Ely said simply.

“What are the chances of you gaining the information we need without harm?” Alexander asked.

“Even odds,” Ely said.

“That’s too great a risk. Let’s hold off on that and explore other options,” Alexander said. “I would not risk you if we can find another way.”

“As you wish, Lord Alexander,” Wizard Ely said with a nod to his authority. “I will study the problem and see if I can find an alternative.”

“What’s the worst case if Phane gets the Stone?” Abigail asked.

“If Phane retrieves the Sovereign Stone, he will subjugate the Seven Isles. He will learn the ancient secret of Wizard’s Dust, and he’ll have the Reishi Gates to move his armies. For myself, I will fight his tyranny with my last breath,” Kelvin said, shaking his head, “but with the Stone, Phane will win.”

“If he can’t make the Reishi powersink work, is there another way for him to get the Stone?” Abigail asked.

Kelvin took a deep breath as he thought about the question. “Possibly. There are other powersink structures in the Seven Isles. He may be able to find one that he can use to cast a spiritwalk spell. But without a powersink, such a spell is beyond all but a naturally born and well-trained spiritwalker. To my knowledge, such a wizard has not been born in over three thousand years. They are most rare. Other than that, I doubt there is any way for him to reach it.”

“Is there a way for us to get the Stone?” Alexander asked. “I’d feel better if we could lock it in the Bloodvault rather than risk Phane finding a way to retrieve it from the aether.”

Kelvin frowned. “I know of no way to accomplish such a thing. I doubt any wizard in my guild could cast a spiritwalk spell, even with the benefit of a usable and highly charged powersink.”

“Perhaps there is another way,” said a wizard in simple brown robes. “I am Mage Landi. I know of fairies that live in the Pinnacles who can use their magic to shift into the aether. In the ancient stories, it was said that some few wizards were able to attract a fairy as a familiar. What I’m suggesting is unlikely to work, but I believe, with the proper preparation, it is possible.”

Kelvin looked intrigued by the idea. “A bold suggestion, Mage Landi. My understanding is that the fairies are wary of outsiders. Attracting a fairy as a familiar would be a most difficult task. What do you propose?”

“In truth, I would need to make a more thorough study of the matter before I could make an informed recommendation. However, I believe I could summon a fairy, and we could simply ask if what we desire is possible.”

“What do you mean when you say you can summon a fairy?” Alexander asked.

“Simply that, Lord Alexander. I can magically bring a fairy here to speak with us on the matter. I am a conjurer. My magical calling is the art of attracting and bargaining with creatures of all kinds.”

“What would you need to summon a fairy?” Kelvin asked.

“I have everything I need to prepare the spell, except a pinch of fairy dust and we have an ample supply at the guild house.”

Lucky spoke up. “I have a small quantity of fairy dust with me now. You’re welcome to it.”

Mage Landi smiled his thanks, then turned to Kelvin. “I can cast the summoning spell tonight after dark.”

Kelvin nodded. “Very good. Is there any danger involved?”

“None, except the possibility that the fairy will reject our request,” Mage Landi said.

“That leaves the matter of the scourgling at the gate. Any suggestions how we might kill it?” Alexander asked.

The table fell silent. Wizard Ely broke the silence after a long moment. “To my knowledge, such a creature cannot be destroyed by force. It will return to the netherworld once it has completed its task or if the one who summoned it sends it back or if it is banished. I do not believe that any here have the capability to banish the beast and so the only option that remains is to contain it.”

Kelvin nodded. “I agree. A scourgling is probably not even vulnerable to the Thinblade, and I would not risk your life to discover the truth of that. Our only real option is to contain it within a magical circle.”

“How do we do that?” Isabel asked.

“First we must decide where we want to trap the beast,” Kelvin said. “If we contain it within a circle constructed out of doors, then we risk the circle being tampered with or being naturally damaged by the elements. The alternative is to find a more permanent prison within the walls of Blackstone Keep. Such a place would likely hold it much better but presents far more challenges and greater risks.”

Isabel looked at Alexander, then back to Kelvin. “I don’t want that thing to get in here, not even to imprison it,” she said. “If it somehow escaped its cage, it would be able to get to Alexander. If we find a way to trap it outside, then at least we can defend against it if it gets loose.”

“I agree,” Abigail and Anatoly both said at once.

“What if we built an enclosed structure down on the plain and lured it inside?” Alexander suggested. “We could post a guard detail to ensure that nothing tampers with the magic circle, and the enclosure would protect the circle from the weather.”

“That sounds like a good plan,” Kelvin said.

He turned to Wizard Sark. “Add that to your list. Instruct Commander Perry to begin construction of a suitable structure and assign Wizard Jahoda to oversee the project. When you get to the guild house, send a fast cart with a supply of silver and gold adequate for a permanent circle. The construction should be complete by the time the metals arrive. Select three wizards to accompany the wagons containing the contents of the guild and ask Regent Cery to provide a force of a thousand to ride guard. You remain in New Ruatha to take command of the remaining wizards and put them to work assisting in preparations for war.”

“I always feel better when I have a plan,” Alexander said. “Now for the part that I’m sure you are all eager for. I’d like to begin exploring some of the more sensitive areas of the Keep today.” Alexander pulled a handful of gold rings set with small black stones from his pocket and spilled them onto the table. “I found these in the Bloodvault, along with a very large book written in a language that I can’t read. Each of these rings will allow you to see the Keep in your mind’s eye and activate some of the shields and other capabilities, such as the bridge. I’ve given one to Lucky and I’d like each of you to wear one while you explore, so you can get through the shields you encounter and also so you don’t get lost.”

Alexander passed the rings out to all of the newly arrived wizards, except Sark, who sighed, “It is with regret that I cannot stay and help you explore, but time is our enemy. I must leave as soon as possible.”

Jack gave him a tube full of papers for Owen, and Alexander walked him over to the bridge arch with Kelvin.

“Any further instructions before I depart?” Sark asked.

“I don’t think so,” Alexander said. “Thank you. And be careful; Headwater has powerful allies. Take what precautions you can to ensure that your journey is safe.”

“I will, Lord Alexander. Expect preparations for imprisoning the scourgling to take a week or so. Wagons from the guild should arrive within two weeks.”

Wizard Sark shook hands with Alexander and Kelvin, then unceremoniously stepped off the edge of the bridge abutment and fell into the open sky. Alexander watched in amazement as the wizard sailed away from the wall of the mountain, turning in a gentle arc toward the army encampment far below. He fell fast at first, but once he neared the ground, he slowed and landed on his feet in a fast walk, never breaking stride until he was standing in front of Commander Perry.






Chapter 5






The rest of the day was spent exploring the Keep. They broke into groups of three with a wizard in each group. Alexander wanted a preliminary assessment of the contents of the mile-long hallway that formed the backbone of the protected areas once used for the study and practice of magic. They dubbed this long corridor the Hall of Magic.

The only wizard who stayed behind was Ely. He asked Alexander if he could study the book that had been found in the Bloodvault. When Kelvin suggested that Ely was the best scholar in the guild and would have a better chance of deciphering the contents than any other, Alexander quickly agreed.

Kelvin and Isabel went with Alexander to explore the central tower. Alexander’s other companions and a number of Rangers formed several groups, each guided by a wizard and each tasked to explore the various rooms and halls that radiated away from the Hall of Magic.

When Alexander’s group approached the sentinel at the end of the long hallway leading to the central tower, Alexander noted that its eyes were still glowing with the color of sunlight on new-fallen snow.

Kelvin stopped several feet away from the stone statue and appraised the ancient guardian for several moments.

“What can you tell me of this?” he asked.

“When we first came to this part of the Keep, there was a line on the floor just about where you’re standing, and the archway beyond was sealed over with stone. When I stepped over the line, a magical shield formed behind me and the sentinel challenged me with three tests.

“First, it demanded proof that I had the Keep Master’s ring,” Alexander said. “Second, it demanded that I forfeit the life of one of my companions.”

Kelvin frowned with slight alarm. “How did you overcome such a challenge?”

“I was terrified at first and it took me a while to reason through it, but I finally understood that Mage Cedric was testing my loyalty to the Old Law. As such, I had no right to forfeit any life but my own, so that’s what I offered,” Alexander said. “The sentinel was satisfied with my answer so it moved on to the third test . . . and attacked.”

Kelvin tensed a bit and looked at the stone statue with renewed suspicion. “I don’t see any battle damage, so how is it that you managed to survive?”

“It didn’t take long to realize that it was using the sword forms I learned from the skillbook. Once I understood, I was able to recognize each attack and employ the counterattack best suited to meet the sentinel’s advance. After I’d met each and every attack series and combination in the skillbook with a successful counterstrike, the sentinel stopped its attack and pronounced that I had passed the test. A moment later the wall under the arch at the end of the hall vanished, allowing access to the central tower.”

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