Special Needs (23 page)

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Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #transabled, #rough sex, #stalker, #sex, #medical, #sex hotel, #leg braces, #ink, #workplace affair, #tattoo, #deception, #Gay, #disability, #romance, #bdsm, #employee, #fetish, #role play, #alternative lifestyle, #goth, #devotee, #paraplegic, #boss, #sexual role play, #body image issues, #amputee, #medical fetish, #mm, #wheelchair, #scars, #piercing, #stalking, #first time, #financial trouble, #emo

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“Rod said they’re coming in a few minutes,” she informed him, polishing the clear surface with a paper towel. If she overheard the brief conversation in the lounge, she didn’t let it show. “The pun was intended.” She didn't make it a secret that she was happy with the perspective of looking at naked hunks throughout the day.

“This is so exciting,” Ryan said, wheeling out to the porch.

The sun was out, and with the weather being so nice, he was sure his guests would love to go swimming in the ocean after the shoot. He stopped by the wooden railing and watched the road, increasingly tense with the wait. When the first van appeared at the turn of the street, Ryan felt as if his gut clenched into a tight ball. It went straight through the open gate and stopped in the small hotel parking lot.

“We finally found you,” said a man of forty-something, heading straight towards Ryan as soon as he left the car. He looked like a bookkeeper, or at least like Ryan imagined they looked like: with a friendly, yet ordinary face, thin glasses and a neat haircut.

“Hiya! You could have called me, but at least you finally managed.” He smiled, surprised at how much easier talking to people was on a professional level. It was the regular socializing that was a pain.

“Oh, your employee managed just fine without having to call for help. I’m Rick, the producer. We talked on the phone.” He shook Ryan’s hand just when two other cars arrived behind his back.

Ryan cleared his throat, wishing his hand wasn’t as sweaty as it felt to him. “Cool. We’ve got food ready if you guys are hungry, all rooms are available, and just tell me if you need anything else.”

Rick nodded and flashed him a paper-white smile. “Great, the guys need to unpack anyway. Could you show me the Monster Room now?”

Ryan took one longing look towards the cars. He wanted to see Matt Powers, but as much as he yearned to get a glimpse of him as soon as possible, he knew it could wait. “Sure, let’s go.” He smiled and led the way into the hotel.



The Monster Room was designed to make the clients feel like they were living a psychedelic nightmare. The ceiling was irregular, with a slight arch and two tattered rows of long spikes running along the edges up to the “throat” as the staff referred to the small adjoined room which housed the bed. It was now obscured by a curtain, which, like the walls, featured the motif of a hypnotizing spiral.

The colors were dark and muddy, with little yellow and orange lamps, planted all over the room. The idea for this place came from Ryan’s love for gore and outrageous horror movies, the ones with plastic monsters and rubber tentacles. A table imitating a piece of flat brown rock, was placed strategically in front of a monster head, that Ryan had commissioned. The alien mix of octopus and spider had six black eyes and a mouth filled with rubber nubs that could be lubed up if needed, but the fuck-machine disguised as the beast's tongue was what Ryan was most proud of. He'd love to feel it inside someday.

From what he understood, the flick was about Matt Powers’s character having an eerie dream after shroom consumption. It featured monster fucks, obviously. He and the other actors were now being prepared for the first scene in the Classroom, on the other side of the corridor.

“That’s some fancy work.” Stuart ogled the hidden fuck machine.

“Cool, right? I got all this stuff custom made for the hotel. I want this place to be super popular someday.” Ryan looked into the monster’s eyes and ran his fingers along the side of its mouth.

“Does that turn you on?”

Ryan swallowed, but it was a question he was expecting. “I guess the fuck machine does. But I suppose it’s all about the mood your partner sets up.” He winked at Stuart, whose eyes were so dark it made him nervous. The moment shattered when one of the technicians switched on a bright light, directing it straight at them.

“Ah, shit, that hurt!”

“Ow!” Ryan tried to quickly move away, but the fake seaweed on the floor got trapped in the wheels of his chair. “Fuck... Sorry!” He lifted his hand, annoyed with himself. Being a disruption to the film crew that was supposed to ensure the hotel’s breakthrough was the last thing he wanted.

Stuart was by his side within seconds. He scooted down, detangling the chair and accidentally rubbed his cheek against Ryan’s knee.

“Thanks.” Ryan smiled and ran his fingers through Stuart’s hair. He couldn’t stop thinking about the sex they arranged for tomorrow. He was feeling awkward already.

“You're welcome, baby. I think they’ll be getting started.” Stuart tugged him down by his t-shirt.

“Would you take me out to the corridor? Might be easier than me trying to navigate in this place.” Ryan slouched to kiss Stuart’s lips. The guy was so accepting and willing to help that Ryan was feeling guilty for having doubts about tomorrow.

“Oh, thanks, we’re gonna start soon.” Rick looked up at them from over a bunch of documents he was holding, before turning his attention to a tall, bald man in a body-hugging rubber costume that reminded Ryan of the creature from the Black Lagoon. “No, they need to put on makeup around your eyes as well.”

Stuart pushed Ryan’s wheelchair to the exit, trying to avoid any props and elements of equipment laying on the floor.

“Give me a shout if there’s anything I can help with,” Ryan said to the producer, before taking a peek into the Classroom, on the opposite side of the corridor. A heavily tattooed girl was applying make up to one of the actors, but when his eyes wandered further into the room, he saw another man in a monster costume, complete with a mask and a ridiculously large cock. Ryan was sure they must have used a lengthening sleeve, men couldn’t get that big, could they?

He let his eyes roam over the red, veiny length before turning his attention to the next actor. His mouth fell open. The guy was chatting to... Matt Powers himself and Liam, who was casually drinking a beer as if it wasn’t a big deal. With Matt in only his underpants and Liam being Liam, it was just too much hotness in one place.

Ryan licked his lips, trying not to show his excitement too much with Stuart behind his back. He hoped his neck didn’t get as red as it felt. “Hi guys. How’s it going?” he asked casually, without entering the room yet.

“That’s Ryan.” Liam introduced him as if he had already made friends with the actors. He flashed Ryan a welcoming smile and gestured for him to come over. Matt grinned and winked at Ryan with a kohl-framed eye. With a sprinkle of black glitter on his cheekbones and spikes in his hair, he looked like a rock star.

“This place’s awesome. Liam says you designed the rooms yourself?”
Oh fuck, his voice is so deep!

“Yes, I did.” Ryan wheeled in, looking back at Stuart. Introducing him would be as much of a distraction as using the inhaler and with Matt Powers in the room, he’d rather come off as desirable than sickly. “That’s my boyfriend, Stu.” He made it a brief affair, quickly progressing to answering Matt’s question. “I pretty much put my inheritance into it, but I think it’s totally worth it.”

Matt and the guy-with-the-ridiculously-huge-dick, whose name was actually Bob, both shook their hands and the conversation went from there. As it turned out, Matt shared Ryan’s enthusiasm for the Psych Ward room and told them a story about one of his first jobs in the industry when they actually used a deserted asylum as the set.

“We were freaking out that night!”

“Oh I know. I’ve seen that movie. It was so hot.” Ryan couldn’t take his eyes off Matt, though he tried to force them to behave. “I loved the nurses. They were so creepy.”

Matt suddenly let his body go rigid and imitated the stiff movements of the nurses from his debut movie. They were obviously inspired by the
Silent Hill
franchise, but Ryan believed that it was still incredibly original for the porn industry.

“It was great,” Matt said, straightening up with a wide grin. “We lived in that hotel and at night, me and some of the guys went back to the set. It was epic. Plus, the fucking’s great when you’re all pumped with adrenaline.”

“Is this kind of creepy porn popular?” Liam downed his beer in one long slurp. Ryan couldn’t help but stare at the bobbing ball beneath the stubbly skin of his throat.

“It’s gaining attention. People like mixed genres in everything right now,” Bob called from where he was getting the last layer of makeup.

“The straight jackets must have been amazing too. I suppose that’s a bit like what I want to create here. A safe environment where people can get into an ecstatic state with role playing.” Ryan tried not to stare at Matt, but it wasn't easy, especially that judging from his knowing smile, Matt was fully aware of the effect he had.

“Yeah, that was hot. I will be sleeping in the Ward today actually. And I intend to try your straight jacket on.”

Oh. My. God
. Ryan would love to see that. It was amazing how versatile Matt could be. Hunk in peril in one video and a sexy serial killer with a chainsaw in the next one. That was some proper acting talent.

“Make sure you tweet about it.” Ryan laughed, intent on using this opportunity for their marketing purposes.

“Make sure
tweet about my charity.” Matt winked at him.

“Charity?” Liam blinked and crooked his head, looking into Matt’s face. “You have a charity?”

“Oh yes, yes!” Ryan wanted to grab Liam’s wrist, to get his attention, but stopped mid-way, unsure if Liam would want that with the mood he was in. “Matt has a charity helping homeless LGBT youths, gives them work experience in his company, and counseling, and support, and oh my God, I’ll totally support it!” Ryan spoke so fast he was running out of breath.

Liam snorted, which was totally inappropriate. “Right... you give them work experience... in porn?”

Matt rolled his eyes. “Oh come on, we do have office jobs, I need drivers, some people might help with props and so on. I get it, you’re joking,” he patted Liam’s shoulder, “but lots of people seriously think my charity work is somehow less valid, just because I work in adult entertainment. Like it would make me a worse kind of person.”

“People don’t get it, do they?” Ryan couldn’t take his eyes off Matt. “It’s like my neighbor, he keeps being nasty about my hotel, just because it’s a sexy place.”

“Oh yeah, the guy’s such a giant douche.” Liam rolled his eyes. “I’d love to just lock him up in the Psych Ward for a few days. Maybe he’d grow some balls.”

“Speaking of the Psych Ward...” Matt smirked and looked at Ryan again, making his stomach clench. “When I wear that straightjacket, maybe you could tell me how I look in it.” His striking, dark eyes could make Ryan hard within seconds, so it was good the fear of being embarrassed in public worked like a metaphorical bucket of cold water.

“I definitely know I want to have a photo with you.” Ryan dodged the proposition, but tried to fight his shyness and poked Matt’s thigh. Pure muscle. The actor didn’t seem to mind the boldness.

“What, now or after the hard day’s work?” He ran his hand through Ryan’s hair before looking over his head. “Hope Mr. Silent doesn’t mind.”

“Oh yeah, Stu. You can tell me if that’s a problem.” Ryan turned his head to look at his boyfriend, who just gave him a charming smile.

“Not at all. I’m happy if you’re happy, baby.”

“You know, there’s a growing niche for para porn. Maybe you could audition some time.” Matt grinned and winked at Ryan. It was hard to tell if he was being serious or not. Nevertheless, the words ignited a fire underneath Ryan’s skin.

“Uhm... yeah... I’m not sure if that’s my thing. I’m a bit shy.” He looked up at Liam, discretely. “And I have a boyfriend now and all.” Ryan tried to laugh it off. His humor faltered when he saw Liam’s face turning into a mask as soon as he said the ‘b’ word.

At least Matt didn’t recognize the tension and went on with the topic. “I recently saw this flick with a para guy put in a cage. It was such a hot bang! I mean, your style is kinda unique for that niche.”

“Emo twink meets para,” said Bob, who at this point was slouching in the chair, as if trying to escape from the makeup artist.

“You’re not that shy, Ryan.” At this point, Stuart’s fingers sliding down his shoulders in a long, slow strokes weren’t all that arousing.

“I have my wild side I suppose. I just don’t know how I’d feel about anyone filming it.” He looked to Bob. “But yeah, I’m not your average wheelchair choir boy.”

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