SpellBreaker: First Ordinance, Book 4 (11 page)

BOOK: SpellBreaker: First Ordinance, Book 4
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"That is what I wish to speak with you about—how she saved you," Nefrigar smiled again. "To record for our archives."

Shall we sit?
I offered.
It is a good story

* * *

Le-Ath Veronis

ASD Headquarters



I'd taken a seat in an interviewing room at Kooper's ASD headquarters on Le-Ath Veronis. Ilya took the chair beside mine. Falchani-trained, he made no sound as he settled there.

"Ilya?" I turned to him. There were so many things I wanted to say to him. Some of those things began with, "Remember when?"

Those were the things I could never say. Those things meant nothing to him. I had no idea why he'd been given the same name this time, either. Perhaps it was a cruel joke or atonement for past sins.

"Have you ever been to Niff's?" he asked.

Of all the questions he might have asked, that one was the least expected.

"No." I turned toward him, then, and studied his handsome face. Like before, he had dark hair and dark eyes. The similarity ended there—his features were different. Still, I would recognize him anywhere and anytime.

"I hear they have gishi fruit ice cream," he said. "Have you tried that?"

"No. I've heard it's really good," I shrugged.

"I'd like to take you. If you want to go."



"What about?"

"Daragar is guarding the Prince and Quin."

"Then ice cream sounds wonderful."



"This." He leaned in to kiss me.

I wanted to weep with joy and melt into him at the same time.

* * *

"Where are we?" I asked as I looked about me. We hadn't stayed at Niff's, once we had our ice cream.

"This is my home—on Falchan."

"You don't have something on Karathia?" His home was sparsely furnished and decorated—in true Falchani style.

"I do. My parents gave me a parcel of land when I reached adulthood, but I haven't built anything there; I'm afraid I left home to join the Falchani army," he offered a wry smile.

"I'm not surprised," I said, touching the varnished woodwork of an intricate room divider. "I suppose your parents gave you land in an effort to keep you on your home planet?"

"That's right. I compromise with them by visiting at least once a month."


"My mother will be overjoyed to meet you," he began.

I froze. He wanted me to meet his parents. It pleased and terrified me at the same moment.

I'd never considered the concept of in-laws of any kind, before realizing I was getting ahead of myself.

Ilya and I had married in another life. Not this one.

He didn't recall the daughter and son-in-law he'd had, while I remembered them clearly.

Both gone, now.

For centuries.

"You're shaking." Ilya's words brought me back to the present.

"It will pass." I turned away from him.

"Shhh, Ilya's here," his arms dropped around me.

* * *

Le-Ath Veronis

Queen's Palace


Queen Lissa's arboretum was where Daragar had taken us after we left ASD headquarters. Justis waited there, where a table had been set with food for dinner. His arms and wings were folded about me quickly, and I was kissed many times in the privacy his feathers created.

Lissa and her werewolf mate, Winkler, joined us for dinner; we took our seats and wine was poured.

Quin, what's wrong?
Lissa sent.

I have an uneasy feeling
, I confessed.
I don't know why—it's as if someone caused a ripple on the far edge of a pond, and now I am hearing the wash of it on my side of the shore

I feel something isn't right, too, but I've felt it for a while
, she replied.
We'll eat and study this after dinner.

Thank you

* * *


I was happy to be off the ship for an evening. Yanzi and I were getting cabin fever, as Queen Lissa suggested when we had dinner with her in the palace arboretum. I had no idea how those who worked on-board the ship day after day continued in their jobs—I found it wearying to fly through constant darkness.

Terrett, are you well?
Quin asked when we settled in Queen Lissa's library for drinks and talk after dinner.

I am. I am also grateful to be off the ship for the evening

Me, too
, she admitted.
I know it's a big ship, but it's so—claustrophobic at times

Yes. After seeing those ships attacked, where the crew had nowhere else to go to get away
, I admitted. I preferred enough space for fight or flight, as most anyone would. Freighter ships were often filled with cargo, leaving little space for anything else, including room for combat.

Ilya had shown me the images of Zaria, surrounded by crates with the enemy approaching from all sides, as she desperately killed those who came too close, intending to take her life.

She'd done it with skill but eventually, all of them died when they should have realized quickly that there was no hope of getting to her.

Prince Bel was correct to tell everyone to keep that information safe; any criminal who learned what Zaria could do would be desperate to obtain her services, in whatever way they could.

Ways that included blackmail and hostages.

Like Quin, she needed our silence and protection, as best we could give it.

Gerrett spoke to me from across the room. He'd settled for a place on the floor, next to a bookshelf.

I replied, the question in my mental voice. We'd nodded at one another on the ship, but had little direct contact.

Do you recall your mother's name?
he asked.

Of course I do. She was an evil bitch
, I replied.

As was mine, brother. As was mine

* * *

How long have you known?
I asked. Gerrett had joined me in the palace kitchen, where we were served a light cordial and allowed to sit at a small table to share mindspeech.

Zaria told me while serving breakfast one morning
, he replied.
I was stunned, of course. I never imagined
, he didn't finish.

I should have known
, I responded.
She sold us for a high price, I imagine, and told those who bought us how to control our gifts after they removed our tongues

Yes. I shudder when I think of all the evil committed while others had control of those gifts
, Gerrett said.

I care for her—Zaria
, he admitted.
I doubt she will look my way, however

I would not doubt it
, I said.
She looks at you and Bekzi with longing, at times. At least be her friend, if nothing else

I want that with you—to at least be your friend. I do not know whether our father is the same, but we were birthed by the same evil. We have much in common, brother.

We do. I am happy to know you live, brother. I worry that there may be more, though, with less than honorable leanings

As do I

* * *


"Lissa, we have news." Adam Chessman and Merrill Leopard walked into the Queen's library while we talked.

I understood immediately that the news they had was important. "All here can stay, it affects them," Merrill said.

"What is it?" Lissa asked.

"Our management at the casino on Campiaa found this in a guest's room." He held out a comp-vid. "The guest has disappeared, although we have a good idea where he is."

"There's a message you need to see. I'm extremely happy that Joey was there at the casino, going through records when this was brought to the office. Otherwise, it would have ended up in the lost and found pile and eventually tossed out." Adam shook his head. I could see that he was quite upset, although his face wore no expression.

"Joey got past the necessary passcodes, didn't he?" Lissa said.

"Yes. He disabled them. You'll see the message once you turn the thing on." Merrill made a gesture with his hands, urging the Queen to do so.

"All right." Lissa turned on the comp-vid and read.

"Holy shit," she cursed. "Holy, fucking shit."


Chapter 7



Ilya and I—we were talking. Kissing now and then, too, when urgent mindspeech reached us. At least we had our clothes on when we folded space to Queen Lissa's library.

"This message was sent to Ruther Kend," Lissa explained as she handed a comp-vid to me.

"The manufacturer of high-tech weapons? The one who supplies the ASD?" Ilya asked.

"That's the one. His vacation on Campiaa was interrupted by this message. I think he may have left his comp-vid behind, hoping someone would break the code and find the message," Lissa explained.

"Wait, these are schematics for," I said, lifting my eyes and gazing at Lissa.

"Yeah. Only these won't have any safeguards built in," Lissa replied. "Deris and Daris want Kend to build these for them, in exchange for his wife and children."

"They have them?" Ilya asked.

"We checked discreetly—sources say the family is visiting other family. We checked out that story—it's a lie. The last of that message reads that they'll die unless Kend keeps this to himself and cooperates."

"Here's my worry," I said, handing the comp-vid to Ilya so he could read the message. "Have they sent similar messages to others, demanding who knows what to fight their war against the crown of Karathia?"

"It's possible." Merrill nodded before turning to Lissa. "I doubt anyone else would have the presence of mind to leave a comp-vid behind for us to read."

"These machines were outlawed everywhere before the creation of the Alliance," Adam pointed out. "For a very good reason. They were made for a single purpose, and that purpose destroyed worlds."

"Only this time, I'm sure they'll be the new, improved version, with advanced technology," I said.

"What were they called—before?" Quin asked.

—death machines," Adam responded.

"Where did they get the schematics, then?" Lissa demanded. "I thought all that crap was destroyed."

"No idea," Merrill replied. "Yet here they are; therefore, they exist."

"Has Kend gone back home—to his manufacturing business?" Quin asked.

"Word has it that he's at his mountain retreat on Jaledis, where he keeps a facility for research and experimentation on new technology. Getting into that place is like breaching a fortress, because admission is only granted to those who work there," Adam said. "I've coordinated with Kooper and Lendill already; we'll have to approach cautiously. It's likely that either Deris or Daris will be there with Sirenali, to ensure that their demands are met without investigation or interference."

"That's not fucked up or anything," Lissa muttered. "And it doesn't include any others who may have received messages."

"I need photographs," I sighed. "Of anyone you think may have something to offer to the Arden twins. The more recent, the better."

"You can tell from photographs?" Merrill turned to me.

"If they're recent enough. Get me something taken after the messages were sent."

"We're assuming messages were sent," Caylon said.

"How well do you know the Arden twins?" Bel Erland spoke up. "By now, you should have determined that they don't put all their eggs in one basket."

"I understand that," Caylon agreed. "But have they sent out seven messages or seventy? We don't know."

"Then let's start with Jaledis," Lissa said. "If Deris or Daris is there, then we need Zaria or Quin to see them—to tell us what their plans are."

"That will require infiltration of the facility," Kooper appeared at the library door. "We are working out a plan, now. This is classified information and hasn't been distributed to any ASD employees."

"What do they wear on Jaledis?" I asked. Bel Erland snickered.

* * *



I hadn't gone shopping with Terrett in months. He, Daragar (in disguise) and I walked into the grocer's in the small city of Turbak, at the foot of the mountains that housed Kend's research facility.

Jaledis belonged to the Reth Alliance and had all the amenities any Alliance world possessed, including fresh food. Terrett would select meats while I bought vegetables for our table.

Some of our crew were still on BlackWing VII; Zaria, Bel Erland, Caylon, Sal, Ilya, Bekzi, Kevis, Terrett and I had been taken to Jaledis. Daragar and Valegar would stay as much as they could with us; Kaldill and Lafe were in charge of the ship in our absence.

Bekzi and Zaria gave me a list
, Terrett grinned at me. I put my arm around his waist and hugged him. He leaned in to place a swift kiss on my cheek and strode toward the meat counter.

* * *


Will you share a suite with me?
Ilya asked. He and I were sorting luggage into suites at the large villa Kooper arranged for us.

Ilya's question caught me by surprise. In another life, sharing a suite would be automatic. What if we didn't get along this time?

We can try it,
I answered, my mindspeech on the hesitant side.

I don't want you to be afraid
, he said.

I don't want to upset you
, I said.

You won't upset me unless you say no. Then I'll be disappointed

That's not what I meant. I don't want to disappoint you in—you know.

You won't


"Don't mind me," Kevis Halivar interrupted a really nice kiss between Ilya and me.

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