Spellscribed: Resurgence (20 page)

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Authors: Kristopher Cruz

BOOK: Spellscribed: Resurgence
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And then, to Balen and his men, it appeared as if the suns had been snuffed out. Darkness enveloped them as the Fjallar slowly descended on outspread wings.

Gullin, Endrance's familiar, was a firebird, a Fjallar. Known in barbarian lore as a bird of the apocalypse, Endrance had never seen his familiar at his full size, since Gullin's physical form was dependent on Endrance's mastery and control of his power. This time, Endrance knew instinctively that he had finally witnessed the full, terrifying power that was his familiar.

Gullin's wingspan covered somewhere between forty and fifty yards from tip to tip. The bird's body was fifteen yards of that span, but was also thirty yards long. Every feather Endrance could see had a tip that glowed like embers. The creature had an impressive crest of crimson feathers on his head, resembling a crown whose points flickered with palm-sized flames.

His body was a cross between a cardinal and a rooster, with a short beak for his size and a waddle on his neck, and long tail feathers.

Gullin replied mentally.
You have returned! I am pleased that you are not dead.

Thanks, Gullin.
Endrance replied, happy that his companion bore no grudges.

And you have finished developing your spell circle.
The bird observed
. I am proud to say I have reached my natural size.

Balen, too overwhelmed to realize that the ice planting his feet had melted, stared at the bird with slack-jawed surprise. "By the gods." he whispered.

"If we continue this fight, you may be able to kill me." Endrance said to Balen.

Gullin mentally interrupted.
Is Balen our enemy now?

Endrance replied, hoping Gullin didn't twitch a feather and roast the poor general.

"But if you do, then Gullin would set your armies afire." Endrance declared. "Can you see that?"

Balen nodded slowly, staring at him. "You have your magic, Spengur." Balen replied. "I cannot defeat that now. What do you need me to do to prove that I am worthy?"

"The city has some military in it." Endrance said. "Some ten-thousand men and women who are waiting for you to arrive. I have managed to get them to surrender to me, on the promise that the civilians will not be harmed."

"You did." Balen stated, acknowledging Endrance's statement more than asking. He loosened his grip on the Inheritance, the head of the axe biting into the soil at his feet.

"If I am to hand the capitol over to you, I want you to agree to those terms, and one more." Endrance said.

"What's that?" Balen asked.

Endrance jerked his thumb at the city. "If the soldiers there surrender, I don't want them executed. If any individuals fight back, that's a different matter. I just don't want any unnecessary bloodshed."

Balen shrugged. "That's it?" he asked.


"Agreed." Balen said. "It's too much of a mess killing that many people anyway. It's better to add their forces to ours, once they understand they are now no longer their own kingdom."

Endrance sighed, lowering his wards to a minimum level. "What would they be called then?" he asked.

Balen gave him a brutal smile as Gullin closed his wings and took a step back. "Simple." The general said. "They become the Ironsoul Tribe."

* * * *

Bridget looked out the window of the carriage they rode in, watching the landscape leisurely roll by far below. She shook her head, turning back to the inside and grimacing. Endrance looked at her quizzically, while Tanya resumed looking over her quiver of newly acquired arrows.

"I still can't believe this." Bridget protested.

"What?" Endrance asked. "It's got good circulation and the seats are comfortable."

"No, the fact that Gullin is carrying us." Bridget exclaimed. "He is far larger than before. You could hide a whole platoon of warriors on his back."

Endrance shrugged. "It's easier for him to carry us this way, and it's easier to disembark once we land." The mage looked out the window and straight down. "Unless you'd rather I hitch the carriage to a couple sand hornets?"

Below them, the few thousand remaining sand hornets swarmed across the land in a tight formation, following Endrance's commands. The swarm had been sizably reduced during the two weeks of their stay due to food shortages and the Ironsoul military's actions. Though they had surrendered, Endrance would lose a couple of sand hornets a day due to attacks from soldiers and civilians. Fortunately, their number had been reduced to the point where he could control their movement patterns well enough so that they wouldn't go after someone's animals, unless he drove them right into the herd.

Tanya was in a good mood. Because her bow had been carved with elven runes and laced with magic, Endrance had been able to track it down once they were able to leave the city. While the string had been torn free, the bow itself was only mildly chewed on but otherwise in one piece. Endrance's magic was able to restore the horn to perfection, and Tanya had been smiling at him when he looked her way ever since.

"Ugh." Bridget replied, disgusted. "No thank you. We can fly."

"It's faster too." Tanya replied. "And less chance of getting eaten."

"Yeah." Endrance replied. "Gullin sure is incredible."

Tanya's eyes widened and she snapped her fingers, remembering. "Oh right!" she exclaimed. "It seems there's someone who has romantic intentions towards your familiar."

Endrance raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" he said. "Do tell."

Tanya shrugged. "Her name is Ashia."

Endrance shrugged, thinking it over. "It takes all types, I suppose." he said.

"She's a magma drake." Tanya added.

"Oh." Endrance replied. "That makes somewhat more sense?"

A magma drake?
Gullin inquired.
I wonder what a magma bath would be like?

Endrance replied.
Considering it's melted stone.

That sounds wonderful!
Gullin answered.
Can we try that out when we have a chance?

Feel free to, though I think I will pass.
Endrance replied.
I don't know if I can swim in molten stone, even if I was immune to the heat.

Then perhaps this Ashia would be willing to show me the best spots for magma bathing.
Gullin answered cheerfully.

Wait till we're done here, at least?
Endrance asked.
I may know teleportation magic, but I need you to carry me while I guide the sand hornets back.

Of course.
Gullin replied
. I would not snub you just because of potential companionship. Unlike the number of times you made me leave the room when you and Selene-

That's different!
Endrance interrupted.
After the first time, you started sharing your observations and it made it really difficult to concentrate.

I see.
Gullin replied, his voice surprisingly amused. The familiar definitely seemed most personable since Endrance had first summoned him so long ago.
Then I suppose I can stand to wait.

Endrance replied.
Because otherwise I'd be forced to follow you and comment on your 'form' in the spirit of fair play.

…We can do without that.
Gullin concluded with a mental chuckle.

"Talking to Gullin about the hot dragon lady?" Tanya teased.

"Hot drake lady, but yes." Endrance answered. He became aware of a flock of sheep that had wandered into the path of the swarm and gently guided the insects around them. The shepherd would not appreciate losing his livelihood due to a mage's negligence.

"What's the difference?" Tanya asked. "Both can shift into human form, they have magic, and powerful dragon bodies with elemental powers."

"And they eat you." Bridget added.

Endrance shrugged. "From what I understand, drakes and dragons are very much the same, except that dragons are universally more powerful than elemental drakes. They're bigger, stronger, tougher than drakes, and I've only ever read about drakes that have powers related to the four primary elements. Dragons… they're like a second, more evolved form of drakes and, as you were able to see with Mastadon, can have powers that are not connected with a specific element, like shadow. Dragon's nests have been found, but never have eggs been recorded; while we have found plenty in drake nests."

"So maybe drakes are children?" Tanya asked.

Endrance shook his head. "Drakes can reproduce with each other, so perhaps it's more appropriate that dragons are their elder forms?"

"Ashia is a magma drake." Tanya said. "Does that make her fire and earth?"

Endrance nodded. "Probably had been intermingling two different drake bloodlines for centuries."

"How much longer?" Bridget asked, irritated. "I'm getting tired of sitting around while Gullin does all the work."

"If you want to get out and push, I would think that Gullin would appreciate the help." Endrance replied teasingly.

The barbarian huffed. "I'll pass." she said, idly looking out the window.

By taking to the air, Gullin was able to cut their travel time down to only two days. Endrance had enough control to keep the sand hornets in line, even when he slept. Both Tanya and Bridget were still unsure as to how he managed to do it, but when asked he hesitated before replying.

"It's like breathing." he said over his breakfast. "Something you do in your sleep without having to think about it, you know?"

The Sunken Tower came into view just before midday on their second day of travel. Gullin lowered the carriage to the ground as the barbarians occupying the structure scrambled to mount a defense. Several catapults were loaded, and archers started pouring out onto the roof of the tower, waiting for them to get within range.

Gullin, Endrance commanded. Set us down just outside of arrow range.

What about the catapults? Gullin asked.

Go ahead and stay in the air. Circle outside of their line of fire.

All right.

Endrance felt the carriage hit the ground, rolling forward for a few seconds before slowing to a stop on the rough dirt. Bridget popped her head out the window, looking around.

"We're clear." she said. "About two-hundred yards from the tower."

Endrance nodded. "Let's get out now and walk the rest of the way."

Endrance led the way, walking in front while he waited to see if the men General Kurgen had left in charge were going to attack him. After all, it had been years since he had last been seen publically by the Barbarians, and only those closest to him recognized him at first glance. Endrance remembered that he was still recovering from being slowly starved to death and sighed. Even his close friends barely recognized him.

He had been using his latent healing ability, life magic, and a healthy supply of food to help recover. Endrance had not scribed any life magic into his body yet, but he was starting to work out a healing spell that would work to further compound his survivability. He wanted to set it now, but decided that it was in his best interest to wait until he recovered, in case there was any backlash. Mercanians didn't subsist on life energy, something that most living creatures generated. They instead drew their existence solely from the power of magic itself. Since Endrance was half-Mercanian, he feared that life magic healing spells would be only partially effective on him in the long run.

To be safe, Endrance powered his wards up to full as they approached. He didn’t want to take any unnecessary risks.

A pair of wolfmen trotted towards them. Endrance, who had the unique advantage of an eye in the sky, knew that they were the only ones approaching directly, but they were not alone. Ten more wolves circled around, five on either side, in a roundabout fashion and out of sight from the ground. It was impressive, considering how flat the terrain was near the Sunken Tower.

Endrance held up his staff and chanted a short spell before tapping the butt of the staff into the ground. The dirt beneath his walking staff rippled like he had struck water, radiating out for several yards before subsiding. The two wolfmen approaching slowed to stop just outside where the last ripple had disappeared.

The mage recognized Wrach standing before him, though he had armor and weapons he didn't recognize. The other wolfman - no, he now realized it was a female.

"Bridget. Tanya." The female spoke, her voice was husky, but it lacked the animal growl that Endrance had realized was the 'accent' of a wolfman who had learned the common tongue only recently.

"Oh!" Bridget replied, clasping a fist to her breast. "Runa! You're doing well."

The female nodded. "Yes." She said. "I have healed well from the last incident."

"Endrance." Wrach said, seeming to have not a single care for his disappearance over the last several years. "It's good to see you well." The Alpha looked the underweight mage up and down. "Have you been eating?" he asked. "I see you have grown taller, but…"

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