Spent - Part Two (Bad Boy Fighter Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Spent - Part Two (Bad Boy Fighter Book 2)
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“That was rude,” I place my hands on hips and doing my best to fake a peeved tone.

“I keep my menus in here,” he mutters without looking up.

“And that justifies the spanking?"

“Tash,” he looks up at me, the fire burning in his eyes, “I’m hungry and horny. You’re just damn lucky I’m not throwing you up on this counter and spanking you ‘till you cum."

Oh fuck…

“Maybe we can eat later,” I whisper, as I bite my bottom lip.

Luke smirks, “You
me to spank you until you cum?"

“Right now, I could probably cum simply from you talking like that,” I lick my bottom lip.

Luke’s eyes brighten, “Oh really? You mean, my words alone can have that effect?”

“Maybe,” I lock eyes with him, my breathing getting harder.

Luke leans in towards me as he places a hand against my ass. His mouth eases towards my neck. Closing my eyes, I feel his other hand making its way towards my breasts.

“You’re so ready, aren’t you?” He whispers seductively.

I moan. I can’t speak at this point. It’s been too long and I’m so damn close…

Luke’s lips brush against my neck, but stop just before he kisses me, “Well… it’s too bad we need to talk and eat first."

Him moving away from me is the last thing I expected. A smug look etches its way across his face, making me want to kick him.

“You’re a jackass,” I groan.

“Now you know how I feel when you tease me all night,” Luke winks, returning to sorting through the drawer with the menus.

I sigh, “I wish I had that kind of effect."

Luke looks up at me, seriousness in his eyes, “You have no idea how you affect me. I feel alive and insane at the same time. It’s intoxicating. I love the feeling."

I stare at him, wide-eyed. Normally, words come to me with relative ease. I am a writer, after all. But this isn’t the first time Luke has left me speechless and I hope that it isn’t the last. His words wash over me, thrilling me, scaring me, and completely bewitching me.

“How ‘bout some hoagies?” Luke mutters as he pulls out one menu from the drawer.

“Luke,” I whisper.

“Yes, Baby?"

“Show me that feeling."

Luke stares at me, quizzically, “What do you mean?"

I take in a deep breath, hoping that I can relay in words the overwhelming emotion that I’m feeling and the intense affection I’m hoping to feel.

“Show me how to feel the way you described,” Tears threaten to shed as they well up along the corners of my eyes, “I don’t know how to feel that way about someone, but I want to feel that way with you."

Before I can even process what’s going on, Luke is on me. His strong arms wrap around my body and lift me up off of my feet. Despite being weak from the fight and lack of eating, Luke makes me feel as if I’m weightless. I sigh against his body as he cradles me against his chest.

He carries me away towards the place I’ve been dying to be with him since we arrived at his apartment; his bedroom. I trace my fingers along his forearms as he holds me. Goosebumps follow along the trail that my fingers leave behind, bringing a soft smile to my face, knowing that I caused that to happen.

I never focused on how well our bodies responded to one another when he and I were together before. Two weeks ago, the old Tasha just wanted sex and to suppress the strong feelings I was beginning to feel for him. Trying to get close to somebody, after having been abused the way I was by my father, has never been easy. Now I know that my past was a factor behind why I pushed Luke away, I’m not going to let that happen again, if I can help it.

“I have one request,” Luke whispers, as he gently sets me down on his bed.


I can barely see in the dimly lit room, but what little light is streaming in through Luke’s window washes over his face, even with the few bruises still settling from the fight, so undeniably handsome. The mischievous grin that slides with ease across his lips sends a thrill through my body.

“Can I spank you until you cum?"

Without needing any more prompting, I hook my thumbs along the band of my leggings, “I don’t know Mr. Richards? Can you?”

“All in good time, Natasha,” his voice is so deep and oh-so-sexy that my vagina begins to grow damper with desire.

Luke’s hands grasp mine, guiding me as I ease my leggings and panties off of my body. I bite my bottom lip, anticipation welling up inside of me over what is to come. I’ve been longing for his touch ever since I left him, and right now, more than ever, my body needs him inside me.

Rough fingers brush against the sensitive skin of my bare legs. I can barely see Luke in the dimly lit room, but I can tell that he’s memorizing my body through his touch alone. Taking in a deep breath, I savor the feeling his touch and attention is giving me.

“You’re more beautiful than I remember,” he whispers against his breath, as he leans over to gently plant a kiss against my left inner thigh.

I moan. I have no idea how to respond, other than to vocalize the primal urges he’s reverberating throughout my body with the delicate strokes of his fingertips. I’ve waited for this feeling for days. Hell, I’ve waited for this feeling my entire life. The realization that this is the first time I’ve ever really felt this kind of raw emotion before suddenly overwhelms me. Tears begin to well up in the corners of my eyes.

I try to hide it, but even in the darkness Luke can feel my emotional release.

“What’s wrong?” Concern is heavily laced through Luke’s voice as he quickly moves away from my body. My body immediately aches, begging for his return.

“I don’t know,” my voice comes out cracked.

I really can’t explain what it is that I’m feeling. No words can describe what this is, because it’s something I’ve never felt before, I’ve only dreamt of it. All I know is that I’m falling for the sexy muscle-bound man before me and I’m falling for him hard.

“Did I hurt you?” Luke whispers.

In that moment, all I want is for him to shut up and show me that I’m not the only one in this relationship that is being overwhelmed with the raw intensity of what I’m feeling. I lunge for him before he can react. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I force him down against the bed. Our bodies become intertwined as my lips madly search for his.

My naked lower body brushes alongside Luke’s muscular legs. His gym shorts are the only thing keeping me from the part of him that I so desperately need. With our lips locked in a passionate embrace, my hands work to free him from the confines of sheer material that hinders us from copulating our desires.

The eagerness emitting from my hands and lips provides sufficient fuel for Luke’s own ardor, propelling him to wrap his arms around me in a comforting, and sensual, embrace.

Rapidly, I feel my body building as I slide his pants off. His impressive shaft springs to life from within the depths of its confinement, causing me to gasp softly with a sudden intensity to have his dick buried deep within my sex. I pull away from his pleasing lips to get a better look at his manhood pulsing ever so magnificently before me.

Climbing atop of him better, I straddle myself across his thighs as I grip his cock between my hands. Luke lets out a moan as my fingers tenderly stroke the velvety soft skin of his tip. Licking my lips, a salacious smile eases its way across my mouth as I slide down his enticing legs, plotting my next move.

My mouth plunges over his cock, taking in his full length in a matter of seconds. Luke cries out from both surprise and pleasure. Placing one of my hands across his abs, I place the spare hand against his buttocks as my mouth works up and down along his shaft. His muscles flex and spasm against my hands as I grind my mouth against his deliciously long member.

Luke’s hands grasp my hair, gently tugging at the red curls as my head glides along, begging his cock to give me the sweet juices I know he can make for me. My tongue licks up the savory beads of pleasure that trickle out from the tip. The sweet nectar invades my taste buds driving me to want to extract every ounce of cum Luke’s body is willing to give to me tonight.

Judging by the way his muscles are flexing, and by the way he’s thrusting his pelvis towards my lips, I should get an entire mouthful any moment. The thought drives my body wild, quickly prompting my vagina to salivate with desire, saturating the soft tufts of my manicured pubic hair.

His dick begins to pulse. The way his fingers vigorously massage my hair and scalp let me know that he’s getting close. I smile against his shaft, revelling in the fact that I have this kind of control over his orgasm. Abruptly, he tugs at my hair, pulling me away from his delicious member. I sigh, but my disappointment doesn’t last for long.

Without missing a beat, Luke gently, yet firmly, forces me onto my back against the bed. His hands eagerly search for the hem of my shirt, quickly sliding it away from my body once he finds it. The soft air flow being emitted peels away his shirt, revealing mine and his nakedness to one another in a matter of seconds.

Luke lumbers over me, his massive frame chiseled to steamy perfection. My eyes hungrily take in the sight, savoring every ounce of the man who could easily pass for some ancient Greek deity. I lick my lips, savoring the primal feeling that is rushing deep within my core.

My hands reach out for his, grasping at his shoulders. The muscles in his arms are so thick that I can barely grip him, but I grasp what I can and pull him in closer towards me. There’s a yearning deep within my body that needs attention. Luke’s attention… and his attention alone.

His physique lowers down against mine. Our noses brush against one another. Every fiber within my being is screaming for him to take me and to take me hard. This is what I’ve been needing these lonely few weeks. Fuck it, he’s what I’ve been needing my whole adult life, I’m just too damn scared to admit it.

“I missed you, Natasha,” he whispers as he plunges his dick deep within my sex.

Chapter 8

My eyes flutter open as the smell of fresh spices, hot meats and melted cheeses invades my nostrils. Panic floods my body for a moment as my hazy eyesight takes in the unfamiliar surroundings. A hand brushes through my hair from behind me. Quickly, I turn my head to see who’s touching me.

“Hey, Sleepyhead,” Luke mutters between taking bites out of a cheeseburger.

I sigh and smile, taking in the site of the bare chested man sitting up in bed beside me. My eyes widen when I notice a couple of rolled up burger wrappers lying on the end table beside Luke.

“You eat a lot,” my voice comes out a little broken and horse.

“Mmm,” Luke moans, “You made me work up quite an appetite."

I grin. As if on queue, my stomach rumbles loudly.

“Did you leave one for me?” I ask as I sit up.

“I got you three. I wasn’t sure how much you would eat."

My grip loosens against the blanket, allowing the fabric to tumble away from my body. Luke glances down at my breasts, grins, and returns to eating his burger. I giggle softly, pleased with the fact that a sexy MMA fighter would actually find my body appealing.

“I seriously doubt I can eat three."

“Then I guess I didn’t work you hard enough,” Luke frowns.

His frown almost looks serious, almost. The way his lips and brow contort is so adorable, that for a moment, I forget about the fact that I’m starving and contemplate on whether or not I want to toss his burger across the room and climb atop his massive dick for another round. My stomach grumbles again, drawing me away from my very tempting daydream.

“How long was I asleep?” I ask, as I reach across Luke for the bag of burgers.

My nipples brush across his chest. A murmur of approval escapes Luke’s lips as he closes his eyes. The muscles deep below my stomach begin to tighten. I could be with this guy for the rest of my life and still never get over how amazing it feels to turn him on with just a gentle touch.

I pause, mid motion.

Could I really spend the rest of my life with him?

The thought had never crossed my mind before, but now that I think about it, the idea isn’t anywhere near as frightening as it had been when I used to think about spending forever with Derrick.

Does this mean I love…

“You were asleep for a couple of hours, and you’re being rather mean right now, Tasha,” Luke mutters under his breath.

I blink rapidly, suddenly aware that I’m still leaning across him, both of our bare chests brushing against one another. Quickly, I grab a burger out of the bag and ease my way back over to my side of the bed.

“Something on your mind?” Luke arches an eyebrow.

“Perhaps,” I mutter as I unwrap my burger, “But it’s something we can talk about later."

Luke sits up a little straighter and stares at me with a very caring expression, “We can talk serious."

I sigh silently. I should have known he wouldn’t back down from the topic. Derrick was never one to have a serious discussion with me, but Luke is nothing like him. Luke seems to almost crave serious.

“I don’t know if I’m ready to talk about it,” I whisper.

“I can wait,” Luke smiles down at me softly, “I’ll wait as long as you need.”   

My heart practically melts. I’m falling way too damn hard and fast for this man. With Derrick, I mostly just wanted him for his body. But with Luke, it’s something much more than that, despite Luke being far better looking than my ex. This is something I thought I had felt with Derrick, but I really hadn’t. This is something far more exciting, and way more scary at the same time.

“You’re being cheesy again,” I mutter as I take a bite out of my burger.

“You seem to like cheesy."

“Maybe a little."

“I reckon you’ll get tired of it one day,” Luke says as he returns his focus to his food.

“I doubt it,” I whisper, trying my best not to cry.

Why am I so damn emotional lately? He’s just an insanely hot guy who happens to be amazing both inside and out and shows me that he cares for me. Why would that make any girl get teary eyed?

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