Spider Shepherd 10 - True Colours (39 page)

BOOK: Spider Shepherd 10 - True Colours
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‘I’m having problems getting information on the bodyguarding teams who were looking after Zakharov and Czernik,’ she said. ‘We’ve spoken to the men’s companies but they’re point blank refusing to help. Their head offices are overseas so there’s not much pressure I can bring to bear.’

‘You want me to run it by Grechko?’

‘You read my mind,’ said Button. ‘But be tactful, obviously.’

‘Tactful is my middle name, you know that.’

‘I thought Spider was your middle name.’ She laughed, and ended the call. Shepherd put the phone away and went back into the control centre.

‘Where is Mr Grechko?’ he asked Dudko.

‘Pool,’ said the bodyguard, flicking through a magazine filled with photographs of classic cars. ‘What do you think about the E-Type Jaguar? A good car, right?’

‘A penis on wheels,’ said Shepherd.

Dudko frowned. ‘What?’

‘It’s a substitute for a small penis,’ said Shepherd. ‘I wouldn’t get one, if I were you.’

‘But it’s a classic, no?’

‘It’s a classic, but trust me, anyone seeing you in one will think you’ve got something to hide.’

Dudko frowned. ‘You think I have a small penis?’

Considering that Dudko’s physique clearly owed more to steroids than it did to exercise, Shepherd figured that the man probably did have problems in that area but he just smiled and shook his head. ‘Girls might, though.’

‘You drive a BMW, right?’

‘An X5. SUV. Can’t fault it.’

Dudko grinned mischievously. ‘What does that say about your penis?’

‘That I look after it,’ said Shepherd, patting him on the shoulder. He took the stairs down to the third underground level.

Grigory Sokolov was standing by the doors. Despite the fact they were indoors and underground he was still wearing his Oakley sunglasses. ‘Grigory, I need a private word with Mr Grechko,’ said Shepherd.

‘He doesn’t like being disturbed while he’s swimming.’

‘I know that, but this is important.’ Shepherd pressed his thumb against the scanner and tapped in his code before pushing the doors open. Sokolov started to follow Shepherd but Shepherd put a hand on his chest. ‘A private word,’ he said.

‘Dmitry says I’m not to allow strangers alone with Mr Grechko.’

‘I’m not a stranger,’ said Shepherd.

‘You are to me,’ said Sokolov, folding his arms.

‘Call Dmitry, he’ll tell you it’s OK,’ said Shepherd.

Sokolov put his hand up to his Bluetooth earpiece as Shepherd went into the pool room. It had been built in the style of a Roman bath with stone columns and carved figures of naked Roman gods. At one end was a huge stone lion with a plume of water cascading from between its open jaws. Grechko was in the water, swimming lengths with a lot of splashing and grunting. Shepherd realised that the Russian wasn’t wearing trunks; there was a white stripe of untanned skin across his backside.

Grechko was an uncoordinated swimmer, his legs and arms thrashing in the water with an irregular beat, but he was a powerful man and moved at quite a speed. His turns at either end were ungainly and involved him slapping the poolside with his hand before twisting around with a loud grunt and powering himself forward by pushing with his feet. He would keep his face down in the water until he lost momentum and then he would began thrashing and splashing again.

The Russian swam a further ten lengths before climbing out of the pool at the far end. He picked up a towel, slung it over his shoulder, and walked towards Shepherd with a wide grin on his face. ‘You swim naked, Tony?’ he asked.

‘I’m not much of a swimmer,’ said Shepherd. ‘I’m more of a runner.’

‘Then you should run naked. All exercise should be done without clothes, the way God intended.’ He began towelling himself dry.

‘There’s something I need to ask you,’ said Shepherd. ‘Miss Button is trying to identify the bodyguards who were working for Zakharov and Czernik before they were killed.’

Grechko stopped towelling himself. ‘She suspects their bodyguards?’

‘It’s too early to say,’ said Shepherd. ‘She’s been in touch with the people at both men’s companies but they’re not being helpful.’

‘And you want me to ask them?’

‘I think you’ll probably have more luck than she’s having. Could you approach them and ask them to cooperate with her?’

Grechko nodded. ‘No problem. But why?’

‘We’re starting to think that the assassinations might have been an inside job,’ said Shepherd.

‘One of their bodyguards killed them?’ Grechko wrapped the towel around his waist and stood with his hands on his hips.

‘It’s possible.’

Grechko jutted his chin up and looked down his nose at Shepherd. ‘This is not good,’ he said.

‘It’s just a theory.’

‘And we could have an inside man on our team? He could be in the house right now?’

‘It’s unlikely,’ said Shepherd. ‘I’ve been through the CV of every man on your team, especially the new arrivals. And everyone checks out.’

‘People lie on their CVs.’

‘That’s true. I’m in the process of checking all references, and calling them myself. If I spot any discrepancies, I’ll act immediately.’

The Russian rubbed his chin thoughtfully. ‘You know what a Judas goat is?’

‘I know,’ said Shepherd. ‘The bait in a trap. But that’s not what’s going on here, Mr Grechko.’

Grechko stared at Shepherd for several seconds, then he nodded slowly. ‘I trust you, Tony. I’m not sure why I do, but I trust you.’

‘I won’t let you down, Mr Grechko.’

Shepherd spent most of the day in the control centre, reading through the files on the various members of the bodyguarding team. He made more than two dozen calls around the world, checking on references, and found nothing untoward. He decided to go for a run on the Heath and spent an hour and a half running and doing press-ups and sit-ups before running back to the house to shower and change. He was heading to the kitchen to pick up some sandwiches when his mobile rang. It was Button. ‘Bad news, I’m afraid,’ she said. ‘I’ve checked all the bodyguards for both men and there’s no common dominator,’ she said.

‘No offence but you did check photographs and not just names?’ said Shepherd.

‘No offence taken, Spider, and yes, I had the HR departments send over photographs. There are no matches. I’ll email you all the pictures now so you can check them against your team there. But if there’s no match between Zakharov and Czernik it’s doubtful that there’ll be a match with the men there.’

‘Yeah,’ said Shepherd, running a hand through his hair as he paced up and down the corridor. ‘So we’re no farther forward?’

‘I’m afraid not.’

‘But that doesn’t make any sense. If the sniper wasn’t shooting bodyguards to insert himself into the close protection teams, what was he doing it for?’

‘That’s a good question,’ she said. ‘I wish I had an answer.’

‘It can’t be a coincidence,’ said Shepherd. He stopped pacing. ‘What if it’s not about inserting himself into the team, but getting an intel source in place?’

‘Someone to feed him information?’

Shepherd’s heart was starting to pound. ‘That’s it. He’s got someone on the inside feeding him information on the target. He puts a bodyguard out of commission and when the target boosts his security the killer gets his own man on board. But it’s a different man each time.’

‘That makes sense,’ said Button. ‘So we’re looking for a connection between the new arrivals, some common denominator.’

‘The common denominator is the killer, because he’s paying them, presumably,’ said Shepherd. ‘But he can’t be pulling their names out of a hat. They must be people that he trusts, which means he’s known them for a long time, worked with them perhaps.’

‘And the killer is a sniper, which suggests military training. The bodyguards are pretty much all Russian, or at least former Soviet Union, so that suggests that the killer is too.’

‘So what you need to do is to compare the work histories of the new arrivals on all three teams and find a common point.’

‘I’m on it,’ she said, and ended the call.

Sheena the chef had prepared a selection of sandwiches and cakes and Shepherd took them back to the control centre.

McIntyre was there on his own when Shepherd opened the door and his eyes sparkled when he saw the food. ‘I could get used to this,’ he said. He took a bite out of one of the sandwiches, then wiped his mouth with his sleeve. ‘I might have something useful for you,’ he said.

‘I’m all ears.’

‘Last night the guys were talking about another Russian oligarch who was killed a while back. Name of Buryakov. Know him?’

Shepherd shook his head.

‘According to the guys, he had a heart attack or something. But two months before he died, someone tried to shoot him. A sniper.’

‘Where was this?’

‘Somewhere in Germany, I forget where.’ He grinned. ‘I don’t have your photographic memory, remember?’

‘So a sniper took a shot and missed?’

‘Yeah, just like with Grechko. And just as in Grechko’s case, a bodyguard took a bullet. In the arm.’

Shepherd nodded thoughtfully. ‘That’s interesting.’

‘It is, isn’t it? Bit unusual for a sniper to hit the wrong target, right?’

‘Very unusual,’ said Shepherd. Long-range sniping was challenging at the best of times, Shepherd knew from experience. It was easy enough to screw up a kill shot and a sudden change in wind could result in the target being missed completely. But hitting a completely different target, even if they were in close proximity, was rare in the extreme. ‘Who was talking about this?’

‘That skinny guy, the one with the shaved head. What’s his name? Volikov? Volvakov?’

‘Volkov,’ said Shepherd.

‘Yeah, that’s the one. He was talking to that big guy, the one who’s forever watching porn on his iPad. Molotov.’

‘Molchanov,’ corrected Shepherd.

‘Yeah, well, Volkov apparently knows one of the guys who was on this Buryakov’s team. Apparently the round missed Volkov’s mate by inches and hit this other guy. The head of security was fired and the whole thing was hushed up.’

‘Why?’ asked Shepherd.

‘Volkov said it was because this Buryakov reckoned no one would do business with him if they thought he was being targeted like that. Fair point, right? You’d hardly want to sit down with him if at any point a sniper was going to take a pot shot. Collateral damage, and all.’

‘This was all said in Russian, right?’

‘Yeah, they had no idea I was listening. I tell you, some of the things they say about me, I have trouble pretending not to understand. When this is over, I’m going to have a few scores to settle, I can tell you.’

‘Sticks and stones, Jock, remember that.’

McIntyre grinned wolfishly. ‘I won’t be needing sticks or stones,’ he said. ‘My fists’ll do the job just fine.’ He leaned closer to Shepherd and lowered his voice. ‘What about the other thing?’

‘Soon,’ said Shepherd. ‘Lex and I will dig the hole tomorrow night, and Jimbo and Lex are keeping tabs on Khan, making sure we’ve got his movements off pat.’

‘Who’s Pat?’ He laughed when he saw Shepherd’s look of contempt. ‘Just trying to lighten the moment, Spider.’

‘And don’t use my bloody name,’ whispered Shepherd.

‘OK, got you,’ said McIntyre. ‘So we’re ready to go the day after next?’

Shepherd nodded. ‘Two days, three at the most. Lex is keen to get back to Thailand. And the longer we leave it, the more chance there is that something will go wrong.’

‘Nothing’ll go wrong,’ said McIntyre. ‘That bastard deserves what’s coming to him.’

The door opened and Popov walked in. ‘You two are a devious pair,’ he said.

Shepherd felt his cheeks flush. ‘What do you mean?’

Popov grinned and pointed at the plates on the table. ‘You kept quiet about the sandwiches.’ He grabbed a couple of sandwiches and headed for the briefing room. ‘As leader of the pack I’m entitled to first bite of every kill,’ he said.

Charlotte Button arrived at the house at just after midday. Shepherd had called her the previous evening to tell her about the attack on Yuri Buryakov and she had woken him with a 6 a.m. phone call to tell him that she needed a meeting with Grechko.

Grechko was sitting in his study, signing letters with one of his secretaries, a striking Russian blonde called Emma. He didn’t get up when Button and Shepherd entered, in fact he studiously ignored them and continued to sign letters with a Mont Blanc fountain pen. Only when he had finished and Emma was gathering the letters together did he look up. ‘Miss Button, you are becoming a regular visitor.’

‘Something has come up, Mr Grechko,’ she said. ‘Do you mind if we sit?’

Grechko waved at a chair on the other side of the desk. Button sat down but Shepherd went to stand by the window.

Button smiled pleasantly at Grechko. She was wearing a dark blue suit that was almost black and a pale blue silk shirt. ‘Things have moved on since I last came to see you,’ she said. ‘We’ve taken a look at the case of Yuri Buryakov. You were also a friend of Mr Buryakov’s, weren’t you?’

‘It is a small world, Miss Button. There are not many Russians like us and we tend to stick together.’

‘But you were aware that he had died, surely?’

Grechko nodded. ‘Of course. I was at his funeral. But he had a heart attack. He was at a conference and he had the heart attack there and then he died in hospital.’

‘Why didn’t you mention to me that Mr Buryakov had also been the victim of a sniper attack?’

Grechko’s jaw dropped. ‘A sniper?’

‘About two months before he was murdered, a sniper shot at Mr Buryakov. One of his bodyguards was shot in the arm.’

Grechko shook his head. ‘He never mentioned it to me.’

‘Did you see Mr Buryakov before he died?’

‘About three weeks before. We were at a racetrack. Ascot, I think. He owns many racehorses.’ He put up a hand. ‘I’m sorry. Wrong tense. He owned many racehorses,’ he said, correcting himself.

‘And he didn’t say anything about a sniper?’

‘I would have remembered,’ said Grechko. ‘Are you sure about this? I read nothing in the papers.’

‘We have since spoken to members of Mr Buryakov’s former security team and we have confirmation that there was an attempt to shoot him at long range in Berlin. According to the people we spoke to, Mr Buryakov didn’t want anyone to know. He saw the attack as a sign of weakness on his part. One of his bodyguards was hit in the arm and was paid a substantial sum for his silence.’

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