Read Splendor (Inevitable #2) Online

Authors: Janet Nissenson

Splendor (Inevitable #2) (31 page)

BOOK: Splendor (Inevitable #2)
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Good morning, love, Wishing I could give u a big kiss right now. Can’t wait 4 tonite

She waited until she was sure no one else was watching and tapped out a reply.

Morning to u 2. Txs for wearing my fav suit. U look very sexy

There was a prompt reply.
Txs 4 wearing my fav undies. Counting minutes till I can take them off u

She had to fight off the urge to giggle as she replied.
Yes but I might have 2 take them off cuz they’re kind of damp

Ian didn’t respond for almost ten minutes, and she’d almost given up hope that he would when the familiar ping sounded. This time she couldn’t hold back the smile that stretched across her features.

Sorry on a call. Sounds like u need 2 keep spare undies with u. We’ll buy more tomorrow

Kevin looked at her curiously as she forced her attention back to her computer screen. “You look like you’re in a good mood, sweetie. Whatcha smiling about?”

Tessa tried her hardest to seem nonchalant. “Oh, just thinking about an episode of
Modern Family
I caught last night. This really hilarious scene where the gay couple had these oversized stuffed animals strapped to the roof of their car.”

Kevin’s face instantly lit up. “I know exactly what scene you’re talking about. The stuffed gorilla keeps rocking back and forth like it’s trying to hump the elephant. Priceless, isn’t it?”

That fortunately distracted him – sadly, it didn’t seem to really take much to accomplish that – and he was riffing about other TV shows for the next half hour. Meanwhile, Tessa continued to feel a little thrill each time she got a flirty little text from Ian. It was almost like they were high school sweethearts, exchanging naughty messages during English class. Except that she’d never had a real boyfriend in high school, and had certainly never been carefree enough to text flirt with one. So she allowed herself this indulgence now, this feeling like she was sixteen again and flirting with the really hot guy she’d had a mad crush on for two years. She allowed the indulgence because she’d never had the opportunity before, had never really been sixteen or even a teenager, had never known the sweetness and innocence of a first love.

The work day flew by quickly, as it usually seemed to do when Ian returned from a trip. Andrew was delegating tasks to the team right and left, no doubt as quickly as his boss was passing them on to him. Tessa had three complex spreadsheets to update plus two new ones to create, and immersed herself in her work.

She was so engrossed in what she was doing that at first she paid no attention to what Gina and Alicia were yakking about. Tessa honestly had no idea how the two of them got any significant amount of work done, given the frequency and length of their conversations. But then she caught the tail end of a question Gina was asking, and found herself listening discreetly for Alicia’s reply.

“...didn’t bring a date to the ballet fundraiser? Not even his little ballerina friend?”

Tess knew they were discussing Ian, and an event he’d attended last week. It had been, as Gina mentioned, a fundraising cocktail party for the San Francisco Ballet, of which Ian was a patron. He had been reluctant to attend without Tessa, but had glumly acknowledged he couldn’t very well take her along. Yet.

“This is why you need to move things along, darling,” he’d admonished. “Why you need to resign and move in with me – so that I can take you with me to these dreadfully boring events and show you off to everyone.”

She hadn’t been able to resist teasing him just a little. “But if they’re so boring, wouldn’t we be better off finding something more – er, fun to do?”

He’d given her a light smack on the ass. “Cheeky little devil. Yes, you’re right, but there are some events I just can’t shrug off, I’m afraid. However, if you were with me, then they wouldn’t be nearly so boring.” He’d whispered in her ear then, causing a shiver to run up her spine, “I’d probably try to find ways all evening of copping a feel. That would certainly make things a damned sight more interesting.”

Tessa bit her lip to keep from groaning at the memory, especially when she recalled what had happened next. She distracted herself from her wayward thoughts by casually eavesdropping on the rest of her co-workers conversation.

“No, he was definitely there solo according to my mother,” confirmed Alicia. “And didn’t stick around very long, either. Plus, his date for the Christmas party – remember the banker in the Elie Saab gown? – has apparently been seen out with a new man.”

Gina grinned. “So does this mean His Hotness is back on the market? Maybe it’s time for you to finally turn in that resignation and go for it, girl. Oh, but you’ve got Ross now, don’t you?”

Alicia sniffed. “Seriously? You think Ross can hold a candle to him?
is on the same scale as the boss man,
. Besides, when he showed up without a date last week the speculation was running rampant that he has someone else but that she isn’t local. If he keeps attending these events on his own, then we’ll know it’s true.”

‘Not necessarily’ was on the tip of Tessa’s tongue. She and Ian had discussed the matter of his past dates, and he’d explained in some detail about each of the women he’d escorted to functions over the last couple of years. Rebecca – the banker – was carrying on a clandestine affair with a married politician; Erica – the news anchor – was married but her husband was severely disabled and rarely left their home; and the ballerina – Gabriela – an ethereally lovely, waifishly slim portrait of delicate femininity was actually a lesbian. She kept that fact a carefully guarded secret for fear that it would have a negative impact on her career.

But despite the fact that his relationships with all three women were strictly platonic, Ian had declared he wouldn’t escort any of them again. Until such time as Tessa was able to arrive on his arm, he would attend as few events as possible and those selected ones alone. She longed to throw that fact in Alicia’s snotty face, but continued to keep a lid on her emotions.

Fortunately it was time for the roommates to leave for lunch, and it was blissfully quiet once again. Tessa was so focused on her work that she didn’t hear her phone pinging. It was three texts later that she finally paid attention and hastily grabbed her phone, tapping out a swift reply to Ian’s messages.

Sorry lost in your spreadsheets. This last one is tuff

His reply came within seconds.

Need some help?

She couldn’t suppress a wicked grin as she answered.
With the spreadsheet or my wet panties?

Long seconds later his reply pinged.
I think u have discovered the fine art of sexting. Tonite u might discover the equally fine art of spanking

Tessa clapped a hand over her mouth to keep from giggling, conscious that Shelby and Marisol were nearby. She couldn’t resist typing back.
OK I’ll behave

Ian’s reply was swift.
Damn. Not the answer I wanted

Mischievously she replied.
But u can still spank me. Sir

When she had teasingly called him that at work one day last week, he’d explained to her later than evening about BDSM and dominant/submissive relationships.

“The submissive – most often the female in the relationship – is supposed to address the dominant as Sir or Master. So when you call me that, it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. If you have to address me in the office, let’s try to keep it to Mr. Gregson, hmm?”

She’d toyed with the lapel of his shirt before asking him quietly, “That – that isn’t the sort of relationship you’ve ever had, is it? Or want to have?”

“God, no,” he’d replied fervently. “I’ve never been interested in any of that stuff. Nor would I ever consider marring even an inch of your perfect skin with a whip or a rope. And I would never, ever, order you around or demand your obedience. That thought doesn’t appeal to me in the least. We’re going to be equal partners in this relationship, Tessa. Both in and out of bed.”

As usual, whatever he said was so overwhelmingly romantic that she’d felt like swooning in his arms. Tessa was still having to pinch herself on a continual basis, in disbelief that someone as wonderful as Ian was really interested in her. She’d been half-afraid that all he’d wanted was a quick roll in the sack, and that as soon as they had slept together he would get bored and break things off. But it seemed her fears were completely unfounded, for everything he’d said had indicated he expected their relationship to be a long term one.

Ian had an afternoon meeting and then a conference call, so the frequent, flirty texts came to a halt. But as it drew closer to five o’clock – the time she was due to meet him – Tessa couldn’t help the flutters of excitement that shimmied through her body. She remained quiet as her co-workers chattered about their weekend plans, and when Shelby asked her directly what she had going on, she kept her reply intentionally vague.

“Oh, you know, the usual stuff. Sleeping in a bit, maybe catching a yoga class, just relaxing.”

She was relieved that she didn’t actually have to lie, because she did plan to sleep in and spend some time relaxing. The fact that she planned to do both with Ian was not something her co-workers needed to know.

Tessa wasn’t at all surprised to see the black Town Car parked in the exact location that Ian had texted her. She knew he hated these clandestine meetings, having to sneak around so no one from the office would see them together. And he’d been fairly patient so far, but Tessa knew his natural tendency to control would take over sooner than later and he’d be pressuring her to quit her job and move in with him. She was probably ten kinds of an idiot for not automatically giving in to him and doing exactly as he wanted. She couldn’t imagine too many other women in her position resisting Ian for very long. But she just needed some time to feel more comfortable with him, more secure that she wasn’t going to embarrass or disappoint him in some way, as well as feeling more confident in her own abilities to take care of herself and not just let Ian assume entire responsibility for her.

Simon was standing by the side of the car as she approached, a polite smile affixed to his otherwise impassive features. He gave her a nod as he opened the back door for her. “Good evening, Miss Lockwood.”

Tessa smiled a bit uncertainly, not able to keep herself from worrying if the rather starchy Simon considered her a golddigger. Or a slut. Or both. She shook off her hopefully unfounded fears and merely replied, “You, too, Simon. Thank you.”

And then any fears or doubts she might have been harboring were swiftly dashed away as Ian’s hand closed firmly over her arm, pulling her into his embrace as she slid onto the seat.

“Christ, I missed you,” he rasped, and then his mouth took hers in a raw, open-mouthed kiss, his tongue sweeping through her mouth demandingly.

Tessa clutched the lapels of his black wool overcoat and kissed him back hungrily, as starved for his touch as he so obviously was for hers. Neither of them noticed Simon discreetly starting up the car and pulling out into the very congested downtown commute traffic.

They were both breathing hard when Ian finally lifted his head, and Tessa was startled to realize she’d somehow managed to climb onto his lap. But when she started to ease off of him back onto the seat, his big hands clamped down on her hips, holding her in place.

Her cheeks flushed, she whispered to him urgently, “Aren’t you afraid Simon will notice?”

Ian grinned, shaking his head. “Not in the least. Simon is very discreet, as I’ve mentioned before, and he also knows I’m quite fixated on you. So you can keep this very delectable bottom of yours right where it is.”

Tessa sighed in bliss and lowered her head to his shoulder in surrender. “Okay.” She turned her head and pressed a kiss to his cheek before murmuring softly, “I really missed you, too.”

His arms tightened about her in reaction. “I trust you’re going to show me exactly how much as soon as we get inside the house,” he replied in a low, urgent voice.

She bit down on the inside of her cheek, stifling a gasp as his hand worked its way under the hem of her black skirt, squeezing the flesh of her inner thigh. “I’m not sure I can wait that long,” she told him, trying very, very hard not to moan as his long fingers traced the crotch of her panties.

“I can tell,” he breathed in a low voice. “You’re very aroused, aren’t you, love? Have you been like this all day?”

She nodded, closing her eyes in ecstasy as he slid one finger beneath her soaked underwear and began to stroke the moist folds of her labia. “Ever – ever since you called me this morning,” she confessed breathlessly.

Ian’s tongue traced around her ear while his finger continued to tease her drenched slit. “And I’ve been hard and aching for you all damned day, imagining how you look in these skimpy black lace bits. Stockings, too, I see.” His hand slid back down to the top of her leg where her silky black thigh-highs ended.

Her body suddenly felt overly warm, her breasts swollen and achy, and she squirmed on his lap, her bottom brushing against his thick, fully erect cock. “Please,” she whispered shakily, not quite sure what she was asking him for.

But he knew, apparently very well, because this time he slid two fingers under the band of her panties, plunging them as deep inside of her as he could manage, given their somewhat limited space.

“Shhh,” he urged in a hushed tone, as a low moan began to escape her throat. “If I agree to take care of you here, love, than you have to promise to be very, very quiet. Knowing how shy you are, you’ll never be able to look Simon in the face again if he hears you come.”

Tessa gave a quick nod, and then fisted her knuckles against her mouth. Stifling the sounds of her pleasure proved an almost impossible task, however, especially when Ian’s talented fingers brought her to a swift, stunning climax. Still, she remained silent, the very thought of Simon hearing her beyond mortifying.

BOOK: Splendor (Inevitable #2)
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