Spurs and Heels (22 page)

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Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General

BOOK: Spurs and Heels
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Chapter Nineteen

Ash held on to the pipe fence for dear life as his city girl turned on her heel and sashayed away from him, for the last time. It was on the tip of his tongue to stop her and get on his knees and beg her to stay, to choose him. But she’d made her feelings known, publicly. He couldn’t stop her if she’d already made a choice, one that unfortunately didn’t include him. Maybe this was why she’d held off telling him she loved him so long. She’d had something totally different in mind.

He heard footsteps approach. Shadows bracketed his as he continued looking down at the dusty ground, and then he heard Joaquin’s voice. “You okay, Ash?”

“Yeah, fine, why?” He tried to still the shakiness in his voice.

“Juliana just blew through the barn, looking devastated. She was crying.”

“Was she?” Was Joaquin exaggerating? The ranch hand who overheard her and that peace officer from Tillman had assured him she’d been ecstatic as he handed her an engagement ring. He’d told him she’d said, “Yes,” loud enough for the whole restaurant to hear.

If that was so, why would she be crying now? She’d told him she loved him. She must’ve been hoping for a ménage relationship like the other men had with Teresa. He knew he could never do it. Not with someone he’d known all his life, like Jack and the others had, and certainly not with a man he’d never met. His heart cratered a little more.

Getting his attention back, Angel replied, “Yeah, she was very distressed.”


His throat closed over the words as he spoke them, needing to get away. “Well, you know how it is with Juliana. She’s a little on the hotheaded side. I’m sure she’ll be fine.” He chose to leave it at that.

“Well, okay,” Angel said uncertainly. “But if you need to go after her, let us know. She looked like she was really hurting.”

Did he have to twist the damn knife like that? “I’ll let you know.

I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

“Okay,” Joaquin said, but there was a note of disbelief in his voice, and he sounded like he wanted to say more. They walked off, speaking quietly to each other.

The phone in his pocket rang, and his heart lurched, hoping it was her so he could apologize for being so harsh with her. But caller ID

made him curse instead. This whole situation was now officially FUBAR.
Fucked up beyond all recognition.






* * * *



Teresa overheard the men’s conversation as they came in through the front door for lunch late that morning. “It wasn’t like him to allow her to leave like that,” Joaquin said.

“There’s probably more to it than what we saw. Maybe she needed time to cool off, and he knew that, so he let her go,” Angel replied.

“But did you see her face? I’ve got a strong suspicion that was no tantrum. If it had been Teresa, I wouldn’t have let her get behind a steering wheel.”

“Maybe he let her go in favor of not causing a scene. You remember what her temper is like?”


Teresa came from the hallway. “What’s the matter?” she asked as she was drawn into Angel’s embrace. After she’d greeted and kissed both men, they explained what they had seen to her.


The men went and sat down on the couch in the living room.

Michael was sitting on the floor with a coloring book and crayons spread out. Teresa climbed into Joaquin’s lap when he reached for her, and she said, “Juliana came by here a little while ago. She looked tired, and she said she had to talk to Ash and mentioned something about decisions she needed to make.”

The men looked at each other with troubled expressions, and Angel said, “Well, when she left, it looked like she hadn’t gotten the reception she’d hoped for.”

Their conversation moved on to other topics as she put lunch on the table, but Juliana and her mysterious news stayed in the forefront of Teresa’s mind. After they finished, she kissed all three of her men, including Michael who was hanging on Angel’s back, before the three of them left to finish their work day.

Teresa had a sneaking suspicion she knew what was going on but was having a hard time putting it all together. Teresa knew Ash well enough by now to be certain that if Juliana were pregnant, he would be overjoyed. Ash was excellent father material, if she could judge by how he treated Michael when he hung around the barn. The more the news her husbands had shared with her rolled around in her head, the more it didn’t make sense.

Knowing she might be interfering in something that was none of her business, she picked up her phone. Teresa called Juliana’s cell and rolled straight to voice mail. She called Juliana’s home phone, and the answering machine picked up. Juliana wasn’t usually one to screen calls. Teresa called the store and talked to Evelyn. After hanging up, she was even more confused.

Evelyn told her that Juliana seemed upset the last time she’d talked to her. Juliana had said she was taking a short-term emergency leave of absence and that she planned to be gone only a week, two at the most. Juliana had offered no excuse or other information beyond an apology for the inconvenience.


“Juliana didn’t tell you where she was going? Did something happen at the store?”

“She didn’t tell me her destination. This morning the only thing out of the ordinary was her cousin inviting her to lunch at Rudy’s.

Juliana said he was in town for a court appearance and had a surprise for her.”


“I’d call Allen, Teresa. He might know something.”

She sat with her phone in her hand, contemplating what she should do. She decided against calling Allen just yet. Juliana was a big girl. Maybe their talk had nothing to do with the conclusion she was jumping to and she’d only embarrass herself if she stepped in without all the facts.



* * * *



Dressed in a pair of ancient, faded blue jeans and a fuzzy peach-colored sweater, Juliana pulled into the parking lot of The Dancing Pony. She wasn’t dressed to come in for the party. Her favorite comfort clothes made the prospect of making happy with the other employees then facing the long drive ahead of her a little easier to bear. She’d remained in town only long enough to drop off the decorations and gifts for the party early that evening.

She put a smile on her face so they’d all think she was merely leaving for an impromptu vacation. Lifting the shopping bag and cardboard box, she carried it all in, thanking the man who held the door open for her. Barbara’s car was in the parking lot, so Juliana knew she was already there setting the tables up for the party. The others wouldn’t be off for another half hour.

Two bubbly-sounding women came in right behind her, chattering as they passed her in the entrance to the club. Waiting for her eyes to adjust to the dim light, Juliana finally spotted Barbara, talking to one

of the waitresses in the corner closest to the entryway and made a beeline for her.

The music was pounding, and there were quite a few customers already there, many of them sitting at tables or dancing. Barbara waved as she approached and came to help her with her load.

“Barbara, but I’m not going to stay. I’m headed out of town tonight.”

“You are? Everything okay?” Barbara asked, scrutinizing her face.

“Yes. I’m just overdue for a vacation,” she replied with what she hoped passed for nonchalance.

“I’ll say. You’ve been looking tired,” she said with a maternal tone. “When was the last time you took a vacation? It’s been years, hasn’t it?”


“Well, I’d say you’re due. Where are you going?”

“I’d rather not say. My cell phone is turned off. If anybody needs to reach me, they can call Evelyn.”

“I understand completely. I hope it’s a cruise or a hot island getaway.”

“Nothing that grand. Just time to rest and think.” And make plans for her and her baby’s future.

“Taking that handsome cowboy with you?” Barbara asked as she gestured across the room, and then she frowned and tilted her head.

Juliana looked in the direction Barbara had indicated. Her heart turned to ice in her chest, and every muscle in her body locked down.

She took a breath, and the fault-line in her chest cracked a little wider.

Ash sat with his back to her at a table on the other side of the club.

His hat was still on, and his back was turned, but she recognized that powerful physique. She’d memorized it with her eyes, her lips, and her tongue, every part of her in fact, and she would’ve known him anywhere.


The two bubbly women who’d come in behind her had just joined his table, where two other women sat with him. They were all talking at once, sweet commiseration and love on their faces. One of them jostled his arm, laughing. He turned to her and kissed her cheek and let her hug him.

Another one pulled his hat from his head and put it on her own before she kissed his cheek. She was awfully young-looking and beautiful, as they all were, and Juliana knew she could never hold up in comparison. The young one took her chair again, and Juliana counted four women at his table once they were all seated around him.

A weird, creepy-crawly sensation swept over her skin as adrenaline dumped into her system. That fierce protectiveness swelled inside her again, even as her heart broke. This was how long it took him to get back in the “swing” of things. That’s how much her declaration of love meant to him.

At the slightest hint of adversity, he turned and ran, straight into someone else’s arms. She watched as another of the women rose from her seat and pulled him from his and they stepped on the dance floor.

The tingling sensation continued, and Juliana knew it probably wasn’t good for the baby to be experiencing her nerves and emotionally upset state, nor was it wise to react like this with Barbara standing there observing.

She glanced at Barbara, and sympathy was all she saw. “No, Barbara. I’m spending some time alone. If you don’t mind, I’m taking off, though.” Juliana turned and headed back to the entryway, keys in hand. She greeted Eli and Rachel Wolf mechanically as they entered when she exited. Her false smile felt too bright and fake as she told them she was fine.



* * * *




Teresa walked in the door of The Dancing Pony, and Rachel beckoned her over. “Have you talked to Juliana lately?”

The gut feeling Teresa had been having all day intensified. “Yes, why?”

“Well, she left here a few minutes ago, barely even saying hello to us. Then we spotted
when we came in,” Rachel muttered as she pointed a finger at Ash and the four women seated with him at his table, looking like she was ready to open a fresh can of
on somebody.

Eli turned to Teresa. “Did something happen we haven’t heard about yet?”

Teresa replied, “No, but I’m going to find out. Now. This is all very strange.”

Teresa found Barbara and asked if Juliana had said anything to her about leaving town. Barbara gave her the details on what happened earlier. Teresa took out her cell phone and excused herself, more and more convinced that something terribly convoluted had happened today. She couldn’t put her finger on it but knew someone who could help her do that.

Rachel stood outside with her while she dialed the number.

“Allen? Hi, it’s Teresa. Thank you, I’m fine. Listen, this isn’t a social call, so I need to get to the point. Have you talked to Juliana this afternoon?
What is going on?”

Teresa could tell that Rachel overheard his responses, and as they put two and two together, Rachel grew visibly angrier She started to walk back into the club, but Teresa gently grasped her wrist and looked up at her as she listened to Allen’s agitated voice, shaking her head negatively.

Rachel muttered softly, “One minute with that mutton-chopped horn-dog. Give me one minute.”

Teresa smiled at Rachel’s ready defense of her friend. Looking over Rachel’s shoulder, Teresa smiled as Angel and Joaquin walked up, curious looks on their faces.


“Thanks, Allen. Stay where you are for right now. I’ll call you back, I promise. No, that won’t be necessary. You’re
to be a peace officer, remember?” More garbled words on his end and then she hung up.

Joaquin gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Hey, sugar. Did you meet Ash’s sisters yet? They’re all supposed to be here by now.”

Rachel looked like she practically swallowed her tongue before letting out a choked laugh. Teresa rolled her eyes as it dawned on them. What a comedy of errors. Only it wasn’t so funny.

“Who?” Teresa asked, biting her lip, looking at Joaquin and Angel.

“Ash’s sisters all rolled into town today. He was supposed to meet them here this evening. What’s going on?”

“One of the Divine Creek ranch hands did a fair amount of talebearing today and set some things in motion that he should have stayed out of. We need to talk to Ash.”


Chapter Twenty

Ash smiled when Teresa, Joaquin, Angel, and Rachel walked over to his table, and he stood up. After the introductions were made, he noticed the way Rachel and Teresa scrutinized Debbie, Dana, Donna, and Denae.

Rachel looked at Teresa and said cryptically, “She probably never got close enough to notice.”

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