SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (23 page)

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Combining The Versions:

If one now
the common features of these various versions of the Two Space Programs Hypothesis a rather interesting picture begins to emerge.

(a) Two of the versions – Lyne’s and “van Helsing’s” – maintain that the origin of the Two Space Programs occurred
the war, and that both of them occurred in conjunction with independent entities conducting exotic research;

(b) Two of the versions – Hoagland’s and “Van Helsing’s” (!) – maintain that some aspect of the
program and agenda is dominated by occult and esoteric themes;

(c) Two of the versions – Jim Keith’s and “William Torbitt’s” – connect this hidden space program to a carefully hidden and extensive Nazi network of intelligence agents and scientists, and imply a “Trojan Horse” deep penetration of the postwar American intelligence, military-industrial, and aerospace communities;

of the versions either explicitly or implicitly imply the existence of an off-the-books development of a new technology and an underlying framework in a theoretical physics that is very different from that found in texts “for public consumption;”

(e) One version – Lyne’s –
offers a “hidden history” of physics to buttress its claims, offering an interpretation of some of Tesla’s late work;

(f) One version – Hoagland’s – also
states that there is a new type of “hyperdimensional physics” connected with the discovery of artifacts on Mars;

(g) One version – Bennett and Percy’s – explicitly states that there was a covert element of cooperation between the USA and USSR in early space exploration, though it does not clearly name the entity for coordinating such cooperation;

(h) One version - again Bennett and Percy’s – also suggests an element of suppressed physics and planetary mechanics by exploring the problems surrounding the Earth/Moon system’s Neutral Point Discrepancy, and this implies the
that an alternative and secret propulsion technology may have existed in the L.E.M.(Lunar Excursion Module).

Viewed in this way it is clear that no matter how one approaches the data, there does appear to be a solid case that much more was and is afoot in the American and Russian space programs than has been publicly revealed.

Additionally, it seems clear that at least
of this hidden component involves the planetary physics that has been carefully hidden from the public, or, when that fails, the data so hopelessly obfuscated that any mathematical or physical calculation becomes problematic, since it is dependent on the already obfuscated data released by the space agencies.

This also implies the prospect that at some level there may exist a hidden technology at work. The television footage of the LEM takeoffs from the Moon, which this author believes to be genuine and
hoaxed, suggest one of two things: first, the standard explanation: a rocket lift-off from a low gravity surface, with a barely visible flame plume because of the vacuum. Or it may represent the possibility of the existence of an exotic propulsion technology. The relative lack of an exhaust plume, plus the almost steady rate of ascent
point to the existence of a very different means of getting off the moon than we have been told.

8. Possible Entities and Requisites for Coordination

This picture raises yet another significant question:
What entity or entities would be capable of coordinating
such a massive venture and such an equally massive “public relations” campaign, including the suppression of alternative science and technologies and their covert development? If one excluded a high-level and very top secret diplomatic collusion between the United States and the Soviet Union at least in the version of Bennett and Percy, then that still would
explain the other versions of the Hypothesis, those of Hoagland, Lyne, or those who maintain NASA has suppressed significant facts about planetary geography.

So, if one views these various versions as somehow
, as disparate glimpses of the
two-track space program, again, what entity could possibly coordinate it all?

To answer that question, one must assume that such an entity have certain features:

1. Adequate financial power and backing;

2. An international base and extension both inside the West and the Soviet bloc;

3. Adequate penetration at various decision-making levels in the USA’s and USSR’s space programs (and anyone else’s that might come along);

4. An ideological and heavy financial commitment to the development of off-the-books technologies;

5. A thorough knowledge of the occult, ceremonial magic, and astrology, and the demonstrated willingness to schedule space missions according to those occult parameters;

6. An ideological commitment to the exploration and military exploitation of space; and finally,

7. A willingness to resort to and the ability to use “active measures” to coerce compliance to its goals when necessary.


Seen in this way, there really are only four possible entities in the world that posses various combinations of the above, and only one of them possesses
of them:

International banking and finance
; this group lacks only a clear and consistent connection with number 5 above. That is, a consistent, demonstrable, and significant correlation to occult activity and practice;

International fraternities
, such as the Masons; this group lacks only numbers 2 and 3 above, since the extent of its activities behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War is largely unknown;

The Vatican
; certainly not lacking in international extent, financial power or knowledge of esoteric doctrines, this entity obviously lacks only numbers 6 and 7 above;

The Nazi International
; this is the only entity that exhibits significant measures of possession of all the above characteristics, though it should be pointed out that the Soviets repatriated most German scientists by 1954, and that the KGB was – as far as is known – relatively successful in infiltrating the Gehlenorg’s Eastern European networks and shutting many of them down.
Nonetheless, the heavy reliance of the Soviet program initially does raise the remote prospect that recruiting may have been done by the expatriate Germans while working inside the Soviet Union.


Seen in this way, it becomes a remote possibility that one of the key assignments of the postwar “Nazi International” was precisely the hidden coordination of that part of the space programs of the USSR and USA visible to the public. A means of corroborating this hypothesis will be to see if there is any indication that wartime research begun by the Nazis was continued by them for a period after the war, and to see if this research was carried out in apparent conjunction either with the US or with USSR’s space programs, or in conjunction with both.

But if there are two space programs and if there is a suppressed physics and technology, all of which dating from the Second World War and in some sense stemming from it, then what might that physics and technology be? Would it be worth killing – even a president – in order to protect it?


Friedrich Georg,
Star Wars,
p. 9.

Cited in Mary Bennett, David S. Percy,
Dark Moon: Apollo and the
(Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2001), pp. 165, 518.

NASA, Nazis, and JFK: The Torbitt Document and the JFK Assassination ,
with Introduction by Kenn Thomas and Foreword by David Hatcher Childress(Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1996), p. 6.


The Maury Island affair is one of the more unusual UFO-debris retrieval cases, long regarded by most UFOlogists as a complete hoax. Chrisman claimed to have recovered slag-like debris from a “malfunctioning” UFO while on a boat in Puget Sound. The debris was later examined and allegedly placed in a cereal box to be flown to an Air Force base. But the debris never made it to the base, as the twin engine bomber flying it inexplicably crashed.

This is an inaccuracy, since the Nazi government was not formed until President Hindenburg appointed Hitler Reich Chancellor and asked him to form a government on January 30, 1933.

NASA, Nazis, and JFK: The Torbitt Document and the JFK Assassination
, pp. 24-27.

I should make it clear that I do
believe the Warren Commission version of the assassination, and
believe that a conspiracy was involved, one that most likely was composed of at least the elements outlined here.

The American Council of Christian Churches did publish literature against theological liberalism as well as funded missionaries in Central and South America. However, it is known that some of its members used it as a front to train death squads and conduct assassinations in those areas. Some have alleged that the organization was actually established by the “intelligence community” for precisely this purpose, and to launder money into this country.

NASA, Nazis, and JFK
, p. 47.


Ibid., p. 48. The Torbitt Document is actually citing the well-known Garrison-based JFK conspiracy book,
The Kennedy Conspiracy
, by the flamboyant Paris Flammonde.

NASA, Nazis, and JFK: The Torbitt Document
, pp. 49-50, emphasis added.

NASA, Nazis, and JFK: The Torbitt Document,
pp 48-49.

NASA, Nazis, and JFK: The Torbitt Document,
p. 75.

Gehlen’s headquarters was actually outside Munich, in the town of Pullach.

NASA, Nazis, and JFK: the Torbitt Document,
pp. 74-78.

Ibid., p. 85.

NASA, Nazis, and JFK: The Torbitt Document
, p. 141.

Ibid., pp. 142-143, citing New Orleans District Attorney Files: General Staff Files, U.S. Army European Command, OUISE Section.

NASA, Nazis, and JFK: The Torbitt Document,
p. 143.

Ibid., p. i, from the Introduction, “NASA, Nazis, and JFK” by David Hatcher Childress.

The author has actually watched the “documentary” many times.

Jim Keith,
Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3
(Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2005), p. 11.

It would likewise have been evident from the less-than-convincing performances of some of the same!

Jim Keith,
Casebook on Alternative 3
, p. 14.

Ibid., p. 17.

Ibid., pp. 19-20.

Jim Keith,
Casebook on Alternative 3
, p. 22, emphasis original.

Jim Keith,
Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3,
pp. 80-83.

Ibid., p. 83

Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3,
p. 84.

See chapters 4-6.

Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3,
p. 84.

Jim Keith,
Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3,
p. 28.

Q.v. also Christopher Simpson’s
Simpson and other commentators have often pointed out that one effect of this “Nazification” of American intelligence in the immediate postwar world was the overestimation of Soviet military power and intentions. Another effect was the corresponding American military build-up and, to a lesser extent, the Marshal Plan itself. Yet another effect was the covert policy of “rollback”, a policy designed to make use of Gehlen’s fifth columns in Eastern Europe – and in North America! – of émigré White Russians, Ukrainians, Letts, Lithanians, and so on.

Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3
, pp. 46-47, emphasis added.

Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3,
p. 43.

Ibid., p. 47, emphasis added.

Jim Keith,
Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3
, p. 28.

Ibid., p. 29.

Ibid., pp. 45-46.

Jim Keith,
Mind Control and UFOs: Casebook on Alternative 3
, p. 50.


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