Stacked Up: Worth the Fight Series (5 page)

BOOK: Stacked Up: Worth the Fight Series
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“That I am. Does it bother you that I call you cowboy? I never meant to say it out loud—it just sort of came out.”

“Sugar, as long as you’re naked and on top of me, you can call me whatever name you want.”

She shifted around so that the entire length of her body was now pressed against his side and her head was propped on her hand. “That’s a really big tattoo.” She caressed the area by his ribs where he had a big eagle. “And this one.” She touched the half-sleeve tattoo on his right arm, which began at his shoulder. “For someone who says he doesn’t believe in God, that is one big tattoo of the Virgin Mary.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t believe in God. And that tattoo isn’t something I’m proud of. Neither is this one,” he said, pointing to one that went right across his upper chest.

La vida loca

“The crazy life,” he translated.

“Can you tell me why you regret those?”

“Some other time.”

She nodded and continued to inspect him, her palm soothingly caressing his skin. “JL has a tattoo just like this one, doesn’t she?” She touched the skin behind his neck.

“We got it together. She has one puzzle piece and I have the other. The eagle by my ribs was just because I loved it. No real meaning.”

“That’s kind of cool, the puzzle one. How is it, having a twin sister? Do you, like, know what she’s thinking and feeling?”

He turned his body so that he could look at her. “No. Most of the time I don’t know what the hell she’s thinking or doing. Her falling for Enzo was like a fucking bomb—I had no idea it was coming. Their pregnancy was even more of a surprise to me. I mean, I know when she’s sad, but that’s just ’cause I know her and I can read her face, not because we’re twins.”

“She’s nice. She’s my only friend here.”

“Why is that? I’m sure she’d take you out with the girls next time they go out.”

“Nah, I’m not really a partier. Plus, it’s hard to get time off of work.” She leaned down and kissed the tattoo on his thigh, which was his favorite. “My daddy once gave me a dream catcher that looked just like this one. He used to tell me, ‘Dream as if you’ll live forever; live as if you’ll die today.’ ”

“No offense, honey, but it doesn’t look like you’re living any big dream.”

She rolled onto her back and took a deep breath. “Daddy was a dreamer. I live in reality.”

“Where’s your daddy now, darlin’?”

“He died when I was young. My mom remarried. She always thought Daddy had stars in his eyes. She complained she needed a man whose feet were rooted firmly in place. And my stepfather is as conservative as it gets. But my mom passed away a few years ago too.”

Travis finished the food, put the plate on the nightstand, and in one fast move was on top of her, his weight held up by his forearms. “Seems to me your daddy was a helluva better person than your stepfather. I’m sorry to hear about your family, Penny.”

She shrugged. “Long time ago,” she said, and began to kiss his neck, making his dick stir immediately. He cupped the back of her neck and pulled her to him. For the next twenty minutes they just kissed. It was different, but nice. Intimate, more so than the actual sex. Then he rolled her onto him and wrapped his legs behind her knees, effectively pinning her body against his. “You’re so sweet, Penny. Never met someone so sweet before.” His fingers dug into her hair, and his arm went around her waist. He couldn’t seem to pull her close enough.

“You’re also so fuckin’ sexy,” he added, and when she looked at him through her long lashes, a heady combination of innocence and sublime ecstasy, he almost crumbled. That was what it was…the combination of her shy inexperience and sexy confidence. That was precisely the hold she had on him, and what made it even better was that she didn’t even know it.

“Can I ask you something?”

She opened her eyes, which had been closed in unadulterated bliss as he caressed her back, running his finger along her spine. “Mmm,” she responded dreamily.

“How long had it been?” He scooted back and sat up. “Since you’d had sex. How long?”

“You said it was okay. I thought it was—”

He placed his hand on her arm. “It was more than okay. I just mean that you were so tight, darlin’. And for a moment you even looked pained. Did I hurt you?”

She shook her head. “No. It didn’t hurt. And to answer your question, it’s been about two years. Twenty-two months, to be exact.”

“Shit, that’s a long time.” His voice was husky. “Gotta say, sugar, for me that was spectacular. As good as it gets.” And he wasn’t just trying to blow smoke up her ass. What she lacked in experience she more than made up in intensity and sincerity. He knew that every scream and moan and every time she bit that bottom lip was because she felt something. She wasn’t doing it for show. It was as genuine as sex could be. “Did you always know you liked it rough?”

“No. Never thought about it, really. But I thought it was amazing. Best ever.” He chuckled, and she added. “Well, okay, there was only the one other time, but still…” She moved so that her pussy was rubbing against his shaft, which was ready to go again. He grabbed her by the hips and stopped her movement. “What are you doing?” she asked, looking like she was going to smack him.

“I still can’t believe it. How is that even possible? You’re gorgeous. You’re twenty-one. I don’t understand. I thought you were in a long-term relationship or something.”

“I told you, I grew up in a very strict household. Very strict. I was taught that you didn’t have sex before marriage. I truly believed that the man I slept with would be the man I was going to spend my whole life with.”

He nearly bolted to his feet. “You’re married?”

“No!” She reached for him, but he pulled back. “I’m not married. I was never married.”

He heard the sincerity in her voice and relaxed. “Need more info, Penny.”

“He was just a guy I thought I was in love with. He worked with my stepdad. It was nothing, just a stupid girl crush. The same wake of crushed hearts you leave behind…well, that’s what happened with me and Lawrence.”

“He broke your heart?” He kissed her gently on the forehead. “Can’t see how anyone who had you would let you go, ’cause darlin’, I’m telling you right now, straight up, I have to see you again. Feel you again. I ain’t takin’ no for an answer again. But my life is crazy right now. There’s a television crew in the Academy most days, and I train all the time. I have this big bout in Vegas coming up, and I have this media shit I’ve gotta do. Are you still up for wild and fun? Because that is something I can certainly deliver.”

She kissed him back and nodded. “Fun sounds perfect. Easy breezy fun. That’s about all I can handle right now.”

“I won’t share you, though.”

A smile spread over her face.

“You feelin’ me, sugar?” he asked. And he wasn’t referring to the bulge pressing against her thigh.

“Yes, I feel you, Travis. Monogamous temporary fun,” she agreed as she rubbed against him.

He snorted. “I want you so bad, but we did a lot and I was rough. I think if we do it again tonight, you’re goin’ to be hurtin’ tomorrow.” He flipped her to her back and ran his fingers down her torso, playing with the scarce trail of hair on her pubic bone. “Close your eyes.” He continued to caress the area and the lips of her pussy. It was driving her crazy. Meanwhile, his mouth hovered over her breasts and stomach. “I’m going to make you feel so good,” he whispered into the skin by her belly button, and gently began to play with her clit.

He never penetrated her and he certainly didn’t do anything rough, but it didn’t take much to make her come. She screamed his name and trembled underneath him. His new favorite pastime could easily become just touching her to see how fast she could come, and he’d never grow tired.

He kissed her cheek and yawned.

“You’re tired?”

“Pleasing you is hard work, baby.” He winked. “I rarely sleep. All the training must be catching up with me or something.”

She played with the pearl necklace that was still around her neck. “How about you? You must be kind of uncomfortable.” Her eyes drifted to the hard-on he was sporting.

“I’m good.” He winked. “We’ll have time for that soon enough.”

“May I use your bathroom?”

“Of course. Right through that door.” He pointed. She scrambled out of the bed, picking up her clothes along the way to the bathroom. “Travis! Wow! Your bathroom is huge,” she called from inside the big room.

“It’s the reason I fell in love with the house,” he called back.

It had a huge tub on one side, and on the other side was a shower that easily fit two people. There was a large area with a couch and a vanity, and the entire bathroom was white and gray marble. He loved his bathroom. How far he’d come, he thought. There’d been a time in his life when he’d had no home at all. He shook those thoughts out of his mind when she emerged a few moments later fully dressed.

“You’re not going to stay? I want you to stay.”

“I bet this is a first for you, cowboy,” she teased, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Ha ha.” He stood up and began to look for his clothes. “No headband?” he asked, noticing that she wasn’t wearing one.

“Maybe I’ll stop wearing it. It makes me stick out.”

“I like it.”


“Yeah, makes me live out the schoolgirl fantasy I’ve had. You think you can wear a plaid skirt and pigtails too? I’ll pretend to be the teacher you’re secretly in love with.” He waggled his eyebrows. She didn’t laugh at first, just looked at him. Then she bent over in a fit of laughter. “I take it that’s a no on the fantasy, then?” he asked wryly.

“Yeah, definitely no,” she said with a laugh as they walked out of his house.

Chapter 5

On their way to her apartment, both of their phones began to ring at the same time. He looked over at her, shrugged, and answered his.

“Hello?” He paused to listen for a moment. “Holy shit!” he yelled as he stuffed his phone back into his pocket. “JL’s in labor!” He downshifted and wove through traffic.

“She’s early!”

“I know,” he said, tightening his grip on the steering wheel. “You think she’ll be okay? She’s my sister, she’s gotta be okay, right?”

“Of course. She’s going to be fine,” Penny said, closing her eyes and saying a silent prayer for JL. Then, worried, she checked her own voicemail. There was a message from Enzo saying he was taking Belle with them to the hospital and not to worry, both Belle and JL were fine.

“I have to go to the hospital,” he said frantically. “You want me to drop you off first?”

“I’ll go with you.” They were friends; it would make sense that she go too. But this would be the perfect time to tell him about her daughter. There was really no more time left. In a few minutes he’d know, and they’d be over. The man couldn’t have made his dislike of children any clearer. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and turned to tell him. But he had his hands gripped tight around the wheel and his jaw clenched.

“Why anyone would do this to themselves is beyond me. It’s not even my kid, and my heart is beating out of my chest.”

And there it was again—another reminder that this would be their one and only date. She wished things could be different, but the man had made it abundantly clear that he didn’t want children. She couldn’t even be mad at him about it. He had his reasons, and he had been honest. She, on the other hand, should have told him about Belle long ago.

Travis pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, hopped off, and ran around to open her door.

“Wait,” she said. “I want to talk to you.”

“I know, darlin’. I’m sorry about this. I’ll make it up to you. Maybe tomorrow night? I really like spending time with you.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Me too, and I’m sorry I didn’t say anything earlier but—”

“Travis! Texas!” There was an onslaught of clicking and flashes.


“Oh my God, is that Scarface?”

Slade and Tony had arrived with their women, accompanied by Iggy, and they were all being swarmed by the media.

“Travis! Travis! Over here!” a cameraman shouted. “Who’s the girl?”

There were more flashes. “Travis!”

“One photo. Come on!”

“I’m in a hurry. Move.” He swept the nearest reporter’s hand away and pulled Penny along with him.

“Travis!” the reporter yelled. “Come on. We’ll stop if you just give us something. Who’s the girl? One shot and we’ll stop. Come on. Promise to leave you alone.”

Travis stopped, huffed, and then pulled Penny around and dipped her. She had to hold on to his neck or she’d fall down as he kissed her silly, her body arching back. “Happy?” he said over his shoulder to the reporter. “Now leave.”

She was so shocked at the entire turn of events she was actually speechless. She tried to shield her face as he righted her.

“I can’t believe you did that!” she shrieked, shoving his shoulder hard, as they walked toward the hospital entrance.

“Who cares, Penny? I don’t care who knows.”

“I do!” She looked around at the scrum of media behind them. “It was the one single thing I asked you not to do, and that was only two hours ago!”

Before Penny had a chance to say anything more, the reporters and photographers caught up to them. “Who’s the girl, Texas? Is it serious?”

“I have to go!” he growled, but they were relentless.

She tried to push through the crowd, covering her face with her hands.

“Dammit, Penny. Stay close!” he said, oblivious to the fact that she was having a panic attack.

“You said my name!” she cried out as he took her hand and pulled her through the hospital’s big entrance doors. Once they were inside, she pulled her hand away from him. “Stop!”

“What?” he said, seemingly irritated.

She was aware that there were a few photographers observing them through the glass doors, but she couldn’t put this off. “You don’t know what you’ve done, Travis.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I can’t be on camera,” she huffed. “My stepfather is going have a heart attack when he sees that you and I were kissing.”

“What, I’m not good enough for your family or something?” he said, glowering. “How would your stepdad even know?”

“As a matter of fact, no, he would not think you’re good enough.”

That hit him like a slap in the face. “Well, fuck him very much, and you too, Penny. You didn’t seem like such a stuck-up bitch when you were riding my cock less than an hour ago,” he snarled.

Furious, she pushed him out of the way, hard this time, and strode ahead. Behind her she could hear Francesca say, “Jesus, Travis. That was fucking harsh.”

She stopped abruptly, turned around, and strode back over to him, making an effort to keep the tears out of her eyes. She’d been through too much to let another man break her. She whispered in his ear, so that his friends wouldn’t overhear, “I was going to say that he wouldn’t think you’re good enough because he doesn’t think
, including me, is good enough. And I was also going to say that not only did
think you were good enough, I thought you were
. But that was before, and clearly I was wrong. Thank you for reminding me why I’m here in this town. Thank you for reminding me that the only person I can count on is myself and that men are only interested in sex.” She turned around and walked away.

Travis knew pain.

Every bone in his body had at one time been broken. He’d had stitches on most surfaces of his skin. He’d also known what it was to inflict pain. He’d left men bloodied and bruised.

But the words that Penny had whispered into his ear were a new kind of pain. They cut deep, through his flesh and right into his soul. The fact that she hadn’t yelled or cursed was the twist that felt like a spike directly into his heart.

“There you are!” Enzo said, looking haggard.

Still frazzled from what had happened in the last few minutes, Travis asked, “Who the fuck’s that?” He pointed to the little bundle of blond curls snuggled against Enzo’s chest. “That’s too big to have come out of my sister,” Travis added.

Enzo looked at Penny apologetically.

“It’s okay,” she said with a faint smile to Enzo, and extended her arms to take the baby. “Go be with your wife. I’m sorry you had to deal with her on top of the stress of the labor.”

“You know she’s perfect. We don’t mind. Poor thing, didn’t even notice all the mayhem going on around her. Gotta run. I’ll let you know. JL doesn’t seem to be that far along, but her water broke,” he called out, jogging away.

Travis stood there confused. “Who is that?” he asked again.


“Who is that?” he repeated.

“My daughter.”


“You heard me.”

“You have…how can…what?”

“Shh. Keep your voice down.” Penny spoke softly as she rocked Belle soothingly.

“You have a kid, and you kept the fact from me?” He took his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair. “That’s why you wouldn’t stay the night?”

“I don’t owe you any explanations.”

“I’m sorry about what I said a minute ago.”

“Go be with your sister, Travis.”

“Penny…” He didn’t know what else to say. He was beyond sorry for the shit he’d said. It had just come out of his mouth. He’d been busting his ass his whole life to prove that he was something. That he was good enough. That his mother had been wrong. And when Penny had said that he wasn’t—he’d just snapped. And a kid? There were just too many things happening at the same time.

“You don’t like kids,” she said, as if it explained everything.

“No reason to lie to me about it.”

“I didn’t lie.”

“That’s complete bullsh—” His words halted abruptly as he tried to curb his language despite his rage. “How could you keep something this fu— I mean, this big from me?” He paced around the room. “For a year we talked about everything.”

“We didn’t talk about everything. We talked about nonsense. You talked about the weather and your training, and I talked about the customers at the Pier, mostly. You never told me anything real about you. Even tonight, what do I really know about you, Travis? You wouldn’t even tell me about your tattoo. You obviously have some secret you don’t want me to know, and that was okay. That was the agreement, right? So you don’t really get to be mad now.”

He slammed his hat on a nearby chair and ran his hands through his hair.

“And how could you kiss me in front of the camera?” Penny went on. “Expose me like that? I told you I didn’t want to be on camera.”

“Who the hell cares about that right now?”

“I do!” she hissed back.

“How could you not tell me you had a kid? You used me for sex.”

She snorted out. “I used you for sex? That’s ridiculous. When exactly would’ve been the right time to tell you—after we slept together or before? When you’ve made it clear you didn’t care to have kids anytime soon? When you said you wanted to have fun and travel the world?”

“You had a goddamn year, Penny.”

“Don’t use the Lord’s name in vain that way.” She glared at him.

“Seriously? That’s what you’re preaching at me?” He paced up and down. The door to the small waiting room opened, and their group of friends walked in.

“No way that’s JL’s kid,” Francesca murmured, nodding at Belle.

“What is wrong with you people? Don’t you know the difference between a thirteen-month-old and a newborn?” Penny exclaimed.

“Whose child is that, Penny?” Violet asked gently.

“Her name is Sarabelle, and she’s mine.”

“Whoa!” Tony said, glancing at Travis.

“Has anyone checked on JL?” Cain inquired.

“Enzo said he’d come by and let us know. Her water broke, but she’s not dilated much yet,” Penny disclosed.

After they had all sat down, Violet gently reached her arms out toward Belle and asked gently, “Why didn’t you tell anyone you had a baby, Penny?”

With a sigh, Penny handed the sleeping baby to Violet, who cooed over her.

“Look, Cain. Isn’t she precious?” she asked, looking up at her fiancé.

“She is,” the quiet man agreed.

“So…?” Jessica, Slade’s girlfriend asked, looking first at Belle and then at Penny.

“It’s a long story. I promise I’ll tell you—I’ll tell everyone,” she said with a glance at Travis, who was sitting on the far side of the room and seemed…betrayed? Mad? She wasn’t sure. “But after I talk to Travis.”

“Let him cool down first, then go talk to him. He’s just reacting,” Violet advised. “Travis has always been that way. He’s impulsive—says and does the first thing that pops into his mind. He’s a great person, but sometimes he does stupid things. I’m not saying to forget the crappy thing he said. It was bad—you should punch him in the nose or something. But after everyone’s calmed down, you two should talk.”

Travis had to get out of the small waiting area, so he stormed out and paced the hall outside. He was overwhelmed with emotions. He was scared shitless for his sister, he felt utterly horrified by the things he’d said to Penny, and he was absolutely seething with anger at the fact that she hadn’t told him about the baby. Even the long hall felt too small for his temper.

Just then he saw Iggy walking down the hall.

“Hey, man, I heard about JL,” Iggy called. Then he got closer and saw the expression on Travis’s face. “What the hell’s eating you?”

In the last month or so, Travis had begun hanging out with Iggy when Iggy was in town, and they’d gotten fairly close. Part of it was that ever since Travis’s best friend had knocked up his sister, they’d been holed up honeymooning, and Travis and Iggy were the only two single guys left in their group.

“Don’t want to talk about it,” Travis growled.

“So it’s pussy,” Iggy decided. “She’s either not giving you enough or giving it to someone else. Which is it?”

“Shut the fuck up, man.”

“I’m messing with you.” Iggy peered into the waiting room through the window in the door. “Whose kid is Penny holding?”


“I didn’t know she had a kid, man.”

Travis snorted. “Yeah, well, that makes two of us.”


Travis nodded. “I mean, I’ve known her for a goddamn year. I thought we were friends. And I just find out now, today? Bet if we weren’t thrown into this situation at the hospital she wouldn’t have told me.” He cocked his arm back and punched the vending machine. “Motherfucker,” he cursed, shaking his painful hand.

“Nice. Screw up your hand. It’s not like you’ll need it to fight, right?” He took Travis’s hand and examined it. “Open and close it.” Travis did, a few times. “You should ice it.”

Travis pulled his arm back. “Can you fucking believe it? I mean, a kid. A kid! This changes everything. We were having a good time.”

“A good time?”

He didn’t want to give yet another person an intimate account of his time with Penny. “I fucked up, man. Said some real nasty shit to her.”

“But you don’t care, right? She lied about the kid and you’re pissed, so who cares.”

“Point fucking made, Iggy. Doesn’t change a thing. I can’t have a kid. I mean, I already fucked things up with all the shit I said, and I feel like a complete dick. Imagine how much I’d screw up a kid. I don’t need that kind of shit in my life. I need fun. I need things to be easy.”

“Really? Because from where I’m standing, it looks like that’s exactly the kind of shit you want. Since that chick came into town, not once have you hooked up, at least not that I’ve known about. We go out, you leave alone. You’re at the Pier every single fucking night. You went crazy when you found out she was going to work at Ruby’s. None of that shit screams easy or fun. It says fucking complicated and messy.”

“I want her, Iggy, but I don’t want the kid that comes with her,” Travis admitted. Saying it out loud made him feel like the biggest kind of asshole.

BOOK: Stacked Up: Worth the Fight Series
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