Stained River (36 page)

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Authors: David Faxon

BOOK: Stained River
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Connery failed to understand how a cold blooded killer, like Castelo Branco, could lead two completely different lives. What was in his nature that allowed that? Did it come from some primeval gene that would eventually disappear in the human race? Was it the same gene that contributed to the violence of the Machi-te? The questions flashed into his mind in the space of time it took for him to be seated.

In the chairs directly behind, were Jaime and Santos. Connery turned toward them, just to let them know their presence didn’t faze him. He saw the look on their faces. He had more than a faint resemblance to Templeton, yet they weren’t quite sure who he was. Connery heard the door lock behind him, obviously triggered by Castelo Branco.

“Senhor Provencher
, or is it Templeton! Nice of you to come. Meet two friends of mine. I think you may know them. They've been looking for you and may have a little score to settle. ”

Connery remained
undisturbed. Jaime and Santos looked at him menacingly. Jaime said:

“Provencher, Templeton, Hawkes even? Which is it
? It doesn’t matter. You won’t leave in one piece.”

“Wrong on all counts. My name is Terrence Connery.”

He turned to Castelo Branco.

You do remember me
, don't you? At least the name? You’re familiar with it. You and Hewett have been trying to take over my company for what- over a year now?”

It took the mining czar several seconds before he recognized who it was. Bewilderment turned quickly to rage. No one had made him look bad or gotten this far into his organization without meeting with some unfortunate accident, even senators. But why would Connery step into this arena unless he had something?

“You! You're supposed to be dead!”

“I'm a little late for our meeting. I
was delayed when my flight was diverted; there was a little mechanical problem. Remember? You had plans, great plans to use me. You and Hewett. I since discovered what you're really into. You put me in hell for a year, fat boy. Now it’s your turn.”

“So you know some things. I really don’t care
. You aren’t leaving here alive!”

Connery reached in his pocket. Jaime and Santos both drew their Glocks, aiming at his head.

“Hold on! You don’t think I’m so stupid as to just walk in here do you? This may change your mind.”

He passed a sheaf of documents across the desk,
then turned on the recording from a small hand held device. Castelo Branco heard his own voice talking to Paulo De Santana about Senator Reyes. As he turned white, Connery assured him, calmly, that the originals were in a safe place. If certain people didn't hear from him within an hour, information would be released that would destroy him. The tape was only the beginning, however. His complex financial structure was peeled like an onion. The stock would collapse overnight if the documents were made public. Add to that, an unlikely witness to the murder of Reyes who he wouldn't find in a million years.

“You see, I’ve managed to breach your so called secure data base. Turns out it wasn’t so secure; piece of cake as a matter of fact. We got all kinds of interesting information that’s in that folder there. Read through it, you may learn some things. The part about bank transactions and phony satellite corporations are especially interesting”

Castelo Branco flipped some of the pages, paused at a few pertinent ones and knew he was had.

“What do you want?”

“Your money. I can do things with it. For a price, I can forget all this. It won’t be cheap, but you have no other choice. Are you willing to talk?”


“Get those two out of here! Next time you want to find someone like me, you should send people who are qualified. But there won’t be a next time, will there?’

Castelo Branco motioned with his eyes, but the look told them to standby. When the door closed, Connery continued.

“I’ve thought this over. The good news is, you get a free pass on Reyes and avoid rotting in a Brazilian jail somewhere.

The bad news is, I’m taking down your cash reserves considerably, both from the business and your personal fortune. Your company is essentially out of business once the transactions are completed. Most of the money will be used to undo what you have already done. What’s left is mine. Let’s say it’s a payment for the inconvenience.”

Castelo Branco was informed that he had to do two things. First, the promise of seventy million used to lure him to Brasilia a year ago would be wire transferred to a non- traceable bank account. With Ted's help, Connery would know immediately when the transaction was completed. Second, and most importantly, Companhia do Azevedo Limitada would cease all mining operations in the Amazon that threatened indigenous tribes. Another hundred million would be committed to cleaning up certain river tributaries fouled by the launch of Tapejo I and II. Those funds would be set aside in a special account administered by a team he would put together. Lastly, he had twenty-four hours in which to act. One minute beyond, the information would go public. If that happened, he would lose both his business and his freedom. Take the deal, and he would lose only the business.”

I don’t see you have any choice. Once I found out who you are, I had a lot of time to think about how I was going to get even, Gordito. Let’s just say it’s real personal. First, there’s the matter of thousands of acres of rainforest you messed up at an enormous cost to some people I know. You're a piece of crap, and I should take you down, completely! I won’t because I need your money. Make no mistake, I know what you have. In return, you’ll escape paying for the murder of Reyes. While that disgusts me, I’ll have to live with it. Then there’s the matter of how you and Hewett tried to screw me over. I don’t have to go through that. I’m putting you out of commission, almost. You’re hanging it up, bowing out of the game. If not, I'll be all over you. It’s your choice. Oh, and there are two friends of mine here in Brasilia, I’m sure you know who they are. If anything unfortunate should happen to them, well…it wouldn’t be worth your while.”

Castelo Branco was cornered
. No one talked to him like that, ever.  He stuttered, stammered, briefly considered strangling Connery, then thought better of it.

Connery reminded him about his friends who collected heads. Maybe some cool evening when he was asleep in his jungle hacienda, his would be one of them. It was a lie, but what did that idiot know? He wrote down a cell phone number, reminded him of the time limit, then
left, not knowing if he would get out of the building alive. At the elevator, he pressed the down button. The wait seemed interminable, but finally, the doors opened. He walked across the lobby, through the revolving doors and outside to freedom. The next 24 hours would see if his demands were met, then he would contact the U.S. Embassy.















Two days later, tropical air that filled the capital didn’t feel at all stifling as he strolled toward the embassy. The sky was brilliant blue with white, equatorial like clouds. Hours before, Ted informed him his demands were met, the money wire transferred as specified. On world stock exchanges, the price of Companhia do Azevedo Limitada plummeted. Castelo Branco would do everything he knew to fight it, but it would end in ruin. It was time for the final wrap up.

The past year
, and his brush with death, brought radical change to his thinking. He was disgusted with Castelo Branco’s greed and deeply regretted his own treatment of Pam and the children.

The embassy loomed
ahead; big, official looking, luxurious almost. Outside, Marine guards stood at attention as he walked to the island of concrete where the small outside office stood.

“Terrence Connery to see Ambassador Stevens.”

“Yes sir. Ambassador Stevens is expecting you. You're a little early.”

“I know.”

A call to the main building brought two guards dressed impeccably in sky blue pants, navy blue tunics, white hats placed strategically over the eyes. They were a welcome sight. In his office, the ambassador received him courteously.

“Mr. Connery! This is indeed a surprise. I heard only a short while ago that you survived that awful crash. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through these past months. We are here to help in any way we can.”

“Thank you Mr. Ambassador. It’s good to be here. Obviously, I am in need of your assistance in obtaining a passport so I can get back to the states. I have my children waiting and a business to attend to.”

“Yours is an unusual situation. I believe word has leaked to the press about your return already. Be prepared for a highly publicized arrival in New York. Everyone will want
to hear your story. By tomorrow, we will have what you need. In the meantime, you are welcome to stay the night here, should you choose. Do you mind if I ask how you made it out?”

For the next hour Connery told his story, mentioning in particular, the people who helped him find his way back. He talked of the demise of the
rainforest and the scenes he witnessed. He never mentioned the name Castelo Branco or how his own company was high-jacked. The ambassador listened intently. Afterward, he had his passport photo taken then completed a few forms for the State Department. It was obvious his return to the states would be high priority.

His stay was short, the room
spare but adequate. The food was very good, since he dined with the ambassador. Next morning, he was given his passport and flight arrangements. With some anxiety, he boarded an airliner back to the United States. The flight was uneventful, but he felt relief with the announcement they were about to land at JFK. It would be a while before he got used to flying again.

When the news wires picked up the story, it generated considerable excitement. He was thought to be dead for over a year, had somehow managed to be the only survivor of a plane crash then found his way out of an un-chartered sector of
rainforest with the help of primitive tribesmen.





Terrence Connery, 42, thought to be a victim of the Global Air flight that crashed in the Amazon over a year ago, has emerged alive. Authorities say that late yesterday, he contacted embassy officials in Brasilia. Global Air reported flight 302 missing last August 22
after it was diverted to Sao Paulo from its original destination. Air Traffic Control in Brasilia reported losing contact with the plane at approximately 3 pm. The captain and first officer were both experienced pilots. The cause of the crash is still being investigated. Dense jungle hindered recovery operations for a lengthy period. Global Air reported no survivors among the 231 aboard. Three weeks after the crash, the plane was located in one of the least known regions of the Amazon. The Post has learned that Connery made contact with previously unknown tribes, some of whom still practice head hunting….


It was the stuff of tabloids for months to come. He never told anyone the details behind what happened that year. The less he said, the more sensational the story became. There were a thousand questions, and he parried every one, saying the experience was too traumatic to talk about. Of the seventy million wire transferred to his account, a significant amount was set up in trust for Pam and the children. Another hundred million designated for an environmental organization that would carry out his instructions for its use. It wasn't long after his return when he received assurance from a trusted source, that unexpected cleanup operations of certain waterways in Amazonas and elsewhere had begun.















New York City


Dan Hewett was a man satisfied with what he achieved in the past year. The position he coveted was finally his. With bonus and salary of seven million, he led more than a comfortable life. The charade was planned perfectly. Connery, wasting his time and money on coquetries, became out of touch with his own company. It had taken years to gain his trust. Once he did, he expanded control over operations, while his boss hopped around the globe courting rich clients and beautiful women. Careless with details he had never been careless with before. It was Hewett who met with Castelo Branco in New York and placed in motion events that would lure Connery out of the country.

Castelo Branco was a man who operated well above the law. Not only in his own country but outside. Hewett knew
about his methods of operation. When the time came, he put out feelers. The two met in a restaurant in the Adirondacks where he presented his plan. Over the next several months, the scheme was perfected; official SEC audit request, official correspondence, doctored bank statements, the convincing story about software problems, and of course, the offer from Castelo Branco. Stephen Walters was easy to enlist as a cohort. Young and ambitious, he was a willing participant. It was essential that Hewett have the CFO in his back pocket if the plan was to succeed. Connery had to be convinced that his company was about to collapse, then, quickly as possible, get him on a plane to Brasilia

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