Stairway To Heaven (44 page)

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Authors: Richard Cole

BOOK: Stairway To Heaven
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festival in

Imhoff, Barry

Immediate Records

“Immigrant Song,”


In Dreams

Ingle, Doug

“In My Time of Dying,”

“In the Evening,”

In Through the Out Door


performances in

Iron Butterfly

Jackson, J. J.

Jackson, Pete

Jagger, Mick


1971 tour of

Bonham–Plant conflict


Phil Carson, incidents involving

Tokyo Hilton incidents

train incidents

urinating on a disc jockey in

Tokyo (1971)

1972 tour of

Jeff Beck Group

Jersey, Plant's stay in

Jethro Tull

Jones, John Paul

alcohol and drug use by

background of

drag queens and

Elvis Presley and

home of

after Led Zeppelin's demise

mischief and pranks

Hawaii “dick shots,”

Tokyo Hilton incident

Volkswagen incident in Iceland

and (1970)

personal characteristics of


United States tour (Jan. 1969) and

Jones, Mo

Jones, Ronnie



Kaye, Shelley

Kelly, Jack

Kezar Stadium (San Francisco)

concert in

King, Rex

Kinks, The

Kirke, Simon

Knebworth Festival (1979)

Larke, Johnny

Lawrence, Mike

Lea Anne (mother of Claire Cole)

Led Zeppelin.

See also specific people and topics

CD retrospective of

continued popularity of

conflicts within

decline and disintegration of

dissolution of

financial affairs of

petty cash account

concert offers after release of

Led Zeppelin II,

percent demand


formation of

girls and


Girls as “jinxed,”

mischief and pranks

See also
Alcohol and

drug use;

specific members of the band

“anything for a thrill” credo

Auckland (New Zealand) hotel incident

dressing in drag

Edgewater Inn (Seattle) incident


food fight

motorcycle incident in


taking pictures of each other's


tearing dress off Cole's


Villa Roma (San Francisco)


naming of

controversy over use of Zeppelin

family name

preparations before appearances

Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin II

Led Zeppelin III

Lee, Alvin

Lee, Sammy

Le Fevre, Benji

Les Girls (Sydney)

Lewis, Michael



Little Richard

Live–Aid concert (1985)

Liverpool Scene

“Living Loving Maid (She's Just a


Los Angeles in

1973 United States tour

in 1975 United States tour

1975 visit to, during United States


Los Angeles Forum

performances in

Los Angeles Times,
Lucifer Rising

Lurch, Manfred


concert in

McAlpine, Sir Robert

MacLaine, Unity

Maddox, Lori

Madison Square Garden (New York


1970 performance at

1972 concert in

1973 concerts in

1975 performances at

Makeba, Miriam

Malibu (Calif.), rented house in

Manchester (England)

Mandich, Tony

Marriott, Steve

Martin, Charlotte

Plant's automobile accident and

Massot, Joe

May, Electra

May, Phil

McCarty, Jim

McGregor, Sandy

Meehan, Patrick


Melody Maker,

Memphis (Tenn.), key to the city

presented to Led Zeppelin in

Mendelsohn, John


performance in


performance and riot in

Miller, Bill

Miller, Jimmy

“Misty Mountain Hop,”

Mitchell, Joni

“Moby Dick,”

Moby Grape


Moody Blues

Moon, Keith

death of

Morrison, Jim

Movie project

See also Song Remains the Same,



Musicland Studios (Munich)

Nagashima, Tats

Nash, Graham

New Haven (Conn.), Eric Clapton

performance in (1974)

New Orleans

visit to

New Vaudeville Band

New Yardbirds

New York City, in 1975

United States tour

New Zealand

tour of

Nicky James Movement

“Night Flight,”


“No Quarter,”

Northover, Dave

Oakland Coliseum

performances at

“Ocean, The,”

Ogden Security

Oldham, Andrew

Olympic Studios (London)

Orange Bowl

performance at

Osbourne, Ozzy

Osbourne, Sharon

“Our Song,”



Page, Jimmy

after Led Zeppelin's demise

alcohol and drug use by

background of

banjo played by

Bombay recording session

Bonham's death and

at Bonham's twenty–fifth birthday


cars of

Cole and

drug use by


Elvis Presley and

financial matters and

“Led Wallet” nickname

finger injury (1973)

finger injury (1975)

fire incident in Manchester (1971)

formation of Led Zeppelin and

girls and

health of

In Through the Out Door

Led Zeppelin II
(album) and

Led Zeppelin III,

missing guitar of

movie project and

North American tour (1970) and

the occult and the supernatural and

“séance” staged by Bonzo

“old girl” nickname of

personal characteristics of

love of traveling

Plumpton Place home of


in San Juan, Puerto Rico (1969)

security arrangements and

session work

as songwriter

“Kashmir,”–41 soundtrack for Kenneth Anger film

United States tour (fall 1969) and

United States tour (Jan. 1969) and

during United States tour (1975)

the Yardbirds and

Paris, party to promote
Led Zeppelin

in (1969)

Park, Julie Anne

Parrott, Jasper

Philadelphia Spectrum

performance at

Physical Graffiti

Pickett, Kenny

Pictures at Eleven

Plant, Karac

death of

Plant, Maureen

automobile accident of (1975)

Plant, Robert

after Led Zeppelin's demise

alcohol and drug use by

automobile accident of (1975)

pain after

rehabilitation after

tax considerations

background of

Bonham's death and

Bonzo and

Cole and

death of son of

Elvis Presley and

fall while wearing cast

formation of Led Zeppelin and

health of

love of traveling

mischief and pranks

Copenhagen bathroom incident


in 1978

ranch of

in San Juan, Puerto Rico (1969)

singing style of

as songwriter

United Kingdom tour (1970) and

Plant, Robert

United States tour (Jan. 1969) and

during United States tour (1975)

Plant, Robert, Sr.

Plaster Casters


Plumpton Place (Page's house)

Polar Studios

Premier Talent


Presley, Elvis

Press, the

Pretty Things

Public relations

Puerto Rico

trip to

Quaife, Peter

Quinn, Gary


Rafelson, Peter

“Rain Song, The,”

Raleigh (N.C.), harassment in

Ralphs, Mick

“Ramble On,”

Raven, Mike

Raymond, Rem

Recording Industry of America

Redding, Otis

Reid, Terry

Relf, Keith

Return to the Clubs tour (1971)

“Revolving Door,”

Rhodes, Plant's automobile accident in (1975)

Rindal, Terry

Robbery from Drake Hotel

safe–deposit box

Robertson, Willie

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Rockers, xv–xvi

Rodgers, Paul

Rolling Stone

Rolling Stones, xviii

1973 United States tour

Ross, Diana


concert in

Royal Albert Hall (London)

1970 performance at

1983 charity concert in

Ruffles Reggae Festival

Runes album. See

Samwell–Smith, Paul

Sander, Ellen

San Juan (Puerto Rico)

trip to

Schilling, Jerry

Scream for Help

Security arrangements

during North American tour (1970)

during United States tour (summer 1972)

during United States tour (1975)

Sellers, Peter

Shark Episode

Sheehan, Dennis

Shepperton Studios

Sherman, Bobby

“She's a Rainbow,”


Simpson, Duckie

Singles, conflict over releasing

Skydel, Barbara

Smith, Henry

Smith, Tony

Sobriety meetings

Solters, Lee

Solters, Roskin, and Sabinson

“Song Remains the Same, The,”

Song Remains the Same, The

Spectrum (Philadelphia)

Spivak, Larry

“Stairway to Heaven,”

Stamp, Chris

Stargroves (Mick Jagger's country home)


Stein, Mark

Stellavox quadriphonic field


Steve Paul Scene (New York City)

Stewart, Rod

Stigwood, Robert

Stone the Crows

Sunset Sound (Los Angeles)

“Sunshine Superman,”


Swan Song

Taj Mahal

Talmy, Shel

Tampa Stadium

1973 performance at



“Tea for One,”

Ten Years After

“Ten Years Gone,”

Texas International Festival (1969)

Bangkok “Thank You,”

“That's the Way,”

Thee Experience (Los Angeles)

Thomas, Ray

Thompson, Tony

Three Dog Night

Tours by Led Zeppelin

Australia and New Zealand (1972)

motorcycle incident

police raid

Europe (1970)

Europe (1971)

Milan riot

Japan (1971)

Bonham–Plant conflict

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