Stalk Me (46 page)

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Authors: Jillian Dodd

Tags: #Juvenile Fiction, #Mysteries & Detective Stories, #Love & Romance, #Fiction, #Romance, #New Adult, #Social Issues, #Dating & Sex, #Friendship, #Coming of Age, #People & Places, #United States, #General, #Sports & Recreation, #Water Sports, #Contemporary, #YA Romance

BOOK: Stalk Me
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“Yeah, it’s not my fault they end up sleeping with me. Can’t resist my charm.”

“Riley, I will try my hardest not to sleep with you so that we can be friends.”

He laughs again. “Hardest is probably not the best choice of words, baby.”

I roll my eyes at him. He’s still sucking the melted candy off my fingers, and I completely understand why he doesn’t have any girl friends. The way he’s sucking my fingers feels so overtly sexual that it makes me blush. 

I actually have to turn and look away.

And who chooses this exact moment to be in my line of vision? Who’s standing there watching Riley suck cotton candy off each one of my fingers? 

The God of all Hotties himself.

I give him a
Save me

And I’m not sure why. I don't really want to be saved from Riley. He’s kinda turning me on. But I think even though I’m not at all interested in the god, for some reason, I don’t want him to think I’m here with Riley, or that I like what Riley is doing to me. Even though I do.

I’m ashamed to admit it, but I really freaking do.

Aiden says, “Hey, Boots, come here. My sister was just looking for you.” 

Dallas says, “Boots?”

“He calls me Boots because of the boots the other day.”

“Oh, gotcha.”

Aiden is not very patient when he says, “Hurry up.”

I look at Riley with an
I guess I have to go with him
look and take off with Aiden.

“What does your sister want?” 

Aiden smiles. “Nothing. I lied. It was either that or kick the crap out of that Riley dude for sucking on your fingers.”

I scoff at him. “Why would you do that? He was just stealing my cotton candy.”

“Looked like a little more than that, and I heard you were making out with Dallas last night after I left.”

“We were high. It was just a little friendly kissing.”

“I don’t like it.”

“Why not?”

“I just don’t.”

He’s kinda weird. How could anyone be against kissing? I know I’m definitely pro Kissing. Maybe that could be my student council platform, if I do decide to run for office.

“So, now what?”

“You look pretty. I like your hair like that,” he says. 

I was totally unprepared for a compliment and, for some reason, all of a sudden, I can barely speak. 

“Uh, thanks,” I sputter out. 

I swear, I’m a very literate and well-spoken young lady. I can talk to anyone. Heads of state, blockbuster movie stars, rock stars, professional athletes. But this boy has me tongue tied. And then I stare at his mouth and think I’d like to know more about his tongue.

Okay. That’s it. 

I need a time out.

Like my little sisters get. 

Go sit in a corner by myself.


I think I’m on new boy overload.

“So, did the four-leaf clover bring you luck?” 

“I don’t know yet. I think we find out sometime tonight who made it. And, you know, the odds aren’t good. I’m sure I didn’t make it.”

“My sister said you did very well. You also did very well at soccer tryouts. Kicked ass, really. You’ll definitely make varsity.”

“You think?”

“Yeah, I do. Hey,” he gets an adorable little boy grin, “wanna go ride the Ferris wheel?”

“I’d love to.”

He takes my hand. 

And, once again.

Same reaction. 

His touch makes me feel slightly dizzy. 

No way I can kiss this boy. I’d probably pass out. 

And that would probably not be a good thing.

I never had a reaction like this to any boy. What is wrong with me?

It must be my emotions. Everyone said they were amazed I was handling things so well. 

That must be it. 

I’m traumatized.

I’m thinking so hard, I barely realize we’re now sitting on the Ferris wheel together. He’s sitting close to me, and he casually puts his arm around my shoulder. 

I can’t help it. 

My body leans into him, and I rest my head on his shoulder. 

I feel like I’ve died and gone to hottie heaven. 

Please, God, or hottie gods, whoever, don’t let this ride end.

Pretty soon we are stuck at the very top of the Ferris wheel, looking down at the pretty lights. 

He says, “Boots.”

I raise my head up, and that’s when he kisses me. 

A slow, perfect, time-stood-still, fireworks-in-my-eyes kind of kiss.

And it was just a little kiss. No open mouths, no tongues; just a kiss. 

A little teeny kiss.

Holy shit.

I’m in love with him.

The kiss has stopped, but I’m stupidly still sitting here with my eyes closed.

I realize this and open them. 

“That was amazing,” he tells me.

I can’t form a sentence, so I nod breathlessly. 

He kisses me again.

And I don’t change my mind with the second kiss. 

But, I cannot.
fall in love with a guy who is gonna play me. A guy who thinks he’s in love with every girl he dates but breaks up with them quickly because he just knows she’s not the one. 

After a kiss like that, he should
I’m the one. 

He should be down on his knees begging me to marry him and have his little Hottie babies. 

There shouldn’t be anything to think about.

But I’m sure it was a one-sided thing. Although he said it was amazing. 

Shit. He stopped kissing me again, and now he’s saying something to me. 

“It’s our turn to get off next.” 

When did the Ferris wheel even move?

I seriously did not feel it move.

We step off the ride, and I feel the extreme urge to run away from him as fast as I possibly can. Dawson the predator, or even Tyrese the winker, seem safe compared to Aiden. 

He must
really be
the god of all Hotties. 


Because I’m pretty sure he just used some of his special powers on me. The make-her-lose-track-of-all-time power. The kiss-her-and-fill-her-mind-with-cotton-candy power.

“Uh, um, I gotta get back to my, um, friends,” I stutter out.

The make-her-lose-the-ability-to-form-a-complete-sentence power.

“Oh, no you don’t. My sister really is looking for you. I was supposed to find you and bring you back to the stage.” 

He smiles. 

It’s a blinding, white-toothed smile. 

A push-me-over-the-edge-of-the-love-cliff smile. 

And before I can say a word in protest, he’s got my hand and is dragging me through the carnival.

Note to self: Do not stare directly at his smile. It holds special powers.

Also: Do not kiss him. His mouth is
the source of his power. 

Stay far away from it.

Far, far away.

But far, far away was the wrong thing to think as my mind is now dwelling on fairytales and true love’s kiss.

Pretty soon, I’m standing in front of his sister. She screams when she sees us. “Keatyn, I have been looking
for you! Where has my brother been hiding you?”

“We were, uh . . . ”

Shit, where were we? I have seriously lost my freaking mind. And I may have to kiss him again to get it back.

I’m thinking.

It’s worth a shot, maybe?

“I made her go on the Ferris wheel with me first,” Aiden says, saving me.

“Bad boy.” She gives him a playful swat. “Well anyways,
!” Then a whole group of girls surround me. They scream, bounce up and down, and put red and yellow boas around my neck, a red-feathered crown in my hair, and then a banner across my chest, like I’ve just won Miss America. I look down at it, and it says,
Dance Team
in gold glittery letters. “You made it!” Then she pulls me in and whispers in my ear, “You also made varsity soccer, but you didn’t hear that from me.”

I’m really excited about that.

I’m now in a whirlwind of
All the girls are excitedly screaming and taking pictures. 

Then we all get up on stage, the current dance team and us three newbies, all decked out ridiculously, and do the dance we learned today at tryouts. Peyton throws me pompoms, and I smile and dance while thinking about the craziness of today. 

All I have to say is: boarding school is no day at the beach.

It’s way more exciting.


The End





Author’s note: If you loved this book, please consider reviewing it wherever you purchased it. When I get 50 reviews, I’ll post Polyvore boards of all the cool outfits Keatyn wears in this book. When I get 100 reviews, I’ll post a further sneak peek for book two. The sneak will include the Welcome Back Dance. (These will be posted on my blog.)


Keep reading for a sneak peek of book two.

The Keatyn Chronicles. 

Kiss me. 

Coming in December.





Friday, August 26th

Like freaking Prince Charming.



   When I come off the stage, there is Dawson. Staring at me. 

   Uh, make that
at me. 

   I owe him an apology, so I walk straight up to him and say sincerely, “Hey, I’m really sorry about what I said earlier. It was kinda mean of me.”

   “You were sticking up for my brother because of what I said about him being the imitation, right?”

   “Yeah. He looked sad when you said it, and I just reacted. I’m sorry. Really.”

   “Don’t worry about it. It was kinda mean if you don’t know us, but he and I joke about stuff like that all the time. Plus he’s my little bro. I have to give him shit.”

   I nod.

   He lowers his voice and says, “And you’re right about Whitney. I do like her. Speaking of that, the guys told me Riley said you didn’t really do anything in your dorm room.

   “Yeah, I was trying to stand up for him.” I laugh. 

“You should be careful of him. He’s got a way with the ladies.”

“So I’ve heard. I told him I’d do my best not to sleep with him, so we could stay friends.”

“Riley with a girl for a friend? Hell, if you can manage that, I will be thoroughly impressed. Congrats on dance team. It’s a big honor. All the hottest girls are on dance team, well except for Whitney.” He leans in close to me and whispers, “She doesn’t like to sweat.”

I can’t help but laugh and think about Vanessa. And then home.  

And then I sort of feel like crying.

   “Thanks.” I say, but what I’m thinking is I just want an Ambien and my pillow. I’m so tired and so on stimulatory overload.

   But then Aiden saunters up to me, gives me a big hug — which nearly stops my heart from beating — and says, “Congrats. You looked really surprised. I pretty much told you that you made it on the Ferris wheel.”

   “The Ferris wheel is sorta a blur,” I say without thinking.

   “A good blur, I hope. Hey, there’s all your friends, worshipers, whatever. I think they all want to congratulate you.” He stops and kisses my hand.


   You heard that right.

   He kissed my hand. Like freaking Prince Charming.

   Then he says, “Don’t forget, you owe me a dance or two tomorrow.”

   “I won’t,” I say breathlessly.

   And then poof, he disappears into thin air. 

   And I wonder for a minute if he was actually real.

   Can anyone else see this demigod?

   Dallas, Riley, and all the freshmen boys I made friends with at orientation give me hugs, congrats, high fives, and pats on the back. 

   Dallas says, “You looked great up there. You hungry?”

   I realize suddenly just how hungry I am. I was too stressed to eat dinner. “I’m starved! Let’s get something to eat.”

   While I’m eating a freshly grilled Philly cheesesteak and homemade potato chips, Morgan comes trudging up to me, pushing a girl in front of her. The girl is also decked out in feathers.

   “Meet your new roommate, Katie.”

   Katie gets a big grin on her face and gives me a hug. “Oh, thank God! You made it. When they told me it was some girl that tried out, I was afraid she wouldn’t make it and would hate me. You cool with this? I sure as hell am.”

   “Absolutely.” I turn to Morgan. “But I’m almost completely unpacked, so she moves into my room, right?”

   “Yep. Molly and I will get everything moved tonight. Sorry, it just didn’t work for me.”

   “Thats okay, no hard feelings,” I say.

   Katie is adorable. Perky, bouncy brown hair with expensive highlights, button nose, and a sweet smile. 

   I introduce her to the boys. 

   “You guys want to go on the Ferris wheel?” she asks. She bounces a bit when she says this, and her ample boobs shake just a bit. She is really quite peppy, and the boys are enthralled.

   “You go. I’m gonna finish eating.”

   Dallas says he’s gonna stay with me, and then he sits down and says, “Plus, you already rode the Ferris wheel.” 

   “I did. Have you?”

   “Yeah, I rode it, but I don’t think I had as much fun as you.”

   “I take it you saw Aiden kiss me?”

   “Yeah. And I’m okay with it. Last night was just, you know, we got high, we kissed. It was just chill, right?”

   He reminds me of Brooklyn even more with that comment.


   “Now my friend, Riley, on the other hand, he didn’t look too pleased. You kiss him too?”

   I purse my lips and look up at the sky.

   “Look at me,” Dallas says. “The answer to that question is not in the sky. And don’t lie to me. I hate when people lie to me. And I can tell we’re gonna be friends. Good friends. I’m talking TIGHTTTT,” he laughs. “So just tell me.”

   I spill my guts. The boy parts anyway.

   “So I dated this guy for most of high school, but I always crushed on my best friend. We broke up this spring, and finally this guy, that B that texted me, kissed me. And I thought it would be amazing. But then he invited me to go like camping with him and his friends, but then they left me. Like completely ditched me, and he acted like it was no big deal. And I thought he was hooking up with other girls that night. And I went to a party with this other friend of mine from school. And that same night, he told me he’d had a crush on me and asked me to go out with him. And I ended up losing my virginity to him, instead of the B guy, who I always dreamed it’d happen with. But then that didn’t work out. That’s an even longer story. And so then I got back with B and we had an amazing summer together, but then he told me he was going away for like a year. And then the whole thing happened with the, uh, with my parents moving, and I ended up here. He said we are young, that if we’re meant to be together someday we will, that we should date other people, that he will be dating other people. And I was kinda crushed. But then last night at the cave was fun. I mean, I’d go there with you anytime, and I’d kiss you again, for sure. You kiss good. Like sweet.”

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