Stand on Zanzibar (37 page)

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Authors: John Brunner

BOOK: Stand on Zanzibar
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But GT was saying, “Unless there are further questions…? We’ll proceed to the vote. Those in favour of accepting the report from projects and planning—?”

Finger almost numb from the pressure he was applying to his own affirmative button, Norman stared at the pattern of lights on GT’s throne. Green nine-eleven-fifteen …

Made it!

He glanced at Elihu, wanting to share by an expression of jubilation the delight the verdict had provoked, and discovered that the older man was gazing at him with a wholly different look. There was a sort of fierceness in his face, as though to say:
I trusted you, you’d better prove me right

And all the implications of what had just happened came crashing down on Norman’s undefended mind.

context (14)


Guided Socialist Democracy of:
country, SE Asia. Over 100 islands, lgst. Shongao 1790 sq. mi. Est. pop. 230,000,000. *Gongilung (4,400,000). Aluminium, bauxitte, petroleum, tea, coffee, rubber, textiles.

Medieval seat of Takangi Empire (c. 1250–1475). Indep. kingdom to c. 1683. Partitioned 18th-19th cent. Dut. col. 1899–1954. Indep. repub. 1954–date.

Mixed Khmon, Nger. 70% Buddh. w. pagan admx., 20% Muslim, 10% Xian (Prot.)

“… and shows the way forward free of foreign contamination to all the peoples of Asia. History is being made in Yatakang. Never before has any country been promised liberation from the caprices of fate; never before has any government been able to look forward to a citizenry perfectly equipped both to contribute to the forward progress of the state and to enjoy to the maximum their lives as individuals. Under the direction of internationally renowned scientist Professor Dr. Sugaiguntung, and following the leadership of our beloved Marshal Solukarta, to whom in every city of Yatakang masses of people have gathered spontaneously and paid tribute…”

(LEADERSHIP A form of self-preservation exhibited by people with autodestructive imaginations in order to ensure that when it comes to the crunch it’ll be someone else’s bones which go crack and not their own.

The Hipcrime Vocab
by Chad C. Mulligan)

“Sheeting hole, what I want to know is, why can’t we have what people in some muddy rice-paddy plodding behind their buffaloes or whatever are going to get for free?”

the happening world (9)


“Arms thru the Ages” Hobbikit. Ideal gift b’day or Xmas. Suitable ages 7–12. Caveman (flint axe, knife), Roman Legionary (spear, sword), Crusader (lance, mace), Archer (longbow, crossbow), Musketeer (musket, horse-pistol), Commando (rifle, grenade), Marine (bolt-gun, kazow). Durable precision-made plastic. Only $112.50!

“In the fiercest engagement so far this year, units of the 23rd Pacific Combat Group inflicted severe losses of men and material on Chinese aqua-bandits in mid-ocean this morning. Our own casualties are reported light.”


His hot breath launched a spray of spittle across her face. His wild hands clawed at her tender breasts. She remembered what Dad had told her an infinity of time ago and pretended to relax, let him do as he wished. Then, the moment his guard was down, she groped across his cheeks with stiff fingers and located his eyes. They popped from their sockets like wet gooseberries and he screamed. She had never heard a more wonderful sound in all her thirteen years.


“Chairman Yung today sent a personal message of congratulations to the daring sailors of the Blood-Red Banner flotilla who yesterday inflicted great damage in men and material on the imperialist aggressor. Our own casualties were very light.”


Lonely on the edge of space, Patrol Pilot Eugene Flood keeps watch and ward over the security of your homes and families. Thanks to General Technics, weapons capable of taking out—clear from orbit—anything from a single boatload of saboteurs to an entire megalopolis lie under his hand.


“A note was today sent to Cairo protesting the infringement of Israeli air-space by a photographic spy-plane. The aircraft was brought down and the pilot failed to escape.”


Again and again he hammered at the bleeding face beneath him until he heard the satisfying sound of crunching bone. The man’s teeth were rammed down his throat and he was choking to death on his own blood.


“A strong protest was lodged in Tel-Aviv today against the unwarranted attack by Israeli army units on an innocent Egyptian aircraft that had been blown off its course. Compensation for the dead pilot’s dependants was demanded.”


Centuries of expert craftsmanship culminate in the new range of Purdy sporting guns. Our unique side and long arms call forth the greatest skill from you, their proud owner.


“Fanatical Italian youths crying ‘Death to all heretics’ this morning attempted to storm the palace of Right Catholic Pope Eglantine in Madrid. When under fire from Spanish police they refused to run for cover but tore off their shirjacks to reveal large red crosses tattooed on their chests. The survivors will be interrogated in hospital when they are well enough to answer questions.”


He lay without moving except for the gentle up-and-down rhythm of his chest that barely disturbed the blanket. She crept towards him, trying not to notice that in sleep his face had the smooth handsomeness of a teenage boy, trying to remember only how much she hated him. Convulsively she raised the broken bottle and ground it down over his nose and mouth.


“Right Catholic saboteurs today exploded a time-bomb aboard a ship carrying desperately needed contraceptive pills to Bombay, India. Divers will attempt to raise the sealed packing-cases at next low tide, but all hope of saving the crew has been abandoned.”

Protect yourself, your home, your family, with Japind’s unparalleled range of personal defences. Jettiguns, Karatands, electric fences, mines, boobytraps of all descriptions at reasonable prices, fully g’teed.


“A mob protesting against recent language reforms designed to bring Brazilian-Portuguese into closer conformity with the Spanish spoken over the remainder of Latin America today set fire to a number of buildings on the outskirts of Brasilia.”

He seized her ankles and before she could react even with surprise raised them and tipped her bodily forward over the sill of the open window. Far below there was a sound half-way between a splash and a thud. When he looked out she lay spreadeagled on the ground. He gave a nod of grim satisfaction. She had cheated on him for the last time.


A kazow fires a stream of miniature rockets, no larger than reefers, each with a seeking device that homes on the body-heat of a human being. Learn to use one at your local Militia Readiness Centre. It’s part of your responsibility as a citizen to defend yourself from tyranny.

“Election agents of the ruling Shangaan Party are reported to have demanded police protection when venturing into predominantly Zulu constituencies to canvass for the forthcoming South African elections. This follows the stoning of Eurasian Harry Patel, the Minister for Home Affairs and Education, on a visit to Johannesburg last week.”


“Police arrested self-styled ‘generals’ and ‘colonels’ of the French Canadian Republican Army in Montreal last night, alleging discovery of a plot to dynamite the parliament buildings in Ottawa when the members reconvene on Monday.”

His lip curled as he watched the missile’s trail home on the crude shacks of the slit-eye village. The world was a better place without those dirty bleeders.


He glared at the cowering figure before him. “You’ve always wanted to be more of a daughter than a son!” he snarled. “See this razor? It’s going to give you exactly what you want! Now do you take off that dress or do I cut it off?”

The Missile and Weaponry division of General Technics offers graduates an exciting career with the continual challenge of work on the very frontiers of human achievement.


“Frenzied mobs in Tokyo last night burned the effigy of the Emperor in protest against his intention to abdicate to facilitate Japan’s adoption of a republican system of government. Spokesmen declared that if he does resign his throne they will recognize Mr. Oyoshita, head of one of the country’s oldest noble families, as his successor and will refuse to co-operate with the new government. Victims of the rioting are already being described as ‘martyrs’.”

Her eyes lingered on the bright new disc of metal pinned to the breast of his uniform. “Son, I’m proud of you,” she whispered, and embraced him because she did not want him to see her tears.


“The Ellay expressport is tonight out of service for quote an indefinite period unquote following an explosion that fired forty-three thousand gallons of stored rocket-fuel. Casualties are expected to number over two hundred. The authorities state that the explosion followed sparking of a static charge on the tanks of an express newly arrived from Manila. Accident has been ruled out, and in a statement just networked the Paul Revere Society calls for a total ban on the landing of all foreign-owned aircraft in the United States to prevent a repetition of this disaster.”

Among the securest investments open to anyone are shares in the ever-booming defence industries. Currently offering above-average returns are Specialised Air Conditioning Inc. (war and police gases), Public Health Research Inc. (mutated bacteria and viruses), and the Rapid Expansion Corporation (explosives of all types).


I am directed by the General Officer Commanding to perform the sad duty of notifying you of the demise of your son Peter. He was today buried with full military honours at censored. During an attack on censored he displayed the highest possible courage and was personally responsible for killing censored of the enemy by planting a censored on one of their censored vehicles. He has been posthumously recommended for a decoration for gallantry.

“Which means there’s no need for you to knuckle under to anybody from now on. With your bare hands, with a knife, with an axe or broadsword, with a narrow sword, with a projectile side-arm, long arm or spray-gun, with a bolt-gun, kazow or rocket-launcher, with pocket and non-pocket nukes, with chemical explosives, with instant or delayed time-bombs, with gas, with infectious bacteria, with hot iron or razors or poison or a club or a rock, with a lance or a mace or a box of matches, with an H-T cable or thermite or acid, with your teeth or your nails or a hypodermic or a diadermic, with a flame-thrower or a kitchen carver or a length of rope or a hammer or a belt or a chisel or a boot or a bath of water or a Karatand or a Jettigun or a modified domestic laser or a quarterstaff or a broken bottle or a bucket of cement or an ordinary door or window or a staircase or a pillow or a piece of adhesive tape or a cooking-pan or an article of clothing or wet mud or long hair or a sewing-needle or a brand out of the fire or a splinter or a bottle of medicine you can give those freaking Chinks their own back.”


Briefly, Bennie Noakes remembered someone had had his balls caught in the draft. He wondered whether he had imagined it or whether it was real, and decided it was real because he didn’t imagine things as unpleasant as that.

But he took a little more Triptine to prevent a recurrence.

“It is the sentence of this court that you shall be taken hence to the place from which you came, and thence to a place of execution, there to be hanged by the neck until you are dead. And may God have mercy on your soul.”

SHAMBLES (sham’-blz)
n. pl. constr. as sing.
, Lat.
] Abattoir, slaughterhouse;
scene of death and destruction. (Not cogn. w. SHAMBLE,

context (15)


“‘We’re all Marxists now’ is a common cry among the world’s intellectuals, and it is true insofar that it remains the mark of a progressive man to feel that social forces, rather than genetic ones, mould our behaviour. But today’s commonplace is often tomorrow’s fallacy, and arguments from biology are increasing both in scope and precision.

“J. Merritt Emlen of the University of Washington, writing in the current issue of the
Journal of Theoretical Biology
(vol. 12, p. 410), puts forward the view that modern genetic theory can provide more subtle interpretations of human behaviour than is generally realised. Of course it is difficult to unravel the tangle of culture and biology which shapes man. Genetic influences on behaviour are always masked by social processes like teaching and parental care; but equally, these social processes are themselves reflections of man’s biological possibilities and limitations … Complete explanation or not, this genetic approach is worth exploring…”

New Scientist
, London, no. 531, p. 191, 26th January 1967

continuity (16)


If anyone had asked him, Donald could have said why the discontinuation of Donald Hogan Mark I was so quick and so efficient. It was because the process had begun before he arrived at Boat Camp, triggered off by the discovery that the assumed-familiar world was only biding its time before springing a trap and making him its prey.

But nobody did ask. The people he encountered treated him as though he were a faulty bread-board mock-up for a novel device, to be tested and made over into a version suitable for the production-line. Were he to meet any of them again in other surroundings, he would fail to recognise them. They had no identity apart from the frame they occupied. He categorised them not by name but by what they did to him.

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