Star League 8

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Authors: H.J. Harper

BOOK: Star League 8
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Star League 8: Final Cut


A Random House book
Published by Random House Australia Pty Ltd
Level 3, 100 Pacific Highway, North Sydney NSW 2060

First published by Random House Australia in 2011

Copyright © H.J. Harper 2011
Illustration copyright © Nahum Ziersch 2011

The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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National Library of Australia
Cataloguing-in-Publication Entry

Author: Harper, H.J.
Title: The final cut / H.J. Harper; Nahum Ziersch
ISBN: 978 1 86471 873 7 (pbk.)
Series: Harper, H.J. Star league; 8
Target Audience: For children
Other Authors/Contributors: Ziersch, Nahum
Dewey Number: A823.4

Cover illustration and design by Nahum Ziersch

To Liz and Lisa.

– N.Z.

I stare up at the two people standing in front of me. I've only ever seen them in photographs, but I'd know their faces anywhere.

‘Mum? Dad?' I always thought I'd be overjoyed to meet my parents, but now I feel nothing but dread. I can't believe my parents are Professor Pestilence.

‘Hello, son! It's so good to see you after all these years,' croons my father.

My mother nods. ‘Did you miss us? Of course, we've been watching over you all along, as we foiled the plans of the Star League.'

‘That's right,' says my father. ‘There is no such person as Professor Pestilence, just Prue and Peter Casey. Though you can call us Mum and Dad, Jay.'

I can't believe this is happening. I glance at Ben Beaumont, frozen in stone thanks to my parents and the power of the Shadow Shards. I think of all the horrible plans they've made to rule the world. This is all too much. I feel my energy drain away and I fall to my knees.

At the same time I hear a small clattering sound.

‘Jay, NO!' I'm only dimly aware of the Star League shouting at me. I glance down and see that I've dropped the seventh Shadow Shard. It hasn't fallen far, but I can't even muster the strength to reach out and grab it.

Everything seems to move in slow motion as both the Star League and the Shadow Six rush for the seventh shard. I'm pushed out of the way in the struggle, and when I raise my head again I see someone raise the shard in victory.

That someone is Cale. He smirks at me as he hands it over to my mother and father, who clutch
it between them like they'll never let it go.

‘At last! The final shard!' shrieks my mother.

‘Now we can reunite the pieces of the Shadow Stone and use its powers to take over the world!' cackles my father.

‘This isn't over yet!' yells Asuka. ‘We can still defeat you!'

‘I think our guests have outstayed their welcome.' My mother glares at the Star League.

‘Right as usual, dear,' my father agrees. ‘Let's see how cocky they are sealed in the caves beneath this tower!'

‘And while we're at it, let's take their powers!' adds my mother.

Together they raise the seventh shard. It shoots out a blast of energy that surrounds the Star League. Their worried faces look to me for help, but I feel completely useless. Then, in the blink of an eye, my friends vanish.

I want to scream at my parents to bring them
back, but I just feel numb.

‘There are lots of monsters down in the underground caves,' gloats my mother. ‘Without their powers, your friends don't stand a chance!' The seventh shard glows in her hand, swirling with the Star League's stolen powers.

‘You know, Jay, as our son we'd like to have you by our side.' My father rubs his chin. ‘We could give you their powers, but only if you decide to join us. You could lead the Shadow Six!'

That wipes the nasty grin off Cale's freckled mug. ‘Hey, what are you talking about? I'm the leader of the Shadow Six!'

‘And look at the mess you've made!' roars my mother.

‘All we asked you to do was defeat the Star League and bring back the seventh shard, but we had to do it for you!' My father looks furious. ‘We have no time for useless people!'

My parents raise the seventh shard and point it at Cale. A beam of energy shoots out of it and
strikes Cale in the chest. He falls to the ground, unconscious.

‘Looks like there's a new opening in the Shadow Six.' My mother smiles but there's no warmth in it. ‘What do you think, Jay? If you cooperate, we might even let your little friends out from the dungeons in ten or twenty years!'

‘Join us, son,' says my father. ‘Join us as we reunite the pieces of the Shadow Stone and take over the world!'

I frown, staring at the powerful seventh shard in their hands. I don't want to see the bad guys restore the Shadow Stone, but how can I stop them myself? If it weren't for me they wouldn't even have the seventh shard. I've really messed up big this time.

I stare miserably at the ground. As far as I can see, there's only one thing I can do to save my friends.

I take a step towards my parents.

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