Star Trek (6 page)

Read Star Trek Online

Authors: Glenn Hauman

Tags: #Fiction

BOOK: Star Trek
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I'm under no illusions that she's fully cured—I don't really have that big an ego. In fact, this recent lionization may have just exchanged one set of neuroses for another, from feelings of inadequacy to feelings of superiority and arrogance. However, at the very least she's functional again, so I'll take it as an improvement. But I will have to keep an eye on her.

I wonder what she meant by that “undermined authority” crack. I'll have to ask her about that next time.


is a man of many talents and many more job prospects. He was in e-publishing back when most folks thought that e-books would be delivered over floppy disks, and he decided finally to write one instead of publishing them. He was an editorial consultant to Simon & Schuster Interactive for many years, contributing to the
Star Trek Encyclopedia, Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion,
and many other
Star Trek
CD-ROMs (and a
one, just to be different). His X-Men short stories “On The Air”
(The Ultimate X-Men)
and “Chasing Hairy”
(X-Men Legends)
were featured on the Sci-Fi Channel's Seeing Ear Theater. He's given up on his cunning plan to add extra hours to the day, and is now trying to add the hours to the week where there's more room. If he can pull that off, he promises to use the extra time to update his web page so you can read an even longer version of his biography.

Star Trek™: S.C.E. #17

Book 1
by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore

Beginning an all-new trilogy that tells the origin of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers!

* * *

U.S.S. da Vinci
answers a distress call from a ship careening out of control after going through an ion storm. While researching similar events from the past in an attempt to find a solution, Lt. Commander Duffy comes across a piece of history ….

* * *

One hundred and twelve years before the heyday of the
da Vinci,
Montgomery Scott took an assignment to the Romulan Neutral Zone to work alongside the the crew of the
U.S.S. Lovell
and her staff from the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. But this S.C.E. is much different from the modern version—this down-and-dirty team of technicians is given the worst jobs in the fleet. When the repair of one of the Neutral Zone outposts goes horribly wrong, Scotty and the nascent S.C.E. team must work together to keep the outpost in one piece ….


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