Starborne (23 page)

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Authors: Robert Silverberg

BOOK: Starborne
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Innelda and Marcus turn in a positive report. Everything their i
struments have told them leads to the conclusion that Planet A is a good bet for colonization. There is water a
t least in moderation; there is air that is recognizable as air; the gravity is okay; at least in a general way the place appears to be capable of sustaining life, Earth-type life. But on the other hand it is not possible to detect the presence of higher
ife-forms already in possession of the place. There are no cities visible from up here, no roads, no construction of any sort. No radio emission comes from Planet A, or anything else in any part of the whole electr
magnetic spectrum. No artificial satellit
es are in orbit around it. All this is to the good. It is not the intention of the voyagers to move in on thriving alien civilizations and conquer them, or even to wheedle pe
mission with gifts of beads and mirrors to settle among them. The Art
cles of the
Voyage specifically state that the
is to refrain from making landings on any world that is seen to be inhabited by apparently intelligent beings, leaving the definition of “
up to the year-captain, but making it quite clear that any sort
of intrusion on a g
ing civilization is definitely to be avoided.

There are, presumably, enough habitable but uninhabited worlds available within relatively easy reach to make such an intrusion not only morally undesirable but also unnecessary. This may o
r may not be the case, the travelers realize, but it is a good working assumption with which to begin their galactic odyssey. There are those on board who have already pointed out that policies can always be revised, much fa
ther down the line, if circumst
ances demand such a revision.

The year-captain is suspicious, of course, of the encouraging data that Marcus and Innelda have brought him. It is inherent in his wary n
ture that he will believe that it is much too good to be true that the very first planet
they have located should conveniently turn out to be suitable for colonization. Unless, of course, every solar system in the galaxy has one or two Earth-type planets in it

but in that case, why have there been no signs thus far of intelligent life anywhe
e in the galactic neig
borhood? If there are millions or even billions of Earth-type worlds in the galaxy, is it at all probable that Earth itself should be the only one of those worlds to evolve a civilization?

So, then: is Earth, that green and pleasant
world, the one-in-a-billion galactic fluke, and, if so, how come they have struck a second such fluke so easily? Or are there planets of this kind all over the place and it is the human race itself that is the improbable statistical anomaly? The year-capt
in has no idea. Perhaps there will be some answers later on, he thinks. But he is made definitely uneasy by the swiftness with which they have discovered this apparently habitable but evidently uninhabited world.

The action now shifts to Huw

s department.
He is the chief explorer; he will mount and launch an unmanned probe to provide them with a
tual and tangible samplings of the planetary environment that awaits them.

carries three robot drones, and has the technological c
pacity to assemble othe
rs, if anything happens to these. But constructing replacements for the original three would require a considerable red
ployment of the ship

s resources of materiel and energy, and Huw u
derstands very clearly that every effort must be made to bring each d
rone back successfully from a launching. He runs simulated landings nonstop for three days before he is ready to send one of the little robot vessels forth.

The outing, though, is carried off perfectly. The drone emerges smoothly from the belly of the star
ship and spirals downward to its ta
get with absolute accuracy. Taking up an orbital position some 20,000 kilometers above the surface of Planet A, it carries out an extensive o
tical reconnaissance, sending back televised images that continue to provide c
onfirmation for the belief that no higher life-forms are to be found down there.

After circling Planet A for one entire ship

s day

making several o
bital adjustments during that time to ensure full visual coverage of the planet

s land surface

the drone ent
ers landing mode and descends to the great rolling savannah in the heart of the biggest and driest of Planet A

s four continental land-masses. There

guided by Huw, who is sitting at a set of proxy controls aboard the

it adapts itself to surface locom
otion by extruding wheels and treads and sets out over a circular route with a radius of a hundred kilometers, gathering at Huw

s co
mand atmospheric samples, soil, water, minerals, bits of vegetation, all manner of interesting odds and ends. Having accomp
lished this, it goes airborne again and moves on to the opposite hemisphere, where cond
tions are more or less the same though a trifle less barren, and takes a second set of samples. Then Huw, well satisfied with the robot drone

s accomplishments, keys in
the command that summons it back to the

For nine working days a team of seven expedition members, garbed head to toe in space gear as a cautionary measure, analyzes the drone

s haul in one of the sterile isolation rooms on the

s laboratory le
el. The year-captain, who has allocated the biological research to hi
self, finds bacteria in the soil samples, various kinds of protozoa in the water, and several heavily armored little ten-legged insect-like creatures in one of the drone

s collecting ja
rs. He stares at these with awe and reverence: they are the first multi-celled extraterrestrial beings ever di
covered, though he suspects and hopes that they will not be the last.

Biological analysis reveals nothing obviously toxic in the soil sa
ples or
the water. Analysis of the air samples indicates the strong likel
hood that the atmosphere of Planet A will be accessible to lungs that have evolved in the air of Earth. The bacteria, when cultured in juxtap
sition with microorganisms of terrestrial origin
, engage in no interaction with them whatever, neither killing them nor being killed by them. This may or may not be a good sign

it remains to be seen whether the bi
chemistry of Planet A will be compatible with that of Earth, and the i
difference of one s
et of bacteria to the other would raise the possibility that human settlers will be unable to digest and assimilate the foodstuffs that they find on this world.

Other little troublesome questions necessarily must go unanswered at this point. Are there airb
orne viruses somewhere down there, carrying fascinating new diseases? A few well-spaced scoops of atmospheric samples won

t necessarily reveal that. What about lethal amino acids in the meat of the Planet A equivalents of sheep and cattle, if there happen
to be any such animals? Or murderous alkaloids in the local versions of apples and asparagus? The drone samples can

t tell them any of that. These are matters that can only be discovered the hard way, in the ful
ness of time, by direct experience.

Huw sa
ys, “
All that

s left to do now is for us to send down a manned expedition, captain.”

The year-captain is aware of that already. Still, Huw

s words give him a good jab in the solar plexus. He hopes he has not allowed his pain to show. He has, by now, chosen
the team that will descend to make the reconnaissance, and, of course, he is not a member of that team. And, Lofoten training or not, he will probably always continue to feel occ
sional moments of dark regret over the necessity of remaining behind.

We on
ly want volunteers for this mission, of course,”
the year-captain says. “
Huw, do I hear you volunteering to be the leader?”

Huw grins broadly. “
You have persuaded me to do my duty, old brother.”

says the year-captain. “
What about you?”

slim, imperious, almond-eyed, is taken no more unawares by the request than was Huw. Everybody on board has been trained to some degree in the techniques of analyzing alien landscapes

their lives ult
mately may depend on the quickness with which they react
to unfamiliar conditions

but Innelda

s knowledge in that area isn

t just part of her survival training, it is her scientific specialty.

And finally,”
the year-captain says

there is great suspense i
volved in this choice; everyone is wondering about it
e want to know something about the plant and animal life down below. Its bi
chemistry, primarily. Whether we

re going to be able to make use of anything for food, or will have to set up alternative food-sources using genetic manipulation of the foodstock w

ve brought with us from Earth.”
His glance comes to rest on Giovanna. “
This falls into your d
main, I would think,”
he tells her.

The general reaction is one of surprise. Not that he would ask the b
ochemist Giovanna to make the journey

she is at least a
s qualified for the third slot as the year-captain himself, and perhaps more so

but that he has chosen two women for the group. Everyone has heard by this time of Paco

s primordial little pronunciamento about the inadvisability of risking useful wombs by
etting any women at all go down to Planet A. And here is the year-captain sending not just one woman but
, a full eight percent of the ship

s female complement. Is this some sort of direct rebuke of Paco? Or does the year-captain actually agree with P

s thesis, and is this the year-captain

s furious way of telling them all that his only recourse, now that they have prevented him from unde
taking the trip, is to send Giovanna?

Nobody knows, and no one is going to ask, and the year-captain plainly is no
t going to say. Huw, Innelda, and Giovanna it will be, and that is that. Huw and Giovanna, everyone recalls now, were lovers in the earliest days of the journey; they are still good friends; doubtless they will work well together. The choice meets with ge
eral approval.

What is actually uppermost in the year-captain

s mind, however, is the simple fact that he is risking three priceless and irreplaceable lives on this enterprise. Men, women: that makes no difference to him. But he doesn

t want to lose anyone
, and there is the possibility that he will, and he hates that idea. The trick is to choose a landing party made up of people who will be useful down there yet whose loss, if they should be lost, will not seriously cripple the ship.

The planetary mission i
s absolutely necessary, of course. So far ev
rything about Planet A

s habitability has checked out admirably, at least from this modest distance, and it is now incumbent on them to send someone down there who can learn at close range what the place is like
. And those who are sent may very well not come back. There is always the possibility that ugly and even fatal surprises will be waiting on that alien world for the first human explorers. More to the point, though, there is risk even in the brief journey
own from orbit. The drone probe in which the mission is to be made has been designed for maximum simplicity and reliability of operation, and it has been tested and retes
ed, naturally. But it is only a machine. Machines fail. Some of them fail quickly and
some of them fail only after thousands or hundreds of tho
sands of operations; but failure modes often are uncomfortably random things, and even a mechanism designed to fail no more often than once in a hundred billion times may nevertheless fail the very
next time it is used.

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