Starfinder: A Novel of the Skylords (41 page)

BOOK: Starfinder: A Novel of the Skylords
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“No one,” Fiona answered. She turned from the railing. “Grandfather, do you think there are other humans here?”
Rendor snapped his watch shut. “Others? Not likely. You saw how many Redeemers the Skylords have made.” He stepped up to the railing. “The Skylords know everything here. No human can hide from them for long.”
“Yeah,” nodded Fiona. “I guess you’re right.”
“What about the Skylords?” asked Moth. “Do you think they’ll come after us?”
“Not us,” said Rendor. “The Starfinder.” He put his arms around them both, gathering them close. Together they gazed out over the beautiful, magical landscape. “The Skylords won’t stop,” he sighed. “Even if Artaios is dead. All we did is bloody their noses and make them mad. They’ll be back.”
Moth stood tall, reassured by Rendor’s embrace. “And we’ll be ready for them.”
BOOK: Starfinder: A Novel of the Skylords
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