Read Starfish and Coffee Online

Authors: Kele Moon

Tags: #Contemporary, #Gay, #Erotic Romance

Starfish and Coffee (16 page)

BOOK: Starfish and Coffee
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“Europe would be a better use of your time. What are you learning at that dirty little shack on the beach?”

“How to make eggs Benedict.” Matt couldn’t resist the jab.

“You’re doing this deliberately to upset me.” She let out a little sob of misery. “You’re trying to embarrass me.”

“Yes, that’s it. My entire life is centered around the primary goal of embarrassing my mother.”

“I hate that motorcycle!”

Matt knew this meant they’d just gone full circle. There was some speech about his father coming up next, and he didn’t have the stomach for it.

“Mama, I love you,” he said in a soft but firm voice. “But I’ve got to go now. Can we please be cordial to each other until Friday and then have a nice evening at the club?”

“You’re going to wear a real suit?” she asked as if considering his proposition. “Dress properly for once? I’m so tired of seeing you in jeans and shorts.”

The doorbell rang before Matt could promise to dress appropriately. He looked toward the front of the house with a frown. “I have to go.”

“Friday,” she said again, as if afraid he’d change his mind. “We’ll go early for cocktails.”

“Fine.” Matt got off the stool and walked toward the front door. “Bye, Mama.”

Matt hung up before she could get another word in. He’d learned that trick from his father and knew now it was the only effective way to get off the phone with her.

He saw Alex through the cut glass of the front doors. He opened them and frowned when he saw Alex was shirtless. “Are you okay?”

Alex ran a hand through his hair, pushing it back into place. “Can I crash here tonight?”

Matt could say something nasty about waiting until this weekend, but the truth was he was happy Alex was there. His pride be damned, he stepped back and let Alex walk in.

Alex leaned into him once Matt closed the door. He sniffed and then scowled. “You smell like scotch.”

“My mother has been calling all fucking day.” Matt groaned in annoyance. “She even sent her driver over here to tell me to pick up the phone when I wouldn’t answer. I finally gave in and just spent the last twenty minutes listening to her bitch about how much I suck.”

“She was bitching about that?” Alex pulled back with a mock look of shock. “Your sucking is one of my favorite things.”

Matt laughed, feeling instantly lighter as he eyed Alex’s bare chest. “So what’s your story?”

“I think my brother’s fucking my best friend and pseudogirlfriend,” Alex said simply. “So you know, that’s not awkward or anything.”

“Okay.” Matt eyed Alex’s bare chest once more. “And somehow that led to you giving all Mirabella Island the eye candy on the way over here?”

Alex shrugged. “It was either leave without a shirt or kick my brother’s ass.”

“Works for me.” Matt leaned in for a kiss that was quick but intimate and desperately needed. He studied Alex’s face when they pulled apart, seeing the strain of a long day on his handsome features. “You want me to order something from Giovanni’s on the Boulevard?”

“You’re drunk, and I’m about to be.” Alex walked toward the kitchen, obviously in search of something to solve his sobriety problem. “They don’t deliver.”

“For enough money everyone delivers.” Matt followed after him, finding Alex in the kitchen with Matt’s abandoned drink in his hand.

Alex smirked against the rim of the glass. “I love you for your money.”

“That doesn’t make you unique.” Matt pulled his cell phone out of his pocket to order dinner. “I thought you loved me for my sucking.”

“That too,” Alex agreed.

* * * *

Well fed, just drunk enough to feel fantastic, and sprawled out on Matt’s bed in nothing but his underwear. Something about this whole scenario was very familiar, but Alex couldn’t find it in himself to give a fuck. Matt was rubbing his back. His hands were big and powerful, and the stuff he used wasn’t that cheap baby-oil shit Alex had been using on Holly. The lotion had a fragrance that was woodsy and masculine, and it was turning Alex on like crazy.

“It’s sandalwood,” Matt explained when Alex asked what the hell the scent was so he could buy some to jerk off with.

Alex closed his eyes and groaned as Matt worked strong fingers into the curves of Alex’s neck. “The smell’s making my dick hard.”

Matt laughed. “Could you be any more queer?”

“You own the shit, motherfucker.”

Matt stopped rubbing Alex’s back to lean down and lick at the shell of his ear. “Yeah, but I bought it for you. I knew you’d like it.”

“I do.” Alex smiled and reached blindly behind him, searching for Matt’s ass. He settled for his thigh and squeezed affectionately. “Lemme make me you feel good.”

“How about I make you feel good for a change?” Matt resumed the massage, moving his hands down to the meaty area beneath each shoulder blade. “You don’t have to work for everything, Lex. You know that, right? You can just let someone do something nice for you.”

“I thought I was the rent boy.”

Matt paused at his joke, his hands stilling on Alex’s back. “Do you really feel like my rent boy?”

“In the best way possible,” Alex assured him. “I like being a cheap slut. I can be bought for the simple price of lotion that smells like high-class men.”

“I’m being serious.”

Alex groaned. “Please don’t be. I feel too good to be serious.”

Matt heeded Alex’s wishes and resumed his massage, working the knots out of his shoulders slowly and diligently until Alex felt positively liquid with relaxation.

“God, why are you so good at this?” Alex asked as Matt worked on his lower back with the same determination he attacked anything he set his mind to. “It’s like you have a gift.”

“You play enough football, and you learn how massages work. You know I played college ball for two years. I spent lots of time on a massage table.”

“Why’d you quit?”

“I dunno.” Matt sighed. “’Cause I was sick of hearing my mama bitch about it. After my dad died, I put a lot of effort into making her happy. Then I wised up and figured out it was impossible.”

“Your mama does know how to bitch. Man, I could hear her across the room the other day when she called you about the bike.”

“She’s still bitching about the bike.”

Alex laughed. “She’d flip her fucking lid if she found out about us.”

“I don’t really care. At this point, I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about us. You’re the only sane part of my life.” Matt pressed his lips to the curve of Alex’s spine. “Roll over, Lexie.”

Something about the way Matt used that nickname, always at the right time, made Alex feel very obedient. He rolled over beneath Matt and then caressed his hair when Matt pressed his face against Alex’s cock straining against the confines of his white boxer briefs.

“I want to be the rent boy tonight.” Matt looked up Alex, his light eyes swirling with emotion. “Let me take care of you.”

“I don’t need you to take care of me.” Alex stroked his hair, pushing it away from his face. “Don’t you have enough people wanting a piece of you?”

“Everyone but the one person I actually want to need me,” Matt agreed as he cupped Alex’s hard dick through his underwear.

“Shit.” Alex arched, pushing his cock deeper into Matt’s hand.

Matt pulled Alex’s underwear down and took him in his mouth without warning. Alex groaned as he tossed his head back against the pillow. He fisted Matt’s hair, forcing Matt to take him deeper.

God, he really did love the way Matt sucked cock.

Hard and aggressive, stroking as his mouth followed his hand down the length of Alex’s dick, taking him so deep he nearly gagged himself. Alex wanted to watch, but it felt too fucking good to do anything but just surrender to the moment.

Then Matt released him only to suck on two of his fingers, meeting Alex’s gaze as he did it because that was enough to have him opening his eyes to watch. He ran his other hand over Alex’s stomach, soothing and demanding all at once. “Just this once, okay?”

Alex let his head fall back against the pillow. Then he reached behind him and grabbed the headboard as he spread his legs. There was a part of him that wanted to recoil, but this was Matt, and with him all the rules were bendable.

Alex was drunk, but he was fairly certain he heard the
just this once
line on at least four or five different occasions, and every time it was followed by Matt working his fingers into Alex’s ass. This time was no different. He didn’t love that feeling of being stretched, but then his dick was back in Matt’s mouth and that tended to make everything seem okay. He spread his legs wider, making himself more comfortable.

If Matt wanted to be the rent boy, that worked for Alex. He even let go of the headboard with one hand and reached down to stroke Matt’s hair, enjoying the sight of Matt sucking him off.

“I like your mouth,” he groaned and was rewarded by Matt taking him deeper. “God, you look hot with my dick shoved down your throat.”

Then Matt found Alex’s prostate, and he jerked from the bolt of pleasure so intense it would have been uncomfortable if he wasn’t quite so relaxed. As it was, the bliss washed over him like a seductive tide that left him sprawled out and open to the indulgence. He arched his hips into the embrace of Matt’s mouth as the push of Matt’s fingers inside him made Alex feel like he was going to come any second.

Very rarely did Alex find himself in this position, just enjoying the pleasure from a partner without working for it. With any other man, it would leave him feeling awkward and uncomfortable, but with Matt it was completely surreal. The dual pleasure had him shifting on the bed, desperate for more of everything as the coil of need wound tightly, holding him suspended in its vise.

“Christ, stop.” He panted, tugging on Matt’s hair because he suddenly needed to fuck something. Matt ignored him, sucking harder while working another finger into him. Then he was rubbing both digits against Alex’s prostate, leaving him moaning and shaking from the onslaught of pleasure. “Don’t, Matty. Fuck!”

Alex’s entire body trembled when the ecstasy slammed into him. It hit in waves, rolling through his body a thousand times stronger than a normal orgasm. It felt as if the cum was being forced out of his dick as Matt kept sucking him and using his fingers in a way that left Alex almost blinded by the pulsing release that seemed to go on forever.

He was still shaking when Matt released him and kissed his way up Alex’s body. Matt placed a chaste kiss on Alex’s lips as he lay there panting and weak. “Feel better?”

“No.” Alex frowned up at Matt in complaint. “You wasted it.”

“You’re all right,” Matt said with a laugh as he reached over to the drawer in the nightstand. “You usually don’t have a hard time with a second round.”

“God, this time I feel like I won’t be able to get it up for a week. You’re gonna have to suck me again.”

Alex reached for the condom Matt had pulled out the drawer, but Matt pulled his arm back, giving Alex a look. “I’m the rent boy this time.”

“Oh, come on,” Alex moaned. “You’re gonna take advantage of me when I’m down?”

“Are you taking advantage of me when you fuck me and make me come so hard I feel like I’m dying from it?” Matt cupped his face and then leaned down to lick at his lips. Alex opened to him on instinct, and their tongues brushed, sharing the flavor of sex. When they parted, Matt rubbed his thumb over Alex’s moist lips. “Let me take care of you tonight, Lex.”

Alex turned his head to the side and looked out the open sliding glass door to the stars twinkling above the ocean, already knowing he was defeated. How sad was it that he didn’t know how to just lie back and enjoy something as simple as letting Matt take care of him?

Matt’s lips ran over Alex’s neck, his breath a seductive brush against his ear. “Say, yes.”

It was more a command than a question, which was to be expected with Matt, whose hand trailed over Alex’s stomach, down to his cock still semierect from the blowjob. He cupped Alex’s balls, making him moan.

Alex never did say yes, but he didn’t say no either as Matt stroked his dick while kissing and licking his sensitive skin until Alex was writhing under him once more as he submitted to his fate. He’d bottomed a few times when he was still experimenting, but never with someone who mattered to him.

Matt mattered.

So much so, Alex wanted this for himself—just once.

He didn’t tense up as he let Matt stretch him with lubed fingers while his tongue slipped into Alex’s mouth over and over, making him hungry and hard all over again. Then Alex found himself looking up at Matt, gripping at those thick biceps while Matt pushed in slowly, but surely, making it obvious he’d done it before.

When Alex asked, Matt whispered against his ear, “Girls do it too, you know?”

It didn’t matter, not when Matt’s thick cock was pushing against that place inside Alex that made every ounce of breath he had in his chest whoosh out of him from the shock of bliss.

“Fuck,” Alex panted with his head thrown back against the pillow and his eyes squeezed shut against the pleasure. “I can’t—”

“Yeah, you can.” Matt took him the rest of the way, leaving Alex totally wrapped up in him. “Christ, Lexie.”

Alex was completely dazed. Something about the moment caused a rush of emotions to overcome him, and it scared him. He wanted to stay here forever, drowning in the pleasure Matt was giving him. It didn’t matter that it left him wide open to be hurt.

The risk was worth taking if it meant he got to be with Matt in every way possible. Alex knew it’d be over some day, even right then, with Matt buried balls-deep in him, he knew some sort of horrible loss was at the end of this road, but his game plan changed. He wanted to take this rare connection he shared with Matt for all it was worth. When it was over, he might be broken, but he’d have a fuckload of memories to sustain him.

Alex threaded his fingers through Matt’s hair and dragged his mouth back to his. They kissed, openmouthed, wild, and desperate as Matt started fucking him in slow and shallow thrusts.

They clung to each other, swallowing moans and gasps as the pleasure built. When it became too much, Alex turned his head. It gave Matt a place to bury his face as he whispered broken, half-formed thoughts of adoration that told Alex he wasn’t the only one who needed to grab hold of this thing, whatever it was, and wring it dry.

BOOK: Starfish and Coffee
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