Stark Surrender (27 page)

BOOK: Stark Surrender
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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Kiri woke with an achingly familiar pair of lips tracing a pattern up her lower back, felt the slippery silk of her nightgown sliding under his fingers. She drew in a deep breath at the pleasure of warm lips and breath on the sensitive skin of her back through the thin silk.

“Logan,” she breathed, her heart squeezing with happiness.

“Yes,” he murmured, his mouth on her bare spine above the low back of the gown, while his big, warm hands slid over her ribs, framing them tenderly.

She gasped, then laughed as his fingers tickled her underarms. As she hunched her shoulders, his hands slid into the narrow space between her and the bed, capturing her small breasts.

“Logan,” she protested half-heartedly, because he was cupping her and rubbing his rough fingertips over her nipples. They pebbled instantly under the silk, and pleasure shot through her as he captured them, pinching and twisting gently, rubbing silk over them while he continued to kiss her bare back.

Kiri had to move, arching her back, pressing her thighs together against the hot ache that sprang to life there. Only Logan could do this to her, could bring her body to instant life, and cause such need in her.

He moved up over her, one knee between her legs, leaning to one side to drag his mouth over her ear, and nip her earlobe between his teeth. When she turned into his touch, seeking his mouth, he gave it to her, and drove one big hand down over her abdomen, cupping her mons through silk which dampened instantly under his probing fingers.

He groaned silently, his chest shuddering over her back, or maybe that was all her, shivering with the pleasure of that possessive touch.

“So soft,” he rasped against her mouth. “Damp little curls and sweet secret lips, waiting for me.”

He threaded one finger shallowly into her labia and stroked her, rubbing silk back and forth while he kissed her mouth again, his tongue coaxing hers into his mouth.

“So wet,” he praised, driving her wild with that shallow, teasing stroke of his fingers. “For me, kitten?”

“Yes,” she moaned, trying to push into his hand, but he held her there. “For you, Logan.”

“You need more?” he asked, his mouth against her cheek.

“Yes, more.”

“I want to give you everything.”

“Everything?” That sounded … amazing.

“Everything. I want you to come on my mouth. I want to devour you like my favorite meal, with my hands and my mouth. I want you to lose control, and come all over me. I want you underneath me, I want you on top of me, naked, riding me until you come so hard you scream my name. I want all of you.”

She shouldn’t be listening to him. She should be dashing for the shelter of her own room, not allowing him to seduce her with his words and his touch. She steeled herself to tell him so, but then he said the one thing guaranteed to shatter all her defenses.

“I need you, kitten.”

“Logan, you’re sure it’s not … just that you haven’t been with anyone for a while?”

“Kiri, I’m sure. I couldn’t do this with another woman, not with you in my blood. When I was down there in the streets, the only woman who could even make me hard was my dream woman—you. You see how deep you are in my psyche? Even when I didn’t know who you were, I wanted you.”

As his relentless, tender voice murmured fiercely in her ear, and his finger teased her, happiness and arousal surged through her, and the beginnings of an orgasm fluttered inside her. With a whimper, she contracted her pussy and came, but it was fleeting and not enough.

She’d think about his incredible words later. Now she needed him in the most basic way.

“You like that,” he said, his voice warm with approval. “Good, because that and more is yours, Kiri te Nawa.”

“Logan, please,” she pleaded, lifting her hand to touch his cheek. “Now. I need you now.”

“Which way do you need me?”

He was driving her mad. “On top of me. I want to hold you.” She wanted him bearing her down, giving her his weight as he gave her his cock.

“Then turn over, kitten, and let’s get this lovely nightgown off of you.”

He lifted up to let her wriggle onto her back underneath him. He slid his hand up under her nightgown and pushed it up over her hips, then helped her as she wriggled it the rest of the way off, leaving her naked under him. He palmed first one breast, then the other, his callouses abrading the tips of her nipples so deliciously she nearly whimpered.

“And am I in charge this time?” he asked, his deep voice wrapping around her and tugging like a silken rope. “Give me the words, kitten. I’ll never again take anything from you without your free will.”

“Oh, Logan,” she whispered, her heart swelling with painful tenderness. “Yes. I want you in charge this time. I do.”

Oh, how she remembered the heat blazing in his gaze. It was so hot it seemed to her that both of his eyes carried the flame. That look sent a shiver of combined pleasure and nerves through her body as she waited breathlessly for his next command. Because he might tell her to do anything—and make her want it as much as he did.

“I’m going to have you now,” he told her, his hand cupping her breast. “And no matter what happens, you will remember I’ll never intentionally hurt you, ever again. Won’t you, kitten?”

Her heart thumped hard, and she opened her mouth to ask what he planned, but he raised his eyebrow in a silent demand, and her pussy squeezed with secret delight.

“Yes, Logan.”

His gaze heated with a glint of triumph and perhaps teasing. “Good. Then spread your pretty legs for me, sweetheart.”

She did, and as he kissed his way down her body, he paused to suck a nipple into his hot, wet mouth. Kiri arched up into his touch, pleasure shooting through her with such force she nearly came again, her pussy contracting emptily.

She moaned, and he lifted his head, giving her a look of heat and pleasure. “More sensitive, kitten? Good, I’ll enjoy experimenting with that.”

“Logan,” she pleaded, clutching at him, “Please. I need you.”

“You have me,” he assured her. Then he slid down in the bed, shouldering between her open thighs. He paused to admire her, inhaling deeply, and she had another one of those tantalizing almost orgasms.

He smiled and heat flushed her face and down her throat. He knew exactly how excited he made her. Then he bent his head and put his tongue on her and thrust two long fingers into her pussy. The contrast between the warm, wet velvet of his tongue and the expert caress of his calloused hand was exquisite. A few strokes of his tongue, and presses of his fingers on her G-spot, and she forgot everything except her need for him. There was only Logan and what he made her feel—dizzy joy and pulsing ecstasy.

“Logan,” she called, clasping his head to her. “Oh, Logan. I—” She barely refrained from crying out her love to him, biting the words back by sinking her teeth into her lower lip.

Afterward, he pressed a kiss to her mons, but then rolled onto his back on the pillows, tugging on her hand. She rose to her knees, her body still throbbing with pleasure, her mind already shooting ahead to uncertainty.

She’d only intended to speak with him last night, and they’d ended up here. How did he do this to her? No, that wasn’t fair ... she did it to herself when she was with him.

He stroked one hand over the impressive bulge in his soft knit pants. “Help me take these off. I want to watch you ride me, kitten.”

“I thought you wanted to be on top.”

His cheeks flushed, and he grimaced. “To tell you the truth, my back is not up to that yet—although another part of me is.” He stroked himself again.

She brought the corner of the linen sheet up with her, so it covered her to mid-thigh. “You’re so sure I’m going to fuck you.” His eyes narrowed, and she pursed her lips primly and raised her brows at him. She was teasing him, and it was fun.

“I ... hope so. But no, I’m not sure of anything just now.”

He rubbed a hand down over his face, then let it fall to his chest. “If you’re going, go now, because I’m going to take my cock in hand. Unless you want to watch.”

She did. Slowly, she nodded, biting her lip to hide the smile that wanted to break free.

But he saw it. Pulling his shirt up, his gaze on her face, he jerked the fastening of his loose pants, and pulled them down. His cock sprang free, long and thick and beautiful, flushed with desire and already seeping clear drops of cum that made Kiri’s mouth water. She swallowed, watching fascinated as he wrapped his long fingers around his shaft and stroked it up and then down again.

“You certainly didn’t lose any girth there,” she said, her voice thick.

He grunted, a deep sound in his chest. “I’m going to come quickly with you watching me, kitten.”

Kiri met his gaze, and leaned forward on one hand, letting the sheet slide, baring her to below her arm pit. “I like watching you touch yourself. It means you’re here and alive.”

His gaze followed the sheet as her nipple peeped free, and he stroked himself faster. “I like watching you too. I’d like it even better if you lowered that sheet the rest of the way.”

She reached out to put her hand over his, her fingertips on the hot velvet of his shaft. “I want to touch you.”

His eye gleamed with a challenge. “Not unless the sheet comes off.”

Kiri gave a huff of pretend disgust. Then she rose up on her knees and whipped the sheet away. “There. Happy now?”

He held out his hand to her, his face so taut every muscle in his jaw stood out in relief. “Kitten. Come to me ... please.”

It was the please that did it. Kiri could not resist that from this powerful man. “Oh, Logan,” she breathed, moving to him. She straddled his legs and bent to take him in hand. He was hot and silken, leaping in her grasp, his lean body stiffening like a bow.

“God,” he hissed. “Stroke my cock, kitten. I need to come.”

Kiri did as he asked, and then bent farther, and took him in her mouth. He gave a muffled shout and shook under her. Glancing aside, Kiri saw his hands clenching in the covers so hard the tendons stood out in his forearms, and his knuckles were white.

She let him slip from her mouth, licked up the underside, and then took him back in, moving her head down to envelop him as deeply as she could. He tasted of salty cum, and smelled of his own musk, and his favorite soap, spicy with the scent of the Frontieran evergreens.

And he felt like a living treasure in her grasp. She wanted to give him the same release and pleasure he’d given her, she wanted him to come apart in her hands, her mouth.

“Fuck,” he groaned. “Kitten, yes. Going to come in your sweet mouth. Take it. Take me.”

He spurted into her mouth, thick and warm and salty. She swallowed as much as she could, the rest dribbling from her mouth and down his shaft.

Finally he relaxed, and his hands came up to clasp her head, his fingers trembling as he caressed her with a tenderness that made tears spring to her eyes. Logan had never shown vulnerability to her, not like this. He’d always been the strong one, the one in charge of everyone and everything around him, including her when he could.

This was new, and it cracked her heart wide open and let him in all over again.

“Kiri,” he murmured. “Stay … stay with me. You and our little star.”

His hands slipped away, and he gave a deep sigh, his body relaxing. She hid her face on his hip, wiping her mouth on the sheet. Then she sat up, and looked at him, tensed against what she was sure would be that knowing smile that said, even now, he knew what he wanted and how to get it from her.

But his eyes were closed. She looked more closely, and then stared. Logan’s too-gaunt face, flushed now with healthy color, was relaxed. His chest rose and fell with slow regularity. He’d fallen asleep.

Kiri didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She’d given her man rest, surcease from his struggle. However, his request to stay with him … that was too much, too soon. If she did so, she was very much afraid that they were together again, just as he wanted them to be. And if they were ever to be a couple, the terms were going to have to be different than last time.

She donned her nightgown and slipped off the bed to find her robe and slippers. Clothed again, she pulled the covers carefully up over Logan, and then slipped into his lav. In the big mirrors, her face was flushed, her eyes heavy, her lips swollen and smiling. She washed her face quickly, combed her hair with her damp fingers, drank a glass of cold water, and then went back out to turn down the glowlamps beside Logan’s bed before slipping from his room.

She wasn’t entirely sure she should have let even the sex happen this soon—which sounded ridiculous, because they’d already made a baby, for heaven’s sake. But it also felt as if they were beginning some new and precious, something they must treat with care.

Although her body certainly didn’t regret the sex—for the first time since she’d set foot on the Arcturus, bound for this planet, she felt relaxed, both her body and her mind humming with pleasure.

And honestly, she was more at peace than she had been in weeks. Even knowing that she was pregnant, far from home, and in a city full of unrest, she was going to snatch this small moment of hope, and hold it close.

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