Stay With Me: BWWM Interracial Cowboy/Western Romance (Westbury Ranch Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Stay With Me: BWWM Interracial Cowboy/Western Romance (Westbury Ranch Book 2)
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Juston laughed as Shayne rolled her eyes. “Fine.”

“Good,” Jackie replied as she walked out. “Now, come on and help me set the table.”

She tugged her hand out of his. At the door, she paused and looked back. “What time?”

A satisfied smile spread over his face and he didn’t do anything to stop it. Happiness looped in his heart. “Seven.”

“I’ll see you then.”

After she walked out to go help her mother, he did a fast little victory gig. Juston had the distinct feeling that life was finally on the right track. Things were happening. He could feel the sharp edge of them, and he felt good about it. Good things were destined to happen in this place, and he felt more than ready to embrace this change. He knew dinner would be a stupendously fun affair, and he couldn’t wait to dig into his meal.


Chapter Five


hayne felt confused as hell. True, she liked Juston and was attracted to him, but her strong, mixed feelings frightened her. On one hand, she wanted to be with this guy who made her feel as if she was the only woman in the world. Then on the other hand, she wanted to run a mile away. As she checked her reflection in the mirror, Shayne wasn’t sure if she was dressed right. Maybe she should’ve stuck to jeans and a t-shirt. The chic, beige dress clung to every curve of her body and highlighted her dark hair.

“You look great,” Cullen said as she lounged at the open door.

Shayne grimaced. “I don’t remember the last time I went out on a date.”

“You went with Nick every week, didn’t you?”

“He was my husband. We knew each other well.” She put a hand on her stomach where butterflies fluttered. “I don’t even remember my first date with him. Was I nervous? Excited? I have no clue.”

“Forget about that. It’s all in your past. How do you feel now?”

She gazed into her sister’s eyes and the steady pull of it made her feel a lot better. Maybe she was blowing this way out of proportion. It was just a date. “I feel a little apprehensive, but there is a zing of excitement mixed in with it.”

“Then you’re on the right track. That’s exactly how you’re supposed to feel. I remember when I went out with Graeme for the first time. It was exhilarating, but I was a little scared.”

“Everything worked out well for you guys, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be the same for me.” Shayne ran a hand over her dress. “I mean, I’m not even thinking along those lines. It’s just a date. It doesn’t have to mean anything serious.”

“Of course not. Just go and have fun.”

They heard the sound of the doorbell.

“He’s here.” Cullen cocked an eyebrow at her.

Shayne’s stomach knotted as she picked up her purse and walked out. When she strode downstairs, Juston was already waiting for her in the foyer. The sight of him filled her with fresh trepidation. He looked gorgeous. His eyes were fixed on her and she could feel the admiration he felt for her. It made her nervous. He appeared to have these high expectations from her. What if she couldn’t fulfill them? They might sit across the table and not have anything to talk about. She wouldn’t know what to do in that situation. What the hell did people talk about on dates?

“You look amazing,” he said.

“Thanks. You do, too.” Shayne was aware that her sister stood at the head of the stairs and was listening shamelessly to their conversation. She tucked her hand under his arm. “Let’s go.”

His car was parked outside and he opened the door for her.

When he joined her, she was struck by the realization that they were too close together. The proximity made her anxious. “Where are we going?”

“I made reservations at the Italian restaurant.”

Shayne blinked her eyes. The Italian restaurant was an upscale, new place which popped up half an hour out of the town. She’d heard good things about it, but hadn’t been there. “Wow. It’s supposed to be…very nice.”

Juston cast a quick glance at her and smiled. “I haven’t been there as yet. Thought we could try it together.”

Although he didn’t say anything much Shayne had the distinct feeling that he might also be feeling a little apprehensive. The realization made her feel a lot better about the whole situation. Maybe this was new territory for him, too. The knowledge that he wasn’t as cool and composed about this as she thought made her feel a little courageous. “I’m quite fond of Italian cuisine. Are you?”

“Love it,” he replied as they drove down the empty road. “Before I started college, I spent a year in Europe, traveling from one place to another, and my two favorite countries were Italy and Greece.”

“You’ve traveled in Europe?”

“Extensively,” he said. “Backpacking of course as I didn’t have much money, but I did pick up odd jobs in various farms to pay my way. It was an education of sorts to meet different people and learn about various cultures.”

Shayne felt a little wistful, and a lot impressed. It wasn’t often when she met a man who traveled so much. “I love traveling, but somehow…never got around to do it outside the country. My husband....Nick, he never wanted to go anywhere. Germs. Food. Everything was an issue with him.”

“You should have done it on your own.”

She smiled. “I guess—I should have. Guess it’s too late now.”

He looked over at her as if she’d taken leave of her senses. “Why? You’re young still, and have a good job. You can easily take off for two weeks every year or so and see a new country.”

“Yeah, I suppose I could.” It’d been such a long time since she’d been on her own and she didn’t think she was ready to travel alone. Marriage had made her dependent on another person. She didn’t like it. Of course, there was plenty of time for her to get used to her single status and learn to do things on her own.

“If you had a chance to pick one country, where would you go?”

“India,” she replied without hesitation. “I would want an experience vastly different from what I’ve seen so far, and I believe their culture and country are so varied that I would learn new things every day.”

He nodded. “Good choice. If you ever decide to go to India, take me along. I would love to see it. And perhaps China too, and maybe Nepal as well. They have some great hiking places.”

She laughed at the excitement in his voice. “Sounds like you have a bucket list.”

“I do. And one day, I’m going to see it all. Life is about experiences. I would rather spend all my money on traveling than on acquiring assets.”

“Deal.” Shayne nodded. There was a time when she’d believed the opposite, and that was because her husband taught her that. Ever since they got married, he talked about investments and finances, then more investments. It was only when the marriage came to an end did she realize that it didn’t serve her at all to save for the future, because without him, she didn’t know what to do with her time. She was working, but really, she didn’t need the money. Over the past years, she’d collected a fortune in assets and investment which, if used judiciously, could serve her for another few decades.

Juston parked the car in front of the restaurant. She got out and took a look at the majestic building that stood out in the countryside. “I wonder what made this person come here to open an Italian place?”

“Everyone has a story,” he answered. “You only have to ask.”

The depth of his words stunned her. “You’re right.”

They strode up and he opened the door. Walking up to the manager, he introduced himself and they were directed to a corner table against the pane glass window. There was enough light outside to see the beautiful garden.

“Someone has put in a lot of work,” she noted.

“From what I’ve heard, the owners are a middle-aged couple who ran a restaurant in a city, and then wanted to try something new. Met the woman in a supermarket a couple of days ago, and she told me to come and try the place.”

The waiter brought the menus. Shayne ordered the risotto while he ordered a pasta. When the waiter went away, she leaned back and surveyed the man who’d finally won a date from her. She’d been so sure she would be able to resist him, but it was amazing how he’d already tore down her resistance. Here she was and so far, she didn’t regret it for a single minute. Juston was interesting; he wasn’t an ordinary ranch hand who didn’t have anything to talk about except for cattle and horses. He was well-traveled, educated, and he had solid opinions. She liked a man who was decisive. With him, there would be little chance that she would get bored. He always seemed to be a step ahead of her. It was nice that he could surprise her. She’d missed that with Nick. After years of marriage, she could even predict what he would choose for his attire each morning. Yet, he sure as hell managed to shock her in the end. She didn’t think Juston would ever be so deceitful. As her mind wandered to her marriage, Shayne put a break on her thoughts. She didn’t want to waste a single moment on Nick. That part of her life was over, and Juston was a new beginning. As such, he deserved her respect.

“What are you thinking?”

“Just that you’re a man of varied interests. I didn’t realize it earlier. What else do you like to do when you’re not cooking, working with cattle, and traveling?”

“Hiking,” he confessed with a smile.

The way he looked at her made her skin vibrate with need.

“And I have to admit that I also like watching cooking shows.”

“One day, you’ll have to cook for me.”

“It will be my pleasure to do so.”

“You have family?”

He grimaced. “I was an only child. But I have a lot of friends that I grew up with and we stay in touch. It’s nice to have old buddies, because they know everything.”

“My sisters are like that. Sure, I have some old friends, but there were three of us at home and we were pretty tight. And we had to be because our parents were tough taskmasters. From an early age, we had to do chores in the farm, and I always hated mine. Cullen used to bail me out a lot because she could do everything quicker and in exchange, I was forced to do her homework.”

“And I bet you didn’t mind the exchange.”

She smiled at his quick observation. “No, I didn’t. Writing an essay was always easier than hauling feed for the horses.”

“But you like being back?”

“I do.” Shayne wasn’t surprised to hear herself say that, but she did feel a little taken aback to realize that she did enjoy it far more than she expected. For one thing, the work she did was interesting. She had to build their ranch’s brand from the ground up, and it’d been exciting to be solely in charge of that. Also, she met Juston who made life so much more exhilarating. She couldn’t tell him that, though. “It’s nice to have family around.”

“Your family is pretty awesome, and I think there will be addition to it soon.” He laughed at her blank look. “The way Cullen and Graeme are going, we’ll be hearing wedding bells soon enough.”

“They’re in love,” she admitted. “Marriage, I don’t know. Not sure if Cullen is ready for it.”

“From what I’ve heard, they’ve only been dating for four months. Give them some time. I bet they’ll be hitching within a year.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Care to bet on it?”

He looked a little taken aback by her offer. “I didn’t peg you as a gambler.”

“I’m not really,” she admitted. “Never liked the idea of buying lottery or going to casinos. It’s a waste of time and money.”

“I’ve been to a casino twice in my life. The first time, I lost fifty dollars and the second time I won a hundred dollars. But from then on, I never went back. The idea of losing money stings me.”

“Yeah, me too.” As they talked, she felt an ever increasing amazement to find out they had a lot in common. Was this the reason why her heart thumped so loudly each time she found his gaze on her? She wasn’t sure. Their chemistry was off the charts, and it couldn’t just be a meeting of minds. There was definitely something more at play. Her fingers itched to spear through his hair and her lips ached to kiss him. The man was intriguing, and the more time she spent with him, the greater her heart was lost to him.

She felt scared.

If he could do this to her in one date, what the hell would happen a month later? What would happen if she made love to him? Could she just be friends with this hot cowboy? She wanted to see him around the ranch, talk to him and damn it—something about him tugged at the strings of her heart. Before she could figure out what it might be, the waiter brought their entrée. She took a bite. “This is delicious. I must tell mom and Cullen to come here.”

“Maybe you could throw a surprise party for Jackie here,” he suggested. “Isn’t her birthday coming up in a month’s time?”

“How did you know?”

“Heard Cullen and Graeme talking about it.”

What a great idea. The more she thought about it, the more she loved it. “We can do it. I’ll talk to them.”

They ate in companionable silence, until the waiter came to collect their empty plates. “How was your food, sir, madam?”

“It was excellent, thank you,” Shayne replied. “My compliments to the chef.”

“Would you like some dessert, coffee or tea?”

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