Steal Me From Heaven (2 page)

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Authors: Toni Crawford

BOOK: Steal Me From Heaven
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“Are you wanting out of our arrangement?” he asks.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. I’ve never seen any of you before. I don’t know
you are but I figured out
you are,” I say.

“What’s your name?” he asks me as he leans over, looking down at me.

“My name…I don’t know,” I admit.

“That’s to be expected. I thought tonight might be ruined, but the transfusion seems to be working, and we can proceed as planned with your transformation.”

“What…what transformation?” I ask.

“You really don’t remember me or any of this?” He seems hurt by the discovery. “You are in the process of becoming a creature like me.” He speaks the truth coldly.

“What if I say no?”

“You’ll die by morning.”

“You mean you’ll kill me,” I say.

“No, once you begin, there is no turning back. You’ll die if it is not completed.”

“What if I choose death?” I spit the words at him.

He runs his fingers through his hair. “I will not let you. You chose me before and once you remember, you will choose me again.”

He does seem familiar to me, but it could be a victim and hero fling I’m feeling. I’ve heard of them before. “Tell me about the process of transforming. What’s step one?” I ask.

“It takes three nights to become a Vampire, one bite each night. Step one was last night. When I first found you, you were…injured. I gave you some of my blood. I was going to close the wound but something stopped me. You bled out more than you should have. By the time I got control of the situation, you were already seizing, and I knew it was too late. I could only turn you or let you die.  Once I knew you were going to live, I brought you here. I had to chain you for your protection. Many people go crazy during the process and kill innocents or themselves.”

“Why did you let me down from the chains?” I ask.

“I chose to. I locked all the doors. No one can get in or out. I am strong enough to control you when you turn. If I am not, then my life is yours to take.”

I swallow at his gesture. “What’s step two?”

“Well, the first step, I take out half of your blood and replace it with half of my own. Tonight I will take more and replace it with more of my own. I honestly do not know one hundred percent if tonight will work.”

“Can’t we wait?”

“No, it has to be three nights in a row. There’s more to step two that I need to tell you. Part of you will die tonight. You will regurgitate all of your stomach contents. You can no longer eat solid food, only blood. Some drinks are okay. You will learn which ones. They are different for everyone. Your bowels and intestines will empty and your ovaries and uterus will shrivel and die. It will be very painful for you. I’m sorry.”

I start to cry. My body will never be the same. He walks over to me and wipes my cheeks with each thumb. The door knob unlocks, and he opens the door. All I see is the big bed in the center of the room. There is a couch on the other wall beyond the bed so I head for the couch. I hear him hiss behind me as he follows me. He grabs a quilt from the bed. I sit on the couch but he picks me up and removes my towel as I try to clamp it in my hands. He wrestles it free and throws it on the floor. Then he wraps the quilt around me, pulling me down onto the couch as he sits down. We lay down facing each other. At least I am in the quilt alone, and he is on the outside of it. I do not want step two to begin any time soon. I need to rest.

“Don’t worry,” he says, “it is still daylight out. We have plenty of time. I want your body to accept all of the transfusion before I begin.”

I blink my eyes in confusion. Had I said that out loud?

“No, we are bound by blood. I hear you when you think. I heard you cry out earlier today. You woke me in the heat of day. No one has ever done that before. I didn’t know what to think of it, but I knew you were in trouble. Soon you will be connected to my thoughts as well.”

“What’s the last step?” I do not know if I want to know the details anymore.

“Night three is about pleasure,” he says, looking into my eyes.

“You mean sex,” I say, “while you drain me dry and fill me up with your blood.”

“Well, you got the last part right,” he leans and whispers in my ear, “but it’s more than sex. I told you it is pleasure, pure and unrated, all night long pleasure.”

I swallow. My mouth is watering. I lick my lips. “How many people have you turned and what about the guys?”

He chuckles. “Only one other woman besides you in the way that I speak. I told you that you are my bride. I have other methods for turning people.”

“So you’ve been married before. What if I want to be turned the other way?”

“I have been married twice before. I’m a really old Vampire so I think I’m entitled to a few marriages. They are gone now, and I’ve been alone for several centuries. I have chosen you as my new bride.”

“I don’t want an eternity of dungeons and death. I can’t drink people dry like you did to Sarah.”

“I did that because I was dying from the venom in your blood. It works on us as well as humans. The mansion is closed to visitors today. Sarah was the only human I had here. But still, I offered Charles a choice. He just chose poorly. My life is dangerous. When you are on top, people try to knock you off, but I have only a few enemies left. I’m not going to say that it is all roses because it is not.”

“What happened to your other wives? I mean it’s supposed to be eternity and all that, right?”

“Someone stole my first wife, Marion, from me. I avenged her and killed all but a few that were involved. Charles helped me a great deal during that time. My second wife, Deborah, I was forced into marrying. I only bedded her once when I turned her. She took up with an old lover, and together they plotted my death. They both died at my hands.”

I swallow hard and look down at his throat and away from his face. He is reading my thoughts. I can tell.

“I will never harm you. I never loved Deborah.”

“There’s no way…” I stop myself.

“That I love you? Of course, I love you. I’ve loved you from the moment I first saw you. I only hope in time that you can return the feeling.”


“Shush, no need to talk now. You need to sleep.”

“What about you? It’s still daylight out.”

“I will not take my eyes off you again.” He kisses my forehead. I snuggle closer to him and close my eyes.

I am dreaming again, but this one is pleasant. I am having the most amazing sex of my life. My body is undulating in his arms. Slithering like a snake across the grass. I am rubbing against his shaft with my pelvis. He is trying to hold me still. Why doesn’t he want me to move? He kisses my mouth and down my cheek to my neck. He licks me with his tongue. I move my hands along his chest and shoulders. I feel him stroking my nipples with his palms and fingers. I moan. I feel my pleasure building inside me. Why hasn’t he entered me yet? He’s still suckling on my neck. He runs his hand down my spine to my ass and squeezes. He pulls me up closer to his mouth. He draws me in deeper. His hand slides between my cheeks and into my folds, he strokes me. I arch in pleasure, rearing my head back. I feel pain singe in my neck. His hand is now gone from in between my legs and is tangled in my hair. He pushes my head back towards him. The pain subsides and pleasure takes over again.

I feel like I am soaring on a sea of bliss. He is the current directing me which way to go. His hand finds my center again, and I shatter at his touch. I hear him moaning in response as he drinks more of me in. I reach down to touch him; he is hard and ready. I wrap my hand around the base of his shaft but he takes my hand in his and removes it. I cry out in protest.

“Not now. I can’t be distracted. I have to focus on you, to listen to you, and what your body needs and wants.”

I open my eyes to that voice. It is Jacob’s voice. He is staring right through me. This is not a dream. I am in the middle of step two, and I didn’t even know it. When I start to panic, he tells me to calm down. We are both under the quilt now but only from the waist down. He’s seen it all before anyway stretched naked in those chains, so I do not try to cover myself. I am wet from his touch. I blush.

“I’m almost done with my part, only one more pint of blood. Close your eyes.”

“No,” I tell him, “I want to look at you, to watch you.”

He looks at me before his fangs shoot out again and his eyes darken. His face hardens and tightens. I lean forward and kiss him in his Vampire form. In my haste, I graze my lip on his fang. He devours the blood off my lip, and my stomach flutters. He notices and rolls me over on top of him. I feel the pressure of his organ getting ready to slide into me. He shifts his hips to correct the situation. Then he bites me on the other side of my neck. My weight is on top of him. My breasts are pressed into his chest. He holds me there so I cannot get up. His grip is strong. He sucks on me for several minutes. I yearn for him. I wish these minutes would last forever but I want him inside me now. I cannot wait until tomorrow night. I lift up my lower half and open my hips as I come down on his shaft. He slides in halfway before I ease myself down upon him. Our pelvic bones are touching. He sits up and looks at me. Neither one of us move. He smiles, exposing his white fangs. I am on his lap as he turns his back to the back of the couch and places his feet on the floor. We do not lose our connection. He takes one of my breasts in his hand and teases my hard nipple. He has strong fingers. I start rocking with my hips, going faster and faster. He moans. He takes my other breast in his mouth and suckles. We are getting closer to climaxing. His hands are on my hips and butt.

“Bite me,” he orders.

“I can’t. I don’t have fangs,” I tell him.

“Yes, you do,” he answers.

I lean up to his neck. Urges and desires are taking over. I feel my gums ache and blood trickles onto my tongue. I lick the roof of my mouth and feel the pointed tips of my teeth. I look at him. He is smiling again. I return the grin, showing him my new fangs.

He chuckles right before I bite him. I drink all I can and as fast as I can. I cannot get enough. He starts pumping with his hips as I suck. He stands up faster than I know and slams me against the wall across the room. He is still inside me, and I still have him by the throat. He is violently having sex with me, raw and uninhibited. I am losing all my senses. I release my fangs from him. Blood is trickling down my mouth and chin. He kisses me, licking it all off. I am panting hard. His thrusts are fast, and I scream as my orgasm approaches. He bends his head down and takes my nipple between his fangs and sinks them in. I scream again only louder this time. He pumps me several more times and
tells me to bite him again. I do. This time his blood tastes different, more sensual, more erotic, and more sexual. It tastes better during an orgasm.

He lowers me down off the wall and tells me that I have had enough blood. I fight with my inner Demons to release him. He grabs me by the hair and tugs. Still I hold on.

“You don’t know the different venoms in your fangs yet. I have to teach you. Please let go before you poison me.” His words remind me of what Charles did to me. I retract my fangs back into their gums and look at him.

“Sorry,” I say.

“Lesson one; blood is better when mixed with hormones from an orgasm. That is why we Vampires are so sexually charged.” He pauses then looks at me. “You have to trust me.” He looks worried.

“I do.”

“I need to chain you back up now,” he informs me.

“Are you leaving? You said you wouldn’t.” I am getting nervous.

“No, I’m not going anywhere. You remember what happens next?”

I gulp at the thought. He leads me out of the bedroom and into the dungeon. I can smell the sewer even stronger now, and I smell Sarah’s death. I hesitate as he asks me to raise my arms to be chained again, but I finally obey. He closes my right wrist in the manacle. He looks into my eyes and then kisses me passionately. He takes the manacle and tightens it around my left wrist. He walks over to the steps and takes a seat.

“Am I on display again?” I ask, not feeling too comfortable with this idea.

“For my eyes only,” he says. He watches me intently for several minutes then lowers his head. His dark brown hair falls over his face. “It should have started by now. I’m afraid I have failed you again.”

“If this doesn’t happen before sunrise and I am going to die, promise me that you will kill me fast like you did Sarah.”

He looks at me with hurt in his eyes. He nods his head yes. “I hope it doesn’t come to that, but I will do as you ask.”

Three more hours go by, and I still feel the same inside. It’s growing hotter in this dungeon and the air is thick and dewy. I’m afraid that I’m going to die after all, this time by the hands of someone I am beginning to care about. Jacob gets up and walks around me, circling like a shark in the water. He looks me up and down.

“What time is it?” I ask, fearing I am the bait.

“We still have time. Don’t worry,” he answers. It must be later than I think or he would have told me. “You think it’s hot in here?” he asks as he traces a bead of sweat down my body with his finger. I shudder.

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