Stealing the Elf-King's Roses: The Author's Cut (43 page)

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“I’m hardly an expert—”

“Lee, we officiated at this transformation
It’s not work I can do alone. Meantime, all we can do is go on living life at one second per second, and see how things unfold, in the new worlds and the old ones.”

“New worlds to explore…” Lee said.

“Yes,” Laurin said. “Not just planets. Humanity will be busy. All the humanities will, from here to Xaihon, and beyond. And as for the rest of it…”

“We’ll see how it works out,” she said. “There are going to be a lot of things to sort out. God knows what the LAPD’s going to make of this!”

“You mean your murder case?”

Lee laughed out loud. “I mean a city that doesn’t entirely resemble the way it looked last night! They’re going to need some explanations. So will the city government.”

“So will the UN&ME, I would imagine,” said the Elf-King. “And the committee, when it reports, will find it has answers to all the wrong questions. Or most of them…”

“Not all my questions are answered, either,” Lee said. “Omren dil’Sorden is still dead.”

“Yes,” Laurin said. “But look what his death gave birth to; and look how many won’t die, now, because he did.”

There was no arguing with that.

“We all need to get back to work now,” Laurin said. “It’s going to take a while for us to get used to the new order of things, and to help others get used to it. For myself, I’ve been alone for a long time. Many centuries, alone with the truth, and the burden, and the fear. Now, at last, the burden and the fear are gone…and I’m alone no longer.”

Lee looked at him silently for some moments. “Neither am I,” she said at last.

He smiled at her, understanding completely; understanding, Lee thought, as probably no one else in the universes could. “And for the first time,” said the Elf-King, ” 
 have a partner.” He looked over at Gelert. “Assuming you can spare her occasionally, 

Gelert merely grinned at him, and then at Lee. “You think we’ll need more office space?” he said.

“We’ll handle those problems as we come to them,” Lee said. “But right now our universes are going to need separate attention.”

The Elf-King nodded. “I’ll call if I need your help,” he said. “I have your number.”

Lee gave him a wry look, then leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

“Later,” she said.


Lee went home via LAX: not because she had to—she knew she could for this little while go anywhere with just a step or two—but to confirm a suspicion she had. She and Gelert walked for a little while under the main terminal’s great dome, and saw more than a few Alfen coming and going about their business, graceful and fair. “Just look at them,” she said.

 a resemblance,” Gelert said, “isn’t there…” For he saw it as she did: the look that  had been on the Elf-King’s face, and on those of many others of his folk, though well mixed with confusion, and sometimes with fear. Lee knew the fear would pass. And in the meantime, perhaps for the first time, she enjoyed the sight of them—of creatures no longer immortal in the way they had been, aloof, untouchable, and unconcerned. There was something different about them now.

“As he goes, so go his people,” Lee said. And then she smiled, for that was the key to it. 
They look like
people now.
 They were still an astonishingly beautiful species, but now that beauty didn’t repel. They looked like life and death mattered to them, and as a result, the casual observer would no longer have an irrational desire to kill them.

It was probably going to take everyone involved a little while to get used to that. Humans were not going to be quite perfect either, not for a good while yet if ever, and humans could be as stubborn about distrusting sudden change as Elves.

And the humans…
 Lee looked at her hands; the palms, the backs. There did seem to be fewer wrinkles there.  
Though are there really less of them… or do they just
 But the inhabitants of all the other worlds had now gained a share of the innate beauty that Alfheim wore as a result of being the core world of the sheaf. 
We’re all cores now
, he had said. 
Oh, there’ll be trouble
too: who knows what kind? But life is now more worth living, if more unpredictable, than ever…

“I know that look,” Gelert said. “Take your time. I’ll catch a cab to the office.”

He nosed her in the neck, once, wetly, then trotted off toward the doors.

Lee spent perhaps another half hour there, watching the people come and go, starting to learn the change in them. Then she went out to find where Gelert had parked the hov, paid the parking fee at the gate, and drove back toward the office, slowly, looking at the changes in the streets and the buildings and the faces of the people as she went, until finally the mental cataloging simply got too tiring. It would be not just years, but lifetimes, before people learned the full meaning of what had happened to their lives, their worlds. Everything was new, and would be for a long, long time. 
Not quite the definition of Heaven
, Lee thought. 
But close enough.

Not far from the office, she stopped the hov, parked it, and got out to look north and east. Sunset was easing along, golden. The peppertrees planted along in front of the suburban frame housing here hung their trailing green cool and shady over the sidewalk as if nothing had happened at all. Lee lifted her gaze toward the hills, where they stood silhouetted against the deepening creamy blue of an Ellay city sky.

There, without having to See, she saw the burning, all carmine, crimson and blood-color, glowing on the hills—the burning of the roses, like a light from within, no longer hidden but now in plain sight for any mortal; the token of immortality visiting itself on the world, just a little alien, but so young and glad and splendid that no one would be afraid of it for long.

The curse is broken
, Lee thought, 
and the time for being afraid of each other is over at last. Now,
finally, we get to work and find out what life in the Worlds is about…

She walked to the office, in silence, musing. The silence was a short-lived thing. When Lee got in and pushed the glass door open, Mass looked over the desk at her, and said, “Eight million commcalls, boss! You’re not gonna leave here for 

“Order me a pizza,” Lee said, and headed past him into her office. “Order me three. And no anchovies!”

Before she even looked, she could tell that the wall between her office and Gelert’s was down by the blast of sound that hit her. It was Wagner again, the end of 
—the world of the old Gods crashing in fire and orchestral ruin about their heads. Gelert was sitting in the middle of his office floor, talking hard to someone on the comm; he flashed Lee a grin as she came in, and then turned his attention back to business. 
Giving interviews already
, Lee thought, with some amusement. 
And he’s
probably already in the process of dickering with someone about the price of an option on the
true story of the End of the World.

She turned to her desk, sat down…  and then could do nothing for a few moments but gaze at it with the beginnings of tears in her eyes. On the goldstone of the desk, in a pool of light of its own making, lay a single white rose; and the rose burned. Even from a meter away, the cool fragrance of it reached Lee—and latent in the light of it, even to someone without the Sight, were a million second chances, and all possibility.

Behind her, in the music, the Rhine rose and washed the old world away. Lee looked at the rose for a long, long moment. Then, “Mass?” she said.

“They’ll be here in ten minutes, boss.”

“Not that. Get Matt on the comm for me, will you?”

“Sure thing.”

Lee reached out to the white rose, picked it up. Its cool light welled through the flesh of her hands, so that they glowed; and its thorns, when she tried one against her thumb, were blunt.

When Lee looked up again, Matt was looking at her from the commwall. His expression was haggard, guilty, even a little frightened. “Lee—” he said, and faltered into silence.

“We need to talk,” she said.

“About the case—” Matt said.

Lee took the longest breath of a lifetime, and let it out again. “No. Not about the case,” she said. “Got time for dinner? I know a place where they do great fondue…”


The Seven Worlds

About the writing of
Stealing the Elf-King’s Roses





At the beginning of
the Seven Worlds are the known universes in a main sheaf of eleven. The other four worlds are not described, the implication being that though the Alfen had verified their existence, they had no further information about them.

The sketches below are fairly basic, but should convey a general sense of each world’s feel. Please note that some of the descriptions below reflect general wisdom about transcontinental migrations of human peoples as it was generally understood in the late 1990s / early 2000s. I know that there’s debate about some of these migration patterns, but I haven’t revised this material to reflect that.

The “positioning” data reflects the way the universes are spatially oriented to one another “on” the surface of the tesseract on which they’re arranged. The terms “face-on” and “side-on” are obviously oversimplifications of very complicated hyperspatial relationships. Briefly, it’s easier to get into a universe with which yours shares a “face-on” relationship than it is to get into one that’s “side-on” to you.  Normally, the face-on relationship is one that the core of a sheaf has with all the universes it spawned when it rotated.

All the other universes in a sheaf have less intimate interrelationships that involve very slow oscillation around / through the core universe:  a movement generally reminiscent of the way planets circle a star in a relatively structured manner, but several dimensions “higher” in complexity.  The side-on relationships also shift very slowly over time,  so that a universe relatively easy to access in this decade may be more difficult (or less) in the next. These relationships become important to intrauniversal commerce because the easier it is to get at another universe, the less energy has to be expended on the gating. Naturally, with the events of the end of STEKR, things are going to get even more complicated.


(1) EARTH (Lee’s home)

Positioning against other universes in sheaf:

Face-on: Alfheim

Side-on: Midgarth, Xaihon, Tierra, Huictilopochtli

Cultural flavor:  “Western hemisphere”-“New World dominant

Sovereignty:  world: UNME (United Nations and Multinational Entities)

DEITY/DEITIES: Assorted: historical-passive/ indeterminate

VETO POWERS: North American Union, Britain, USSR, IASA, GM, China, France, IT&T, GloBank, Krupp Gesellschaft A.G.

BROAD-BRUSH HISTORY: Rather like ours until after WW II; MacIlwain (young genius in various universes including Huictilopochtli [Temac], Tierra [Las Ibanez] and Xaihon [Hu Sahuen]) goes from work on Manhattan Project to multi-tEv accelerator project and ensuing breakthrough in worldgating theory in 1952.  Worldgating limited to exploratory-military expeditions until Three-Geneva Intercontinual Peace And Interpenetration Agreement (1956) among the governments of Earth, Xaihon, and Alfheim, at which time embassies were opened and ambassadors exchanged.  Tierra and Huictilopochtli added to the agreement after their respective interpenetrations in 1959 and 1966; Midgarth added in 1969 (modified agreement, allowing selective temporary evacuations to the other Five Worlds during Fimbulwinters and Twilights of the Gods).  Seventh World (Terra) not discovered until 2001 due to cyclically poor positioning in Pattern.


Positioning against other universes in sheaf:

Face-on:  Alfheim

Side-on: Earth, Midgarth, Huictilopochtli, Terra

Cultural flavor:  “Western Hemisphere”-“Old World” dominant

Sovereignty:  National sovereignties: (country-states)  Spanish/Latin flavor

DEITY/DEITIES: Assorted:  historical — passive/otiose


VETO POWERS: Spain, Italy, Egypt, Swaziland, Congo, Morocco, Algeria, Tanzania, Brazil, Portugal, Greece

BROAD-BRUSH HISTORY: Major branching in 60-30 BC period.  Death of Julius Caesar during outbreak of bubonic plague causes abandonment of campaigns to conquer Britain.  Plague decimates many Gallic and Germanic tribes and leaves Western Europe open to be completely secured by the Roman Empire. 

Sure of its northern front for the first time in centuries, the Empire consolidates its gains in the south and penetrates further into Africa.  The Empire finally falls in AD 1712 — caught between the great independent African civilizations and the Romanized African civilizations, (both preindustrial, both attempting to expand northeastward in search of technology and fertile croplands,) and the revolution-torn Eastern European provinces pushing toward Rome.  Africa is the site of the Hundred Years’ War from 1712-1812.  When the dust settles, the cities of Aranga have been destroyed and salt sown on their sites, and the Queen of Timbuktu has been crowned Holy Roman Empress by Pope Sextus VI. 

Queen T’Shange and her daughter-Queens spend the middle of the nineteenth century alternately subduing and negotiating the Northern Peace with the Slovaks and Polaki, the leader-nations of the TransEuxine rebellions.  With the outbreak of peace, the Industrial Revolution begins in the Nile Valley,  and industrialization spreads swiftly enough through the civilized world for the first manned space shots to leave Mtwara in 1941, and for Las Ibanez’ worldgating breakthrough to occur at the Bir er Ressof (Algeria) accelerator in 1948  (slightly earlier than most otherworlds).  Ethical problems  (specifically the discovery via reconnaissance of other Christs, and scriptural variations, both Old and New Testament, in other Universes) cause a brief moratorium on outworld gating, the Great Synod of Athens, and the assassination of Pope Joan XXIII. 

However, with the election (forced by Queen Nyala) of Arrian Mehese as Pope Innocent IX, the ban of excommunication on those who gate outworld is lifted in 1953.  Tierra interpenetrates Xaihon in 1955 and Earth in 1959, signs the Agreement, opens relations with Alfheim in 1968, and is in the forefront of intercontinual relations thereafter — establishing the first Tierran factories in Xaihon and Huictilopochtli in the early 70’s. 

(NB: Humans do not cross the Aleutian landbridge in this universe.  North and South America are unpopulated, as is Australia until the mid-1800’s.)


Positioning against other universes in sheaf:

Face-on: Alfheim

Side-on: Xaihon, Terra, Tierra, Earth

Sovereignty: World (Aztec translation of “U.N.”, governing body)

“Western Hemisphere”-“New World” dominant

Cultural flavor:  Aztec/Inca/Mesoamerican

DEITY/DEITIES: Assorted – historical: nonotiose: occasional documented  intervention


VETO POWERS: Mexico, Guatemala, Central America, California  (has a Queen), Columbia, Ecuador, Belize

BROAD-BRUSH HISTORY: Main branching in 1490’s.  Cortez is driven off course by hurricane in the Bahamas, is shipwrecked in Cuba and dies there of dysentery (or tertiary syphilis) with most of his men.  No further investigation into “southern New World” until Spanish ship
La Reina
in 1582; most colonization attempts concentrate on Florida, but continuing failure (disappearances of colonists) discourage more attempts.  While Black Plague ravages Europe, Inca and Aztec civilizations continue to grow unharmed.  Great Age of Sail, stimulated by finding of drifting wreckage in the Caribbean, takes first Aztec exploratory expeditions across the Atlantic and into the Mediterranean (also up the Pennine coasts as far as Britain), where they find a Europe almost entirely decimated and demoralized by plague. 

Aztecs begin the Recolonization of Europe in 1703.  Industrialization follows fairly rapidly, with first steam engine in 1750, first assembly line in 1782, electricity in 1810.  This rapid movement, coupled with Aztec/Inca fascination with astronomy, leads to an unusually early space program (crude at first, and with much loss of life, though rapidly improving) with the first successful manned flight in 1914.  However, despite rapid advancement made in atomic and high-energy physics, no progress is made toward worldgating technology until Temec’s abrupt pioneering work in 1948.  A combination of xenophobia and war (the Aztecs and Inca finally fight it out for possession of Western Europe) delays the opening of exocontinual relations and the advent of commercial gating until 1966 and the decade that follows.  Huictilopochtli signs the Agreement and trades ambassadors with Earth, Tierra, Xaihon and Alfheim in 1968. 


Positioning against other universes in sheaf:

Face-on: Alfheim

Side-on: Earth, Midgarth, Huictilopochtli.  Terra

Cultural flavor:  “Eastern hemisphere”-“Old World” dominant

Sovereignties:  National (Chinese/Japanese tr.  of “United Nations”): Chinese-Japanese flavor

DEITY/DEITIES:  Assorted — historical/non-otiose: occasional intervention


VETO POWERS: China, Japan, India, Pakistan, Xhi Mei (Australia)

BROAD-BRUSH HISTORY: The major branching in this world happens a long way back, circa 40,000-30,000 BC — prehistoric migrations out of Africa went mostly eastward rather than to the west.  A much larger population than in otherworlds where migrations distributed themselves more randomly ended up in the Hwang Ho basin by 2000 BC — thereby speeding up trade, war, exploration, and all the other things that make life worth living.  Unification of the warring feudal states came later than the Chou Dynasty in this universe, not being achieved until well into the Han (around 50 BC).  Many of the warlords, preferring the expediency of exile to honorable execution, fled into surrounding territories with their armies, conquering the indigenes and setting up Xainese-type “independencies” — the most powerful of these in Japan (Nihon), Tibet (Xizang), Manchuria (Manzhu), India (Ninjai), and the Aral Sea-Caspian Sea area occupied by Russian cultures in other universes (Wei Zhinjiang). 

A second wave of colonization began in the late Han (circa 200 AD) with the Xainese Great Age of Sail.  Indonesia, Ei Fuzhou (New Zealand) and Xhi Mei (Australia) were settled in this period — largely, in Xhi Mei’s case, by criminals and “disgraced” (read “out-of-favor”) nobles; while exploration took the Xainese as far east as the Persian Gulf and Africa, and as far west as South America.  That continent was nearly empty; the Aleutian migrations had not yet worked their way any further down the West Coast than northern California and had never crossed the Rockies.  The Xainese killed or enslaved most of the Amerind population and began using the West Coasts of the Americas as silk plantations around 800 AD.  Meanwhile, industrialization was already proceeding rapidly, with the invention of paper (100 AD), movable type (around 300 AD), simplification of Xainese orthography (Nihon-inspired, around 250 AD), firearms (also about 300 AD), steam power (independently invented in Nihon, Xizang, and Xhi Mei, all in the 400’s AD), and electricity (another case of multiple development, in Seixan Hui/North America and Nihon, around AD 1000.)

Extreme astronomical interest similar to that in Huictilopochtli caused an early (1200) and aggressive space program, with the first landing on the Moon achieved in AD 1230, on Mars in 1252, and the first interstellar flight (Alphacent-beta Ceti-Xaihon) in 1296.  The invention of the Zhei-Nu Pi-meson False Equilibration Drive in Shaanxi, fifty-two years later, greatly reduced the cost and time spent on interstellar travel, to the point that it became not only scientifically interesting but a major engine of the planetary economy.    

By the beginning of the fifteenth century, the Xainese and Nihonnsu (running separate space programs) had mapped or explored every star within 30 lightyears, had survived a first-contact war with the Procyines (when their standoff situation became apparent, both sides surrendered gracefully to one another and immediately signed a trade agreement) and had opened diplomatic relations with seven other nonhuman species.  World government set in in 1680, it being considered a more efficient way to deal with the dominant species of other planets (three out of five of which were found to have global governments; the fourth out of five had usually blown itself up, and the fifth was usually atechnological).  Interstellar exploration continued at a leisurely pace through the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but the theoretical and high-energy arms of physics suffered somewhat from neglect until the early 1930’s.  Around that time the Xainese government started to get interested in particle-beam weapons (having just seen the Shaula conduct a war with them, and feeling slightly nervous about relations with the Nihonnsu colony on Luna), and funded the first mEv-level accelerator, with multi-gEv and multi-tEv rings following through the ‘40’s and ‘50’s. 

Worldgating breakthrough was finally achieved — quite by accident — by Hu Sahuen at the Dzamiin Uude Great Accelerator (the Seven Worlds’ biggest, three hundred miles in circumference) in 1953.  Since the process had taken place at a Xainese government installation, the Xainese claimed it as property, and also tried to claim the equivalent property in the otherworld (Earth, as it happened) as also subject to Xainese sovereignty.  A brief but spirited war with (Earth) China ensued, rapidly settled by the First Sino-Xaihonnsu Concord, and later confirmed by the Three-Geneva Agreement of 1956.  Xaihon still holds its monopoly on interstellar travel, refusing to divulge construction details of the False Equilibration Drive.  However, intracontinual travel in both directions is now unregulated, and Xaihon enjoys a unique position as Gateway to the Twenty-Three Planets, acting as clearing-house and mediator for trade and industrial agreements among the Seven Worlds and the Near and Far Stars. 

(A general note:  Worldgating only develops in worlds where high-energy physics research has built multi-tEv accelerators for itself.  This is because one of the things wrong with the GUTS is that when you split quarks and such tiny particles in the highest-energy accelerators, the “missing” pieces are forced/squeezed into the nearest neighboring universe. If you succeed in tracking the particles, you will also discover [eventually] how to access that universe.)

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