Steamy Sisters (3 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kitt

BOOK: Steamy Sisters
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Katherine blissed herself out under the hot water, splashing it on to her face with both hands, and letting it run through her hair.

“Are we the first to use the showers?” asked Richard

“We’re the first
to use them,” said Katherine. “But I did try one of them out a few days ago. Why? You’re wondering if they’re working properly?”

“No. It wasn’t that. It looks like the’ve done a great job,” said Richard. “I was thinking we might find some way of christening them.”

“What did you have in mind?” said Katherine, running her hand over Richard’s chest.

“I thought that maybe a little bit of lovin’ in the shower might be a good thing. You know, create a kind of positive vibe for the spa.”

Katherine laughed. “I’ve heard some lines before, from guys who wanted to get inside my panties. But, having sex in order to set a positive vibe for the hotel is definitely a new one. Very original though. I’ll give you that.”

“It’s true,” protested Richard, “Uh…in the classical world they used to believe that if a couple made love in a particular place, the surroundings would somehow absorb those feelings, and then make the place lucky.”

“Is that true?”

“ Yeah, for sure,” said Richard. “Don’t you believe me?”

“Sounds like it could be true,” said Katherine, “I guess we better test the theory.”

“Always good to test these things,” replied Richard, nodding his head.

Katherine squeezed some shower gel on to her palm, worked up a lather with her hands, and started to wash Richard, admiring his physique as she did so. His tan covered almost his entire body, except for a white hoop of skin around his middle where his shorts had been. “You didn’t sunbathe naked, then?”

“Not quite. They don’t allow that type of thing in Dubai?”

“They’re kind of strict, huh?” said Katherine. “What would happen if they caught the two of us making out in a hotel spa?”

“Jail, probably.”

“I wouldn’t mind being trapped with you in a cell for a few days.”

“More like a few years. And it would definitely be separate cells.”

“I guess we’d better enjoy our five American freedoms here and now, then”

“Five freedoms?”

“You know. Freedom of speech, freedom of worship…”

“Don’t you mean the

“Uh-uh. Five. Speech, worship, freedom from want, freedom from fear…”


“And. Freedom to make love with whoever you want, wherever you want, whenever you both want it.”

“I must admit, it’s a new one on me.”

“I guess you’d better get to know it, then. By getting in plenty of practice.”

“Practice makes perfect.”


“Exactly,” repeated Richard, and pulled Katherine towards him, loving the feel of her wet body against his. He took some of the gel and started to massage her breasts. They were full and perky, and he enjoyed gently bouncing them up and down, cupping them in his palms. He lowered his head and took her right nipple into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue, thrilled at the way it grew harder in his mouth. He became aware of Katherine’s hand on his shoulder, pushing him downwards, indicating she’d like his mouth to get to work lower down her. Understanding her request, he slid his hands along her curves until they rested on her hips, and lowered himself on to his knees, finding himself face to face with her neat little strip of hair. He buried his face in her, his hands on her butt, pulling her towards him.

Katherine placed one hand on the marble wall of the shower, and adjusted her stance, opening her legs wider. An invite for Richard to explore her more deeply.

Richard manoeuvred his head between her legs, the warm shower washing over them both, relaxing their bodies, bringing suppleness to their limbs. He flicked his tongue upwards and along the delicate opening of her vulva. Her labia now engorged and moist with the natural juices that were springing forth from inside her. His fingers massaged her outer lips, and prised them further apart. His tongue continued to explore her, enjoying the taste and aroma of her, and the feel of the juicy flesh which he now held firmly in his mouth, pulling and kissing gently, patiently opening her up.
Her labia now apart, he pushed his tongue upwards and into the candy pinkness of her vagina.

Katherine moaned and began to move her hips rhythmically, sliding her vulva across Richard’s mouth, eager to have his tongue taste her and penetrate deeper. The hood of her clitoris had now receded, and her pleasure button glistened moist, proud, and now desperate, itself, to feel the touch of his mouth.

Richard explored the inside of her treasure chest, but remained aware of the pearl that lay just outside, amongst the divine and beautiful folds of her vulva.
It, too, needed to be shined and polished and loved with the same care and attention to detail that his tongue had shown her other jewels. It was just that he was enjoying her succulence so much that he wanted to drink his fill before leaving. She could wait a moment more. The longing would double the pleasure when the gift was finally received, and the anticipation was sweet for the both of them.

Katherine’s movements were becoming more erratic. Her smooth undulating rhythm was now interspersed with more intense shudders as Richard’s tongue moved in and out of her pussy, and along the length of her vulva. Several times, it had brushed fleetingly over her clitoris, teasing her, seducing her with the promise of transcendence, before withdrawing. As if to whisper to her,
if you’re a good girl, you too can experience nirvana
. And she was a good girl, wasn’t she?
Didn’t she deserve it? If not, what else did she have to do? But it wasn’t up to her. It was Richard’s move. And if he was the man she thought he was. A good man. Unselfish. Then, they would glide into paradise together.

As if sensing Katherine’s thoughts and needs, Richard withdrew his tongue from her honeypot, but instead of making for her clit, he rose up from the tiled floor and in a singular fluid motion grabbed the shower head with one hand, and gently steered Katherine downwards and on to all fours with the other.

Katherine’s mind was in a frenzy. What was he doing? She certainly hadn’t seen this coming. Her heart raced in an adrenaline rush. Her clitoris crying out for release.

Richard adjusted the shower head to its vibrate function and placed it between her legs, firing straight at her clit. His aim was spot-on. A sharp shooter of the shower world. He hit Katherine right on the bullseye. Only it wasn’t him who’d get a prize, it was Katherine. The rhythmic pulsing of the shower sent wave after wave of pleasure through her clit and she quickly reached the moment of launch. Any second now and she’s be through the stratosphere. She mentally counted down, and got from ten to four in just two seconds.

Richard had his free arm around her stomach and he could feel the contractions of her muscles. She was close. Real close. He continued the countdown she had started. “THREE…”

The sensations were now almost unbearable.


Katherine let out involuntary squeals of delight.
It was becoming too much.


Her entire body convulsed in ecstasy. Her mind exploded blissfully, and she tugged at Richard, pulling him on to the shower floor, where she threw herself against him, demanding their flesh be together, insistent that he hold her close.

Richard started laughing. “I guess that was LIFT OFF, huh?”

Katherine mumbled a yes.

Richard kissed her head and pulled the shower closer, letting the warm water flow over their bodies, gently soothing them both.

It was a few minutes before Katherine said anything. “So you are a good man after all, Mr Ford”

“Not completely good,” replied Richard. “I’ve got a little confession to make.”

Katherine raised her head and looked at him.

“That thing I said about the Greeks and Romans believing that making love somewhere would bring good luck. Well, it wasn’t strictly true.”

“You mean you made it up?”

“Something like that.”

“It was a lie?”

“Just a little one.”

Katherine laughed. “How can I ever forgive you?”

“Well. You can look at it this way,” said Richard. “Lies are quite creative, really. They require imagination…”


“And. If I wasn’t such a creative soul, I wouldn’t have thought of using that shower head on you. And right now, who knows, you might still be on the launchpad at Planet Frustration.”

“You have a point.”

“Not that I needed the shower head, of course. I’ve got a highly skilled tongue.”

“I noticed.”

“Maybe, I’ll show you again later. Show you what magic it can perform.”

“Promises. Promises,” said Katherine.

TJ Squires was madder then hell. He’d been in the spa room for the last ten minutes, his eyes never leaving the glass door to the shower. Beyond it he could see the shadow play that Katherine and the architect were putting on for him. If they thought he would enjoy it, then yes, they were half right. Despite himself, he couldn’t help but get hard at the thought of Katherine’s soapy flesh, all glistening skin, and ripe breasts and butt. But they were also wrong. Dead wrong. They were mocking him. People had mocked him before. And they’d paid the price.

He rooted around amongst their clothes on the bench, and pulled out Katherine’s panties, placing them quickly in the pocket of his uniform. He’d enjoy those later.

He looked around, unsure of what to do next. He could just rush into the shower and confront them. The architect would be so shocked, he’d have no chance. A few slaps around the face, a knee to the groin, and then slam his head into the marble wall. It might not kill him, but it would incapacitate him for the foreseeable future. He could always tie him up and leave him outside in the snow. He wouldn’t be found for months.

TJ Squires cursed the fact that he didn’t have a gun. He’d been hired for the less responsible job of
not security
The hotel had insisted on that.
It was so out of the way, and unfinished, that they didn’t feel they needed an armed guard. If anything had happened, a robbery, a shooting, or, God forbid, a death, it would have got the hotel off to a bad start, creating not just bad karma, but one hell of a lot of negative publicity. No-one wanted to stay at a hotel with blood on the carpet.

It was all for the best for TJ anyway. If he’d been armed, it would have meant extra security checks and a license. Something he was unlikely ever to get with his criminal record. He’d just have to rely on old fashioned brute physical force, and his rat-like cunning.

He listened to the sounds of pleasure from inside the shower, and the internal red mist engulfed him again. After the first incident in the kitchen, the architect may have just gotten away with the beating of his life. But now! Defiling his woman again, for a second time. That was a capital offence. He couldn’t see how he could avoid killing him. The architect was making him do it. Belittling him. Taking from him the thing that was rightfully his.

Anyway, it was no big deal. He’d killed before. The last time, just two years ago, when he was in prison. That fag who had tried to touch him. No-one did that to TJ Squires. He’d been clever, though. Made it look like a suicide. Found hanging in the prison kitchen storeroom. Nobody had suspected TJ. After all, he was known for his good behaviour. Kept his nose clean, always respectful to the guards, put in a hard days work in the kitchen and the laundry. Read his bible every night. A reformed character, that’s what the parole board said. What idiots. It was too easy.

He might be a fancy architect. With his degrees and his diplomas. From some Ivy League college, most probably. But it wouldn’t mean sweet FA when he was dead. In fact it would be kind of ironic given what TJ now had in mind for him, and for the first time today his grimace broke into a broad grin.

The main hotel structure was built, but the contractors had only just broken ground on a small annexe to the side of the hotel. Somewhere to put all of the ski equipment. How ironic it would be if the architect were to end up in the foundations of his own hotel, buried under ten feet of concrete.
For an architect, that was an act truly beyond the call of duty. And once he was entombed down there, TJ would have the lady boss all to himself. All his, to do what he wanted with. He’d take her every way he could, and then have done with her. The bitch had disrespected him too. She’d have to pay for that, no matter how cute she was. Maybe she’d be joining the architect in the ground. Both of them holding up there lousy hotel.

His excitement at his new plan managed to keep his anger under control, and he slipped quietly out of the spa room. He had something he needed to find.



Chapter Four

Katherine and Richard picked up some towels and walked with their arms around each other towards the steam room. It had reached its optimum temperature, and was perfect for relaxing tired limbs and unknotting tense muscles. It had two tiers of seating around its walls, the upper for those who could take the heat, the lower, slightly cooler. Richard clambered on to the top tier, his feet on the bench below. Katherine sat on the lower level, making a nest for herself between his legs, her arms resting on his thighs.

“Don’t like it too hot, huh?” said Richard.

“Just taking it slowly,” replied Katherine. “Besides, I think I’m at exactly the right height.” And she leaned her head backwards, feeling Richard’s cock against the back of her neck.

He ran his hands through her hair, scraping it backwards and twisting it into a loose, wet ponytail, before coiling it gently around his cock. He leaned forward and kissed her on the clear skin of her forehead, massaging her shoulders and stroking her upper body.

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