Steel and Heat (Blacksteel Bandits Motorcycle Club Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Steel and Heat (Blacksteel Bandits Motorcycle Club Book 2)
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When Miranda opened her eyes, bright green numbers flared before her vision. She groaned and rolled over. There was something wrong with her bed. The sheets were all wrong and she didn't feel the crocheted blanket her grandmother made her. She squinted into the dark. Except, it wasn't dark. Overhead, the room's light flickered.


Miranda's eyes widened as 'not my room' registered in her head. She bolted upright in the bed. Snatches of the previous hours floated into her head. Fear gripped her heart. She was in a small, dirty motel room. The yellowed wallpaper peeled off the wall and the carpet was threadbare, at best. Had she been kidnapped?


Her memories finally filled out. No, no. The last thing she remembered was fleeing on a motorcycle with Tyler. She forced her groggy mind to focus. Against the far wall, adjacent to her bed, there was a door the same yellowy color of the wallpaper. Tentatively, she called out to the foreign room, “Hello?”


“I'm here.” The voice came from her right. She turned, finding Tyler sitting on the other bed. Dark bags hung under his eyes and a somber air hung over his head.


Relief fluttered through her. At least she wasn't kidnapped while zonked out on the motorcycle. But one curiosity slammed into her thoughts. “Who was that guy?”


“I have no clue,” muttered Tyler as he shook his head. His heart swelled with pleasant heat, seeing her up and alert. He worried when she slumped against his back that the brute harmed her internally. There had been no signs, but his concerns nipped at his mind, delaying sleep until it was too early to go to bed. In the space of those hours, he pondered long and hard about their situation. The answer seemed less than happy, but it guaranteed Miranda's safety. Still, Tyler was hesitant to breach the subject just yet.


“What was he talking about?” She pressed forward. She wanted answers, not evasiveness. “Who's Pete? Did you do something to him?”


“I can't tell you, Mir.” Again, Tyler shook his head. Exhaustion was catching up to him. He didn't want to get into this subject with her.


Miranda's eyebrows dipped angrily. Faint memories licked across her mind when he would avoid telling her about his latest 'bending' of the law. Her fingers dug into the motel blankets. “Why not?”


Something hardened in his gaze. “Because, I don't want to involve you any further.”


“Well, if threats are going to be made on my life–”


“Which is why, tomorrow,” growled Tyler as he got to his feet, “you are going to your family and explaining why you need to leave.”


“What?” It was more of a gasp than a question. Total shock shook her thoughts. Why would he suggest her family? Tyler and her family held a mutual abhorrence of each other. Bile crawled up her throat, coating her tongue with a sour-tasting fear.


“Leave. Go to Canada or Rome or something.” Tyler paced down the length of the bed. His hands moved in agitated animation. A part of him didn't want her to go anywhere. He could keep her safe. He could protect her! But that was a risk he wasn't ready to take yet. “Take an extended vacation. Get
from here.”


Her brain sputtered smoke and clanked. She still couldn't make sense of Tyler's demand. “Why?”


“Because your life is in danger!”


“What did you
, Tyler


“If I tell you, you'll be further involved.” He breathed, stilling his agitation. It wasn't right to take his feelings out on her. It was his fault, after all. He came back to Legacy, he initiated everything with Miranda, he stayed the weekend. His own inability to sever his feelings for Miranda would only bring death to her. “I can't do that.”


Anger flared through Miranda's thoughts. He had already left twice. Why the hell did he return if it'd put her in danger? Did he care for her so little? Was he that reckless? The pain throbbed through her heart and pulsated down her nerves. Tears bit at the back of her eyes as she wondered how much – or how little – she mattered to him. “Then why did you even come back!”


“Because, I thought…” Tyler glared at Miranda as his words trailed off. He heaved a sigh and ran a hand through his hair, turning on his foot to stalk away from the bed. Whatever inner battle waged in his head soon settled. When he faced her, again, a scowl cut across his jaw. “I was going to ask you to help me, but it doesn't matter. It's too dangerous.”


“So, let me get this straight,” snarled Miranda as her irritation propelled her to her feet. She advanced on Tyler, her index finger jabbing into his chest. “You came back here to get my help. However, your presence is enough to put me in danger. And
you decide it's too dangerous? What did you even need
help with? I'm not special.”


“That's not true, Mir. You are perf…” He stopped abruptly, his eyes widening and his face flushing. His Adam’s apple bobbed and he leaned away from her. The wall between them reaffixed itself. “Your job makes you useful.”


Miranda's eyebrows ticked up as she crossed her arms. “Why is that?”


He tore his gaze away, running a hand through his mussed hair. The fight in him burned, but dimmed under the weight of tiredness. She wouldn't let this go until he answered her. She had that look to her eye. And Tyler didn't want to fight any more. “You really want to know?”




“Even if it puts you in danger, Mir?” His eyebrows furrowed, but worry pinched across his features. He didn't want to tell her. Risking her life wasn't worth it. But he didn't want her fighting him forever. If he just let it all out, let it all go, she'd go running for the hills. That was the best for her.




A beat of silence fell. Tyler stared at her, his jaw twitching. She waited for him to begin his explanation. Curiosity wavered in her head, ready to feast on his revelation. Uncertainty puckered her thoughts. What if it was too much for her? Once Tyler told her, it couldn't be taken back.


“I'm part of a motorcycle club, the Blacksteel Bandits,” started Tyler, as his gaze averted from her. He picked his words carefully and his tone took on a leveled, precise pitch. “The junkyard and repair garage I work for are owned by the president.” Miranda's eyes widened as Tyler continued to unravel the twisted web of his situation. “Jack does the books. He found a discrepancy in the numbers and showed me. Everything points to our president.”


The picture started to focus. Miranda swallowed as she guessed, “Pete?”


“Yeah,” Tyler nodded, but couldn't meet her gaze. As he relayed his story, he realized how rash and shortsighted they were. “We gave copies of the issues to senior members before we took off for a vacation.”


“But now Pete realizes what happened.”


“Until we 'make it right,' he's gunning for Jack and me.” Tyler finished, his gaze still trained at an adjacent wall.


“How can you make it right?”


“No clue. Say we made it up, that we wanted Pete out, hope he's in a forgiving mood.” He couldn't find the courage to look at her. He didn't want to see fear or uncertainty or derision on her features. Tyler waited for her to turn and run, counting the seconds until he heard the door slam open and her footfalls drift into the night. “Or just repay with our lives.”


Silence slammed down between them, expelling the air from Miranda's lungs. Tyler bent rules, sometimes laws. He got into fights. Never before, though, had she sincerely feared for his life. Her mind wobbled around the concept, before it finally sank in. One thing didn't make sense in her mind, tough. She shook her head, clearing the terror from her head. “So, what can I do to help?”


“Your family owns a lot of banks across the country.”


Her heart sank. The family's connection to their banks, that's all he wanted from her. With her mouth dry, she rasped, “Yeah?”


“You have the ability to log into all those accounts.” Tyler's stomach clenched as the words left his lips. That wasn't his only reason for coming back to Legacy. He wanted to see her, but he couldn't very well admit that. Not when she needed to leave him behind for her own safety. Let her believe he only wanted her administrative power. Maybe that'd spur her to leave the country. “I know all of Pete's info, I thought maybe…”


“So, basically, you want me to violate his right to privacy.”


“That or Pete violates your right to life,” he retorted. Tyler heaved an agitated sigh. “It doesn't matter. You're leaving, that's it.”


Miranda's throat tightened as she took a step away from him. Her gaze fell to the floor, to her bare feet. So, that's why Tyler returned to Legacy. Her heart twisted with that unhappy thought. It made sense, though. Could she blame him for taking advantage of her position when his life was on the line? No, she couldn't.


Her whole body shook as emotions dueled for superiority. The biggest thing that hooked across her thoughts was Tyler's dire situation. He could die. The very thought made her stomach churn. From the way it sounded, Pete wouldn't make it quick and painless either. Even then, the very thought made her blood ice over.


“I'm sorry, Mir.” Tyler's soft words coaxed her eyes to him. He stood with his head hung and hands uselessly at his sides. Sadness swelled in his thoughts, coating every available synapse, and he realized he felt this way before – when Miranda's friends and family took him aside. A lump clawed up into his throat as an overwhelming desire to touch her, to feel her, under his palms slammed into his thoughts. He didn't want to lose her, again.


A pair of arms slid around his torso and under his kutte. His heart stuttered and his breath caught in his throat as Miranda pressed the side of her head to his chest. She listened to his pounding heart. The rhythm soothed and comforted her. Warmth sifted into her body and, she realized, she didn't want to be anywhere else. Even after his revelations, he was still Tyler. His heart was generally in the right place, even if he utilized questionable methods. It was that allure – good intentions that he did everything to fulfill - that always caught her, even all those years ago. She squeezed him, able to see that forlorn expression on his face, even now.


He struggled to find the words resonating in his surprised thoughts. “What are you doing?”


She took a moment to reply. What
she doing? This man had dragged her into a life-threatening situation. How could she even stomach touching him? Miranda realized her dissent took the voice of her family and she could see them, scowling down at her for her ill-thought actions. There were only two options in this situation: help him and risk death or find sanctuary in a foreign country. She didn't need to choose right away, though. Did she? “I have a few hours to make a decision, right?” Miranda queried, tilting her head back. She licked her lips, her gaze locked to his face. “This might actually be our last meeting.”


Tyler fell silent. She had a point. The only reason to stay in Legacy would be to help him. Pete's lackeys established Miranda's connection to him - and verified it tenfold. If she left tomorrow for foreign soil, she had nothing to worry about. There were still hours left before morning roused the town from their beds.


A lot could happen in that time frame.


She shoved him back onto the bed. Excitement licked up his body as his back impacted against the squeaky mattress. Miranda climbed atop him, a slight smile coiling along her lips. She didn't make it far up his body. Her fingers tugged on the fastenings of his jeans, coaxing his quickly hardening cock from the depths of his pants.


Tyler watched her hungrily as her lips hovered over his penis. Those moist, pink lips. He bit his bottom lip in silent anticipation.


She watched his reactions, a thrill rising through her thoughts. She had complete and utter control over this situation, unlike what happened earlier. Warmth tugged at her thoughts. He was putty in her hands and she knew just where to stroke to make him melt further. Yet, somehow, Tyler always managed to surprise her in the most delightful ways.


When his fingers twitched and he looked about ready to shove her face down, Miranda obliged his naughty desire. Her lips lowered to his twitching member. She gave the head of his cock a gentle kiss, eliciting a moan from him. Flickering out, her tongue tasted the hot flesh. Groaning, his hips thrust upward while he leered at her with his dark, lusty gaze. Miranda's lips twisted into a grin.

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