Steel Justice (A Romantic Suspense) (30 page)

Read Steel Justice (A Romantic Suspense) Online

Authors: Dez Burke

Tags: #bad boy romance

BOOK: Steel Justice (A Romantic Suspense)
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Being with Kendra had been unbelievable. Mind-blowing really. One touch, one taste of her, and he’d lost all control. His brain had short-circuited until all he could feel was white-hot desire and an unquenchable thirst to be buried deep inside her. And she’d felt it too. Of that, he was sure.

Instead of telling him to slow down or be more careful, she had taken everything he gave her willingly and eagerly, no matter how wild or rough it got. She was sexy as hell and didn’t even know it. Where Kendra was concerned, he was insatiable.

He couldn’t let her go.

He stared at the wooden beams lining the ceiling. How in the world would he ever convince her to give him a chance? A real chance, not just a one-night stand or sex every now and then.

He wasn’t a fool and knew exactly what he was up against. Kendra was educated, smart, and a genuinely good-hearted person. Not to mention being a well-respected veterinarian that probably ninety percent of the people in the county knew.

Whereas Kendra thought he was a two-bit criminal...a bad guy. She didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. And sometimes he was. The MC knowingly broke the law every day.

The only reason they’d met was because the Liberators had attempted to murder him. He couldn’t imagine what she honestly must be thinking about the whole situation. What if deep down she found him disgusting and repulsive? Doubts dogged him. There was no way what they had shared could last any longer than one night. It was over before it ever had a chance to get going. The realization filled him with a deep aching dread about the future.

But something at the back of his mind kept niggling at him, saying “what if?” What if she was willing to take a chance on him? And then what? Would he even be able to keep her safe? The thought chilled him to the bone. What if the Liberators found out about Kendra and tried to get to him through her? They certainly wouldn’t be above hurting a woman to destroy him.

His thoughts and deepest fears went round and round in his mind. There had to be a way to have it all. He was a talented lawyer and had been known in the Public Defender’s office for being able to work through difficult problems methodically and analytically. He told himself this situation was no different. All he needed to do was calm the fuck down over potentially losing Kendra and think of a solution.

Eventually the answer became clear. If by some miracle he was able to convince Kendra to give him a chance, the threat from the Liberators would have to be eliminated immediately and permanently. No matter what the cost.

The MC would have to take them out. Every fucking last one of them. There would be no survivors. It was time for him to step up beside Jesse and take a leadership role.

If Kendra stayed with him, the only way he could keep her safe was to not rest until every last Liberator was dead.

It was time for the Steel Infidels to go to war.



he next morning, Flint stepped up behind Kendra, who was brushing her teeth at the bathroom sink. He wrapped his strong arms around her and leaned down to nuzzle her neck.

He breathed in deeply. “You smell good,” he murmured into her ear.

Kendra laughed and rinsed out her toothbrush. “Like mint?” she replied. She caught his eyes in the mirror and stilled for a moment. Good Lord! She could get used to this - sharing bathroom space with Flint in the morning after a night of hot sex. His black hair was tousled where she’d run her hands through it so many times she’d lost count.

She would never tire of touching him, of running her hands over his hard tattooed muscles. Not even in a million years. Being with a man like Flint could be dangerously addictive, and that thought scared the hell out of her.

“Kendra?” he said, his tone suddenly serious.


He pushed the thick hair off her neck and kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear. “Do you want to be my girl?” he asked.

Kendra smiled teasingly at him in the mirror. “Your girl? You mean like in sixth grade, want to go steady sort of thing?”

Flint nibbled on her ear. “Sort of.”

Kendra leaned back into him and wrapped her arms around his. “I’ll admit I haven’t been active in the dating scene much in the past few years, but don’t couples usually date awhile first? You know, go out on a few dates, then eventually get around to talking about being in a monogamous relationship and only dating each other?”

“Probably,” Flint replied. “I suspect that would be how other people would do it.”

Kendra lifted her eyebrows. “And we’re not like other people?”

Flint turned her around in his arms so she was facing him. “I think you already know we’re definitely not like other people. I realize this is sudden and crazy fast. All I know is that the thought of you being with another man, like you were with me last night makes me feel...” He hesitated for the right word before finding it. “Murderous.”

He placed his forehead against hers and slid his hands down to cup her ass. “So I’m asking you again,” he said. “Will you be my girl?”

Kendra slid her hands up his chest and traced the beginnings of the tattoo on his shoulders. “What exactly does that mean? Your girl? I need more clarification.”

Flint laughed, the deep rumbling vibrating against her breasts. “It means it will be you and me, darling. Just you and me. You would be my girl and I would be your guy.” He placed a slow, warm kiss on her lips. “Your only guy,” he added for emphasis.

Damn, how she liked the sound of that. Flint. Her guy.

It was weird how her whole world had changed in a weekend. She’d spent a lifetime being the good girl, the responsible girl who made the best grades and worked harder than everyone else. Never letting go or being free with her actions because of how other people might look at her or disapprove.

She needed something wild and crazy to shake up her comfortable and boring life.

She wanted to live, and more importantly, to feel alive.

She wanted Flint. And even more than that, deep down Kendra realized she needed him.

“How do you see this working out between us?” she asked, still a tad unsure and hesitant. “You have to admit our lives are so different. What about our families and our friends? How will we fit into each other’s lives?”

Flint shook his head slowly, rubbing his forehead against hers. “I don’t know, darling,” he replied honestly. “All I can tell you is that I play for keeps. All you have to do is trust in me and I will do whatever I have to do to make it work. Give us a chance. That’s all I’m asking.”

Kendra stared into his compelling eyes and realized that he meant every word. He was willing to try and by God, so was she.

Kendra placed her hands tenderly on both sides of his face. The green eyes that dazzled her from the very first instant looked back at her now, worried and waiting.

“I’ll be your girl,” she answered with a smile. “Whatever happens, we’ll figure it out.”


lint felt a dark and heavy load lift from his shoulders with her words. Kendra was giving him the chance he so desperately needed. He couldn’t imagine what he’d done lately to deserve it, but he was sure as hell glad. Maybe his karma had built up from his years as a public defender. He certainly wasn’t going to waste a second questioning why.

Flint took her arms and linked them behind his neck before leaning down and claiming her lips. Her lips felt as soft and juicy as he’d remembered. His heart thudded as she opened her mouth eagerly to his ravenous onslaught. Kendra tasted like no woman he’d ever kissed before. It drove him mad and immediately had him so hard and thick he throbbed.

He wanted her. Desperately.

“Kendra,” Flint said with a groan as he tore his lips from hers moments later, his breathing ragged. “You’re making me insane. I don’t know how you do what you do to me. Please don’t ever stop.”

He slid his hands underneath her shirt and heard the quick catch of her breath. Instead of stopping him, she placed her hands over his and guided them up her stomach until her heavy breasts filled his hands. She closed her eyes and moaned. 

He felt her nipples peak into hard, tight tips as he grazed them with his fingertips.

“The things I want to do to you, Kendra.” He nibbled her ear and told her how deep and hard he wanted to fuck her. How she drove him crazy with need. How she made him so hard and stiff he couldn’t get enough of her sweet, tight pussy.

Flint’s hands let go of her breasts to strip off his jeans, revealing every tight and hard toned muscle. Kendra stared in awe. There wasn’t a trace of fat; he was all ripped and rock solid. She was having a hard time wrapping her mind around the fact that this man...this incredibly hot, sexy male wanted her as his. For keeps, he’d said...

He turned to step into the shower, leaving Kendra with a view of his broad upper back and shoulders covered from one side to the other with the Steel Infidels tattoo and his tight, perfect ass. All she could do was stare. His raw masculinity left her breathless.

After turning on the water and adjusting the temperature, he turned and held out his hand to her. The look on his face spelled an intent that sent a coil of need tightening within her belly. Oh shit! Her hair would get all messed up and his bandage couldn’t get wet. All the reasons why she shouldn’t strip off her shirt and step into the shower with him ran through her mind.

Screw it! No way in hell was she turning him down. A woman would be insane to even think about it. She tugged her flannel shirt over her head and took his hand. Flint smiled and drew her under the water with him.

He pulled her close and turned her around so that he could leisurely soap her back, his warm hands lathering the slippery bar over her shoulders and down her arms. He drew her back against him and reached around to soap her stomach and down between her legs. Kendra closed her eyes and braced her arms against the tile wall of the shower for support. 

Flint put down the bar of soap and massaged her breasts, kneading their fleshy mounds and tugging on the nipples. “Have I told you how much I love your big nipples?” he mumbled into her shoulder.

“Yes,” Kendra gasped. “But you can tell me again.”

“Good,” he replied. “Because I love talking about them. There are so many ways to describe your nipples. Rigid...swollen... turgid...irresistible.” With each word, he squeezed the tips and rolled them between his finger and thumb. Kendra melted into him, afraid her legs were going to crumble out from under her.

Flint nibbled on her neck, moving one hand from her nipple and down her stomach. His hand slid further still and cupped her sex, pressing her back against him. Kendra whimpered when his fingers parted her swollen, wet pussy lips. He found her clit and rubbed it in circles. “Oh God! Flint,” she panted. 

Trapped between the tile wall and his rock-hard body, Kendra felt her senses swim, overwhelmed by his male dominance. Tucked between the globes of her buttocks was the unmistakable length of his straining erection and he felt even harder, bigger than she remembered. Kendra writhed against him. The carnal movement caused him to swell even thicker. She wantonly pushed and undulated her ass into Flint again.

“Are you wet yet, Kendra? Because I’m already rock-hard for you,” Flint growled with his lips in her ear. If her pussy wasn’t already soaking wet with desire, it would have been after his words. She loved it when he talked dirty.

He moved her slightly to the side and out of the direct spray of the water. Kneeling down behind her, he spread her ass cheeks wide with his hands. His tongue settled over her slit before lapping up and down her wet entrance. Kendra’s thighs trembled and she was grateful when he tightened his grip on her ass to hold her steady. Flint stroked her cunt with his tongue like he couldn’t get enough of her.

“Oh!” she cried out. “Flint! What are you doing?”

Instead of answering, he buried his face deeper into her ass and worked his tongue into her pussy. Kendra’s mouth opened in soundless ecstasy as he swept his tongue from her pussy lips all the way up to her ass.

She gasped when he licked her there, not expecting something so carnal and wickedly taboo. Flint was driving her insane. She didn’t want it to stop. Kendra ground her ass into his face and moaned in appreciation.

Flint stroked a finger into her cunt and drew her hot juices up to lubricate her ass. He lifted his head and slowly inserted a finger into her tight anal ring, bit by bit, giving her time to relax and adjust before going all the way in. Kendra gasped at the delicious feeling of fullness. Damn! No man had ever done that to her before. She was amazed at how good it felt. Flint continued to take her places she’d never been sexually. She bit her lips to keep from crying out.

“Don’t hold back,” he gritted out. “Every sound you make drives me fucking insane.”

Everything faded except for the feel of Flint’s hands as he fucked her ass and pussy forcefully with his fingers. At that moment, nothing mattered to Kendra but the unbelievable sensations Flint was invoking in her. When she thought she couldn’t stand up a minute longer without crumbling into a heap, he withdrew his fingers and nudged her feet further apart.

Flint bent her slightly forward with her hands against the tile wall. “Spread your legs, sweetheart,” he said. “I can’t wait a second longer.” Before he finished his sentence, he had already thrust himself into her slippery, hot pussy with a loud grunt. With another short thrust, he was buried all the way up to the hilt.

Kendra cried out loudly this time at the deep contact, the sound echoing off the tile walls. Her pussy gripped his cock and Flint groaned deeply in appreciation. He began to move, fucking her hard with powerful, long thrusts. His arm wrapped around her stomach so she wouldn’t slip.

Kendra closed her eyes, hearing nothing but the sound of Flint ravaging her pussy, his labored breathing as he fought to maintain control, and the loud smacks of his cock into her juicy wetness.

“I can’t believe how fucking good you feel!” Flint muttered, his thrusts becoming more primal and savage. “You’re driving me out of my mind.” He sank in as deeply as possible and they both gasped for breath. “Tell me what you need,” he said before leaning down and biting her shoulder sharply. “Anything you want.”

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