Stella Mia (16 page)

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Authors: Rosanna Chiofalo

BOOK: Stella Mia
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“Sarina?” Carlo lowers his head so that I'm forced to look into his eyes. And in that moment, my shyness disappears.
“I like you, too.” My heart is pounding so hard against my chest.
“I knew there was something between us!” Carlo's face lights up.
“But Carlo, will your father approve? I am after all from a poor family, and now I'm practically a gypsy. It's one thing for him to hire me to work in his hotel, but to accept me as his son's girlfriend is an entirely different story.”
Carlo's face grows somber, and I know I have touched upon the truth.
“I won't lie to you. My father does care about social status. He always has. That is how we're different. But he also has a good heart. I think in time he could accept the idea of our seeing each other. That is if everything works out. My intuition tells me it will.” Carlo smiles mischievously.
“I don't know. I wouldn't feel right going behind your father's back. If he found out, he would fire me. I need this job, Carlo. Remember I am on my own.”
Carlo takes my face in his hands. I think he is going to kiss me, but then he says, “You are
on your own. You have me now. I will never let any harm come to you. Do you understand?”
I still have my doubts, but with Carlo holding my face so near his, I feel I have no choice but to nod my head.
He takes one hand away from my face and begins stroking my cheek with the backs of his fingers. I feel weak. Carlo's eyes fill with longing. He leans over and kisses me softly on the lips. Then waits, making sure he has permission to continue. I lean into him, showing him I want to kiss him as much as he wants to kiss me.
The kiss is wonderful, leaving me feeling satisfied and immensely happy all at once. We continue kissing. I have no idea how much time has passed. I just know I am a little disappointed when Carlo finally pulls away.
“You've made me very happy, Sarina.”
Carlo hugs me. I want to tell him he's probably made me happier than I've made him, but I decide to remain silent and just enjoy his embrace. Resting my head on his shoulder, I can't help but notice there's one star in the sky that seems brighter than all the others. Maybe Carlo is right about fate bringing us together. Maybe this is another sign that the universe is sending us, and we are meant to be together.
Isola Bella
August 5, 1969
he sweet scent of flowers fills the airs. I'm surrounded by bougainvilleas that stand out in splendid contrast to the indigo blue sea that stretches before me like a velvet carpet.
“Siamo in paradiso,”
Carlo whispers to me, before planting little kisses down the side of my neck.

I can't believe how gorgeous Isola Bella is. Beautiful island—her name is truly fitting. I thought no place could compare to Taormina, but this is even more splendid.”
“Well, Isola Bella is part of Taormina.”
“I know, but you know what I mean.” I playfully elbow Carlo in his ribs.
“I'm glad you like it.”
“You have yet to disappoint me, Carlo!” I giggle.
And it's true. The past week has gone beyond any fantasy I could have imagined. Almost every day Carlo has taken me out. We've mainly gone to the different beaches of Taormina or strolled through the piazza, where he has taken me to fine restaurants and even insisted on buying me clothes, shoes, and purses from the boutiques along the Corso Umberto. I didn't want to accept such expensive gifts, but my protests fell on deaf ears.
We've been able to see so much of each other because Signore Conti has been tied up in Enna at the new hotel's construction site. Whenever I think about Signore Conti returning to Taormina, I feel both despair and dread. Despair, for I will not be able to see Carlo as freely, and dread that his father will discover our affair. But for now, I push all thoughts of Signore Conti out of my mind and focus on the wonderful man before me.
“Sarina, I will be right back.” Carlo stands up and slips into his sandals. I can't help but admire his well-toned physique. Both of us are still in our swimsuits. It's too hot to wear anything over them since we are by the beach. When I ran away from home, I didn't bring my swimsuit, so Carlo insisted on buying one for me. I felt too shy to buy the bikinis that so many young women are now wearing, so instead I bought a one-piece suit in a beautiful coral shade.
“Where are you going?”
“Trust me.” He smiles and blows a kiss to me with his hand as he hurries off.
I sit up and watch him, shielding my eyes from the sun with my hand. He is now walking along the sand and heading east. Soon, he is just a speck in the distance. Where could he be going that is so far? But he told me to trust him, and I will.
Standing up, I pull a few bougainvillea from their stems and inhale their sweet fragrance. Shielding my eyes from the sun with my hand, I look out toward the waves. There is something exhilarating about watching waves break against the shoreline. My mind soon drifts to thoughts of Carlo's kisses and his gentle caresses. I want to show him fully my love, but I am torn. I always imagined that if by some miracle my father did grant permission to anyone who asked to marry me, I would be a virgin until my wedding day. Yet I cannot see any wrong in being intimate with Carlo. How can expressing your love in every way possible be a sin? But my Catholic upbringing has taught me so.
A breeze whips up from the sea, blowing through my hair. Though it's hot, I decided not to pin my hair up since Carlo loves it down. I lie back on the sheet Carlo brought for us. Before I know it, I've fallen asleep. I don't know how much time has elapsed when I wake up.
Opening my eyes, I almost scream when I see a huge beast towering over me. It takes me a few moments to realize it's a horse. Thinking I'm dreaming, I stare at it incredulously a moment longer until I hear Carlo laughing. He comes up from behind the horse whose reins he's holding.
For a moment, I'm speechless. Then I say, “What are you doing? Whose horse is this?”
“I have a friend who owns a few horses on his secluded property. I asked him if we could borrow one of them today.”
“And he let you?”
“Of course! We're friends. And when I told him I wanted to take a gorgeous woman horseback riding along the beach, there was no way he could refuse me.”
“Why would you want to go horseback riding on the beach?”
Carlo laughs. “Because it is beautiful, especially when you are with someone as lovely as you.”
I blush and suddenly realize that this must be something the rich do. No wonder I have never heard about it. In my world, horses are for utilitarian purposes—to carry a farmer's harvest, do work in the fields. I had read about the English riding their horses for pleasure, but I had never known of people to do it along the beach.
“Do people ride horses on the beaches a lot here in Taormina?”
“Mainly the tourists and a few of the rich people. Enough questions. It's time to ride.”
Carlo folds up our sheet and places it in his satchel. He then hides his bag under one of the bougainvillea bushes.
I begin putting my sundress over my swimsuit, but he places his hand over my shoulder.
“Leave it. Just roll it up and place it with my bag under the bush.”
I do as he says as a strange sensation slowly washes over me. For I will be sitting very close to him on the horse, and this is the closest we will have come to embracing with hardly any clothes on.
Carlo strokes the horse's mane and whispers to it. It is a beautiful black horse. I don't believe I've ever seen a horse with such a lustrous coat. Carlo can see the admiration in my eyes.
“He's magnificent, isn't he?”
“He is a stallion and used to race. But he is retired now.”
I laugh, covering my mouth with my hand.
“It's true. You think I am joking? My friend used to race him, but after an injury that put an end to his equestrian career, he retired and so did Notte.”
“Notte? He has a name?”
“Yes. All race horses do. I'm sure you can see from his glossy black coat why my friend named him after the night. Anyway, race horses must have names or else how would people know which one to place their bets on?”
Nodding my head in agreement, I cannot help but feel stupid. Carlo must sense my embarrassment for he comes over and tucks my hair behind my ears before holding my face up toward his. He gives me a quick kiss.
“I love introducing you to experiences you've never had. Your pleasure upon discovering something new makes me happy. You know that is all I want? To make you happy?”
I smile. Carlo hugs me.
“Are you ready to mount Notte?”
I must warn you. I am a bit frightened. He is so big, and I'm afraid he'll throw us off his saddle. So I will be holding on to you like my life depends on it.”
“Even better! I don't mind.” Carlo's eyes suddenly look sultry as his gaze wanders lazily down my body.
Bending over at the waist, he clasps his hands and turns his palms upward, instructing me to place my left foot in them. I do as he asks and with a quick thrust, he lifts me up. I grab the handles of the saddle and hoist myself higher before I drape my right leg around Notte's back. Notte stirs a little, causing my stomach to flutter as I take in how high off the ground I am. Once Carlo mounts the stallion, I feel more secure.
“Don't worry. We'll take it slowly. I want you to enjoy yourself. You can go ahead and wrap your arms around my waist now. You might want to sit closer to me so you'll feel more secure and won't have to lean as far forward to hold onto me.”
I take Carlo's suggestion although my heart starts racing at the very close, intimate contact. Carlo leads Notte toward the shoreline. I cringe for a moment when the stallion's hooves sink lower into the sand.
“Is it all right for him to traipse through sand?”
“Si. Non preoccuparti.
No need to worry. It is actually very good exercise for a horse to traverse through sand. It works out their muscles more.”
“You seem to know a lot about horses.”
“We had a couple of horses when I was a child. But my father eventually sold them.”
“Money. It is always about money where my father is concerned. He wanted the money he could get from the sale of the horses, not that we needed it. But he used the money to reinvest it into the hotel. He expanded Villa Carlotta, made renovations.”
I cannot help but detect a hint of bitterness in Carlo's tone.
“You were upset that he got rid of the horses. Weren't you?”
“Yes. I grew up with those horses, and I loved them. But that's life, right? We don't always get what we want—even us rich boys.”
Notte reaches the wet, firm sand along the shoreline. The ride feels smoother now. I finally feel myself relaxing. The sun is beginning to make its descent. Carlo points it out to me.
“We'll be able to catch the sunset while on horseback.”
“You planned it that way, didn't you?”
“Of course. I think of everything, Sarina.”
Every time Carlo says my name, pleasure washes over me. I don't know why. It's just something about the way he says it. He is not only kind and tender, but also very romantic. This can't be real. I cannot be here living this life—sitting on this horse, taking in this magnificent panorama, singing to adoring crowds every night. When I longed for a new life while under my father's thumb, I only hoped to be able to find work to support me and to be free of his abuse. Tears fill my eyes. God has truly looked out for me. But as always, the moment I feel joy, guilt begins to seep in. Guilt that my days are no longer filled with backbreaking household chores and the fear of my Papá's beatings. My family still endures their miserable existence, while here I am living the life of a wealthy tourist. I promise, though. I will make it up to my mother and siblings one day.
Carlo switches the reins into his right hand, leaving his left hand free. He places it on my thigh. His touch causes my pulse to beat wildly.
“Are you enjoying the ride, Sarina?”
“Si, molto. Grazie, Carlo.
This past week has been wonderful.” And to further show him my appreciation. I rest my head on his shoulder and tighten my grip around his waist. He squeezes my thigh in return.
From that moment on, we ride in silence, absorbed in the sunset and the beautiful colors that are being cast over the shimmering waters.
“Let's rest here for a bit.” Carlo pulls back on the reins, signaling to Notte to stop. Carlo helps me dismount.
“You're a sweet horse. Thank you for not bolting off while I was on your back.” I stroke Notte's mane as I talk softly to him. He tilts his head to the side and perks up his ears to my words.
Carlo laughs. “Maybe we'll take him out again another day, and I will let him gallop. It's quite a whole other experience.” Carlo's eyes twinkle.
“You would not dare do that to me!” I say crossly.
“I really think you would enjoy it, Sarina. Have I led you astray so far?”
I shake my head.
“And I won't ever. Come. Let's sit on the sand and watch the sun sink behind the horizon.” He sits cross-legged on the sand and reaches for my hand, pulling me down onto his lap. Placing his arms around my waist, he rests his chin on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around his. I can feel his heart beating against my back. The sun finally disappears into the water, leaving behind a coppery, orange hue similar to that of the golden peaches on the trees behind the Villa Carlotta. I turn my head and look at Carlo. He knows I want him to kiss me. I still cannot bring myself to be the initiator and kiss him first. It feels unladylike, but lately I have entertained the idea and know I will catch him off guard someday and kiss him first. But I haven't worked up the courage yet.
Carlo kisses me softly. I drape my arms over his shoulders and stroke the back of his neck. He goes crazy as a soft moan escapes his lips. Pulling me closer to him, he kisses me with abandon. His thumbs swirl around my back. A small shiver tingles throughout my body. Suddenly, Carlo pulls away and lifts me off his lap, placing me gently on the sand.
“Is something wrong?” I ask.
Carlo shakes his head. He is out of breath. “We need to slow down. That is all.”
“But why? I was enjoying myself.”
Carlo looks at me, and the lust I saw a moment earlier while he was kissing me is back, but he looks away. “We have to be careful, Sarina. And I don't want to take advantage of you. This isn't merely a fling for me. I care about you. The time needs to be right. Do you understand what I am saying?”
“I do. But weren't you the one who told me that you don't believe in wasting time? If we both feel the same way, what is the harm in being more intimate? I want to show you how much you mean to me.”
Carlo looks pensive for a moment before saying, “You really care about me, Sarina. I am not just imagining it, then?”
I edge closer to his side and get up on my knees. “I can assure you, Carlo, you are not imagining it.” I lean in and kiss him. We kiss for a while, but this time Carlo contains himself. His hands do not wander down my body even though I wish they would. But I know he is treating me like a lady. I must be patient for when the time is right.
Carlo stops kissing me. Sighing deeply, he says, “We should get Notte back before my friend thinks I've made off with him. I could remain here with you the whole night.”

Dio mio!
My God! What time is it? I'm supposed to be singing tonight. I cannot believe I forgot.” I stand up in a panic.
“Relax! I asked Gaetano if he could cover for you tonight.”

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