Stepbrother Blood Lover (3 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother Blood Lover
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Once she was naked, I took Evelyn, her body draped over the arm of the couch as I fucked her wet cunt with my desperate cock, lunging and lunging again and again, coming in great swathes like no human has ever experienced, bellowing into the atmosphere, my flesh palpitating with ecstasy. She was
, I told myself. I was fucking
. My cock was in my sister’s cunt where it had always longed to be, and the blood that ran from Evelyn’s neck down her left shoulder blade was Helene’s blood. Yes, I could taste it in my mouth.

Evelyn and I fucked like that, over and over. She drank from my own flesh as I did from hers, until our bodies were a mess of blood and semen. To see a breast, so perfectly domed, the flesh so flawless, the nipple so pink, as a trail of blood flows slowly over it—blood you released, blood you’ve drunk—and to lick it off greedily as your cock rams into that cunt and she roars out climax after climax…there’s nothing so sensuous.

I was fucking Helene.

Fucking my sister.

Fucking her wet cunt, her bloodstained mouth.

The climaxes were as powerful as full-blown storms charging across an angry sea. We yelled and bellowed and screamed. And I knew that in her dreams Helene was jealous—she could sense me now without realizing it, could feel my sexual feast, would hunger after it carnally until she could be sated. Surely she’d soon give herself, body and soul, to something more marvelous than she’d ever imagined: The darkness of vampire. The depths of blood. The glorious howl of the orgasmic wolf.

Fearless, I cried Helene’s name into the air and Evelyn’s cruel laugh was only stoppered by her climactic moans. These rolled into her undulating body, making the rivulets of blood rush faster down her skin. She didn’t care that I screwed her dreaming she was someone else.

There was actually a reason for this, though I didn’t know it then.

Evelyn cried out as I fucked her, her grey eyes opening wide with abandon. She cried out, splaying her arms, demanding I bite her as she howled her release. A few candles died around her as she came, as if cowering in the shadow of her ecstasy. Even after her collapse, as the bliss fell from her eyes, she still writhed hungrily, taunting me for more. “Again!” she snarled through her teeth. “Move that cock, Hellchild! Ram it in this cunt and fuck me hard.”




The morning after Darren had bitten me, I told my mother he’d been vamped. You should have seen her sitting on the kitchen worktop in her trainers and exercise gear, her cereal bowl poised in one hand and her spoon frozen mid-air in the other. Her eyes filled with horror, her jaw dropped, and the usual rosy tinge in her cheeks soon disappeared. The local weather forecast was playing on the radio explaining Lavender City was expecting rain. Just as Mum managed, “Helene, if this is a joke…” raindrops pattered at the window pane. “Darren? A

At the word “vampire” my body flooded with longing, my mouth watering, my cunt blazing for my brother.

As I was telling Mum that Darren had visited last night to say a last goodbye, all I could feel was the arousal between my thighs and the yearning deep inside, clawing at me. I pressed my fingers to my neck where my brother had bitten me and though the wound had healed just as he’d said, the pressure of my touch released a delicious sensation. It began there and crept down my body, hardening my nipples, burning in my clit. I moaned quietly as Mum stared into her cereal—she must have thought I was moaning because we’d lost Darren, when really I was on fire for him, desperate for more.

“Well,” sighed Mum, jabbing her cereal with her spoon. “This is a fine state of affairs. Your brother, a vampire.” She looked sulky now, as if the grief was fading, as if Darren’s loss in human terms was just an extra chore.

This lack of grief wasn’t Mum’s fault, of course. The magic of the vampires of Lavender City was keeping us numb, as usual, though I knew nothing of it back then. This was a clever trick—one to keep us all in Lavender, rather than letting our grief or fear chase us away. Why leave, after all, if you think you’ve lost no one and you haven’t the energy to look up the death rate? Thanks to the vampires, we were part of their All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet—and that’s exactly how they wanted to keep it. Usually I’d have fallen prey to this magic too, losing my memories of Darren and my grief for him as swiftly as Mum was losing hers. But this time, the magic didn’t work on me, which is why Mum’s reaction seemed so strange. I was hungry, desperate for more of my vampire brother, and that made me more alive somehow. I could feel things more keenly than ever.

Now, though I was already late for work, I was now viciously horny again. Leaving Mum blankly staring into her cereal, I raced up to my bedroom and fucked myself on my bed, plunging my fingers up my pussy, moaning, writhing, remembering Darren’s teeth on my neck, his stare caressing my body, his energy wrapping me up in a million dark sensations. My poster of Jamie Dornan blurred on the wall as orgasm swallowed me for a fiery moment, blotting out all but Darren. How could I go back to the stupid crushes of yesterday? How could I return to a life without true rapture? To be bitten, invaded, taken as you’ve always longed to be taken even though you didn’t know it—that was everything right now. I ached for my brother, for the darkness inside, for the blood lust running between us. I ached to be owned and filled with climax. To be his vessel, his everything.

The whole day, frankly, was a waste. At the museum store where I worked, I was a wreck. Whenever my hair brushed against the place where I’d been bitten, I became so aroused that I needed to come right then. My knickers would flood, my nipples would harden, and I’d find it hard not to salivate or groan. I’d have to head for the staff bathroom where, locked in a cubicle, I’d fuck myself like a lunatic. In the end I had to tie my hair away from the scar just to prevent too much arousal.

The male customers—and some of the female ones too—seemed to guess what I wanted, and flirted with me outrageously. One man, a tall dark-skinned stud, dusted his fingers down my inner wrist as I rolled up his Picasso print. I fell forward over the cash desk, desperate to be fucked, and because my hair’s so silky and heavy the hairband loosened, releasing some strands. Those strands stroked the invisible scar on my neck and I gasped out with desperation, reaching out towards the customer as if he was Darren. “Bite me!” I cried. “Oh fuck, bite me, take me….” I panted for him, reaching towards him, and he gave me a smoldering smile, as if he understood my profoundly carnal body.

“Happy to,” he said quietly, his face close to mine, his eyes shining with the promise of lust. “Take my number and we’ll fuck. I’ll give you everything you want, then make you beg for more.”

My boss Jess who’d been eyeing me suspiciously all morning was standing right behind him, arms crossed in front of her wiry body. “Helene,” she said, in her prickliest voice, her blue eyes blazing with anger, “
take this sale.
wait for me in the office.”

I did as she asked, but once I was sitting in front of her desk, I had to ease the lust that was surging inside me. I rubbed one out quickly, my hand up my skirt, my cries filling the office. Oh God, the climax was
—just a flutter compared to the ecstasy Darren could give.

I collapsed in post-orgasmic exhaustion, my hand still up my skirt. At that moment, Jess walked in and fired me.


I knew my parents would kill me for being sacked, so I decided not to go home straight away. This, of course, was a pathetic excuse. My body was agonized by sexual hunger and until I could sate these carnal needs I couldn’t think about anyone but Darren.

Fortunately, I’m sexy, especially when I’m turned on, and it was all too easy to get some male interest. I picked up one man in a cafeteria while he was on his lunch break. In the cafeteria bathroom, he sat on the closed toilet lid while I rode his cock like a beast, dreaming it was Darren’s cock, dreaming he was biting me, dreaming he was filling me with his deep, controlling stare.

“Fuck the cock!” cried the man I was screwing, his teeth borne as I lunged my hips. “Fuck the cock! Fuck it!”

And God, I did. I fucked like crazy, like only animals do, taking his big dick as far inside me as I could. “Drain me!” I cried. “Darren, drink my blood, hold my body captive, and hammer that big cock into me.”

In answer, my lover told me his name was actually
, not Darren, and knife play wasn’t really his thing. “But do anything you like with my monster cock,” he groaned, one hand plastered over my breast. “Fuck, I wanna come all over your tits,” he added, “they’re so fucking big.”

I let a beefy man in sports gear take me on all fours on the rain-drenched green—our clothes on, my skirt wrenched up—where anyone could see. “Brother!” I cried. “Do it to me, brother!”

,” moaned the beefy guy as he fucked my pussy hard, my waiting climax ready to go wild, “I’m your brother, little girl. I’m your big-dicked brother.”

I came hard in human terms, crying out as that cock bolted into me. But after the orgasms I’d shared with Darren—those great, hungry, sweeping things that seared into one another—this orgasm felt shallow. Even as the guy I was fucking cried out in utter release, ramming his dick up into my pussy, filling me time and again with his come, I fantasized about belonging to Darren and being his slave forever. I’d heard of people being lost to vampires in this way, serving them instead of humans, giving up their world for a frenzy of bloodshed and sex. They became slaves to the vampire’s passion for darkness, and would never return to the life they’d once prized.

But how could I not give myself to Darren? He
controlled me. Though I loved my parents and friends, and longed go to design school when I’d saved enough cash, I could think of nothing but screwing Darren, of feeling him on top of me, his cock and fangs fucking me. So I screwed my way through the day, acting more like the star of a porn show than a young woman who’d been a virgin just six months before. And when I fucked these strangers, I dreamed of my brother as I rubbed the scar he’d given me.

Somehow I knew that when I returned home that night, still madly aroused, he’d change my life forever.

It scared me how badly I wanted this now.

To be my dead brother’s slave.




I knew I needed a nest, somewhere to live and sleep. But after I’d left Evelyn’s, I had no idea of where that would be. So I drank a young woman to death and dropped her body in the backstreet where I’d found her, then I stole her keys and followed her scent until I found her digs. Splayed on her living room couch, I slept, my mind drifting in and out of consciousness, focusing sometimes on what my Sire Evelyn had told me, after we’d fucked and bled.

Though vampires tend to be solitary, said Evelyn, they unite with the pack at every full moon. At that time, down in their underground maze that lies beneath Lavender City, they discuss all unsacred matters, including the magic that governs Lavender, making the humans easy to control. The True One, who controls all vampires, leads this meeting, including an orgiastic glut that consecrates the ground. When I pressed for more information, however, Evelyn snapped her fingers impatiently. “This month’s meeting is tomorrow night, Hellchild. Ask your questions then.” She cackled at this suddenly, her eyes sparkling with cruelty. “If the True One allows it, of course.”

I recalled all this as I slept on the stranger’s couch. But I also dreamed of Helene. Helene with her back to me, her auburn hair spilling down her skin as she dropped the towel that she’d wrapped herself in when she stepped out of the shower. In my dream, she caressed the flesh of her buttocks and hips, taunting me. I was with her in moments, biting her, devouring her, my cock buried inside her cunt, my hands clawing at her glorious breasts. Oh Helene! Even in my dreams she smelled so sweet, her flesh so soft, her lips parting as she moaned. As I plunged my teeth into her neck, drinking harder than every before, her blood filled me with erotic power. How could I drink from another woman? How could I fuck a different cunt? How could I hold breasts in my hands when they were not hers? My Sire, though glorious, was nothing compared to Helene. I wanted my sister with a passion that could burn mountains, raze cities to the ground.

When I eventually woke from these dreams, I had new knowledge. Helene had been fucking men—I could feel it in the jealousy that tore at me, urging me to track and kill them all. I would slice their throats and drink them entirely, leaving a pile of bones and gore. I would laugh in the face of their screams. I would show them who truly owned Helene.

The power of these fantasies made me hard, my cock straining inside my jeans. I knew how to hunt Helene, and how to make the household magically sleep while I drank her blood and made her come. I didn’t want to change her, to make a vampire of her, because if I did I’d lose her humanness. That’s what I wanted. The
Helene. I’d feast on her body, making her climax fiercely. She’d need me more than she did even now. She’d submit so easily and I’d fuck her with such frenzy.

I unzipped, and took my cock in my hand.

It was already hard.


That evening, I showered and changed into the silky, luxurious nightdress I’d worn to lose my virginity to a boy named Kenny Barnes. I knew Darren was coming. I could feel it inside myself—a quivering knowledge that he’d claim me tonight. And after a day of such sexual desperation, I could not wait. I was carnal, addicted, and wetter than I’d ever thought possible.

I turned the lights off in my room, knowing that vampires loved darkness. I wished I could turn out the lights throughout the house, just to encourage him to get here sooner. But my mother was downstairs curled up on the sofa, watching old re-runs of Dr. Who, trying to cheer herself up because of this “strange feeling” that had “suddenly come over her.” Earlier on, I’d mentioned Darren’s name and she’d gazed at me vacantly before changing the subject. Plus Dad was working late at the office. Had my mother even told him that Darren had been vamped?

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